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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 502 Battle Merits

The two set off immediately. Before leaving, Shi Lan also received a lot of healing pills from Yan Yun.

Although she did not lack these, under Yan Yun’s insistence, she could not refuse them and could only accept them first.

Yulan’s attitude was as bad as ever, and her hostility was deep.

During this time together, Shi Lan also gradually saw some clues. This dragon colt is female. The reason for the inexplicable hostility is also very simple, just because she is a woman.

Perhaps because her appearance is slightly more outstanding than that of ordinary women, Yulan is more hostile to her.

After seeing this, Shi Lan understood a lot. Zhao Yun was alone so far, and this dragon colt should be indispensable.



However, within half a day, Shi Lan had already appeared near Zhuojun. Zhao Yun did not accompany her. Gongsun Zan had already sent troops and was not in Zhuojun at the moment.

Before getting close to Zhuojun, looking from a distance, you can see yellow sand and dust.

“The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, and the age of Jiazi will bring good luck to the world!”

In the yellow sand in the sky, thunderous shouts echoed layer by layer, and countless tall figures with yellow scarves on their heads flashed. Individual soldiers were wrapped in talismans, nearly ten feet tall, like golden-armored war gods, surrounding Zhuojun. The water is suffocating.

Shi Lan observed outside the city for a long time, and quickly came to the conclusion that these Yellow Turban Army could not be the opponent of Liu Bei and the others. In the current situation, it was obvious that he was playing a long game to catch the big fish, or waiting for the opportunity. .

Now that the city is under siege, if she crosses it, it will definitely scare the enemy away. The only thing she can do is to wait and see what happens.



On top of the city tower, Liu Bei was dressed in armor, with two long swords hanging on his waist. The hilts were covered with reliefs of phoenix feathers and dragon scales. Before the blades were even drawn out of their sheaths, a bloody murderous aura was already rising into the sky.

He quietly looked at the hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban troops below the city, his expression unwavering.

“These evil ways are not without merit. These yellow scarf warriors all have the courage to fight one against a thousand. They can barely be regarded as the third rate in the world. They can be used in conjunction with the military formation.”

Zhang Fei stood aside with his arms folded, looking at the formation at the bottom of the city and marveling.

“Huh, you native chickens and tile dogs, give me two thousand elite soldiers. Breaking through their military formations is like searching for something from a bag.”

The tall woman wearing light armor smiled disdainfully.

Not far from her side, stood a nine-foot-tall red-faced man. He said nothing, his eyes were half-squinted, and his expression was as indifferent as water.

“What Yin Ping said is true. There is nothing to fear from stragglers. Just let them make trouble first. The longer the trouble lasts, the more time we will have to wait for development. If we can catch a few big fish, it will be better.”

After saying this, Liu Bei shook his head slightly:

“Once Emperor Ling reacts, this farce will end in two months at most. How to gain more military exploits is the most important thing.”

“What the elder brother said is absolutely true.”

Zhang Fei nodded slightly and looked at the red-faced man aside:

“Second brother, how is the reaction from the outside world?”

“The Yuan family in Runan, the Xun family in Yingchuan, the Ma family in Fufeng, the Zhang family in Feng County, and the Xiahou family in Qiao County, these major families have all made moves and have ended.”

Having said this, Guan Yu opened his eyes slightly with a hint of doubt:

“But there has been no movement from the Sima clan in Wen County and the Zhuge clan from Langya.”

“Perhaps they look down on these petty profits.”

Hearing this, Liu Bei couldn’t help but sigh:

“Compared with these aristocratic families, the foundations of you and me are too shallow.”

Even if Liu Bei had been prepared, he only had 10,000 elite troops at his disposal now. If there were any more, he would inevitably be accused of treason if the National Movement of the Han Dynasty monitored him.

Among these large clans, there are at least hundreds of thousands of private troops supported by them, and there are many generals. Once they raise their troops, they can raise millions or even tens of millions of combatable soldiers in a very short period of time.

Among them, the Sima family is a descendant of Zhu Rong. Now there are eight dragons in the family. Except for the royal family, it is almost the most powerful family in the world today.

Langya Zhuge was also the successor to the Han Dynasty’s Sili Xiaowei. Nowadays, there are endless young talents in the clan. Among them, Zhuge Kongming is already famous in Jiuzhou at a young age. He is well-versed in astronomy, geography, astrology, divination, and military formations.

‘If I can get help from one of them, great things can be accomplished…’

While pondering, an idea quietly emerged from Liu Bei’s heart.


A high-pitched dragon roar crossed the sky, a giant red dragon rolled over the sky, and the void rumbled.


A soldier wearing light armor walked up to Liu Bei in two steps, knelt down and offered a roll of jade.

“The capital delivers the message!”

Liu Bei took it in his hand, swept it away, put away the jade bar, and looked at Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, with a flash of excitement in his eyes:

“The imperial court has organized its troops and divided them into three armies. With Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun as the generals, they have sent troops to attack Zhang Jiao. At the same time, they have issued a proclamation, ordering the world to prepare for defense. The time has come for us!”

From this moment on, they can legitimately recruit troops and expand their military strength, instead of committing rebellion.

“Send troops immediately, kill the first culprit first, and those who surrender will not be killed!”

Liu Bei did not want to wait any longer, and raised his hand to give an order. These Yellow Turbans were an extremely important source of troops. They could be put to use with a little reorganization. They were the best springboard for him to rapidly expand his power.

“Silver Screen is willing to be a pioneer!”

Guan Yinping immediately asked for orders, his expression full of excitement.

“I will give you three thousand elite soldiers. Within half an hour, we will defeat the enemy army and behead the enemy general.”

Liu Bei looked solemn and shouted softly:

“The first battle must be successful. There is no child’s play between the military formations. If military orders are not fulfilled, military law will be enforced!”

“As you command!”




The gate of Zhuojun City opened wide, and an iron cavalry roared out, its energy and blood billowing like wolf smoke, filling the sky, and rushing towards the formation of yellow sand in the sky.

The sound of killing suddenly started, and outside the city, Shi Lan, who was squatting in a forest in the distance, became energetic and used his spiritual thoughts to sweep towards the battlefield.

A red battle flag with the word “Liu” floating in the battlefield was extremely eye-catching.

After seeing this war flag, Shi Lan immediately stood up and pulled out the Red Crow War Halberd from the void.

After observing for a long time, she had already seen some traces of the formation. Although she could not know how to break the formation, she could find the location of the formation’s eye.


Her speed far surpassed the cavalry led by Guan Yinping. She arrived first and stepped into the formation first. The dark halberd was wrapped with a layer of dazzling blood. It was like a dragon tearing through the sky, breaking through the heavy spells. Formation, the formation eye was shattered in an instant.

A figure emerged from the formation, protected by nearly a hundred yellow scarf warriors. He was about forty years old, with disheveled hair, and a yellow scarf ribbon tied between his forehead, with a terrifying expression.

Seeing Shi Lan, none of the nearly a hundred yellow scarf warriors backed away. They took out bowls of turbid talisman water and drank it. The light from the earthy yellow talismans around them soared, and they stepped forward to fight without fear of death.

“God protects the body, kill!”

Looking at the yellow scarf warrior in front of him who had completely lost his mind, Shi Lan was silent, his breathing rhythm suddenly slowed down, and he waved his halberd again.

A bright halberd light fell from the sky and fell into the crowd of figures. In an instant, a group of yellow scarf warriors and a man in his forties with disheveled hair were stained with blood on the yellow sand.

A red light suddenly rose and poured into Shi Lan’s body.

“Is this… a military exploit?”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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