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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 511 Double Eyes

“These eyes can help you advance backwards and defeat opponents who are ten or even dozens of times stronger than you!”

Xiang Yu stared at Shi Lan quietly, and his black and white pupils turned into a pair of double pupils at some point. There was endless chaotic energy rising and falling in them, evolving the strange scene of the universe reopening.

“When you succeed in your cultivation, it will only take a little effort to suppress the heavenly ways in this world. As long as you nod your head, these eyes of a saint will be yours today!”

“No matter how magical the eyes are, they are just the icing on the cake.”

Shi Lan was a little touched by the words “above supreme”. After all, this had transcended the Lingyang Emperor realm and was rare in the ancient history of Lingyang, but she still chose to refuse.

“For me, it’s enough if I can see the road ahead clearly.”

What she has learned is already too complicated, and adding a pair of double pupils is not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing.

Furthermore, she didn’t trust Xiang Yu.

At this moment, Xiang Yu seemed to her to have been blinded by hatred. It was still unclear whether there would be some unknown back-up plan left in Chongtong.

Her realm is far different from that of such supreme beings, so it’s not a bad thing to be more wary.

Tong Yuan on the side was a little speechless. Facing these eyes, even he couldn’t keep calm. Shi Lan could refuse so simply, which made him look at him differently.

Above the Supreme Being, within the great universe, there are all unscrupulous and supreme figures. With a raise of their hands, they can destroy this whole world, and regard the Supreme Being as an ant under their feet.

“See the road ahead clearly…”

Xiang Yu murmured in a low voice, his pupils returned to their original state, and the twilight energy on his body became thicker:

“I didn’t expect that, despite your age, you are very perceptive.”

“It’s not transparent. I am a person who always sticks to the rules. If I were not forced by various reasons, I would not even embark on the path of martial arts.”

Shi Lan shook her head slightly. She longed for powerful power. Ultimately, it was to protect herself and those around her.

Without the chaos of monsters and the pressing tasks of the system, she might still stay in Tenglong City and live a leisurely life.

“A good An always keeps his rules…his character is considered to be of good quality.”

Xiang Yu suddenly smiled: “It’s not whether you want these eyes or not, it’s whether you give them to me or not!”

Dozens of blood chains entwined with the supreme divine pattern surged out of his body, sealing off the surrounding area and erecting a layer of mysterious light barrier to isolate Tong Yuan and Zhao Yun, who was unconscious on the ground.

When Shi Lan reacted, his eyes were already in chaos. He couldn’t see his fingers, and everything he saw was pitch black. His whole body seemed to be floating in the starry sky, and he couldn’t even feel his own limbs.

A hot breath rushed into her eyes in an extremely violent manner. In an instant, along with the swelling and pain in her eyes, her vision was filled with blood.

There was nothing Shi Lan could do about this. Her strength was inferior to that of an ant in front of Xiang Yu, and resistance was out of the question.

As the heat flowed in, overlapping figures appeared in front of her.

Soon, Shi Lan realized that these were some fragments that Chongtong had seen before, mixed with this heat flow, and manifested again in front of her eyes.

Books appeared one after another, a vast amount of military killing techniques, gathered into a torrent, and rushed into her mind. The powerful power of the soul allowed her to record every detail and never forget it.

After the sky full of books, there are bloody battlefields one after another, endless battlefield conquests.

These pictures were too fragmentary, and they were only glanced at casually by Chong Tong, and they were not looked at carefully at all. Among these fragments, a woman’s face became clearer and clearer.

Compared with the blur of the battlefield, this face is vivid and detailed, as if engraved in the double pupils. It is bright and moving, with the beauty of the sky and the beauty of the country. The eyes are filled with autumn water, and the radiance on the face is like a glow in the sky, revealing the Endless affection.

The woman’s face was soon submerged by the dazzling blood. The ferocious sword marks scratched her fair neck, but the expression on her face was completely unaware, and her eyes were full of nostalgia.

Shi Lan couldn’t hear any sound in her ears, and she couldn’t understand the words spoken between the woman’s lips and teeth, but from the angle of her double eyes, she seemed to be the only one in the woman’s eyes, transcending the world.

The picture stopped abruptly and fell into darkness. I don’t know if the double pupil never opened again, or because there was no scenery worthy of attention after that, leaving only nothingness.



By the time Shi Lan felt his body again, he didn’t know how much time had passed.

The world in his eyes has undergone earth-shaking changes. The energy of Yin Yang and the Five Elements has no escape, flowing on the surface. The power fluctuations like explosions expand in the body. If it were not imprisoned by the shackles of cultivation, it would have broken into a new realm.

A figure stood in front of her. Although her body was in chaos, she could still vaguely see the flow of blood.

After the spiritual thoughts circulated outside the body, Shi Lan saw the strange changes in her eyes. The double pupils had merged with her previous candle dragon demon pupils. The dark red vertical pupils were divided into two, revealing a hint of strangeness. The smell is terrifying.

With a slight thought in her mind, the dark red vertical pupils in her eye sockets instantly merged into one, and finally returned to pitch black and bright. She had completely mastered the double pupils, but the hidden magical power was still difficult to display due to insufficient cultivation.

As Xiang Yu said, this is a powerful means of assistance.

“How does it feel?”

A low, hoarse laugh resounded, pulling Shi Lan back from his thoughts. Xiang Yu’s eyes were clearly black and white, but the divine light had disappeared, and there was no focus at all. The previous aura that chilled the bones and bones had almost dissipated. All.

“Thanks to the wrong love from the seniors, the juniors deserve it.”

Shi Lan bowed and bowed her head in salute. Her thoughts were extremely complicated. The power of her double pupils was without any impurities. Her previous thoughts undoubtedly seemed a bit villainous.

“The movement of heaven has its own ethical guidelines. All things are born to nourish people. People have nothing to repay to heaven. Although I am unwilling to be above it and want to transcend it, I have no intention of destroying the world. What happens next is up to you. Mind.”

Xiang Yu’s voice gradually weakened, as if the last bit of energy had been drained away, and there was a bit of self-mockery in his expression:

“The only reason I have survived so far is to see how long Liu Jili’s powerful man can last. Now it seems that he is stronger than Xian Qin.”

Shi Lan looked at Xiang Yu’s lifeless pupils and bowed again. The vitality in Xiang Yu’s body had been drained, his blood had stopped, and he was only one step away from the underworld.

“Yu Ji…”

“Gu is now the overlord of Western Chu…”

“Those who follow me live, those who go against me die…”

The chaotic words came out of Xiang Yu’s mouth, as if he was reflecting back on the light, full of energy.

When Shi Lan raised his head again, the last trace of life in Xiang Yu’s body dissipated, his eyes opened slightly, and he passed away suddenly.

A trace of deathly evil energy surged out from the darkness, and a clear feeling that had never been felt before came to my heart.

Shi Lan subconsciously opened his double pupils, and a whirlpool invisible to the naked eye appeared in the originally empty mid-air.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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