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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 516 The Impermanence of Heaven

Old Immortal Nanhua’s shrill roar echoed in the sky, and in the flash of dazzling silver light, a figure flew out, blood spilling across the sky.

The silver divine phoenix shot straight into the sky, and the thunderclouds covering the sky were torn apart instantly.

The brilliance of the sun once again shone on the sea. The old immortal Nanhua no longer looked like the immortal before. His clothes were torn to pieces, his body was covered in blood, a huge wound opened on his chest, two sides were ventilated, and most of his internal organs were shattered.

The attack of the silver gun was too fierce. Even though he had been careful, he still didn’t have time to react. He was severely injured by the blow and almost died.


The white tiger did not miss the opportunity. The Gengjin energy permeating the sky and the earth became more and more intense, and the sharp edge pierced the muscles and bones.

The bright light of runes bloomed in the sky, turning into countless sharp blades, splitting the space, weaving a dense network of pale golden knives, condensing into a ring, and covering the head of Old Immortal Nanhua.


The old immortal Nanhua made a Taoist seal with his hands and recited the true text in his mouth. The billowing black smoke filled the air and submerged his figure.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

In the black smoke, countless dark shadows flickered, and the sound of the roar of war drums could be heard vaguely. The roars of the fighting became more intense, and the thick evil spirit of death filled the air, which was very similar to the legendary Yin soldiers.

However, the Qi of Geng Metal was as strong as Yang, enveloping the Gang Sha which was the most restrained Yin evil. The overwhelming black smoke was chopped into pieces by the dense network of knives in an instant.

After the black smoke cleared, Old Immortal Nanhua had disappeared.

“He’s seriously injured and can’t run far. Do you want to chase him?”

Baihu lowered his head and asked Shi Lan.


Shi Lan did not hesitate. For a master of martial arts, letting him escape would be tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. If he came back, it would undoubtedly be a huge hidden danger.

“Shi Lan, let them return to Qiongluo Realm and close the passage!”

The voice of reincarnation suddenly sounded, the tone was urgent, and a vague barrier stretched out, completely wrapping Shi Lan.

Hearing what Samsara said, Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, and then without any hesitation, he immediately stopped the white tiger who was about to chase him.

Let it return to Qiongluo Realm along with Chi Junyu and the two rune masters, and then immediately close the channel.

The moment the passage was closed, the sky that had just cleared was covered with dark clouds again, and thunder flashed wildly. Compared with the thunder magic magical power displayed by the old immortal Nanhua just now, it was ten thousand times more terrifying. It almost completely enveloped the entire North Sea, and countless creatures came from the deep sea. Appearing in the middle, confused and uneasy.

This is divine punishment.

Looking at the dark clouds above his head, Shi Lan’s spine felt chilly, and he already understood in his heart why Samsara suddenly lost his composure.

“The way of heaven in this world is different from Qiongluo. Your previous actions were a bit presumptuous.”

Samsara breathed a sigh of relief. If it had warned him a little later, Shi Lan would have been in danger of death, and the entire Qiongluo Realm would have collapsed.

“Crimson Junyu has appeared in this world before, and nothing abnormal happened at that time. Why is the reaction of Heavenly Dao suddenly so big today?”

Shi Lan couldn’t help but be a little confused. When the red junyu appeared, the heavenly law in this world didn’t even reject it at all.

“The Qiongluo Realm swallowed too much energy, and the energy of heaven and earth passed too fast, which aroused the alertness of Heavenly Dao. Fortunately, it has not fully awakened, and I can barely cover it up.”

After saying this, Samsara reminded him again:

“It has noticed the change and is accelerating its recovery. You should leave this world as soon as possible. Once discovered, the world will be closed and screened layer by layer. You will not escape death.”

“I see.”

Shi Lan glanced at the void in the distance, feeling a little regretful. At this moment, Nanhua Old Immortal was seriously injured, and it was undoubtedly the best opportunity to kill him, but now he could only miss the opportunity.

“How much time do I have left?”

Samsara was silent for a moment and gave a reply: “It can take as long as half a month, or as short as seven days. Once the way of heaven is completely revived, there will be a murderous disaster between heaven and earth. The best way is to leave quickly.”

“Seven days is enough.”

Shi Lan nodded slightly. A few days were enough for her to finish some trivial matters.



The thunderclouds in the sky lingered for half a day before slowly dissipating. The creatures in the North Sea were frightened, and many began to migrate to the land.

Some ascetic monks hiding in the fairy mountains overseas were forced to leave the country and go to Kyushu due to the threat of divine punishment.

No one dares to test the power of God with his own body.

Because of the divine punishment, Penglai became much quieter. It was calm until Tong Yuan came out of seclusion.

Even though he had expected it, Shi Lan couldn’t help but be moved when he saw Tong Yuan again.

In the old body, the vitality has almost completely dried up, and the whole person seems to be standing on the border of life and death, and even has a trace of evil spirit of death, as if he will step into the underworld in the next moment.

Even so, Tong Yuan’s eyes were still calm, hiding emotions that Shi Lan couldn’t understand.

Zhao Yun followed Tong Yuan, his head lowered, his face covered by his hanging hair, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

Tong Yuan stood on the top of the mountain, looking at Jiuzhou in the distance, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes. After a while, he looked back at Shi Lan:

“I have a lot of work for you girl these days.”

“Senior’s words are serious. If I hadn’t been prepared in advance, I’m afraid it would be difficult for me to fulfill your instructions.”

Shi Lan shook his head. If it hadn’t been for Tong Yuan’s shot, Penglai would have been affected by the battle. She had no shame in taking credit.

“I know everything that has happened in the past few days. Nan Hua’s death is not far away, so there is nothing to worry about. But I am a girl. I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay in this world for a long time, right?”

As a supreme being, Tong Yuan’s understanding of the way of heaven far exceeds that of ordinary creatures. He has already seen some clues from the previous punishments from heaven.

“Indeed, this junior will be leaving in the past few days.”

There is no need to hide this.

“A massacre is about to occur in Kyushu. It is a good thing to escape in time now.”

Tong Yuan nodded slightly, changed the subject, and spoke again:

“In this case, I won’t keep the girl here. I still have some personal matters to arrange. I hope you can forgive me.”

The implication is nothing more than driving her away.

For a moment, Shi Lan was a little puzzled, but she couldn’t ask much about the clear expulsion order, so she could only bow her hand and say:

“Senior, take care. See you later… see you soon.”

After saying that, Shi Lan glanced at Zhao Yun, who was standing behind Tong Yuan with his head still lowered, and turned to leave.



“The way of heaven is impermanent, and fortune has its way with people.”

Tong Yuan sat on the ground, facing the North Sea, his back hunched, and his breathing gradually became heavier, as if he was carrying an unbearable weight. He breathed out more and more, and breathed in less and less.

An ice coffin fell quietly beside him. Yan Yun, dressed in fine clothes, was lying in it. His skin was rosy, his face was calm, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

“How come you are such a big person and still act like a child?”

Staring at Yan Yun in the ice coffin, Tong Yuan’s calm eyes finally revealed a hint of unspeakable bitterness:

“It’s still early, why bother…”

After a while, Tong Yuan spoke again: “Zilong…”

“The disciple is here.”

Zhao Yun on the side knelt down and kowtowed, clenched his fists, and cried silently, tears welling up like blood.

“The world is full of demons and monsters. Although you have now reached the level of a hero in this world, you cannot stop the knife of the human heart with just your cultivation.”

“Don’t ask about my last few words, just keep them in your heart.”

“You can’t defend Penglai, take away the fairy scale grass in the mountain and leave quickly.”

“Rebellion is about to break out in Kyushu. Although you are highly skilled in martial arts, you do not have the talent of an emperor. If you are involved in it, you must choose a master to serve.”

“Your senior brother Zhang Xiu is capricious and has a changeable temperament. When he learns of my passing, trouble will inevitably arise. Your second senior brother Zhang Ren is too straightforward and can easily be taken advantage of by others.”

“After I die, you don’t need to pass the message to these two people. My body will be buried in the North Sea and fed back to the world. As for your master wife…”

“Send her to the snow-top of the Tianshan Mountains in the extreme south. There is an old friend of mine there. Be sure to take good care of your master’s wife’s body. There should be no damage at all!”

Tong Yuan’s breathing became more rapid, and the divine light in his eyes began to fade:

“As for Shi Lan, she has a big secret… She has an extraordinary origin, and her body contains a whole world. She has traveled all over the world as a teacher. I have never heard of anyone who can refine the entire world into the body. Such a method of recreating the universe is extraordinary. What ordinary people can imagine…”

“And she…”

The words stopped suddenly, and the short breathing disappeared without a trace. Zhao Yun suddenly raised his head, and the divine light in Tong Yuan’s eyes was completely gone, and the vitality disappeared.

Daoguo was killed, and he had already entered the realm of the candle in the wind, and then he was forced to pass on his skills. It is already a miracle that he can survive until now.

Looking at Tong Yuan’s face, Zhao Yun lowered his head and kowtowed heavily, his voice like crying blood:

“Zilong will never be able to repay his master’s kindness in teaching him and his wife’s teachings in this life.”

“But I forgive my disciple for being unfilial. I can’t bear to see my master’s body damaged and buried at sea. I will not be able to obey my order even if I die…”

After saying that, he stood up and looked up at the sky. A dazzling bloody thunder flashed across the sky, accompanied by a curtain of scarlet rain pouring down from the sky.

“My disciple is incompetent. Even the news of your death cannot be concealed.”

“But Penglai is still Penglai…”

“Anyone who dares to attack will be killed!”

I can’t access a computer these days, so I can only use my mobile phone, and I don’t have much time, so the efficiency is very low, sorry.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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