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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 518 Treasure

“Master, is he going overseas at this moment?”

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly:

“Even if Lu Bu has unparalleled courage, I’m afraid he won’t be able to last long in the face of many powerful enemies…”

Now that the opportunity to fight is fleeting, Yuan Shao’s power in Jizhou is deeply rooted and he is not easy to deal with. If this opportunity is missed, Youzhou will be a besieged city and it may become a dead game.

By then, Youzhou will be surrounded by enemies on all sides and will most likely be engulfed.

In Zhuge Liang’s view, it is self-evident that one person’s life is more important than the overall situation.

“Sir, you don’t know. Zilong alone is better than a million cavalry.”

Liu Bei shook his head slightly, he had decided to leave. Although there were princes all over the nine states, most of them were vulnerable.

What can really determine the direction of the situation is always the peak combat power of the top heroes.

Zhao Yun is one of the best among men. He is expected to reach the top. He is extremely talented and his future achievements will be no less than those of Lu Bu. He can easily influence the direction of a battle.



The capital of gods, Luoyang.

The setting sun was like blood, and corpses were strewn across the Luoshui River. The blood almost dyed the entire Nu River red.

The spiritual fish and beasts swimming in the water have been nourished by the blood of countless martial arts masters, and their skills have greatly increased. The outstanding ones have almost turned into monsters.

The military flag with the Chinese character on the city wall broke numerous times and fell to the bottom of the city, where it was stepped into the layers of bloody mud by the iron hooves of the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry.

The death of the Sword Master had already shattered the fighting spirit of many people, and with Lu Bu’s return to the battlefield, the remaining Han army had almost completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Relying on Huangfu Song and other generals, it was difficult to support the army alone, and defeat was inevitable.

The entire city of Luoyang was stained with blood. Most of the aristocratic families in the city locked their doors and opened their formations, huddled in the buildings, not daring to make the slightest move.

Lu Bu was sitting on Red Rabbit’s back, holding Fang Tian’s painted halberd in his hand. He was covered in blood. Although the evil aura was heavy, his eyes were calm and terrifying. He summoned several generals under his command and ordered:

“Split up and surround the palace. Within an hour, open the treasure house and find the Red Sky Sword, the Zhenguo Dragon Seal, and the Tiansi Jade Book. After an hour, regardless of whether you have found anything, immediately evacuate Luoyang and exit Hangu Pass! “


The generals left in response, and their cavalry scattered in all directions, surrounding the palace.

Lu Bu was well aware of the current general trend of the world, and he didn’t have much time left.

Once trapped in a tight siege, even if he could fight out alone, all the Bingzhou Langqi would be killed or injured.


In front of the magnificent palace gate, there were no traces of guards, only two figures standing side by side, male and female, with cold energy and feminine features.

At the end of the blood-stained long street, Lu Bu’s figure appeared, and the next moment, Red Rabbit’s iron hoofs had crushed the palace gate.

The two people standing in front of the door had a huge gap in strength with Lu Bu. One of them was like a weed on the roadside, and was killed by Lu Bu in an instant.

The remaining one had no power to resist, and was pierced through the chest by Fang Tian’s painted halberd, lifted high, and the red blood flowed down the halberd shaft.

“Where is the Ling Emperor?” Lu Bu asked in a low voice.

The person being consulted closed his lips and teeth tightly, and after a moment, he squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth:

“Rebellious ministers and thieves…”


Before he finished speaking, his figure exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

“It’s just a castrated dog, but it also learns to judge by people’s words.”

Lu Bu took back Fang Tian’s painted halberd, glanced at the continuous stretch of Qionglou palaces in front of him, frowned, and raised his hand to order:




The news of the destruction of Luoyang City soon spread to the ears of various princes.

Emperor Ling disappeared, Prince Liu Bian died in battle on the banks of the Luoshui River, eight of the ten ministers were killed, and the remaining two were missing. There was no trace of General He Jin and the concubines in the harem.

After hearing the news, all the princes were extremely anxious, not because they were worried about the safety of the Ling Emperor, but because they were worried about the Han’s treasure house and the three legendary treasures.

If you get one of them, you can conquer the world!

There is no need to mention the Divine Sword Chi Xiao. It is the Divine Weapon of the Great Ancestor. It drank the blood of the supreme beings, so it has its own magical qualities.

The Zhenguo Dragon Seal is an important treasure that suppresses luck. It can gather the spiritual energy of the earth’s veins as quickly as possible and reunite the true dragon of luck.

When the real dragons come together, they can respond to a hundred calls.

The Tiansi Jade Book is the most mysterious. It is a treasure passed down by Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu. It is said in the world that if the Han Dynasty is facing life or death, with this object, it can turn the tide and help the Han Dynasty.

Shi Lan, who had just entered Kyushu, rushed towards Luoyang without any hesitation after understanding the current situation.

She has no interest in the so-called treasure of the Han Dynasty. Since all the princes in the world are heading towards Luoyang, Liu Bei must be among them. She wants to find some help for Zhao Yun. This is the only thing she can do now.

Among all the princes in the Nine Provinces, only Liu Bei was the one Shi Lan could speak to.



Beihai, Penglai.

The blood rain has stopped long ago, but the sea around Penglai is still scarlet.

The broken limbs of all kinds of creatures were floating in the bright red sea water. The fiery blood almost boiled the sea water tens of thousands of miles around, like a pot of steaming broth.

Uncontrollable heavy breathing echoed over Penglai. Zhao Yun stood in the clouds holding a gun, with scars all over his body. Magnolia under the seat also had a lot of scales peeled off, and his snow-colored hair was stained with blood stains.

In just a few hours, Zhao Yun faced countless foreign enemies, and countless lives were lost here, including even a giant whale that was considered a hero in this world.

When it appeared, one of its tails was knocked down, and the tsunami almost overturned Penglai.

As more and more lives are buried here, the strength of the invading enemies is also increasing.

Most of those with advanced cultivation were waiting and watching, testing Zhao Yun’s depth.

Now Zhao Yun has been forced to use all his strength and will soon be at the end of his strength.

As Tong Yuan said before, Penglai cannot be defended by Zhao Yun alone.

The four words “Penglai Gunslinger” were the iron-blooded reputation that Tong Yuan forcibly created, but now these four words have no deterrent effect.

But Zhao Yun had no intention of retreating, at least before his death, he did not want to see anyone step into Penglai’s territory.


A fierce roar rose from the sea below, and a huge black shadow broke through the water and attacked.

This is a dragon that has been practicing for a long time. It is only a short step away from being a hero in this world.

Zhao Yunzong raised his gun, but before he could step forward, a high-pitched phoenix cry swept across the sky.

A pale golden divine phoenix spread its wings, swooped down, and pierced the vast ocean. In an instant, it turned into a golden spear, turned around with the dragon’s body, and fell into the hands of a man.

The man was dressed in black and was about thirty years old. He stared at the silver spear in Zhao Yun’s hand and remained silent for a long time.

“Big brother.”

Recalling what his master said before his death, Zhao Yun had a complicated expression, and for a moment he didn’t know whether Zhang Xiu in front of him was an enemy or a friend.

The update is not very stable, so don’t wait for the update.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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