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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 519 Another Road

Zhang Xiu got started much earlier than Zhao Yun.

Before Tong Yuan entered the ultimate realm, Zhang Xiu followed Tong Yuan and devoted himself to practicing martial arts.

Shortly after Zhao Yun entered the army, he left Penglai. He gained great fame at the beginning of his career, and now he is one of the few feudal-level generals in the Han Dynasty.

“Long time no see, little junior brother.”

Zhang Xiu took a deep look at Zhao Yun, and the tip of the gun in his hand shook. The dragon corpse hanging on the head of the gun instantly shattered into pieces, with scales flying and flesh and bones separated. Finally, it turned into wisps of pure blood and poured into his mouth.

“I haven’t tasted the taste of the North Sea dragon for a while… Master often said that you are the dragon among men, and it is indeed true. I didn’t expect that your martial arts has reached this level.”

While whispering, Zhang Xiu seemed to be sighing, but he never put away the spear in his hand.

“Senior brother, are you here to worship, or do you have other intentions?” Zhao Yun tightened his grip on the spear in his hand, his expression gradually turning cold.

“All the top men in the world have been beheaded, but the only one who has fallen, apart from the Sword Master, is the Master. The Sword Master was killed by Lu Bu. Why did the Master die?”

A sneer escaped from the corner of Zhang Xiu’s mouth, and he turned around and looked into the distance:

“What do you think, Second Junior Brother?”

Not far away, stood a tall man wearing silver tiger black armor. His blood was surging like lava, and the armor was stained with fresh blood. It was obvious that he had experienced a fight not long ago.

Apart from Zhao Yun, the only person Zhang Xiu called his junior brother was Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren didn’t answer, and fell straight towards Penglai, taking off his armor as he walked.

In the main hall, there is a simply erected mourning hall, with two crystal coffins lined up side by side. A bright lamp in front of the coffin slowly burns, and a thin smoke rises.

He tore off a piece of white silk and tied it between his forehead. Zhang Ren knelt down on the ground and kowtowed respectfully:

“Disciple Zhang Ren, I send you my respectful greetings to my master. I hope that after reincarnation, you can see the realm of eternal life…”

The ring head fell to the ground with a deafening sound.

Outside, Zhang Xiu was silent for a moment, put away the spear in his hand, came to the soul, kowtowed to see him off.

“Master died because his blood had dried up. He must have taught Kung Fu during his lifetime.”

Zhang Ren stood up, raised his head, said softly, glanced at the ice coffin, and then looked at Zhao Yun:

“Your cultivation shouldn’t advance so quickly.”

Hearing this, Zhao Yun couldn’t help but be silent. Zhang Ren’s words were not wrong. Although his consciousness was not clear when the master taught him the skills, this skill is now in him after all.

“Master has always regarded you as his son-in-law. Such behavior is reasonable.”

Zhang Ren continued: “I have no objection to Master’s decision, but Penglai, you and I can’t defend it. Master has provoked too many powerful enemies, and we will never reach the top. If we resist hard, we will only die.”

Before Zhao Yun could speak, Zhang Xiu on the side took over the words:

“Give Penglai out and put down the Immortal Spear. You and I will still be brothers in the future.”

His tone was extremely cold, with his back to Tong Yuan’s coffin, and there was no warmth in his eyes.

“Every tree and plant in Penglai belongs to Master, and no one has the right to touch it. The Immortal Spear was passed down to me by Master, so why should I let go?!”

Zhao Yun clenched his fists tightly, wore a bloody shawl, and spoke with a murderous intent:

“I will kill all those with evil intentions and those with ulterior motives!”

The atmosphere between the two that had eased due to Zhang Ren’s arrival became tense again.

“Master’s body is still cold, and brothers and sisters must meet with swords at this moment?!”

Seeing the tense situation between the two of them, Zhang Ren growled impatiently and felt helpless towards the stubborn Zhao Yun:

“How many people can you kill by yourself? Once you die, Penglai will still change hands, every plant and tree will be uprooted, the master’s body will be humiliated, and there will be no peace after death. Have you ever thought about this? ?!”

Zhao Yun at this moment reminded Zhang Ren of himself who had never left Penglai, the same naive, impulsive, unruly and frivolous person.

But many things in the world are inherently counterproductive, and it is impossible for everything to go as planned.

Zhang Ren’s words made Zhao Yun’s expression slightly stiff. He naturally knew this, but he just didn’t want to think about it in detail.

His master passed away, and now he just wants to protect the pure land of Penglai.

Until…he died in battle.

“No need to say more, since you want to die, I will send you to accompany the master.”

Seeing that Zhang Ren seemed to want to persuade him again, Zhang Xiu interrupted him and strode outside the palace, his blood calming down a little and gradually boiling.

Zhao Yun didn’t say much, turned around and walked out of the hall together.

Just as Zhang Ren was about to step forward, a whisper sounded in his ears:

“If I lose, please ask the second senior brother to send my master and my wife to the snow-top of the extreme southern Tianshan Mountains on my behalf.”

Zhang Ren stopped for a long time and couldn’t help but sigh.


In the sky above Penglai, Zhang Xiu stood upright with a pale gold spear in his hand, blood and blood billowing like smoke, filling the sky with boundless terror.

His martial arts were not weak to begin with, but after being honed on the battlefield, he had already become a hero in the world.

Although he is not a match for a ghost-level figure like Lu Bu, he is still enough to crush the top-notch generals, and there are countless dead souls under his gun.

Zhao Yun walked into the air alone, leaving Magnolia behind Penglai.

In the battle in the realm of heroes, even if Yulan was not injured, she would not be able to intervene, it would only distract him.


Without saying anything more, two similar phoenix sounds exploded at the same time, and the gold and silver spears shone brightly.

The figures of Zhang Xiu and Zhao Yun disappeared without a trace, submerged by the shadows of the two divine phoenixes.

“You and I have the same marksmanship. The years I have spent on this path are ten times longer than yours. How can you beat me?!”

Among the violent energy flowing in all directions, Zhang Xiu’s stern roar came:

“He regards you as the future gun master. He has taught you everything and cultivated you with great pains. Even on his deathbed, he is still thinking about you. Why?!”


The silver divine phoenix was torn apart by the golden claws, and Zhao Yun’s body retreated violently. Blood marks burst open on his severely injured body, and blood spurted out like a spring.

Countless gaps were torn into the sky, and the cold and harsh winds of calamity passed through the cracks, whizzing past like a steel knife shaving against the flesh and bones.

“Zi Long!”

Liu Bei and the others rushed over without stopping. Zhang Fei’s expression changed slightly. He was about to take action, but Zhao Yun raised his hand to stop him:

“It is inconvenient for outsiders to interfere when members of the same sect are fighting.”

Dark red blood slid down the silver spear, and the look between Zhao Yun’s brows became a little dim:

“Based on what Master taught me, I am indeed inferior to you, but there is not only one way to go in this world.”


In the distance, Zhang Xiu’s pupils shrank slightly, a cold light flashed across the sky, and a world-destroying silver light reflected in his eyes.

The thunder dragon soared into the sky, and in an instant, Zhao Yun’s spear blade reached Zhang Xiu’s eyebrows. The moment it fell, Zhao Yun couldn’t help but feel a trace of hesitation in his heart.


The moment this hesitation emerged, a shadow appeared behind Zhang Xiu, overlapping with the shadow.


Zhang Xiu’s figure exploded instantly, but no blood spattered, and grass clippings flew everywhere, covering the entire world.

“The way to replace death is with a sorcerer!”

Liu Bei opened his eyes slightly, scanned the void, and saw a disappearing figure.

Zhuge Liang collected a few strands of grass clippings into his palm, and after a while he said clearly, “It’s him.”

“Sir, do you know this person?” Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly, his eyes that had not been fully opened were full of interest:

“Jia Wenhe.”

This world is coming to an end. Just these two chapters, the updates have been unstable in the past two days. I’m sorry because I have to prepare to leave my job and some work needs to be handed over.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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