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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 521 Choice

“Tianxin? Is this the core of the world?”

Shi Lan is no stranger to the core of the world. The core of the world in Qinghong Realm has been integrated with her. In that world, she is an omnipotent god.

“There are some differences, but they are not far apart. This is the source of the power of Heavenly Dao. If you peel off half of it, it is equivalent to weakening yourself. If you can refine this half of Heavenly Heart, this world will be half as big as you.”

Samsara’s tone seemed a little regretful: “But with the current awakening speed of Heavenly Dao, you will be noticed before you have time to refine it.”

“Why does the Heavenly Dao in this world do this?” Shi Lan was a little confused.

No matter which world the heavens are in, they attach great importance to source power. It is undoubtedly very dangerous to put half of one’s origin in the outside world. Once someone takes advantage of it, the consequences will be disastrous.

“I’m not sure about this, but if you want to swallow this half of the Heavenly Heart, it’s not impossible. You can put it into the Qiongluo Realm and take it back to the rising sun, and you can slowly figure it out.”

Because of Shi Lan’s sudden appearance, the battlefield stopped for a moment and fell into an eerie silence.

The communication with Samsara lasted only a moment. Shi Lan put Tianxin aside for the time being, his thoughts started to change, and he began to consider whether to stay or leave.

This trip through the muddy water is not an easy one. Judging from the black gold crown robes worn by the middle-aged man and the dragon pattern reliefs on these military generals, it seems that even if the person in front of him is not the current emperor, he is still a member of the royal family, far from a side clan member like Liu Bei. comparable.

Since these people dare to pursue and kill them, it proves that the power behind them is terrifying and they are definitely not ordinary princes.

“Who is coming? Tell me your name!”

Before Shi Lan could decide whether to go or stay, a sharp shout sounded in her ears.

The person who spoke out was wearing black armor, with sword-like eyebrows and tiger beard, holding a three-foot-long sword. He had strong blood, strong body, and bottomless martial arts skills. A group of black-armored generals followed closely behind him.

“No matter who she is, anyone who blocks her path will be killed!”

Before Shi Lan could speak, a spear flashed from the sky, filled with murderous intent, and pierced her heavenly spirit.

The blood-colored wings spread out from behind, tearing open the space. Shi Lan returned to his thoughts, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his figure disappeared from the place instantly.

The shot missed, and a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the general who fired the gun. Before he could retract the gun, a pitch-black halberd was swept out of the void, whizzing towards him with blazing fireworks that were extremely powerful.


The dazzling halberd shines brightly in the world, indestructible, and instantly hits the chest of the general holding the gun.


Blood foam splashed, and a figure flew out. The red-black war halberd was wrapped with a huge force, and it exploded half of its body in an instant. The flesh and blood were peeled off, and the bones were revealed.

After the attack was successful, Shi Lan did not pursue him, but retreated instantly, narrowly avoiding a slash of Senhan’s sword light.

Shi Lan retreated not far from the carriage. Perhaps because of her previous actions, the general wearing dragon scale red armor did not take action against her, but took a few steps closer to her, as if he wanted to unite.

Looking at the black-armored generals in the distance, Shi Lan felt troubled. The martial arts cultivation of this group of people was extraordinary. They were all top-notch in the world, and several of them were far stronger than her.

Once she takes action, with more than ten people beside her, there is no way she can be her opponent.


The piercing scream of space splitting was deafening. The man in black armor holding a knife in the distance obviously didn’t want to talk nonsense at all. He strode forward with murderous intent lingering in his eyes. The sharp sword light shattered the nine heavens!


Shi Lan was startled, and subconsciously glanced aside. The bicycle frame that was just not far away had disappeared, and there was still a red shadow that had not dissipated in the distant sky.

Obviously, these people were on the run and had no intention of fighting head-on. Their approach just now was just to use her as a shield.

Shi Lan withdrew and retreated violently, with a flash of light between his eyebrows. He took out more than a dozen Taoist weapons from Qiongluo Realm and threw them out, and then detonated them instantly.

Boom boom boom!

The roaring sound of the sky and the earth resounded through the sky, and the dazzling bright glow instantly swallowed up the surrounding void. The entire world fell into chaos, and the violent energy fluctuations were clearly visible thousands of miles away.

About ten breaths passed before the violent spatial fluctuations gradually subsided.

A group of black-armored generals stayed in mid-air with gloomy expressions. The man who had been severely injured by Shi Lan was directly annihilated in the mighty energy fluctuations.

The leading Xuanjia man took out a compass, determined the direction, and said in a cold voice:

“Southwestern Xuanwu position, chase!”



Millions of miles away, Shi Lan’s eyes were following the red shadow, and his heart felt blocked. The Taoist soldiers thrown out earlier were all obtained from the harvest of the Reincarnation Hall, and they were of extremely high level.

Although it was a drop in the bucket to her, it was still valuable.

Her original intention was to take advantage of the chaos to gain some benefits, but now it backfired and she got a lot of help, which made her feel a little distressed.

In less than half a cup of tea, a bone-chilling murderous intent struck from behind and penetrated Shi Lan’s back.

Obviously, the people behind had caught up, which was not beyond her expectation. Shi Lan’s eyes were slightly focused, the true energy in his body was flowing, and the steps under his feet changed slightly, like stepping on a clear moon, and his speed increased exponentially.

The Great Sage’s Hidden Moon Step is a top magical power second only to the Imperial Technique. It possesses terrifying speed and is extremely difficult to comprehend.

In the virtual space, Shi Lan spent a lot of energy, but now he can only achieve a small success.

With her current level of cultivation, operating this level of magical power consumes too much. The speed of the innate spirit body’s autonomous recovery can no longer keep up with the consumption and is stretched thin.

The murderous intention behind him lingered, and it had obviously locked her. Shi Lan took a deep breath, increased his speed again, and the red shadow in his eyes became clearer.


A glaring sense of crisis emerged in her heart. Shi Lan lowered her head subconsciously. More than a dozen light silver arrows passed over her head, and the turbulent air flow that followed caused her hair to dance wildly.

Boom boom!

The arrows exploded in the sky in the distance, knocking the red shadow in front out of the air. The fragments of the vehicle frame were mixed with blood and mud and filled the sky.

Shi Lan flew across the sky in his breath, then stopped and looked at the chasing group from a distance through the fragments of the vehicle frame.

The middle-aged man on the carriage rolled to the ground, his uniform was stained with blood, and the red sword in his hand trembled after being stained with blood, as if he was about to revive.

The boy was desperately protected in the arms of a red-armored general. He was not injured at all, but was knocked unconscious by the huge impact. The general protecting him was completely silent.

The black-armored generals who were chasing him had cold expressions and without any words, they stepped forward to kill Shi Lan and the red-armored generals together.

“How dare you! Who dares to harm the emperor?!”

An angry shout suddenly exploded, and in the void not far away, a battle flag with the word “Cao” that was quite familiar to Shi Lan appeared, as red as blood.

A pitch-black figure rushed out of the void, as if a meteorite had fallen. The euphorbia in his hand danced like the sun and the moon, with great force, and slammed into a group of black-armored generals.

The long sword raised in the black armor man’s hand instantly shattered, and the sword and the man were split into pieces by a halberd, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The pitch-black figure was like a tiger swarming a flock of sheep, chopping melons and vegetables, and chopped all the black-armored generals to pieces in an instant.

Shi Lan took all this into consideration, slowly landed on the ground, leaned over and opened the boy’s slightly white knuckles, and took out the jade book.

“What impact will this world have if we lose this half of Tianxin?” Shi Lan gently touched the cover of the jade book and asked silently.

“The decline of heaven and earth will accelerate, and the flow of energy from heaven and earth will also intensify, leading to an earlier decline. This is inevitable.”

“It’s possible that he will follow in the footsteps of Qiongluo Realm, right?”

“This possibility cannot be ruled out. The universe is full of variables, and no one can know the future.”

“That’s all.”

Shi Lan shook her head slightly and stuffed the jade book back into the boy’s arms. The cause and effect of the birth and death of a world was too heavy for her to bear.

“This half of Tianxin is enough to push your cultivation to a very high level. In the future, you can even use it to swallow the world. Think about it carefully.”

Samsara was not surprised by Shi Lan’s decision, but he still felt it was a pity and couldn’t help but give another advice.

“Being too greedy will only backfire.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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