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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 53 Reorganizing the Army (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 53: Reorganizing the Army (please vote for recommendation~)

The golden light of the Yunxiao Treasure Ship shone on the high platform in front of the city lord’s palace. There was a crowd of people in front of the high platform. A team of demon-suppressing troops surrounded the high platform. After checking the roster, people climbed onto the high platform and boarded the ship with the golden light.

Du Yue’er followed Du Baisheng, looking around and seeing no sign of Shi Lan. She felt a little disappointed, but her attention was quickly attracted by the Yunxiao treasure ship in the sky, and her eyes were full of shock.

Du Baisheng brought a lot of luggage, but when he was about to board the ship, he was ordered to throw it all away and could only take a few gold and silver items with him.

In desperation, Du Baisheng had to travel lightly, discarding most of his luggage, only bringing a few changes of clothes and luggage, and took Du Yue’er to the golden light.

Shi Lan stood behind the palace gate, watching Du Baisheng’s grandfather and grandson follow the golden light, and breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was going well so far.

After sending all the registered people onto the Yunxiao Treasure Ship, the golden light slowly dissipated.

In the main hall.

The young man wearing black armor looked at Huangfu Yun and several centurions and said:

“Now this area has become a place of trouble and trouble. We cannot stay here for a long time. Now that we are short of manpower, I cannot give you much support. I can only leave you with some supplies this time.”

After saying that, the man raised his hand, and the golden light that had slowly dispersed condensed again. Dozens of wooden boxes slowly slid down along the golden light and landed on the open space in front of the hall.

These wooden boxes were huge, dozens of feet long and wide, filling the entire open space.

The group of people walked out of the hall and came to these wooden boxes.

A group of warriors were attracted by these wooden boxes and gathered around them. Shi Lan was also among the crowd.

“Twenty nine-bow bed crossbows, a thousand cloud-piercing arrows, two thousand demon-breaking crossbows, and a hundred thousand fine steel arrows, as well as a batch of medicine powder to stop bleeding and promote muscle growth, and…”

The man pointed at the wooden boxes and explained the details, then flipped his wrist and took out a small square table as big as a palm from somewhere.

Ten little figures are carved on the square platform. Surrounding the figures is a guillotine. The blade is as red as blood, exuding a terrifying and murderous aura.

Huangfu Yun and other centurions’ eyes lit up when they saw the small square platform, which was less than the size of a palm.

“This demon-slaying platform will also be left to you.”

Several centurions looked at each other, and soon Huangfu Yun stepped forward and took the demon-slaying platform from the man’s hand with both hands, and then several people said in unison: “Thank you, general!”

“I hope I can see you again, general.” The man said and was about to leave.

“General, wait!”

Huangfu Yun gritted his teeth, handed the demon-slaying platform in his hand to a centurion nearby, bowed and said, “I beg the general to leave some more violent blood pills!”

The man paused, and after being silent for a while, he said, “How much?”

“Three hundred is enough!”

The man waved his hand, and ten jade bottles appeared in front of Huangfu Yun.

“Be kind and cherish yourself.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the space in front of the man rippled like ripples on the water.

Taking one step forward, the man’s figure disappeared into the ripples, and a group of people following him filed in.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a large group of people disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

The Yunxiao Treasure Ship in the sky let out a heavier roar, slowly began to move, and flew towards the sky full of hope in Shuangyue City.

Huangfu Yun glanced at the warriors around him and suddenly shouted: “Everyone, within half a moment, gather in armor in the martial arts arena! Those who are late will be engaged in military law!”

When the warriors around heard this, they immediately dispersed.

Shi Lan rushed back to her room and began to put on the armor. Fortunately, she had tried it on before, so she was not in a hurry.

Because of the assistance of Feiyun Boots, when Shi Lan rushed to the martial arts field, only a few people arrived.

Several of the dozens of large wooden boxes have been dragged to the martial arts arena.

Huangfu Yun and several other centurions were standing in front of the box, waiting for others to gather.

Half a moment passed in an instant, and no one was late.

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Huangfu Yun’s eyes, at least the gathering speed was okay.

More than three hundred people stood in a dark, silent place.

Huangfu Yun raised his hand and suddenly slapped the wooden box with his palm.


The cover on the top of the wooden box was instantly broken open and bounced high.

Jumping up, Huangfu Yun stepped on the frame of the wooden box, caught the falling giant cover with one hand, leaned it against the wooden box, squatted down, and took out a giant crossbow that was nearly half a man’s height from the wooden box. , fell back to the ground.

“The old people in the Demon Suppression Army are no strangers to this stuff. I’m afraid the newcomers have never seen it before.”

As Huangfu Yun spoke, he raised the giant crossbow with his left arm, exerted force with his right arm, pulled out the string of the crossbow, stuck it into the teeth of the crossbow, then tightened the body of the crossbow and buckled the hanging knife.


The taut crossbow string rebounded instantly and cut through the air. There was a sharp and explosive sound, and it suddenly exploded!

After stroking the slightly trembling crossbow string, Huangfu Yun slowly spoke:

“The demon-breaking crossbow is a standing weapon for the crossbowmen in the demon-suppressing army. It is polished and molded from centuries-old ironwood that is comparable to fine steel. The crossbow string is made from the tough tendons of demon beasts above the seventh level of the body tempering realm, and is equipped with fine steel arrows. Ordinary body-tempering realm monsters can’t withstand two attacks!”

Huangfu Yun glanced at everyone, walked to the wooden box, grabbed both sides of the wooden box, used both hands to lift the huge wooden box, and slowly turned it over.

The Demon-Breaking Crossbow rolled out from the opening of the box and scattered all over the floor.

“Come and get them one by one, one person at a time.”

Shi Lan mingled in the crowd and stepped forward to get a Demon-Breaking Crossbow. As soon as he mentioned the Demon-Breaking Crossbow, Shi Lan was shocked.

This demon-breaking crossbow that is half a man tall weighs nearly a hundred kilograms. This large box weighs at least nearly a thousand demon-breaking crossbows. In other words, this wooden box weighs nearly one hundred thousand kilograms!

Huangfu Yun lifted him up and turned him over. His face was not red or he was out of breath. This kind of strength was simply shocking.

After trying to pull the crossbow string, Shi Lan was shocked again. If the strength in his hand was less than 500 kilograms, he would not be able to pull the crossbow string.

No wonder the minimum requirement for recruiting people into the demon-suppressing army must be at the fifth level of the Body Tempering Realm. If you are below this level, you will not be able to pull the crossbow string. If you put on the armor and carry the demon-smashing crossbow, you will be afraid of just moving. It takes all your strength.

After everyone took out a demon-breaking crossbow, Huangfu Yun opened another wooden box. Inside this wooden box were bundles of crossbow arrows made of fine steel!

The crossbow arrow was more than three feet long, with two narrow iron wings half as wide as a finger at the end. The arrow was polished and shone with a cold light. This crossbow arrow alone weighed nearly three kilograms.

Each person stepped forward in turn, received twenty crossbow arrows, and carried them together with the Demon-Breaking Crossbow behind them.

By the time everyone stood up again, it was already dark.

Huangfu Yun took a step forward and said, “The old men of the demon-suppressing army left the martial arts field and performed their duties. The newcomers should be prepared and will follow me out of the city later…”

Having said this, Huangfu Yun’s aura changed and he grinned.

“Catch monsters!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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