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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 539 Misunderstanding

After a while, Shi Lan realized what Bai Yu’s words meant, and raised his eyes to scan the distance.

Wherever the arrow passed, all life was wiped out. The entire continent had been divided into two. In the bottomless ravine, the lava in the center of the earth could be vaguely seen boiling and roaring. The dense clouds in the sky were completely torn apart, and the sky was completely torn apart. Broken, no Qingming was visible, and the brilliant sea of ​​stars visible to the naked eye appeared at the end of the horizon, stretching as far as the eye could see.

“Shi Lan, this arrow has already alarmed the Heavenly Dao. The Heavenly Dao in this world was not active before and was almost sleeping. But the turmoil caused by this arrow is so great that it almost wakes it up.”

The energy fluctuations between heaven and earth began to gradually become active, which was a precursor to Tiandao’s imminent recovery. An arrow from Burial World was almost like a slap in the face of sleeping Tiandao.

It’s just that Tiandao has just begun to wake up from its slumber, or it may have been blinded by an arrow from the burial world, and it is still a little ignorant. When Tiandao’s consciousness is completely awakened, all outsiders in this world will die without a burial place.

Hearing the reminder of reincarnation, Shi Lan looked blank. She no longer cared too much about whether Tiandao had awakened. The damage to the space channel not only meant that she could not return to the battlefield outside the territory, but also everyone who came across the border would be left behind until The strong men in the big world arrive.

The most important thing is that she has to open the space channel through the system and leave, which makes the already low energy even worse.

“Construct a space-time channel, coordinate the Lingyang Realm, the vast land of China, and the Zhongtian Realm.”

[Constructing a space-time channel requires 7 units of nine-star energy, and the current energy reserve is insufficient. 】

Looking at the energy units displayed by the system, Shi Lan’s heart twitched. The distance to the Ling Yang Realm was obviously extremely far away. She didn’t have much of the Supreme Relics in her hands. Except for some of them she kept for her own practice, leaving them all to the system for decomposition was not enough. These 7 units of energy.

“Change coordinates, extraterrestrial battlefield.”

[Constructing a space-time channel requires 3 units of nine-star energy, and the current energy reserve is insufficient. 】

Seeing this piece of information, Shi Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Three units of nine-star energy were not beyond her capabilities.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Lan closed the system panel and swept towards the west with Bai Yu. After a while, he stood in front of a mountain pass.

Most of the mountain collapse collapsed, and a giant blue and black cauldron crashed into the mountains. Most of it was buried by rubble, and a corner was exposed. This giant cauldron did not resist the front of the Burial Realm, but rolled out with the monstrous energy fluctuations. Millions of miles away, although there are some bumps on the surface, the damage is not serious, and the heavenly mark engraved on it is intact as before.

For today’s Shi Lan, a supreme weapon is considered a first-class treasure, so there is no reason to let it go in vain.

A giant purple palm condensed in mid-air, fell into the rubble, and dug out the giant cauldron. The true spirit in the cauldron sensed it, and the eyes of the true dragon entrenched on the cauldron lit up with glow. .

As soon as it opened its eyes, it saw Bai Yu’s figure and the burial world in Bai Yu’s claws. The fate of the eight divine swords was vividly visible to its eyes. The glow that had just lit up in the real dragon’s eyes dimmed again and fell into silence. middle.

Seeing that it had no resistance, Shi Lan was very satisfied and took it into the Qiongluo Realm.

Nearly 10,000 weapon refiners in the Qiongluo Realm have already made preparations and began to set up a large formation to draw out the earthly evil fire in order to erase the imprint left by the Supreme in the giant cauldron and completely turn it into an ownerless thing.

Bai Yu lay prone on the side with Burial World in his arms, his eyes always fixed on the giant cauldron.

The imprint left by the Supreme Being is extremely strong, and the owner of the giant cauldron has not passed away yet, which makes it several times more difficult. Nearly ten thousand weapon refiners work together to operate the true weapon refining techniques, control the real fire, sweating profusely, and can only A little bit of shaking, at this pace, it would be impossible to complete this task without nearly a hundred years of hard work.

Seeing this, Bai Yu stood up, walked into the magic circle, grabbed the burial realm and knocked the real dragon entrenched on the giant cauldron.

“Do it yourself.”

As soon as the words fell, the real dragon reacted quickly, its eyes lit up with glow. After a moment of hesitation, it detached itself from the cauldron, soared into the air, opened its mouth and spat out a ball of black flame, and slowly poured it into the formation. middle.

This ball of flames is more than tens of thousands of times stronger than the real fire of the Earth Fiend. Under the blessing of the magic circle, the supreme brand in the cauldron begins to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. According to this progress, it will take at most three days. The brand in the giant cauldron will disappear.

Having reached the stage of the Supreme Artifact, the wisdom of the true spirit has already surpassed that of ordinary people. It can assess the situation and act according to the trend. These are just the basics.

Some ancient supreme artifacts have already had multiple owners. For them, sometimes it doesn’t matter who the owner is. All they need is a strong person to devote their efforts to nurturing them, so that they can continue to survive in the world until the time comes. Time to go further.



The huge fluctuations caused by the Burial Realm attracted the attention of all the creatures in the Fierce Pluto Realm.

All the strong men who came across the border immediately thought of the space passage. Their faces changed wildly. They all ran towards the direction of the space passage without thinking too much.

The strong men from the two worlds were the first to arrive at the battlefield, and they all gasped when they saw the horrific scene.

“Is there still a supreme being in this world? Or is there a remaining supreme weapon?”

“Where did the passage go?!”

Some strong men have been on the battlefield outside the territory for many years. They have already seen the storms and waves, but they can still remain calm and immediately start to stabilize the morale of the army.

“Don’t panic. The world coordinates have been sent back to Tianyuan. With the supreme magical power, it only takes two days at most to reach this world.”

“Yes, when the Supreme One gets here, we can return as well.”

When the atmosphere gradually relaxed, the powerful people from all over the world began to turn around. After seeing the situation in the field, they had mixed reactions, but most of the powerful people had a faint emotional breakdown.

They are different from the people in the big world. There will be no supreme being coming to rescue them. The arrival of the supreme being from the big world means that their death has come.

“They must have deliberately destroyed the passage!”

“Afraid that we would return to the battlefield outside the territory and take away too many resources, we simply cut off our retreat!”

A strong man spoke angrily, his emotions almost collapsed. There is a specific realm between the worlds. Between dozens of galaxies in a radius, it is impossible for a second world to exist. Even if you break through the layers of stars and find the second world, , without the star map, they would never be able to find their way back to their homeland.

Unlike people in the big world, they are still obsessed with their homeland, where there are too many caring people who cannot let go.

“If you fight with them, it’s just a matter of death. Kill these bastards first!”

The atmosphere became increasingly tense. A strong man put his hands together to create a Taoist Seal. The door to the world behind him opened, and the Supreme Power filled the air. He actually directly sacrificed the Supreme Weapon.

A golden catalog enveloped the sky, with countless totems of immortal birds and beasts engraved on it, full of murderous intent.



When a group of powerful men were about to take action, more than ten realm gates suddenly opened outside the realm of the Fierce Pluto King.

Even though they were dissatisfied with the Lord God’s mission, the reincarnations who were unable to resist still opened the domain gate and came to the star domain where the Evil Pluto Realm was located.

The world barrier has broken through a huge gap, exposed to the eyes of many reincarnations.

“Who did this?” Some people were shocked and angry. The damage to the world barrier was so serious that it was impossible for Heaven to continue to sleep and would inevitably revive.

“We are a little late. Has the Supreme Being from the Great World entered the realm?”

Several reincarnators invariably paid a huge price and started scanning the Samsara Palace.

[Start world scanning…]

[The scan is completed, and no fluctuations in the aura of ninth-level creatures are found. The consciousness of Heavenly Dao is in shallow dormancy and is extremely sensitive to external stimuli. 】

It accidentally got shorter again. I had something to do when I went out today, so I didn’t have time to type. I’ll make up for it later!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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