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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 545 Willing Power

After a brief exchange, Shi Lan understood his current situation.

This star is located on the edge of the territory of the [Sarovina Interstellar Federation].

The Gamma AE-87 planet under her feet now belongs to the Malbray star field, and this star field belongs to the Malbray family. The two people in front of her are working for this family and are responsible for a small Mining of mines.

From the words of the old man named Mond in front of him, we can vaguely see part of the strength of the [Sarovina Interstellar Federation].

Except for the most widely distributed evolvers and some warriors who practice ancient methods, the most cutting-edge force of the entire interstellar federation is a terrifying weapon called the ‘Immortal Light’.

Mond didn’t know its specific structure, but its power was enough to swallow up an entire galaxy in a very short period of time.

This energy level is already comparable to that of the Supreme.

What surprised Shi Lan was that with this level of power, the average life span of people in the Sarovina Interstellar Federation has not exceeded 500 years, and the life span of some advanced evolutionaries will even be greatly shortened. Three hundred years are gone.

After sorting out his thoughts, Shi Lan stood up and carefully collected the blood scattered on the ground.

After stepping into the realm of the Imperial Dao, the blood in her body was filled with her Dao Yun, carrying the divine energy in the realm, and would subconsciously devour everything she could come into contact with, far more than just flesh and blood.

“You are in a very dangerous situation now.”

Seeing Shi Lan stand up, Wenger standing aside said:

“The chaebol are very interested in practitioners like you from other galaxies. If they know of your existence, you may… be in trouble.”

Even though Mond had previously said that the stunningly beautiful woman in front of him could most likely tear apart a battleship with her bare hands, he still had some doubts in his heart. Judging from her appearance alone, it was really hard to imagine.

Shi Lan didn’t care about the trouble Wenger said. At least there were no creatures that threatened her on this star. Now she needed a secluded place to recuperate. She didn’t want to be disturbed, so she at least needed to calm down first. The energy of conflicting elixirs in the body.

At that time, she can open the Qiongluo Realm and return to the spiritual pool in the center of the Tianyan Sect to recuperate.

After recovering from the injury, she will try to move closer to the battlefield outside the territory. With Bai Yu’s eighth-level cultivation, he can travel at a considerable speed in the starry sky. Nowadays, the energy of the nine stars is hard to find, so it is better to save some.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Shi Lan’s mind. As a behemoth spanning several galaxies, the Sarovina Interstellar Federation will not lack warships across the stars. If you can get one, you may be able to save a lot of hard work. Reduce unnecessary losses.

The spiritual energy in the starry sky is thin, so it takes a lot of energy to rely on Bai Yu to travel, and now Bai Yu is also injured and needs to rest.

“I need a place to recuperate. It will take about three days.”

After roughly calculating for a moment, Shi Lan opened his mouth and said:

“I will leave in three days, and I will give you a satisfactory reward at that time.”

Regarding the battleship, Shi Lan did not ask Wenger or the two of them, because such a battleship that could cross the galaxy level was impossible for the people guarding the mine to obtain. After recovering from her injuries, she would naturally find a way.

“Don’t worry, I will help you find a place.”

As soon as Wenger finished speaking, Mond on the side raised his hand and knocked on the armor on his body, and whispered:

“What you have to consider now is how to eliminate the holographic image record.”

Each suit of armor and spaceship will carry the most basic holographic image recording chip. On the one hand, it is for recording work information, and on the other hand, it is to find out the cause in time after an accident occurs.

The holographic image will be uploaded to the central computer every half an hour. If this thing is not solved, I am afraid that someone will come to the door in less than an hour. By then, it will not be credit, but going to jail.

Wenger’s expression also changed. The role of the chip in daily life was minimal, and he almost forgot about this incident.

For a moment, he was a little at a loss. The holographic image chip could withstand the power of the rail gun head-on and could not be destroyed by conventional means.

“Four minutes left.”

Mond glanced at the time and frowned. This matter made him feel very troubled. The consequences of not reporting the matter would be extremely serious. After all, this star was the property of the Malbray family.

“Give me the chip.”

Shi Lan on the side saw the problem and stretched out his hand.

Wenger couldn’t refuse, so he subconsciously took out the chip and handed it over.

The next moment, the chip that could hold the rail gun head-on turned into powder between the fingers like jade and scattered on the ground.


Cold sweat oozed from his back. Wenger swallowed subconsciously. His nerves were tense and his eyelids were twitching. Only then did he realize that what Mond said before was not exaggerated in the slightest. In a sense, this foreign visitor in front of him, No one needs protection.

Destroying the chip may be to protect those who may come because of it.

Mond did not speak, silently handed over his chip, then squatted down and collected the chip fragments on the ground.



The moment the chip shattered, the central brain on the other side of the star received feedback.

“Chip No. 4521 has lost contact. The coordinates are 148 East Longitude and 53 North Latitude.”

“Chip No. 147 has lost contact. The coordinates are 148 East Longitude and 53 North Latitude.”

“Chip No. 587 has lost contact. The coordinates are 148 East Longitude and 53 North Latitude.”

After receiving this message, the control room responded quickly:

“Twenty-eight minutes ago, due to a sudden earthquake, the two applied to go to investigate. Now they have lost contact. The spacecraft chip was damaged due to unknown force majeure.”

“Three groups and seven teams went to investigate. Heavy weapons are allowed.”

A middle-aged man ordered in a deep voice:

“The problem must be solved within two hours, and it must not affect Lord Aiden’s visit.”

Aiden, whose full name is Aiden Malbray, is the third son of the contemporary ruler of the Malbray family, the legion commander and the ace mecha master. Any one of his identities is enough to shock the entire star field. The visit of such a big shot , any slight mistake may ruin the political career of everyone on this star.



After destroying the chips on the two men and the spacecraft, Shi Lan followed Wenger back to the mine.

There are satellite eyes everywhere in the starry sky, and it is easy to be discovered if you run around. In comparison, the mine is safer. At least there are only two of them, and they know some monitoring blind spots.

“If the chip is destroyed, someone will definitely come to investigate. I will find a way to deal with it. You can stay here for a few days.”

Wenger took Shi Lan into a mine tunnel. Although the sparrow was small, it had all the internal organs, food and clothing.


His spiritual thoughts swept through the mine tunnel, and Shi Lan’s eyes suddenly brightened. He walked to an iron box and opened the lid. The box was half empty, and the remaining half was neatly stacked with crystal-like blue crystal cubes.

Shi Lan reached out and took out a piece, pumping the energy inside into his body, his eyes couldn’t help but brighten slightly.

She had seen similar energy crystals before, and the energy contained in them, in terms of purity, was almost comparable to the best spiritual crystals. It didn’t take much effort to convert it into true energy.

“Are there any more energy crystals like this?”

Shi Lan turned his head and looked at Wenger:

“How is this energy crystal made?”

“This is a regular supply from the federation. I don’t know exactly how it is made, because one box is enough to run the mine for ten years, so the inventory is not very large.”

Seeing that Shi Lan seemed a little disappointed, Wenger quickly said:

“But I can still get some if I find a way.”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Wenger suddenly had the urge to slap himself in the face. This kind of energy crystal is a military material and is extremely strictly controlled. Even if it is temporarily allocated, the quantity will not be too large.

“No need to bother.”

Shi Lan saw Wenger’s embarrassment and shook his head slightly. This energy crystal must be valuable, so there is no need to add extraneous details.

What really interests her is the manufacturing method of this energy crystal. If she can get it in her hands and produce it in large quantities, it will greatly promote the development speed of Tianyan Sect’s overall strength and usher in an independent leader earlier. Top strong man.

However, this method is considered to be absolutely confidential.


Outside the mine tunnel, there was a violent roaring sound, which was the sound of the sound barrier being torn apart. It was obvious that there was a visitor.

Wenger’s expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously looked at Mond on the side.

“do not worry.”

Mond glanced at Wenger, his expression very calm:

“The chip was near the mountains and self-destructed due to the interference of the unknown magnetic field. After the chip was destroyed, we returned to the mine, remember it.”



Three airships were hovering over the mine. The hatches opened, and more than a dozen mechas stepped out. They were nearly three feet tall, and their entire bodies were bluish-white, with a cold light shining on their surfaces.


Flames spurted out from the side of the mecha, and it landed steadily in the mine. A cloud of smoke rose up in the heat wave.


The cockpit door opened, and a man in his thirties walked out. He was tall, with swollen veins and an unusually strong body, like a tyrannosaurus.

“What happened?”

Seeing the two people standing not far away, he stood on the mecha and asked condescendingly, with a casual attitude.

Mond’s eyes narrowed slightly, he slowly stepped forward, took out the chip fragments from his arms, bowed and spoke:

“Reporting to your lord, there was an earthquake in the Karens Mountains not long ago. The two of us went to check. When we were close to the source of the earthquake, the chip suddenly shattered for some reason. It seemed to be interfered by the magnetic field.”

The man standing on top of the mecha did not speak, but raised his hand to indicate that a mecha stepped forward, stretched out a mechanical arm, and recovered the debris.

Then the man turned around and closed the cockpit tightly. More than ten mechas took off again and returned to the airship. The next moment, the airship tore through the sound barrier and headed towards the mountains in the distance.

“Is this the end?”

Wenger was a little unable to react. He thought he would be questioned.

Mond was not surprised and said calmly:

“In their understanding, people like us neither dare to lie nor have the ability to destroy chips, so what else do we have to ask.”

“How to explain that deep pit?”

Wenger is still a little worried. It is difficult to hide the traces of the fall. There is nothing at the bottom of the pit with a diameter of several hundred meters, which will definitely arouse suspicion.

“What pit?”

Mond looked confused.



On the battlefield outside the territory, three great suns hang high in the sky, blooming with divine brilliance and illuminating the galaxies thousands of miles away.

The camp in Tianyuan Great World was solemn, heavily guarded, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

As the absolute overlord of the surrounding world, Tianyuan World’s influence covers a very wide area. There are nearly a hundred cross-border domain gates and countless scattered camps, controlled by various forces.

This camp belongs to the Qiyao Emperor Dynasty.

The Qiyao Imperial Dynasty has a being who is superior to the Supreme, and in the Tianyuan World, it is also a peak power at the level of giants.

In the main hall located in the center of the camp, there are dozens of figures standing in the forest. The weakest person is already standing above the seventh level of the eighth level. There are more than ten strong people in the eighth level.

At this moment, all of them, including a group of eighth-level masters, were standing aside. There were two figures sitting in front of the table, one man and one woman.

The woman is about thirty years old. She is dressed in red and has an extremely beautiful appearance. Her complexion is pale and pale, with a hint of death. The man sitting opposite her looks to be in his early twenties. He is wearing a moon-white shadow robe and a brocade belt around his waist. The patterned jade belt is extremely young, but the bearing is quite extraordinary.

“Is what Fellow Taoist said before true? Are you willing to hand over the world coordinates of Ling Yang?”

The man’s expression was solemn. He had specifically entered the realm for this matter, which was enough to show his attitude. It was related to the world of one side. For the Tianyuan world, it was not a small matter, and it even required the cooperation of multiple forces.

“The world coordinates of Ling Yang will be given to you when I recover.”

Huangze is not stupid. The bargaining chip in her hand now is only an illusory world coordinate. If she hands it over now, she will get nothing, which is tantamount to seeking death.

At least, she must first get the ticket to enter the Tianyuan World before planning for the future.

When she returns to the imperial realm, even in the big world, as the Supreme, she will still have the right to speak and will not be manipulated by others.

Although the body of the Demon Emperor she controls now, her previous cultivation has ceased to exist with the dissipation of Dao Fruit, and most of the divine energy in her body has evaporated. But even so, as long as she returns to the Emperor Realm, The combat power she possesses is definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary Source Realm Supreme. She has too many emperor-killing techniques in her hands, including even the techniques passed down by the demon clan emperor.

With her own strength and the coordinates of the Lingyang Realm as a bargaining chip, she can at least survive this test and save her life.

If it weren’t for the excessive pressure of the world and the changes in the world of Lingyang, which no longer allow new enlightened people to appear, she would never have reached this point. Fortunately, the great changes in the world of Lingyang are coming, and one more foreign enemy will be considered. No more trouble.

“Then, fellow Taoist, please be prepared. I will return to the realm immediately. After the arrangements are made, I will be able to welcome you into the realm. At that time, I will prepare the magical pill for fellow Taoist to restore your cultivation.”

The man decisively agreed to Huang Ze’s request and immediately started making arrangements. Before leaving, he turned around and confirmed:

“There is one thing I need a clear answer to. Apart from the Dao of Heaven, are there really only three Sky Realm Supremes with the peak combat power in the Lingyang Realm today?”


A glimmer of light flashed in Huangze’s eyes. She was not lying. There was indeed only so much combat power in the Lingyang Realm.

As for how many surviving emperors like her were secretly there, as well as the important treasures of the three clans that suppressed luck, she was not within the scope of informing her. There were many people in Lingyang who were stronger than her in ancient times. What kind of backup did these people leave behind? , she didn’t know at all.

Naturally, there was no need to explain these things that she herself was not clear about.

Ling Yang is about to undergo a great change that has never happened before. This is the only secret she knows. As for what the great change will be, she has no idea. Only those who have stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor can know part of the whole story.

“That’s good.”

Hearing this, the man felt relieved, stepped into the Domain Gate, and returned to the Tianyuan World.

“Chen Xin, this is your fault.”

Huangze thought silently in his heart, with a complex look flashing in his eyes. Lingyang was her hometown after all. She had never thought that she would take this step before, relying on others to survive.

Once upon a time, she was also an arrogant and unparalleled demon emperor.

The medieval era has passed, and over millions of years, she has long lost her original state of mind.



The ink clouds were hanging low, the night was thickening, and the invisible soul-destroying evil light roared between heaven and earth, striking directly at the soul.

Next to the gate of the Demon Clan’s camp, Feng Yichuan sat on the ground facing the moon, letting the Soul-Destroying Light wash his soul. He looked at the chaotic world under the distant stars, his eyes darkening.

“After all, he has gone down the wrong path.”

Several demon kings walked up to him, looking at the stars in the sky and earth in the distance, with equally cold and solemn expressions.

“Huangze must have boarded the ship of Tianyuan World.”

“If the world coordinates are leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Go back to the Demon Emperor’s Palace and ask the Emperor to make a decision in person. He must have expected this.”

After a short discussion, several Demon Emperors immediately turned around, stepped into the Domain Gate, and returned to the Demon Emperor Palace.

It was still daytime in the Lingyang Realm, and the scorching sun was high in the sky. The radiance of the bright sun shone into the Demon Emperor’s Palace, but it did not bring any warmth.

The Demon Emperor was dressed in purple and stood high on the throne. He tapped his fingertips on the table. The soft thumping sound seemed to hit the hearts of all the Demon Emperors. The atmosphere was so depressing that it was almost suffocating.

“Let her go first.”

After a long while, Chen Xin finally spoke, his tone was extremely calm, without any trace of anger:

“The coordinates will not be leaked, and Ling Yang is not as fragile as you think. Tian Yuan has the inheritance of Ling Yang’s lineage. If we really want to start a war, we won’t wait until today.”

The Demon Emperor did not make it clear that it involved the secrets of some supreme beings, which were far beyond the knowledge of these Demon Emperors who had not yet become enlightened.

Even though Ling Yang is no longer ancient, it is not something that can be offended casually.

“Pay more attention to the disturbances in the vast land of China these days. This emperor is leaving the border and the Ten Thousand Demon Rulers will be taken away.”

After saying this, the Demon Emperor said no more, stood up and walked out of the palace.

“Emperor, where are you going?” A demon emperor couldn’t help but ask. The Ten Thousand Demon Ruler is the demon clan’s most important treasure to suppress luck. If during this period of time when Chen Xin leaves the world, the human and demon clans have Action, the demon tribe has no power to fight back at all.

“Go to Tianyuan, visit some old friends, and bring Huang Ze back along the way.”

Before he finished speaking, the Demon Emperor’s figure had disappeared into the imperial palace.

Several Demon Emperors looked at each other and sighed unconsciously. What the Demon Emperor said today caused quite a shock to them.

In the Tianyuan World, there is a inheritance from the Lingyang lineage, which is undoubtedly beyond their imagination.



In the great world of Shenwu, there are more than a hundred volcanoes located among the continuous glaciers. The two steams of ice and fire turn this place into a spiritual land.

This kind of spiritual land is not uncommon in the world of Shenwu. It is so vast that it is difficult to attract powerful forces to stay. The force that occupies this place is called the Red Fire Sword Sect. The strongest person in the sect is only in the seventh level of perfection.

Nowadays, although this area is still the territory of the Red Fire Sword Sect, it is secretly controlled by the Lan Clan.

With the help of the Red Fire Sword Sect, the Lan clan was able to settle down and cultivate themselves again.

In a glacier, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, with three heavenly spirits gathered at the top, five qi condensed in the chest, breathing in the vast divine energy of heaven and earth, and the whole body is surrounded by the terrifying aura of life and death.


Amidst the soft crackling sound, the glacier cracked inch by inch, revealing lava. There was fire dancing in the thick ice core. This was fire in the ice, a rare earth treasure.

Qing Lan slowly opened her eyes, with a trace of uncontrollable irritation flashing in her eyes. She had been having trouble practicing quietly in the past few days.

She and Shi Lan had some kind of connection. A few days ago, there was a nameless and severe pain in her limbs. It was obvious that Shi Lan had suffered a very heavy blow and was severely injured.

She didn’t feel much joy about this, but instead had a hint of worry. If Shi Lan died, her end would not be much better. In the final analysis, Shi Lan was the original body and the source of the Lan clan’s bloodline.

Now she just hopes that Shi Lan will live well and stay far away from her. It is best to never appear in front of her.

In the past few days, the calamity of life and death was approaching, and she could start to overcome the calamity with a single thought, but she did not dare to initiate it, with a trace of hesitation.

Overcoming the tribulation is not a child’s play. It is normal to be severely injured and even die. Shi Lan is in poor condition now. If something goes wrong on her side due to the tribulation, it will be worse for Shi Lan.

If something happened to Shi Lan, not only would something happen to her, but the Lan clan would also collapse. Without her protection, it would be difficult for the Lan clan to continue to survive in the world of Shenwu. The best outcome would be to be enslaved.

The Lan tribe had just begun to rejuvenate, and she really couldn’t bear the pain of all her hard work being wasted, and she didn’t want these monsters who had crossed the sea of ​​stars to come to this strange world because of her words to have a miserable future.

Thinking of this, Qinglan sighed, put away a few flowers of ice fire, stood up and left the glacier.

A soft heart is a disease that cannot be cured by elixirs.

Iron-Blooded Thunder’s methods can only be deceived by others, but not by themselves.

After climbing over numerous glaciers, Qinglan stepped into the ancestral blood pool of the Lan clan.

The ancestral blood pool was dim, and the green lotus totem on the stone wall had lost its former splendor. Cang Yue stood by the pool with her eyebrows furrowed. When she saw Qing Lan approaching, she bowed and saluted:

“Your Majesty.”

Qing Lan did not speak, but looked at the Green Lotus Totem quietly, her eyes were clear, filled with vast clouds and mist, with a hint of worry that Cang Yue could not understand.

After a while, she slowly stretched out her hand and used her essence and blood to imprint a talisman in the void.

Tian Cang Ling Xuan Sutra contains all kinds of secrets. Shi Lan has come into contact with them, but there are so many secrets that she herself does not know.

After a while, the talisman dissipated, and the blood on Qinglan’s cheek gradually faded and became a little pale.

“Your Majesty, what are you doing?” Cang Yue was puzzled. He could vaguely feel what Qing Lan had just done.

Qing Lan did not answer his question and stood quietly by the blood pool, motionless.

It was late at night at this stop.

The stars in the sky are like satin, continuous, gorgeous and dazzling.


Suddenly, the green lotus totem stretched out, the wind rustled all around, as if it had been injected with powerful vitality, and the rays of light washed over the sky and covered the surrounding areas of the dome.

The ancestral blood pool quickly returned to its former self, steaming with auspicious energy and splendor.

“Cang Yue.” Qing Lan turned around and spoke softly.

“My subordinate is here.” Cang Yue responded respectfully.

“Every feng shui pattern here is suitable, let’s settle it here for now.”

Cang Yue was slightly startled. He originally thought that Qing Lan would order migration again.

“I’m going into seclusion to prepare for the tribulation. Please take care of yourself outside and help me make some preparations.”

Qinglan looked up at the thousands of stars above her head, she didn’t want to run away anymore.

“The day I leave the customs is the day when the dynasty is established.”

She wants to start her own dynasty in the world of Shenwu and wait for Shi Lan to find her.



Sarovina Interstellar Federation, Sawyeran System, Malbray Star Field, Gamma AE-87 Planet.

The dark mine tunnel was filled with the aura of gold and iron, decaying and dull.

Shi Lan, who was sitting cross-legged between the mine tunnels, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at his palms, a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes.

According to her original estimate, it would take her at least two days to sort out the conflicting energies in her body. But now, in less than a day, the chaotic true energy in her body has calmed down, and her injuries have begun to improve.

The reason was that while she was performing her martial arts, a burst of gentle energy suddenly came from the Qiongluo Realm, which greatly shortened the time for her to recover her true energy and suppressed the injury to her left leg.

After stabilizing his inner breath, Shi Lan stood up, raised his hand and carefully opened the entrance to the Qiongluo Realm. After completely blocking the energy fluctuations, he stepped into it.

In an instant, she had appeared in the center of the Tianyan Sect’s station. The shackles on her body were completely released, and majestic energy poured into her body. The injuries in her body began to improve rapidly under the impetus of the powerful spiritual energy.

His spiritual thoughts swept across the entire world, and Shi Lan soon discovered something unusual.

In the center of the Tianyan Sect’s headquarters, there is a jade statue of her that reaches the sky. It has been worshiped with incense and has accumulated a lot of wish power. It has cultivated a trace of spirituality. Now that the wish power has completely dissipated, the trace of spirituality is almost gone.

With a little inference, it is not difficult to know that the unknown gentle energy comes from the power of incense.

Shi Lan was a little surprised that the incense wish power had such a magical effect, but now she didn’t know how this energy was activated.

“Your Majesty!”

The energy tide rolling up between heaven and earth woke up Tian Bai who was practicing not far away. When she saw Shi Lan’s slightly embarrassed figure, she couldn’t help but panic.

When he left the Hell King’s Realm, Shi Lan was a little embarrassed, but his injuries were far from serious. The wounds on his legs were too shocking, and the bones were dazzling.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious.”

Shi Lan shook his head slightly and pinched Tian Bai’s cheek. Tian Bai distracted her thoughts. Xiang Huo Yuanli couldn’t think of a clue for a while, so she stopped worrying and raised her hand to summon the Burial World into her palm.

The smooth and jade-like bow body is marked with four extremely clear carvings. The deepest one is nearly halfway into the bow body. It is obvious that when receiving the Heavenly Sword, the Burial Realm also deliberately protected itself and did not let the Heavenly Dao directly strike it. Bowstring.

If the bow string is broken, she does not have the ability to re-stretch it now, but given the current situation in the burial world, she must be more careful when using it in the future.

After carefully placing the burial realm, Shi Lan opened the secret realm, took off his armor and clothes, and stepped into the spiritual pool in the center of the secret realm.


The spiritual liquid soaked into the wound, causing a stinging pain. In the severe pain, Shi Lan’s tense nerves relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

The Qiongluo Realm was opened in advance, which helped her solve a lot of troubles.

Tian Bai then stepped into the pool, carefully scrubbing the blood stains on Shi Lan’s body, and gently gouging out some necrotic muscles on his legs. These flesh and blood had long been unconscious, but they made Shi Lan frown slightly and did not disturb her deep thoughts. sleep.



After falling asleep, a day and night passed.

When Shi Lan woke up again, he found that he was already lying in the palace. He was covered with thin brocade clothes and a thick cloud quilt underneath him. He was cushioned on the soft jade couch, which made his bones and muscles feel numb. Get up.

The palace was burning with the incense of calming concentration, penetrating the heart and mind. Shi Lan slowly stood up, his thin brocade clothes slid down his slender jade thighs, and his left leg had returned to its original state.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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