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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 550 Utility

“I have applied for the transfer of the spaceship you need through the Interstellar Federation. It will take about half a month to arrive.”

Resa led Shi Lan and the two of them into the main star and settled in a manor.

Most of the entire star was covered by a steel jungle, but this manor was surrounded by green shade. Shi Lan saw many new traces.

These shade vegetation were obviously specially transplanted from other places, and Resa made special preparations.

Such careful preparation made Shi Lan’s impression of him a lot better.

Shi Lan did not inquire about the cooperation with Resa. After settling in the manor, he began to retreat and left full power to Li Canglan.

In terms of strength alone, the capital held by Resa is far from hers, but for her, this gap is just right.

A certain type of raw material in the evolutionary fluid must be extracted from the bodies of living creatures. Creatures with this level of life energy will not be inferior in strength.

Recalling some of the previous information from Wenger and Mond, it is not difficult to find that the powerful plutocrats in the Sarovina Interstellar Federation do not necessarily have good intentions towards outside practitioners like her.

A partner like the Malbray family who can be controlled is a perfect fit.



In the Qiongluo Realm, Tianyan Sect is stationed.

Shi Lan sat cross-legged in a blood pool, absorbing the blood essence. The blood lines left after the decomposition of many supreme beings, mixed with the war blood of the Asura clan, gathered into this pool of essence.

Since he could no longer return to Ling Yang, Shi Lan simply let go of the restrictions and extracted the essence of many supreme bloodlines, integrating them into his body to advance his cultivation.

Now, there is only one way left in front of her, which is better than the way of heaven in the Lingyang Realm. Then she will naturally be able to go home.

But this will undoubtedly take a very long time.

Under this premise, she needs to prepare enough life-extending elixirs, as well as treasures such as evolutionary fluid to replenish life energy, to ensure that her family members can wait for her to return home alive.

The vast blood that can be seen with the naked eye nourishes her imperial realm and infiltrates into her limbs and bones. Her cultivation level, which she had just entered the sun and moon realm not long ago, has begun to rise again.

What limits the cultivation of the most powerful emperors to the greatest extent is the strength of the small world.

When ordinary emperors reach this stage, they not only have to improve their cultivation, but also spend a lot of effort and resources to cultivate their own small world.

Shi Lan, who relies on the Qiongluo Realm, has no such concerns at all. The Qiongluo Realm is already strong enough, and advancing his own cultivation is the only thing Shi Lan has to do now.


A message touched the magic circle, and Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes to calm down the blood that was almost boiling in his body.

After checking the contents of the message, she stood up from the blood pool. The dark red liquid mixed with various bloods slid down her delicate body, giving off a delicate ruddy sheen.

Shi Lan put on a robe and stepped out of the secret realm.


A ripple appeared in the silent space. Li Canglan, who was waiting outside the secret realm, raised his head when he noticed the movement.

The nearly boiling Qi and blood had just calmed down, and there was still a hint of flushing on Shi Lan’s cheeks. The Qi that had been repelling people thousands of miles away had faded away, and there was a trace of the past in the already fairy-like and jade-colored face. An almost invisible tenderness.

At such a close distance, Li Canglan smelled a strange fragrance that he had never experienced before. It was as warm as fire, completely different from the cold fragrance that Shi Lan carried on his body in the past.

With just one glance, Li Canglan lowered his head again, blocked his senses, and used the sword of his mind to cut away some images that had not yet appeared in his mind, and his eyes returned to calm.

He is already very good at doing this kind of thing. After following Shi Lan for so long, he has already seen through some of the essence. In Shi Lan’s concept, he may not regard him as a member of the opposite sex at all, but as a simple subordinate.

“How did the discussion go?” Shi Lan took a breath and asked casually.

“Reporting to the sect leader, the specific cooperation matters have been determined, but Resa hopes that Tianyan Sect can help him cultivate a group of Qi practitioners, numbering around a thousand.”

Li Canglan bowed slightly and presented a paper contract with both hands, which contained the specific details of the cooperation. It was obvious that Resa knew that the law did not have any binding force on Shi Lan, so he omitted the long speech, and the words in the contract were very concise.

The Malbray family will supply energy crystals and evolution potions to the Tianyan Sect for a long time. On this basis, the Tianyan Sect needs to provide a certain degree of military support.

Due to the insufficient binding force of the Federation and the vastness of the galaxy, there are often frictions between many star fields, and even wars break out.

The same is true for the Malbrai Star Territory. Although war is terrible, it is the best way to expand power.

During this period of time, Resa and Li Canglan also made many attempts. The control of the mecha was not a difficult task for Tianyan Sect disciples with extremely powerful souls.


After reading the contract, Shi Lan agreed to Resa’s request without giving it much thought. Qi refining practitioners could not form combat effectiveness in a short period of time, not to mention that she herself planned to preach in the Sarovina Interstellar Federation and open the Tianyan Sect. of branch.

The number of creatures in a star field alone exceeds one trillion. The population of the entire Sarovina Interstellar Federation cannot be measured at all. Under the huge population base, there will always be some buried ones in the sky. Proud son.

If she could pick up a few dusty pearls, it would be a good thing for her.

“Has the efficacy of energy crystals been verified?”

“Dozens of times more powerful than high-grade spiritual crystals. If there is sufficient supply, a disciple with ordinary talent can condense a golden elixir within twenty years.”

Li Canglan nodded slightly. The energy in the energy crystal was too pure, which could save a lot of refining time.

And as a pure energy source, energy crystallization can do much more than that.

“Where’s the evolution potion?”

“Currently, the best evolution potion in Resa’s hands is only the eighth generation A-level. I selected ten golden elixirs and ten Nascent Souls as experiments. The physical body has undergone a certain degree of transformation, but the vitality has been reduced to varying degrees. .”

After hearing Li Canglan’s words, Shi Lan fell into deep thought for a moment. Judging from these Tianyan Sect disciples, it was obvious that the evolution potion had somehow lost its ability to extend longevity.

“Have you brought the eighth generation evolution potion?”

Li Canglan was obviously prepared. He took out an evolution potion and handed it to Shi Lan.

After absorbing this potion, Shi Lan quickly realized the problem. This potion was also filled with life energy, which increased her life energy. However, the energy was slightly violent, which would cause harm to the physical body. Some loads.

This kind of load is nothing to her, and is not comparable to a normal heartbeat, but for Tianyan Sect disciples with weak cultivation, it is somewhat unbearable.

The longevity of the Immortal Way is long enough. The only flaw is that the physical body is too weak. As the physical body grows, the physical load increases, and the soul needs more energy to warm and nourish the physical body. It is normal for the longevity to be reduced.

The increase in combat power always comes at a price.

“The evolution potion can be kept. Whether to use it or not depends on the disciple’s own wishes.” Shi Lan considered for a moment and temporarily came up with a compromise.

“I understand.” Li Canglan nodded in agreement, and then said:

“The spaceship you requested has arrived at the port.”

I know it’s short, don’t scold me anymore! It will be longer tomorrow! ! must! ! !


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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