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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 554 Helping Hand

There are actually three galaxies nearby.

Hearing this, Shi Lan frowned. This was undoubtedly an extremely long distance. If Bai Yu had to travel alone, it might take decades.

Travels in the universe are usually measured in hundreds of years, and decades are not a long time, but for Shi Lan, it is a little unbearable.

The best way now is to find a secluded place to hide and wait for the spacecraft to be repaired and set off again.

Just when he thought of this, Shi Lan suddenly felt something strange. He raised his head and looked at the space portal not far away, and his spiritual mind probed out of the Qiongluo Realm.

Behind Bai Yu, who was speeding, several majestic figures appeared in the boundless starry sky. Their stature alone was as big as the sun. They stepped on the starry sky, and were surrounded by clouds of incense and smoke visible to the naked eye, like burning stars. The blazing flames squeezed the void and rumbled.

Obviously, it was Sog’s previous message for help that attracted these incense gods.

Because he was carrying Qiongluo Realm on his back, Bai Yu’s speed inevitably slowed down a lot, and it was difficult to shake off the gods behind him for a while.

Suddenly, Bai Yu slowed down, murderous intent blazing in his beast eyes, and he sent a message to Shi Lan:

“It’s so ostentatious and the target is too big. More and more ghosts and gods will be attracted by the silence. Since we can’t get rid of it, it’s better to kill it first and seek peace for a while.”

“Quick victory.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan did not hesitate. As soon as his mind moved, a giant green and black cauldron appeared beside Bai Yu.

“It is difficult to kill these gods directly. Suppressing them and depriving them of their incense and will can greatly reduce their strength.”

In the final analysis, the power of incense and fire is the foundation of these gods. If the foundation is damaged, the consequences are self-evident.

In the past few years of sailing in the starry sky, this supreme instrument called the ‘Prison Dragon Cauldron’ has been completely refined by Shi Lan, but the true spirit within it fell into a deep sleep.

Because Shi Lan’s current cultivation level is too weak to nourish it, so most of the time, the Prison Dragon Cauldron is placed at the entrance of the Tianyan Sect’s alchemy hall, being nourished by the Earthly Fiend True Fire.

Bai Yu held up the Prison Dragon Cauldron and injected it with true energy. His cultivation was enough to unleash part of the power of this supreme weapon.


A heavy roar resounded throughout the cosmic starry sky. The Prison Dragon Cauldron rose against the storm and was boundless, blocking an area of ​​the cosmic starry sky. The cauldron lid soared, revealing a huge dark mouth. It pressed down in an instant, locking down the star field in all directions.

The eyes of the real dragon attached to the cauldron shimmered and disappeared in an instant. Obviously, there was no threat to its existence in this battlefield, and the real spirit within it had not revived and continued to sleep.

The several gods of incense and fire who were approaching rapidly were obviously confused and wanted to retreat, but they were unable to escape from the scope of the Prison Dragon Cauldron in an instant. Violent colorless flames poured out from the mouth of the cauldron, like a curtain covering the galaxy. , slowly closed it, and finally put several gods and the ashes of countless stars into the cauldron body.


The crisp sound of the cauldron lid falling slowly echoed in the empty universe, and a shrill roar could be vaguely heard from within the cauldron.

The strength of these incense gods is not weak. They are all high-ranking gods in Sog’s mouth. However, in front of the Prison Dragon Cauldron, there is no resistance at all. This is the power of the Supreme Realm. The disparity between them is like the abyss of the sky. .

After sending the Prison Dragon Cauldron back to the Qiongluo Realm, Bai Yu shrunk his figure and continued on his way to the remote wilderness star field.



The universe is too vast, and there is no specific means of locating it. Even if it is the Supreme, it is difficult to find people.

After taking care of the chasing gods, no new pursuers appeared behind Bai Yu.

Shi Lan was not in a hurry to kill the high-ranking gods who were sealed in the cauldron, but just suppressed them.

Because according to Sog, once the incense divine bodies of these gods are killed, the memories contained in their divine bodies will return to their respective shrines and temples, and through the power of faith, the gods will be condensed again. Body.

In this way, some secrets will be exposed, which may alert the Lord God to take action personally, and then it will be another difficult killing situation.

Through this method of suppression, the memory contained in this divine body can be temporarily locked.

The Prison Dragon Cauldron stood on the earth. The body of the cauldron turned from blue-black to transparent, as clear as crystal. The figure of the spirit struggling in the fire was clearly visible.

There were four gods in total, and the strong scent of incense filled the surroundings, revealing a hint of strange fragrance.

Looking at the Prison Dragon Cauldron in front of him, Shi Lan considered for a moment and then moved his gaze to Sogg not far away.

Sensing Shi Lan’s gaze, Sogg shuddered and curled up, shrinking to less than half a person’s height. His eyes wandered, and his three heads turned in different directions to avoid Shi Lan’s gaze.

Looking at Soge who was like a clay sculpture, Shi Lan narrowed his eyes and asked, “How far can you grow after swallowing the wish power in the bodies of these high-ranking gods?”

Hearing this, Soge’s three heads turned back in unison, with a look of struggle in his eyes. He heard the hidden meaning of Shi Lan’s words.

As the god of incense, he has listened to too many people’s wishes in the past years. Human nature is greedy. The person in front of him must have a bigger plan when he gives the incense and wishes in the bodies of these superior gods to him.

“Probably…can become a superior god.”

Compared with other cultivation paths, becoming a god through incense is undoubtedly a shortcut. As long as a large amount of incense power can be absorbed into the body, a weak god can grow into a giant in a very short period of time.

“Hand over the origin of your soul, and these wishes will be yours.” Shi Lan glanced at the four gods in the furnace, spoke lightly, and continued without waiting for Sogg to refuse:

“I’m not negotiating with you. I don’t have time for you to consider, surrender, or die.”

Shi Lan didn’t care too much about Sogg’s consent. She would have to deal with the mark of the blasphemer in her body one day.

In this galaxy, she will come back sooner or later. Now she has buried a dark seed, which may be used in the future.

For a moment, Sog was caught in a dilemma. For the incense god, the origin of the soul is the foundation. If the origin is damaged, no matter how powerful the god is, he will become a god of death without any sanity.

When the long years passed and the God of Death regained his sanity in the rich power of incense and wish, he was no longer his original self. This was even more terrifying than pure death.

Although there is little hope, there is still a day of reincarnation after death. He handed over the original mark, and his status is not even comparable to that of a servant of God.

What Sorge was most worried about at the moment was that Shi Lan would throw him away after using him.

Looking at the several high-ranking gods struggling inside the transparent giant cauldron, Soge thought for a moment, dispersed all the distracting thoughts in his mind, spread his arms in front of Shi Lan, kowtowed to the ground, and paid homage.

“Sogg…kowt to the Lord of God.”

After the words fell, his middle head lifted up, and a bloodstain suddenly opened between his eyebrows. A gray bead the size of a dragon’s eye was embedded on it, with strands of blood floating inside.

This is the origin of the soul of the incense gods. In their own mouths, they call it ‘divine jade’.

Obviously, Sog has made his choice. The incense gods are also ambitious. By swallowing the incense of these high-ranking gods, Sog will have enough power to compete for believers, and there will be endless possibilities in the future. .

“When I leave this galaxy, I will refine the bodies of these gods and deliver the pure incense power to you.”

After Tanzhi put away Sogg’s soul source, Shi Lan used his domain to outline the phantom of a pitch-black statue in the palm of his hand.

The entire statue is in the shape of a human, with a face that cannot be seen clearly, thick limbs, and a long black knife in its hand, exuding an evil aura.

“Have you seen this god?”

After staring at the statue for a long time, Sogg shook his head slightly. There were too many gods, big and small, in this sea of ​​stars. He was only active in a few nearby galaxies. He had never seen many of the main gods and many high-ranking gods under their command. Pass.

The power of faith will eventually conflict, and gods belonging to different main gods will not have a harmonious relationship with each other.

“Watch one or two later.”

Seeing that Sogg had no impression at all, Shi Lan was slightly disappointed, and once again expanded the Imperial Dao Domain, separated part of the incense and wish power that he had swallowed before, and gave it back to Sogg.

This kind of incense and wish power has no effect on her at all, the energy is too mixed.

Her statue was also constantly being offered incense, and the power of the incense in it was far purer than that of Sogg, but she never touched it. She felt that this was not the right path.

After dealing with Sog’s matter, Shi Lan stepped out and returned to the spacecraft cabin. Karin’s back was turned to her, her blond hair hung down her back, and her tight-fitting military uniform outlined her beautiful figure.


Karin, who was in a trance, trembled, and was frightened by the sudden voice behind her. She subconsciously stood up straight and responded loudly:


Shi Lan walked around to Karin and saw the vague sadness on her face, and was a little confused:

“How long will it take for the spacecraft to be repaired?”

“Report! There are still three hundred and seven hours and fifty-two minutes!”

Karin lowered her head, avoiding Shi Lan’s scrutinizing gaze, with a hint of sobs in her tone.

At this moment, in front of Shi Lan, she felt that she was not far from death. When she arrived at her destination, it might be the day she hit the road.

She was only one hundred and thirty years old this year, still very young. When she thought of this, Karin felt sad and couldn’t hold back her tears.

Even though she was mentally prepared when she got on the boat, she still felt a little regretful at this moment.

Shi Lan on the side was a little confused. After pondering for a moment, she suddenly realized that maybe she missed her homeland.

Space navigation is inevitably boring. It has been almost ten years since I started out, and now I have encountered danger again. It is normal to feel homesick.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you home soon when we get there.”

Hearing this, Karin became more and more desperate.

After saying a word of relief, Shi Lan left the spaceship and stepped into Tianyan Sect.

In the past few years, the Green Ghost Rakshasa clan and the Tianyan Sect have been getting along quite harmoniously. Before the true appearance of the Rakshasa appeared, the appearance of the Green Ghost Rakshasa clan was not far different from that of the human race.

Even though Shi Lan had never mentioned it, Li Canglan still took great care of Bentham. Bentham had always practiced very hard, especially after arriving at Tianyan Sect. As the only disciple of the sect leader, she had too many privileges and her training resources were almost Inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Although Shi Lan has always felt that she was poor, she has a huge world. Compared with her financial resources, ordinary supreme beings would bow their heads in front of her.

At this moment, Bentham was still in retreat. Shi Lan took a casual glance and saw Tian Bai.

At this moment, Tian Bai was sitting cross-legged on the top of a spiritual peak. His snow-like hair fell to the ground. He was holding his chin with one hand and flipping through the pages of the book in front of him. His face was serious, but the depths of his pupils were full of dullness.

A middle-aged scribe stood not far in front of her, obviously seeing through her current state, with helplessness written on his face.

“Miss Tianbai, there are no preconceived notions in children’s education. They are guided by the right guidance and all are accepted. Therefore, raising children in the right way is beneficial to their education. What is the explanation?”

“Children have never been born and are ignorant of logic and are easily influenced. They need to be guided in the right way and cultivate their virtues.”

Tian Bai replied calmly without raising his head.

“The meaning is not far off, so what is the right way and what is the evil way?” Su Yangbing nodded.

“Good and evil are nothing more than black and white, good and evil. To me, respecting the superior is righteousness, and disobedience to the superior is evil.”

After saying that, Tian Bai closed the book in his hand, handed it to Su Yangbing, stood up and saluted respectfully:

“Sir, I have finished reading this book.”

Taking the book handed over by Tian Bai, Su Yangbing shook his head slightly. Although he was dissatisfied with the answer, he could not force it. He was not Tian Bai’s opponent. If there was a conflict during the argument, the scene would be indecent.

This was not the case before. He lay in bed for a month to recuperate. Although Tian Bai was punished afterwards, it obviously had no effect.

Tian Bai knew how to write the four words “respect the teacher and respect the Tao”, and he could understand its meaning, but he didn’t take it seriously. No matter what the reason was, once it involved the Tianyan Sect Master, everything became empty talk.

“That’s it for today.” Su Yangbing sighed, turned around and was about to leave when he saw Shi Lan standing not far away.

Shi Lan has always been in seclusion all year round. Su Yangbing has not seen her a few times in these years.

“Thank you sir.” Shi Lan nodded slightly.

“Miss Tianbai is very talented and hard-working. I still have some matters to deal with, so I’ll leave for now.”

Su Yangbing glanced at Shi Lan, then lowered his head and left in a hurry. He was afraid that if he looked at Shi Lan a few more times, his thoughts would become like that of Tian Bai, which would damage his aura and easily shake the foundation of his cultivation.

“Sir, walk slowly.”

Shi Lan still admired Su Yangbing.

Being hung from a tree and beaten by his own students, he could endure such humiliation and continue to teach Tian Bai without changing his expression. This kind of character possesses the morality of a teacher.

“Your Majesty~~”

Tian Bai leaned over with a smile and rubbed his head against Shi Lan’s shoulder, which was completely different from the indifference he showed in front of Su Yang Bing.

After entering the Yuanshen realm, Tian Bai’s figure grew longer and taller. Originally, he could only reach Shi Lan’s chest, but now his head can touch her shoulders.

In the past few years, Tian Bai didn’t know what kind of stimulation she had received, and she had become more and more diligent in her practice. In addition, Shi Lan often used the supreme blood to cleanse her body, and repeatedly broke through the shackles of blood. Three years ago, Tian Bai had become a Yuan Yuan. A great demon in the realm of gods.

Of course, on the other hand, Tianbai can no longer return to Ling Yang at this moment.

The urgent problem now is Tian Bai’s cultivation technique. She has been practicing the fragments of the Heavenly Demon Sutra that Shi Lan accidentally obtained from the lottery. She can only practice to the Yuanshen realm, and then she can only rely on swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon. Practice is too inefficient.

Not only Tianbai, but also Bentham’s skills were a big problem. They didn’t have a black domain and couldn’t draw magical powers and secrets from the blood of the Supreme. Otherwise, there would be no need to have such a headache.

The only way Shi Lan could obtain the skills was through the reputation lottery section in the system, but there were too many uncertain factors in the lottery.

After thinking about it for a moment, Shi Lan put aside the martial arts matters for the time being. These can be considered after returning to the battlefield outside the territory. If it doesn’t work, he can only try his luck through the lottery roulette.



Karin’s estimated time was very accurate, with an error of only two minutes. The particle mask required for the space jump was repaired as before.

In the past half month, the outside world has been calm, and the god of incense and fire rarely moves outside. In addition, Bai Yu has restrained his own energy fluctuations, and has not caused any living beings to notice it in the vast universe.

A silver-gray spaceship appeared in the starry sky, and Bai Yu returned to the Qiongluo Realm, carrying a large world on his back for half a month. It was not easy for him. The vitality in the universe was too great. If it is too thin, he can only rely on spiritual crystals and elixirs to replenish the strength in his body, which is a huge loss of energy.

After carefully adjusting the landing point of the space jump, Karin started the space jump expressionlessly, with a hint of sadness deep in her eyes.

[The space jump is about to begin, please prepare the crew in the cabin. 】

A cold warning sound sounded, and the stars outside the spacecraft began to move rapidly, turning into a phantom of starlight.

This jump was particularly long. After less than half an hour, the phantoms around him slowly dispersed, and the spacecraft appeared in a completely unfamiliar starry sky.

Shi Lan detected his spiritual sense for a moment, and found that the special law of heaven and earth had disappeared without a trace, and it had obviously left the scope of the vast world.

To be on the safe side, the spaceship started sailing again. After cooling was completed and three more space jumps were made, Shi Lan felt relieved and stepped into the starry sky, opening the portal to the Dome World.

The four gods suppressed in the Prison Dragon Cauldron were obviously in complete despair and stood numbly in the cauldron. When Shi Lan activated the real fire in the cauldron to burn their bodies, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Higher gods will never carry the origin of their souls with them. There are many believers as a foundation. They will not really die here. They will just lose some incense and willpower. If they are suppressed all the time, that will be the real horrific torture. Better to die.

The bodies of the four gods were reduced to ashes in the colorless flames, and thick green smoke rose from the ashes, so thick that it almost solidified.

Sog’s eyes flashed green and he couldn’t stop swallowing his saliva. Such a huge incense wish was an unspeakable temptation for any incense god.

Seeing this, Shi Lan opened the lid of the cauldron and threw it in. Sog entered the cauldron, just like boiling water entering a frying pan, stirring up violent waves. The diffused incense and will energy instantly boiled and rushed into his body.

Sog’s divine body began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it would never end. Some of the remaining scars on the divine body were also healing rapidly, which obviously benefited greatly.

This transformation took half a day, and Sog’s divine body had grown tens of millions of times. It was not far from the previous high-ranking gods, and was enough to rival the great sun.

The originally red skin was dyed with a layer of light gold paint, filled with strong divine essence. At this moment, Sog looked like a real god, like the Arhat King Kong in Zen Buddhism.


As the last trace of incense was swallowed up by Sog, Shi Lan opened the Prison Dragon Cauldron. The strong fragrance filled the stars, and the mixed smell made Shi Lan frown slightly.

“Thank you, Lord God. I will track down the counter-god who branded the Lord God.”

Sogg stepped on the starry sky and bowed in salute. The strong scent of incense was wrapped around his side, and there was endless willpower flowing in it, as if his whole body was burning. He had successfully ignited the fire of faith and possessed the almost immortality. God’s body.

This growth rate, which is almost reaching the sky in one step, makes Shi Lan feel a little jealous.

“Proceed with caution.” Shi Lan nodded slightly, and after warning, returned to the spaceship. She didn’t want any accidents to happen to Sog, otherwise the origin of the soul would lose its meaning.

The spaceship soon set off again. This place was not particularly far away from the star field. The four high-ranking gods were not completely dead after all, and there were still risks.



More than a year after the spacecraft left, a huge figure appeared in the starry sky.

It has the head of a human and the body of a snake. The upper body is naked and the muscles are knotted. The thick snake tail is covered with dark scales. Each scale is enough to split a big star. There is a golden powder mist floating behind it, vaguely visible. A kingdom of gods was created.

“This is where…the smell of blasphemy still lingers.”

The pale golden vertical pupils were filled with cold murderous intent. After sniffing the air for a few times, the snake’s tail trembled slightly, cracking the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles. In the next moment, he had already crossed half of the galaxy, rushing in one direction. Go, endless prayers and mantras came from the Kingdom of God behind him, bringing unimaginable huge blessings.

The road was filled with corpses of stars, and the stars of life were not spared. The stars were crushed, and all living creatures were taken into the Kingdom of God, as if turned into nutrients.

The divine bodies of the four high-ranking gods contain not a small amount of incense and wish power, and they are also related to a main-god-level artifact. In this case, it is enough to induce a main-god-level god to take action.



Lingyang Realm, the vast land of China, and the Fantasy Star Realm.

In the blink of an eye, the sun and the moon rotated around, and the spring, autumn, cold and heat passed. Several years have passed since that experience outside the territory.

In the past two years, the world of Lingyang has become much calmer. The three clans have maintained a tacit understanding and stability, and there are no more disputes. However, the list of geniuses has been changing from time to time.

There are several more names in the human race, and the most dazzling among them is none other than Taishi Lingchu, who ranks second on the list of geniuses with his cultivation level of the fourth level of heaven and human realm.

The most terrifying thing is that his true bone age is only twenty-four years old. Most people in the vast land of China regard him as the second Shi Lan, destined to overwhelm the younger generation of the human race.

Gao Linyuan followed closely behind him. He survived the catastrophe of heaven and man two years ago and cultivated his own small world. Among the human race, he is the most outstanding person after Taishi Lingchu.

The top of the list of geniuses is still Emperor Rakshasa. In recent years, Emperor Rakshasa has disappeared and cannot be found. However, the information on the list of geniuses has been changing. Her cultivation level is almost changing with each passing day. Now she has reached the ninth level of heaven and human realm. .

However, facing the catastrophe of world destruction, not many people thought that she could survive it in a short time. From ancient times to the present, Lingyang has only produced one Shi Lan.

Shi Lan, who rose from a small border town and transcended the world without any power behind her to rely on, her existence itself is a miracle.

Today, the way of heaven has changed, and the great catastrophe has become a real annihilation. There is no trace of vitality, and no living being can survive it.

Compared to Tianjiao, people from the three tribes regard Shi Lan as a monster.

The Fantasy Star Territory has also become much calmer, and the power structure has basically been finalized. Most of them are divided up by the Human Emperor family in the vast land of China, as well as a group of first- and second-grade forces.

The strong men of the two demon clans had already withdrawn from the competition after initially grabbing a batch of cultivation resources. Without the strong men of the Imperial Way, they would not be able to keep even if they grabbed a few life stars.

The vicinity of Yunyan Star has become a pure land, protected by the magic circle of the demon-suppressing army, and no force dares to offend it.

After years of hard work, the situation on Yunyan Star has also undergone great changes. Due to Shi Lan’s previous request, most of the cultivation resources on the star have been concentrated in the Tianyan Sect. The power of the various families has been growing since young. At the beginning of a generation, there was an inevitable decline.

In order to seek change, a large number of family members abandoned their sectarian views and began to transform into sects, recruiting disciples, and finally had some room to breathe.

When Shi Lan stepped into the outer battlefield, Yun Yanxing had already lost contact with the Qiongluo Realm. The outer battlefield was too far away from the Lingyang Realm. They were separated by hundreds of millions of light years and the space teleportation array could not connect such a long distance. .

Although the space channel with Qiongluo Realm was suddenly disconnected for some unknown reason, the channels with Qinghong Realm and Yuanji Realm are still operating normally. After these years of development, Tianyan Sect has more than one million disciples.

The core members of the sect were all confidants trained and promoted by Li Canglan. Therefore, although there were many disciples, they were still well organized and there was no chaos at all.

Outside the mountain gate, there are two teams of Jindan Realm disciples stationed. There is a constant flow of people coming and going, and there are escaping lights falling from time to time on the distant sky.

There are forbidden air formations around the mountain gate of Tianyan Sect. As the absolute overlord above this star, some necessary rules are indispensable.

Bai Weiyang slowly climbed up the stairs from the foot of the mountain. Looking at the soaring dragon atmosphere in Tianyan Sect, he sighed for a moment. Compared with the last time he came, the changes in Tianyan Sect were undoubtedly earth-shaking.

There is a vitality in the entire sect.

The disciples stationed in front of the door are already equivalent to Tiangang realm warriors in terms of Qi. With this level of cultivation, after practicing in the demon-suppressing army for a period of time, they can serve as the commander of ten thousand husbands, and they still look so young. There is a lot to do in the future.

Walking to the mountain gate, Bai Weiyang was stopped as expected. The disciples of the sect updated it several times, and not many people remembered that he had been here before.

“I am an old acquaintance of the leader of your sect. I came here to meet an old friend. Her name is Zhu Xiyang. I hope you can tell her.”

Bai Weiyang was not surprised by this and asked for a meeting according to the rules.

“Please wait here!”

Hearing that he was an old acquaintance of the sect master, the disciples stationed there did not dare to neglect him and arranged for Bai Weiyang to rest in the guest room. After serving him a cup of spiritual tea, he ran towards the depths of the sect.

Before the heat of the spirit tea dissipated, the disciple returned again, with some light sweat on his forehead.

Bai Weiyang stood up, his palms slightly clenched, but he stopped talking.

“Sorry, senior said that he has never heard of Bai Weiyang’s name. Please go back.”

The disciple raised his hand to indicate that his attitude was much colder. The Tianyan Sect was very powerful, and although there were not many people in this kind of clinging relationship, it was not uncommon.

“Please run away.”

Bai Weiyang’s eyes dimmed slightly, but she didn’t get entangled. She stood up and walked slowly towards the door.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, a bamboo leaf brushed against his sleeve and floated into the side room in the wind.

“Guests stay!”

Before he had gone far, a shout suddenly came from behind Bai Weiyang. Looking back, he saw the disciple who was stationed just now holding a bamboo leaf in his palm with a strange expression:

“Senior said…she knows a guy named Bai Bastard. Let me ask you one more thing…are you a bastard?”

After Bai Weiyang was silent for a long time, he chuckled, nodded and said:




“How far is it from the destination?”

In the cabin of the spaceship, Shi Lan paced back and forth, with inexplicable warning signs flashing in his heart, which made people uneasy.

At her level of cultivation, she would naturally have spiritual senses. There must be something extremely dangerous approaching her at this moment.

“It will take about half a month.” Karin also looked a little tired, her eyes were black and blue, her nerves were also tense, and it was difficult to sleep recently.

The appearance of Sog inevitably caused the spacecraft to change its course again, which was equivalent to directly crossing the galaxy, saving a lot of time.

Hearing that there was only half a month left, Shi Lan calmed down. Nothing should happen in half a month.

“What the hell is this!”

Not long after she was relieved, Karin suddenly opened her eyes and gasped.

The moment she spoke, Shi Lan had already noticed the strange energy and detected his spiritual thoughts.

A huge shadow covered the starry sky in the distance. There was no light source around this star field, and it was pitch black, but at this moment, it was clearly visible. Tiny meteorites were clearly visible, and behind the spacecraft were two pale golden vertical pupils that looked like stars. Illuminating the entire starry field.

A golden divine kingdom emerged behind the demonic figure, and the mighty mantra of prayer filled his ears like a demonic sound, causing Shi Lan’s mind to fall into chaos.

Thorny edge——

A dazzling golden divine light penetrated the dazzling galaxy, carrying a heavy Tao Yun and attacking!

Shi Lan regained his consciousness, and at the critical moment, he put the spaceship into the Qiongluo Realm, summoned the Dragon Cauldron out of prison, and got into it.

If you hide in the Qiongluo Realm at this moment, you are seeking your own death.


Amidst the violent sound, the Prison Dragon Cauldron was swept by the golden glow. The cauldron sank slightly and instantly collapsed and flew out. It was a thousand times faster than the speed of the spaceship, plowing a billions of miles across the starry sky. Tianyuan ravine!

“Bai Yu!”

The violent concussion force shattered Shi Lan’s internal organs, and cracks appeared on the bones. The murderous intention was approaching. She quickly calmed down, suppressed the severe pain in her body, sent a message to Bai Yu, and asked him to take out the burial… boundary.

There will be no unprovoked attacks and killings. The demonic shadow in the distance is obviously a certain Lord God. There is no second possibility!

The true spirit of the Prison Dragon Cauldron had already consumed most of its power when it was in the Fierce Hades Realm and has never been able to recover. Moreover, it has already been damaged in a single encounter. It is impossible for it to be the opponent of the Lord God in front of him.

“Construct a space-time channel and target the battlefield outside the territory!”

Shi Lan took a breath and pulled out the system panel.

[Constructing a space-time channel requires 0.4 units of nine-star energy, and the energy reserve is not…]

“Build! Use all your energy to build as far as you can!”

Before the system finished speaking, Shi Lan chose to confirm. This was not the time to save energy. The opening of the Burial World also required time to prepare. If she delayed any longer, she would die here immediately!

A space-time passage suddenly emerged in the starry sky, swallowing up the soaring Prison Dragon Cauldron and teleporting it to the distant shore of the starry sky.


A sharp scream sounded not far behind itself, and a terrifying sound wave surged in the starry sky. The endless space was shattered in an instant, and the time and space channels were also affected, and they collapsed step by step.

The space-time channel was affected, the space transmission was interrupted midway, and the Prison Dragon Cauldron rolled down into the starry sky.

Shi Lan shook his head, calmed his buzzing mind, and used his spiritual thoughts to scan the surrounding starry sky. Although the time and space channel did not take her to the battlefield outside the territory, it also teleported an extremely far distance, and she was temporarily out of danger.

In the distant starry sky, she had already seen an extremely vast continent. Three bright and scorching suns that were billions of times larger than ordinary stars hung in the galaxy. There were extremely thick blood fluctuations in them, as if they were living creatures.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lan perked up and wiped away the blood spurting out of his seven orifices, seeing a glimmer of hope.

Due to the influence of unknown forces, the Supreme cannot enter the battlefield outside the territory. As long as she can step into that area, she will be safe.

The spaceship reappeared, carrying Shi Lan to the distant continent. Karin obviously realized something, and began to push the spacecraft’s sailing speed regardless of the damage, and the engine could not stop screaming.

As his thoughts were spinning, Shi Lan turned his hand and took out three jade talismans and crushed them in an instant, and the light shield enveloped the entire spacecraft.

These three jade talismans were gifts from Chu Hanzhou. They could only resist the emperor-level extreme experts at best. They were no different from thin paper in front of the supreme being.

The strength of the incoming Supreme is unknown, and the Burial World has been damaged. Whether it can pose a threat to it is still unknown. Shi Lan does not expect these three jade talismans to protect her life, but only hopes to use them to send a message for help.

This place is not very far from the battlefield outside the territory. If Chu Hanzhou can receive the message, she may be able to save her life.



The moment the jade talisman shattered, Chu Hanzhou, who was sitting cross-legged in the human camp, suddenly opened his eyes, stood up and looked up at the starry sky.

The flow of time in the outer battlefield is not far from that of the big universe. He has been sitting here for nearly ten years, and now he finally hears Shi Lan’s movement.

The three jade talismans shattered one after another. It was obvious that they had encountered an irresistible and powerful enemy. The emperor-level extreme realm did not have this kind of strength, and it must be a combat power above the imperial realm.

After sensing for a moment and discovering that the jade talisman’s light shield was not broken, Chu Hanzhou breathed a sigh of relief. He walked to the domain gate and sent out a secret message. The opponent’s strength was unknown. Shi Lan could not make any mistakes. He had to ask for help. Complete.



Looking at the continent in the distance, Shi Lan only now deeply realized why Wangshan was running to death.

The speed of the spacecraft is almost at its peak. Traveling at nearly ten thousand times the speed of light, it covers billions of miles in an instant. However, this distance is almost insignificant in terms of the universe. After nearly half an hour, it is far away. The continent here has become a little bigger.


The dark wind blew through the universe, and the huge demonic shadow appeared not far behind the spacecraft again, covering the starry sky.

A stern look flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes, he put away the spaceship, and then opened the portal to the Qiongluo Realm behind him.


The Burial World opened its strings, and there was an overwhelming sound from the bow. The arrows carrying the terrifying calamity spirit whizzed off the strings and shot toward the god-demonic figure in the distance.

After leaving the Qiongluo Realm, the huge arrows, which were already terrifying in size, surged again, as if they could shoot down into the sky of the universe, creating a mighty tide wherever they passed.

This arrow obviously exceeded the expectations of the distant god. The arrow passed through his chest, tore his chest, shattered his heart, and then sank into the kingdom of God behind him. , a dazzling blood mist rose up, and the chanted prayer mantra turned into a painful roar that filled the sky, which was extremely harsh.


A high-pitched neighing sound was heard, full of violence. The three layers of barriers around Shi Lan that could withstand the strongest emperors were torn apart by the violent sound waves. The Prison Dragon Cauldron reappeared in the void, led by Bai Yu. Control, blocking the waves.


Bai Yu couldn’t help but cough up blood. The arrow from Burial World had already severely injured him. At this moment, he was getting more injured, and his expression was bitter:

“I couldn’t kill him with one arrow, so I’m in big trouble now.”

The gods in the distance were completely enraged and began to pursue him almost frantically. The shadow of the Kingdom of God behind him dimmed a lot, but the injuries on his body were recovering at an extremely terrifying speed.

Dazzling golden divine light burst out from his pupils, carrying a terrifying power, and hit the pitch-black cauldron one after another.

Nuts appeared one after another on the Prison Dragon Cauldron. Bai Yu gritted his teeth and stopped coughing up blood. The corners of his tiger eyes cracked, and blood gushed out like a spring, dyeing the silver thread red.


A soft barrier enveloped the starry sky, forming a large net that caught the rolling Prison Dragon Cauldron. In the deserted starry sky, more than ten figures appeared at some point, covering the void in all directions.

More than a dozen pieces of imperial weapons pressed across the cosmic starry sky, and the dazzling divine power of the imperial way filled the surrounding areas, protecting the Prison Dragon Cauldron. A pale silver sword box was in the main position, and three extremely eye-catching sky marks were engraved on the box body. The lid of the box has not yet been opened, but the sword energy has already torn apart the endless galaxy.

“If human history hadn’t temporarily set up a domain gate, we would almost never be able to catch up.”

A woman wearing a golden gown stepped forward. After checking the situation inside the Prison Dragon Cauldron, she patted her chest with a look of fear.


The huge figure in the distance had a cold gaze, and after staring at the Prison Dragon Cauldron with its vertical pupils as bright as golden fire, he slowly backed away.

“King Xuan, it seems to want to leave.”


Chu Hanzhou looked indifferent, with murderous intent, and sneered:

“The only way to hurt the genius of our clan is to die!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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