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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 556 Another Road

After leaving the ancient pagoda, Taishi walked towards the depths of the imperial palace with a steady pace.

After a few breaths, he crossed the space barrier and stepped into a secret realm.

This is a strange little world, full of ancient energy. There are many buildings in it, and their styles are different from those of the current world. They reveal the atmosphere of prehistoric wilderness, and the vitality of heaven and earth is extremely active.

This secret realm was inherited from the ancient times. It almost perfectly replicates the environment of the ancient times. Practicing here is equivalent to returning to the ancient times. It is dozens of times stronger than today’s Lingyang Realm.

In an ancient hall, there was a young man sitting cross-legged. He was dressed in black and had black hair shawl. His cultivation level was worthy of entering the Earthly Evil Realm.

Sensing the movement, the young man in black slowly opened his eyes and looked at Taishi entering the palace, with a trace of unnoticeable loneliness in his eyes.

In the past few years, he has been cultivating quietly in the Lingyang Realm, and the progress of his cultivation is not very satisfactory. When he came across time and space, the body he chose did not have much talent in martial arts.

In the vast land of China, it is the most unique secret realm of cultivation, and it is practiced in the supreme emperor’s scripture. As a result, it was not until recently that it was possible to enter the earthly evil realm.

This undoubtedly shocked him a little, and the Linglong Jade Wall didn’t give him much help. He thought it would contain Emperor Linglong’s magic.

If this situation continues, not only to aspire to the realm of the supreme giant, but also to restore his previous cultivation level will be a problem.

“Martial arts is not going to work. You can find another way. Martial arts is not suitable for all living beings.”

Obviously, Taishi also saw the trouble of the young man in front of him.

“Change another way…” The young man thought thoughtfully.

“If you are interested, I can send you to the big world for a try, where you may encounter other opportunities.”

After hearing this, the young man was silent for a moment, stood up slowly, and bowed:

“Please help me, Emperor.”

How could he be willing to live a mediocre life after giving up everything and traveling through eternity to reach this point? The past cannot be changed. This is a well-known iron law for future generations, but since he has come to this era, there must be some reason.

“Tomorrow I will send you in my incarnation to a big world where there are enough roads for you to try.”

Talking about the big world, Taishi raised his head slightly, his eyes penetrated the space barrier, and the boundless sky was reflected in his pupils burning with golden flames:

“There is a senior there who might be able to give you some care.”

“Senior?” The young man was startled: “In the Tianyuan World?”

In this secret realm, there were only two people, he and Ling Chu. In the past few years, he often went to Ling Chu for martial arts advice. From Ling Chu’s mouth, he heard a lot of information about the Tianyuan world.

It is an extremely vast world, embracing all kinds of rivers.

“It’s not Tianyuan, but on the other side of the universe.”

Taishi shook his head slightly and spoke again:

“That big world is called Shenwu, and humanity is uniquely prosperous.”



Qiongluo Realm, the headquarters of Tianyan Sect, the central secret realm.

Between the fairy mountains and the palaces, there are fairy flowers and herbs, jade trees, and majestic spiritual energy. The white tiger lies in the center of the spiritual pool, and the broken bones and organs are slowly healing.

In the previous battle, Bai Yu’s injuries were too severe and he fell into a deep sleep. He has never woken up. The burial world with obvious cracks is also soaked in the spiritual pool.

Judging from the previous arrow, the power of the Burial Realm has not weakened much, but the main god was too difficult to deal with, so he failed to achieve success with one arrow.

After confirming that Bai Yu’s condition was gradually improving, Shi Lan stood by the pool, looking at the stone tablet with a vague ‘仌’ shape engraved on it, his sight was unfocused and his eyes were cold.

The danger this time is no less than the desperate situation in the Hell King Realm. The Prison Dragon Cauldron also suffered a lot of trauma, and I don’t know how long it will take to recover.

As Chu Hanzhou said before, the universe is not as dangerous as the rising sun.

However, she had encountered enough dangers along the way, and there were hardly a few days of peace.


The pool water was filled with divine light, and Bai Yu regained his consciousness. Divine light bloomed in his body, and mysterious talismans flowed, accelerating the recovery of his injured body.

“How is the injury?” Shi Lan came back to his senses, squatted down and asked.

“It needs to be recuperated for two years, but fortunately the foundation has not been damaged.” Bai Yu shook his head slightly and looked at the burial world at the bottom of the pond, his eyes moving slightly:

“When I drew my bow before, the Burial World seemed to be thirsting for flesh and blood.”

“Thirsting for flesh and blood…” Shi Lan’s heart moved, and he reached out to take the Burial World into his hand. He drew a ball of Supreme Essence and Blood from the void and soaked the Burial World in it.

The moment it was immersed in the blood, the immortal patterns on the body surface of the Burial Realm evaporated with glow. These immortal patterns did not look like they were made by human hands. They were miraculous workmanship and seemed to be made by nature. The essence and blood penetrated into the bow body in threads, which were previously left in the Fierce Hades Realm. The four scars on his body showed signs of healing.

Seeing this, Shi Lan’s eyes flashed with joy, and then he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. This method of absorbing flesh and blood to repair himself did not look like a magical weapon, but more like some kind of living creature.

Within a moment, the divine essence in the Supreme Essence and Blood dissipated and turned into a ball of ordinary dirty blood. It lost even half of its aura. There were still four scars on the Burial World, but they looked a little lighter.

After a little calculation, Shi Lan gave up the idea of ​​continuing to warm up the burial world. According to this progress, even filling up all the blood and essence in her hands was not enough, so she could only wait until later.

“It’s important to rest in peace and recuperate. Please stay here for the time being.”

After returning the burial world to the spiritual pool, Shi Lan turned around and left the secret realm. The next moment, he had arrived in front of the spaceship.

There were many areas of damage to the spacecraft, and Karin was organizing people to repair them. The already black circles under her eyes became even darker.

“There is no need to rush to repair it. You can rest for a while first.”

Seeing the tired look on Karin’s face, Shi Lan raised his hand to stop the repair process of the spacecraft. The route back needs to be re-planned. Not only does it need to go to the world where the reincarnation is going, but it also needs to completely bypass the prosperous world. Galaxy, there is no need to rush.



The vast land of China, Chengtian Domain, Soaring Dragon City.

Due to the successive entry of various forces, the sphere of influence in Chengtian Domain has been more clearly divided. Today, Tenglong City belongs to a third-level force called Yuanling Sect.

Since a few years ago, Tenglong City has begun to rebuild, and now it is even more lively than before.

The year after Shi Lan left home, Shi Tianlu took his family back to this small town.

As soon as the imperial decree came out, the existence of the Shi family was quickly discovered by interested people. Every day, there were a mountain of greetings and generous gift orders.

Naturally, these people had no ill intentions, they just wanted to establish friendship with Shi Lan, but Shi Tianlu couldn’t bear the disturbance, and thanking guests behind closed doors could not stop the influx of favors, so they simply returned to Tenglong City.

The strength of the Shi family is too weak compared to those of the Human Emperor family and even the first-class forces with imperial soldiers. When the strength is completely unequal, it is not a good thing to have too close contact.

On the other hand, Shi Tianlu didn’t want to cause trouble to Shi Lan.

Although the area of ​​Tenglong City is extremely desolate, not as good as some famous spiritual lands in the Chengtian Domain, and even more different from the Zhongtian Domain, for Shi Tianlu, it is his hometown, and he has spent most of his life there. Time is spent here.

Shi Tianlu has no idea about his childhood memories. He only remembers that his parents died young and he has been wandering with no fixed place. Later, by chance, he set foot in martial arts, entered Tenglong City, and established a martial arts family.

The reason why Shi Feng was adopted in the first place was out of compassion for people with the same fate.

Regarding the management of Tenglong City, Shi Tianlu no longer interfered. He just bought the newly built mansion on the original location of Shi Mansion and entered a semi-secluded life, concentrating on martial arts.

In today’s Shi Mansion, apart from a few people from the Shi family, there are only a few guardians left.

After staying in the Earthly Evil Realm for many years, he accumulated a lot of experience, coupled with some of the cultivation resources left by Shi Lan before. After entering the Tiangang Realm, Shi Tianlu’s practice became smoother. Now he has opened the door of life and death and entered the late stage of the Tiangang Realm.

This level of cultivation is certainly nothing when looking at the whole of China, but in this three-acre area of ​​Tenglong City, it is enough to solve most of the problems.

A space passage appeared above the peaceful town. A moment later, six strange beasts pulled a purple golden luan out of the passage.

An invisible barrier enveloped the entire vehicle without anyone noticing.

The next moment, three figures appeared in front of the Shifu Gate. Two old men in their sixties and a middle-aged man in purple handed over greeting cards to the guards in front of the door.

Soon, the three of them stepped into Shi Mansion and saw Shi Tianlu in the living room.

Shi Qinghu, who returned from the Boundless Demon Realm not long ago, heard that a visitor was coming and followed him.

“You are…King Xuan?!”

After looking at the three of them for a few times, Shi Tianlu’s expression changed and he quickly stood up and saluted.

When he was in the Zhongtian Domain, in order to avoid provoking powerful enemies, Shi Tianlu had spent great efforts to collect a batch of information, which naturally included portraits of giants from all sides. Chu Hanzhou was one of the four princes, and he was not strangeness.

“No need to be polite.”

Chu Hanzhou waved his hand: “Shi Lan is busy with affairs and it is difficult to return home recently. I asked the king to come here to send a message that everything is fine and there is no need to worry about him.”

“I see.”

Shi Tianlu breathed a sigh of relief and said slightly apologetically:

“I’d like to ask King Xuan to come in person.”

“These two are the guardians of Lieyu Tower, and will be in charge of Shi Mansion later.”

Halfway through his words, Chu Hanzhou turned around and explained:

“Lieyu Tower was originally a force in my hands. A few years ago, it was transferred to Shi Lan. Although they have never met, they can be regarded as Shi Lan’s subordinates.”

“Thank you, King Xuan.”

Shi Tianlu did not refuse. A prince came to the door in person. To refuse in words would inevitably seem a bit disrespectful.

“No need to thank you, who is this?”

Seeing Shi Qinghu on the side, Chu Hanzhou’s eyes flashed,

“This is the dog, Qinghu.”

“Qinghu, what a good name. There is a demonic spirit in his blood. If I am not mistaken, what I should practice is the Nine Spirits Casting Foundation Technique.”

While speaking, Chu Hanzhou had already detected a ray of true energy and seeped into Shi Qinghu’s body. After seeing clearly the two layers of Dao foundation in Shi Qinghu’s dantian, he couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

The Nine Spirits Foundation Casting Technique is not a very profound method. Only warriors with limited prospects will practice it. Most of them use the essence and blood of the Demon King or even the Great Demon to condense the Dao Foundation. At most, it is only the essence and blood of the Heavenly Demon and the Heavenly Demon. So the achievements are limited.

But Shi Qinghu’s two levels of Dao foundation have gone far beyond common sense.

The demon emperor’s first-level divine phoenix essence blood, coupled with another extremely high-level unknown creature’s blood, these two levels of Dao foundation alone have made Shi Qinghu’s talent surpass that of most people in the vast land of China.

People or families who have the means to obtain this level of essence and blood simply disdain the Nine Spirits Casting Foundation Technique.

In addition to requiring nine kinds of powerful living essences and blood, the Nine Spirits Foundation Casting Method also has a drawback. The Tao Foundation formed by different essences and blood will inevitably conflict, thus placing a heavy burden on the warrior.

But judging from Shi Qinghu’s body, his true energy did not conflict at all, and the two Dao foundations were almost perfectly blended.

Without asking, Chu Hanzhou had already guessed that these two Dao foundations must have come from Shi Lan’s hands. The pool of Divine Phoenix blood in the ancient Phoenix City was taken away by Shi Lan.

“If you don’t mind, you can let Qinghu come with me, and I will arrange for someone to teach him later.”

For a moment, Chu Hanzhou became interested in talents. Without Shi Lan, given the situation of the Shi family, it would be difficult to obtain the essence and blood of creatures above the imperial level.

There are two layers of Immaculate Dao Foundation in front. If you use the essence and blood of low-level creatures later, this talent will be wasted.

With these two Dao foundations, even if Shi Qinghu cannot step into the emperor level in the future, it is certain that he will be a heavenly person.

“This is a bit annoying to King Xuan.”

Hearing what Chu Hanzhou said, Shi Tianlu was naturally surprised, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

He didn’t know the extent of the relationship between Shi Lan and Chu Hanzhou, and he never thought that if Shi Lan had nodded, the Xuanwang lineage would have changed hands now. He didn’t want Qinghu’s favor to affect his future. Shi Lan.

“You don’t have to worry about it.”

Chu Hanzhou saw Shi Tianlu’s concerns at a glance, shook his head slightly and said:

“This is a matter between me and Qinghu, and has nothing to do with Shi Lan.”

“Qinghu, are you willing?”

Hearing this, Shi Tianlu looked at Shi Qinghu aside, he still had to make his own decision whether he was willing or not.

This kind of decision is very likely to affect his life. Shi Tianlu will not interfere with Shi Qinghu’s own thoughts.

“I want to go.”

Shi Qinghu didn’t hesitate at all. He was very aware of the limitations of his power, and this might be his only chance.

He needs strong strength so that his sister can at least not have to worry about home when she is running around.

Such a straightforward response made Chu Hanzhou’s lips curl into a smile:

“Your sister is an amazing person and I hope you can be too.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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