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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 562 Fate (please subscribe)

After resting in the Malbrai Star Territory for a month, Shi Lan took Karin and others on the journey to the Great World of Shenwu.

Also taken away were a large number of evolution potions and energy crystals prepared by Resa for her.

Karin and others were a little excited to be able to start the voyage with Shi Lan again, and the cold and cold universe seemed to feel a little warmer in their eyes.

During this month, the spacecraft also made some modifications to further improve its performance.

The rest room of the spaceship was originally equipped with a sleeping cabin, but after staying in the Qiongluo Realm for a long time, naturally no one would like to sleep in a cold sleeping cabin, so they replaced it with a uniform bed.

In addition to her own lounge, Karin also placed a large bed in the cabin where Shi Lan often stayed, and laid it carefully and neatly.



The great world of Shenwu is extremely far away from the Malbrai star field. According to Karin’s estimation, it will take at least nearly fifty years of sailing time to reach it.

Shi Lan obviously couldn’t tolerate spending so much time on the road. She turned the Qiongluo Realm upside down and dug out nearly 0.2 units from the trophies left by many previous reincarnations. of nine-star energy.

Coupled with the energy she had accumulated before, she used the system to build a straight space channel in the starry sky, which saved about thirty years of time.

As the distance to the great world of Shenwu gradually narrowed, the starry sky became increasingly desolate, and not even a few stars could be seen, let alone the vast world.

The starry sky was dim and dull, as if it had been drained of life. It was completely silent. Except for a bright light coming from an extremely distant front, there was no other light source.

Shi Lan already had some expectations for this scenario.

Although the area near the Sarovina Interstellar Federation is stronger than here, it is still desolate, and few worlds exist. It is simply that the world that was supposed to exist has been destroyed.

As a big world, we often need to devour worlds for nourishment. If there are worlds in the galaxies near the big world, then it is truly abnormal.

In this case, the probability of encountering the system is almost zero.

“Are there no system carriers in the world of Shenwu?”

On one side of the spacecraft, Shi Lan stood by the porthole. Thinking of what Samsara had said before, he couldn’t help but be a little confused:

“Isn’t the source power of the big world more abundant? Why is there no system?”

“The situation in the Great World of Shenwu is more complicated. The power of Heaven is still in the hands of Heaven. The supreme giants in it rarely sleep. They are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in source power. Almost every hundred years, the origin of the world will be inspected. , it is difficult to steal source power.”

The manufacturing of the system also requires costs. If it is accidentally caught by these supreme giants, the system will be destroyed and cannot be recycled. Over time, when the investment and the harvest are not proportional, the headquarters will give up on this big world.

The same is true for the Palace of Reincarnation. Compared to the system, the risk of exposure for the reincarnators is greater. The connection between them and the Lord God of Reincarnation is so obvious to the eyes of the supreme giants that it is too dazzling.

As for the Tiandao Alliance, they do not want to be imprinted by the Tiandao of the Shenwu Great World, which will cause them to be subject to unnecessary restrictions when moving in other worlds in the universe.

In short, the world of Shenwu is almost a pure land. Except for the world formed by the fusion of all parties, there are no forces that span the heavens and the world.

But these things happened a long time ago. After that world disappeared out of thin air, Samsara also began to have doubts about some of the information in his database.

As time goes by, no one can say whether some changes have occurred.

“That’s it.” Shi Lan thought thoughtfully.


“grown ups.”

The cabin door opened, and Karin came in holding neatly folded sheets and said hello.

After silently changing the original sheets on the bed, she exited the cabin again.

In Shi Lan’s view, this kind of thing doesn’t make much sense. She spends most of her time in seclusion in the Qiongluo Realm. This bed is rarely used, and there is no dust on her body. There is no need to wash and replace the sheets.

But after mentioning it twice, Karin always insisted, and Shi Lan said nothing more.

“Headquarters gave me some more energy.”

After Samsara’s words fell, a cold female voice sounded in Shi Lan’s mind one after another:

“Trigger of the side mission: Defeat the master of Taixu Sword Sect, Wei Haiqing.”

“The side mission has been completed and the rewards are being settled…”

“Reward energy crystal x1.”

Deep in Shi Lan’s soul, in a void of space, there were nearly a hundred lights and shadows, large and small, suspended.

A figure stood in the corner, and from time to time a message would flow out of its hand and disappear into the light and shadow.

Samsara now has nearly a hundred system numbers in its hands. It will change the numbers from time to time and try to apply for assistance from the headquarters. From time to time, it will always receive some unexpected surprises.

Although the source of income is very rare, it is still an extra income.

After decomposing the energy crystal, Shi Lan opened the system panel, looked at the current balance of nine-star energy, and made some calculations in his mind.



After leaving the cabin where Shi Lan was, Karin hugged the sheets and returned to her room.


The hatch closed slowly, Karin leaned against the hatch, lowered her head and buried her face deeply into the sheets.


Muffled gasps seeped out from the sheets, filled with pleasure.

“…the smell of adults…”

After a while, she slowly raised her head, with an obvious flush on her face, and her blue eyes filled with water.

After a while, she carefully folded the sheets neatly and put them in the closet.

There are already nearly a hundred sets of bed sheets of the same style in the cabinet, neatly stacked.

After a while, she closed the cabinet door and locked it, standing in the mirror to adjust her appearance. Soon the redness on her face faded and she returned to her usual seriousness.


When Karin opened the cabin door again and prepared to leave the room, Shi Lan was standing outside the cabin.

The moment their eyes met, the cold and solemn look on Karin’s face instantly broke. She subconsciously took a few steps back and looked back at the closet.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Karin’s expression was different, Shi Lan was a little confused and followed her gaze to the closet.

On the spaceship, she rarely used her spiritual thoughts. After all, she had no habit of using her spiritual thoughts to spy on other people’s secrets. Naturally, she had no way of knowing what Karin was doing just now.

“It’s nothing. What do you want from me, sir?” Karin quickly regained her composure and calmly blocked Shi Lan’s gaze.

“I just forgot to ask you how long the remaining journey will take.”

“About four years and seven months.” Karin replied instantly.

“about there……”

After Shi Lan summed it up for a moment, his eyes flashed slightly, he stepped out of the spacecraft, put the spacecraft into the Qingluo Realm, and then pulled out the system panel.

[Constructing a space-time channel, targeting the Shenwu World, requires 0.21 units of nine-star energy. The energy reserve is sufficient. Do you want to build it? 】


A space-time passage appeared in front of Shi Lan, and the surging essence of heaven and earth poured down, nourishing a starry sky.

Feeling the vast divine energy coming towards him, Shi Lan took a deep breath and stepped into the passage.



The great world of Shenwu, the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty.

Since the day of the founding of the dynasty, after Qinglan killed Wei Peng and established his authority, the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty has never been disturbed by any attacks. The two dynasties thousands of miles away have successively submitted documents of alliance. Along with the documents, there are also There are a lot of spiritual resources as a meeting gift.

The two dynasties did not have a harmonious relationship with each other, and they were unwilling to make enemies out of thin air, which prompted the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty to turn to the other side, so their attitudes were relatively mild.

After condensing the fortune of the dynasty, Qing Lan began to expand the territory of the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty almost without stopping.

Her first step was to uproot Cangyang Palace and kill them all.

People who were related to the people in Cangyang Palace, who were related by blood, were all dug out by Qing Lan using the secret method of immortality. She did not have the energy to slowly influence these people, so she simply killed them all.

Heads fell to the ground from all sides, and rivers of blood flowed. In some areas, the blood evil lingered for decades and spawned many evils.

Such ferocious murderousness almost frightened many sect families who had some contact with Cangyang Palace. They moved their entire clan and hid in the territory of the other two dynasties.

In just a few years, Qinglan expanded the territory of the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty by nearly tens of millions of miles, and only after approaching the territories of the other two dynasties did it gradually subside.

Most of the sect families that had little connection with Cangyang Palace chose to stay and bow to the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty. The reason for this was that the leader of the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty did not hesitate to spread rumors about the forces joining her. Published a supreme law.

Although it is somewhat incomplete, it already contains the method to enter the eighth level, which is extremely precious.

Such a generous move immediately won over many people’s hearts and gave Qing Lan a large number of seventh-order powerhouses under his command.



Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty, the imperial capital.

Inside the city made of black ice, the scenery is plain and cold.

In the main hall, Qing Lan is sitting high on the throne, wearing a blue-gold imperial robe. Her hair is full of blue hair tied up with a dark blond crown. The coldness in her eyebrows is more piercing than the ten thousand years of black ice on the city wall. .

Under the steps made of ice jade, there are two rows of figures. The one on the left is headed by Cang Yue, followed by a group of great demons and demon kings. On the right is a strong human race, headed by the original team of the Red Fire Sword Sect. Lord, a top master who has integrated into many sects.

At this moment, the creatures in both rows held their breaths and even slowed down their heartbeats. There was no sound in the hall, the atmosphere was extremely oppressive, and no movement could be heard.

After reviewing the files in front of her line by line, Qinglan put a strand of hair hanging in front of her forehead back behind her ears, raised her head, glanced below, and spoke slowly:

“Five years ago, I wanted three thousand golden bodies, but why have only 1,800 been completed now?”

“Emperor, the materials for the golden body you want are all jade spiritual marrow of ten thousand years. These 1,800 pieces have already exhausted the imperial court’s inventory… so…”

A middle-aged man standing at the top on the right stood up bravely, bowed and replied, Zhao Xuanyi, as the original leader of the Scarlet Fire Sword Sect, had a very high status among the strong men of the human race, but at this moment In front of Qinglan, she didn’t dare to breathe.

Five years ago, Qinglan issued an imperial edict to demolish mountains and temples, razing all the temples of incense gods within tens of thousands of miles. These gods were all included in the list of obscene sacrifices, and living sacrifices were no longer allowed. bye.

Even a branch of the Buddhist sect was directly expelled from the territory of the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty by Qinglan. Such a domineering style attracted countless rumors.

Buddhism has a transcendent status in the world of Shenwu. It is a powerful force with supreme giants. Few people dare to offend it. Many powerful dynasties, even if they don’t like Buddhism, will give it three points and allow it to preach.

After doing this, Qing Lan once again ordered that three thousand golden bodies of his own should be built in the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty, so that one person could exclusively enjoy all the incense and wish power of the Immortal Dynasty.

For a powerful practitioner who can move mountains and fill seas, it is naturally not difficult to shape a mere golden body. However, Qinglan has extremely high requirements for the materials used for the golden body, at least ten thousand years of jade spiritual marrow.

Just for the materials needed for these 1,800 golden bodies, they had to wait three feet behind the entire Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty before they could assemble them.

Zhao Xuanyi carefully looked at Qing Lan’s expression, which was a bit bitter. From Qing Lan’s expressionless face, he really couldn’t figure out any of Qing Lan’s thoughts.

“The materials used can be downgraded, and it must be completed within a year.”

After a moment of silence, Qing Lan dropped this sentence, and before Zhao Xuanyi could speak, she turned her head and looked at Cang Yue standing on the other side:

“Are the arrangements for the ancestral blood pool in place?”

“Emperor Qi, the relocation has been completed. It will take some time to set up the protective array.” Cang Yue replied respectfully.

“As soon as possible.” Qing Lan nodded slightly and glanced at the others.

“Do you have anything else to report?”

A moment passed and there was a silence in the hall.

“Retreat from the court.”

Before he finished speaking, Qinglan’s figure had disappeared from the throne.



In the vast sea of ​​stars, Shi Lan stood in the void, looking at the vast continent in front of him, feeling a little lost for a moment.

The continent in front of us is so vast that the vertical and horizontal distances are measured in light years. Countless broad ocean currents run through it. The entire continent seems to be divided into countless small areas. At a glance, it looks like fragments. Made of splicing.

Far more than a million stars are arranged in the sky, dotted all over the sky, and a sun that is billions of times larger than the ordinary blazing sun hangs in the starry sky, swallowing the vast true fire of the sun, and the fluctuations are extremely frightening.

Not far away are nine equally large lunar stars, filled with monstrous lunar power, vaguely arranged in an array, balancing the blazing yang energy in the starry sky.

“This is the great world of Shenwu.” Shi Lan’s eyes were shining with light.

This is the first time she has seen the panoramic view of the big world. The memory that was returned from Qinglan before was only a corner of the world in front of her, and she never got a glimpse of the whole world.

Withdrawing her mind, Shi Lan put on her battle armor, turned into a stream of light, tore through the void, and escaped into the world of Shenwu. She is the source of the Lan clan’s bloodline. As soon as she stepped into the world of Shenwu, she felt the blood from her ancestors. The call of the pool.

That direction was extremely far away from her, and it would take some time to get there.

After driving for a while, Shi Lan suddenly came back to his senses and summoned Bai Yu from the Qiongluo Realm. Bai Yu was traveling much faster than her.

There are so many powerful people in the world of Shenwu. The defense of the spaceship is too fragile and it is very likely to be blown up by powerful creatures passing by. Bai Yu’s probability of encountering danger is much smaller. With the eighth level of extreme cultivation, even In the big world, it is impossible to see it everywhere.

“This world is accepting me…”

As soon as he stepped into the world of Shenwu, a trace of confusion appeared in Bai Yu’s eyes. The energy in his body was boiling rapidly. The field filled with Gengjin’s sharp energy was covered with starry sky. Endless runes were engraved in it. The runes began to stir, and the whole area was filled with energy. Begins to contract slowly.

After a moment, Bai Yu suddenly woke up, put away the compressed rune field, and looked at Shi Lan:

“He seemed to be tempting me to become enlightened.”

“Tempting you into enlightenment?”

Hearing this, Shi Lan was startled, and then quickly realized that Bai Yu’s cultivation had already reached the eighth level, and he was only one step away from attaining enlightenment. The Qiongluo Realm had always limited his cultivation.

Thinking of this, Shi Lan immediately said: “It depends on your own thoughts. There is nothing wrong with becoming a Taoist in this world.”

The world of Shenwu is powerful enough and can accommodate hundreds of rivers. If Bai Yu can rely on this world to achieve enlightenment, it will be a good thing for Bai Yu. As for whether Bai Yu will devour the Lord after becoming enlightened, she has not considered this at all.

Having been together through life and death several times, she and Bai Yu didn’t even have this little trust.

The opportunity of enlightenment that he has been waiting for for countless years is right in front of him, within reach. How could Bai Yu not be tempted? After thinking back and forth for a long time, Bai Yu finally shook his head:

“My Lord, I have gathered the fruits of Taoism, and I have achieved Taoism in the Qiongluo Realm, and it will be the same.”

The opportunity to become enlightened was right in front of him, but he still chose to give up. This undoubtedly required great perseverance and courage.

The moment he refused to become enlightened, the laws of heaven and earth condensed around him gradually faded away, which meant that Heaven was aware of Bai Yu’s resistance. Even if he repented at this moment, Heaven would no longer be willing to accept his Dao fruit.

The power of God cannot be violated, and Bai Yu has completely missed the world of Shenwu.

The reason why he gave up was because after he became enlightened by relying on the Great World of Shenwu, he would no longer have anything to do with the Qiongluo Realm, and the laws of heaven and earth in the Qiongluo Realm would also exclude him.

Even with Shi Lan’s existence, the laws of heaven and earth in the Qiongluo Realm would not hurt him, but he still felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of being rejected by his homeland.

And compared to becoming a Taoist here, he always felt that following Shi Lan might have a better future. Along the way, he watched Shi Lan grow up step by step.

The day when Shi Lan will become enlightened will never be too far away. You and I have been waiting for countless years, so there is no harm in waiting a little longer.

“The foundation of the Qiongluo Realm is weak after all, and it is far from comparable to the big world.”

Seeing this, Shi Lan stopped trying to persuade him. It was Bai Yu’s own idea where to become enlightened, and there was no need for her to interfere.

After pointing out the direction, she climbed on Bai Yu’s back and rushed towards the ancestral blood pool. What made her most urgent now was to find Qing Lan’s location.

Sensing Shi Lan’s somewhat disordered heartbeat, Bai Yu sped up his feet. The wings formed by condensed Gengjin sharp energy tore through the sky, and swept across hundreds of millions of miles in a snap.

Such a huge movement alarmed many powerful beings. Their spiritual thoughts intertwined like a net and enveloped the void. After discovering Shi Lan sitting on Bai Yu’s back, they all retreated.

Most of the owners of these spiritual thoughts are supreme beings.

With an eighth-level and fourth-level cultivation, you can tame a white tiger that is about to become enlightened as a mount. Ordinary Supremes don’t have this background at all. This almost has a profound background written on their faces, and no one dares to offend him easily.

After driving like this for two days, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky and blocked Shi Lan’s way.

The person who came was a young man who looked to be less than thirty years old. He was wearing a moon-white gown, with long dark hair shawl. He had a handsome appearance, a smile on his face, and a gentle breath.

“Where are you going, little friend, in such a hurry? Perhaps I can give you a ride.”

Shi Lan’s heart condensed. The man in front of her was extremely powerful. He was definitely not an ordinary supreme man. He gave her the feeling that he was more dangerous than the Lord God who was chasing her in the starry sky before.

Obviously, she can never afford to offend an existence of this level now.

“I’m afraid it’s a bit troublesome for seniors.” Shi Lan did not refuse directly, so as not to make the people in front of him feel that he had lost face.

“It’s easy, no need to worry. I’m Li Guannan, what do you want me to call you?”

“Shi Lan.”

With this kind of existence, one can tell at a glance whether what she said is true or false. It is better to be more calm and secretive, which will only arouse people’s suspicion.

“I see that you are still young and your cultivation is already so extraordinary, but I have never heard of your name on any major ranking list. I guess you rarely move around in the world…”

Having said this, Li Guannan’s eyes flashed and he said no more. After asking Shi Lan the direction he wanted to go, he raised his hand to touch the void and said lightly:

“The wind is coming!”

The laws of heaven and earth surged, turning into a pair of invisible wings, falling on Bai Yu’s side, and an extremely powerful thrust rose, sending Shi Lan into Qingming.

Compared with just now, Bai Yu’s speed increased by more than a hundred times, and the explosive wind blowing in front of him was enough to tear apart the bodies of all the creatures under the Supreme Being.

Shi Lan, who was sitting on his back, had never felt any wind force. All the strong winds were blocked by the invisible wings.

This was the first time that Shi Lan had seen this level of speaking and speaking. It was tantamount to a great supernatural power, and he was a little surprised for a while.

“If you have finished dealing with the urgent matter at hand, you can come here to find me again. I will give you an opportunity to form a good relationship with your elders.”

A clear voice came from the wind, and the gentle tone could not help but make people feel good.

“Thank you, senior.”

That was what he said, but Shi Lan had no intention of coming back at all.

It was hard for her to understand Li Guannan’s temperament when they met by chance. It was quite dangerous for her to get along with a strong man of this level. It was like dancing on the tip of a knife. If she was not careful, her life would be in danger. .

She was insecure, always had been.



Because he didn’t know how long this wind would last, Bai Yu didn’t take a breath, and traveled through the starry night. After a few days, he slowly stopped over a mountain range.

This is a very ordinary mountain range with no hidden spiritual veins. It is an area that cannot attract powerful beings to stay.

Shi Lan stood up from Bai Yu’s back, the blood in his body surged, he closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing, and soon his sight fell to the bottom of a valley.

In an instant, a ray of divine light overflowed from her eyes, and her gaze seemed to have substance, turning into an invisible heavenly sword and slashing down.

The pattern of the first-layer magic circle lit up slightly, and then shattered instantly. A blood pool was hidden at the bottom of the valley. There was a stone wall in the center of the blood pool.

Guarding the ancestral blood pool were two great demons of the soul. The moment the magic circle was shattered, the demonic power around them swayed, ready to take action.

After losing the barrier of the magic circle, an extremely friendly aura appeared above the head. After seeing Shi Lan standing in the air, the two great demons looked a little unbelievable, and then quickly knelt down and kowtowed:

“See you, Your Majesty!”

Although Shi Lan’s appearance has changed a lot, the aura of the bloodline source cannot be faked. When they were in the Lingyang Realm, they had not yet transformed, but they had seen Shi Lan several times before, and they were no strangers to him.

After glancing at the two great demon queens, Shi Lan fell to the bottom of the valley. She wanted to know what the Lan clan had done over the years.


A moment later, Bai Yu rose into the sky again. Standing on his back was Shi Lan, his eyes restrained and his expression unwavering.

“Your Majesty, the ancestral blood pool…”

The two great demons of the soul want to follow, but the ancestral blood pool needs people to guard it.

“You can come as you wish, it’s just a pool of blood essence.”

Lowering his head and glancing at the ancestral blood pool, Shi Lan said calmly:

“When I am here, the Ancestral Blood Pool is there.”



Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty, the imperial capital.

In the secret room deep in the ice city, Qing Lan, who was practicing cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The surrounding magic circle suddenly fluctuated, and a curtain of light appeared in front of her eyes.

Within the light curtain, the vast sky is reflected. A woman wearing a pale golden armor, standing on a white tiger, is high in the sky. Her grace is peerless, eye-catching and dazzling. Between her gestures, the sky seems to be cracked, separated by the light curtain. , I can still feel the powerful Qi in her that is enough to drink the sun and swallow the moon.

In an instant, a divine light flashed in the woman’s eyes, and her gaze was like a sharp blade pressing into her body, as if it had penetrated her body through a light curtain.


The next moment, the light curtain exploded.

The person and the tiger in the picture just appeared in Qinglan’s mind, and she stood up slowly. There was not much fear in her expression, only a sense of relief.

The reason why she moved the ancestral blood pool away from the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty in the first place was to give a warning when Shi Lan arrived so that she would not be caught off guard.


Qing Lan slowly walked out of the secret room, issued an imperial edict, and summoned all the cutting-edge combat forces of the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty.

Over the ice city, the fortune of the dynasty gradually manifested itself. The dragon soared into the sky, breathing in mighty divine energy. The fine scales reflected the dazzling glazed light.

Today… I finally have closure…



In a corridor in the corner of the Ice City, Cang Yue, who had just received the Qinglan Emperor’s order, suddenly changed her eyes. She raised her head and looked north at the sky. Her long silver hair danced lightly on her shoulders, and her narrow eyes suddenly widened, revealing an obvious emotion. Shocked.

An extremely friendly aura came from the far north and was approaching rapidly, which was the direction of the Ancestral Blood Pond.

Many big demons and transformed demon kings also felt this energy, soared into the sky one after another, and looked towards the north in unison.

Due to Qinglan’s imperial order, many powerful human beings who came in a hurry saw the strange movements of the demon kings, and they couldn’t help but be curious, and then looked at the empty sky.

In the eyes of thousands of people, a white tiger with wings appeared at the end of the sky. With a snap of his fingers, it arrived above the Ice City. The sharp Gengjin killing energy swept the world, and a trace of energy leaked suppressed the entire world. An ice city.

Qinglan walked out of the city, and the invisible fortune condensed under her feet, turning into a ladder to the sky, sending her straight into the clouds.

After being baptized by Asura’s blood pool, Shi Lan’s appearance has changed a lot. At this moment, standing with Qing Lan, there are only five points of similarity between the eyebrows and the different auras. When they meet in different places, it is difficult for ordinary people to connect the two people, and they will only feel that they are slightly familiar.

“See you, Your Majesty!”

The sound of roaring mountains and tsunami came from the city, and after feeling the call from the source of the bloodline, the demon kings of the Lan tribe who had achieved some level of cultivation rushed to this area.

After seeing Shi Lan, who stood on the white tiger and stood high in the sky, they all knelt down, kowtowed, and paid homage, with obvious joy in their expressions.

Although Shi Lan’s appearance has changed a lot, the feeling of blood connection cannot be faked.

This feeling is something Qing Lan doesn’t have.

Only Cang Yue didn’t have any joy in her expression. When she bowed to greet him, there was a deep look of worry in her eyes.

This worry is for Qinglan.

He had already discovered the changes in Qing Lan, and secretly speculated that for some reason, Qing Lan might have escaped Shi Lan’s control and had other intentions.

From the day Qing Lan established the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty, he had already confirmed this idea, but he had never stated it clearly.

This scene before him had been envisioned in his mind, but he never expected it to happen so quickly.



Qing Lan looked at the demon kings below and slowly tightened her palms. She had never seen such a smile of joy from the heart on the faces of these demon kings.

In front of her, these demon kings always had only awe on their faces.

Along the way, she truly regarded these monsters as her own people. She worked hard and faced many powerful enemies, and as a result, she narrowly escaped death several times.

It was obvious that she was trying her best to consider them, but now, as soon as Shi Lan appeared, her existence was almost ignored.

Obviously, in the eyes of these demon kings, she was just an incarnation of Shi Lan. Everything she did was labeled as Shi Lan, and it should be attributed to Shi Lan.


After a while, Qing Lan chuckled, and slowly loosened his grip on his palms. The Luck True Dragon that had just formed behind him suddenly collapsed. In an instant, an endless feeling of exhaustion surged into his heart.

This feeling of being betrayed by everyone almost completely defeated her, and the three points of morale she had finally raised collapsed in an instant.

After entering the Tribulation Realm, she thought she had defeated her inner demons, but now, in front of Shi Lan, she still didn’t even have the courage to raise her sword.

She had already been completely defeated before even fighting.

Qing Lan’s eyes fell on Shi Lan. The woman in front of her just stood there quietly, her expression as calm as ever. There was no murderous intention, no anger, and no aloof arrogance, just like a pool of stagnant water.

From those eyes, Qinglan could not see anything, including her own existence.


Shi Lan’s face was very calm, not much troubled, just a little tired, and his face had a little bit of the weather stained by traveling on a starry night.

The reason she didn’t take action was because she was waiting.

Wait for Qinglan to make the first move and give her an excuse to kill her with peace of mind.

On the way here, her spiritual thoughts had already swept through the entire Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty. She already knew nine out of ten of what Qing Lan had done, and she had also roughly guessed the changes that had happened to Qing Lan.

Apparently for some unknown reason, Qing Lan, whose spirit was relatively independent, gave birth to his own consciousness and wanted to escape from her control.

After the doubts in her heart were cleared, Shi Lan felt much more relaxed. This situation was much better than she had imagined.

She had always had many doubts in her mind before, whether there was a problem in the fairy scripture Tiancang Lingxuan Jing, whether Qinglan was occupied by an unknown existence, or whether it was the plant in the small world. Qinglian, whose consciousness was not cut off by her, is now revived.

Before coming here, she was even prepared for a fierce battle.

The current situation is much better than she imagined. Even if she awakens herself, it is still her incarnation.

At least they were once the same person.

She didn’t want to kill Qing Lan until she had a reason to take action.

It is not Qinglan’s fault that she has awakened herself. In the final analysis, the reason is that she cut the immortal spirit out of her body.

The fundamental reason for cutting the Immortal Dao Soul out of the body is to prevent disaster and avoid the investigation of Ling Yang Tiandao.

It can be said that Shi Lan didn’t pay much attention to the incarnation of Qing Lan or even the original Lan tribe.

The birth of the Lan clan was just an accident of chance. Qing Lan was born just because she needed an incarnation to suffer the disaster for her.

In a sense, Qinglan was born to die for her.

For Qing Lan, there was always a trace of unnoticeable guilt in a corner of her heart.

Therefore, when Qing Lan said that she wanted to take the Lan tribe to the outside world, she did not think deeply about the changes that had happened to Qing Lan. Instead, she directly recognized the idea and sent Qing Lan and the Lan tribe to the world of Shenwu.

Deep down in her heart, she hoped Qinglan could survive.

The Tianyan Sect was originally established to share the cause and effect of the Immortal Way. Now the cause and effect of the Immortal Way is no longer with her and has been taken over by Qinglan, but she is still vigorously supporting the Tianyan Sect and even preaching in the universe.

The fundamental reason is that the cause and effect of the immortal path is too heavy, and Qinglan cannot bear it on her own.

If it is for future considerations, there is no difference between cultivating the Asura clan or cultivating other forces and cultivating the Tianyan Sect.

In terms of strength alone, today’s Tianyan Sect is of almost no help to Shi Lan herself and her main mission.

If it was purely to complete the task, when Chu Hanzhou handed over the Xuanwang lineage, she only had to nod. After that, she could let Tianyan Sect fend for itself, and save a period of cause and effect.

All of this can ultimately be attributed to Shi Lan opening up that secret realm and trying to practice the Tian Cang Ling Xuan Sutra, otherwise there would not have been a series of chain reactions.

Shi Lan’s thoughts about Qing Lan have always been extremely complicated. During her voyage in the universe, she almost completely examined herself and finally came to the conclusion in front of her.

How innocent is Qing Lan?

After standing quietly for a while, seeing that Qing Lan had no intention of taking action, Shi Lan opened the door to the world, slowly stretched out his hand, and pulled Qing Lan into the Qiongluo Realm.


In the ice city, Cang Yue looked anxious and couldn’t stop pacing back and forth. He wanted to say a few words to Qing Lan, but he didn’t dare to speak.

With Shi Lan’s decisive temper, he might even be killed in a single thought.

Not to mention that he had just become a Heavenly Demon not long ago. Even if he became the Demon King, he would not be able to withstand a slap in the face of Shi Lan now.

In the distance, a group of powerful human beings who didn’t know what was going on looked at each other for a few times, feeling a little confused for a moment.

Bai Yu stretched out in the air and flew slowly to the ice monument not far away with the word “Sky Fire” engraved on it. He closed his eyes and took a rest. He drove at extreme speed for several days in a row, which gave him something to do. Feeling a little tired.

Little did they know that his appearance had frightened many strong men from the two dynasties thousands of miles away.



Qing Lan’s eyes were dull, like a puppet on strings, and she followed behind Shi Lan stiffly.

At this moment, the sun is setting in the west in Qiongluo Realm, and the sky and earth are filled with the crimson glow of the setting sun, like a fire burning, dyeing the continuous green mountains blood.

Shi Lan took off his battle armor, and the cassock he wore transformed into a long cyan skirt.

She took Qinglan into Tianyan Sect and climbed to the top of a mountain. The view here was extremely wide, and she could clearly see the jade statue in the center of Tianyan Sect.

“How does it feel to establish a dynasty and become emperor?”

After being quiet for a long time, Shi Lan, who was sitting on the floor, spoke first to break the silence.

“At least the emperor sounds better than your lord.”

Qing Lan seemed to have come back to her senses, twitching her lips, and sat down next to Shi Lan, her eyes always staring at the jade statue in the distance.

“Before… you were using the power of incense to help me heal my wounds, right?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Qing Lan looked away and looked at the setting sun, her eyes a little dim.

After the words fell, there was another long silence.

“The Lan clan is innocent.”

After a long time, Qinglan choked out a sentence.

“I know.” Shi Lan replied calmly.

“It’s my intention to establish a dynasty! They are just trying to cooperate with me…”

Seeing that Shi Lan’s attitude remained unchanged, Qing Lan couldn’t help but raise her voice. Halfway through her words, her voice that had just been raised suddenly weakened again:

“No, it’s to cooperate with you.”

“I know.” Shi Lan nodded again.

Qinglan stopped speaking, and the long suffocating silence fell again.

The setting sun was gradually swallowed up by the earth’s surface, and the sky and earth were filled with moonlight. There was a biting chill in the coldness.


Suddenly, the soft moan of the flying sword pierced the void, and a beam of purple lightning shot out from under Qinglan’s tongue, pulling out a brilliant arc of light in the sky, blooming with a dazzling splendor, with a terrifying look. Can roar back.


The flying sword, which was powerful enough to cut into pieces of immortal gold, was grasped by a hand as smooth as gelatin. The tip of the sword was only half an inch away from Qing Lan’s eyebrows.

“What do you want?” Qing Lan said lightly, her eyes lifeless.

“I just want to know how similar you are to me now.”

Shi Lan stood up slowly and let go of the flying sword. In the palm of his hand, there were sword marks that were deeply visible in the bone. Gugu was bleeding and was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye:

“It doesn’t look like it now. I’m very afraid of death. If I were you, this sword might have been inserted into me.”

Shi Lan raised his finger and stroked Qing Lan’s cheek, leaving a striking blood mark, just like the day she was born:

“Today, I will give you your life back.”

Qinglan’s pupils shrank, and a curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

[Host: Qinglan (incarnation)]

[Cultivation: Early Stage of Tribulation Realm (Eighth Stage Early Stage)]

[Root Bone: 9 (once in a blue moon)]

[Exercise: Tiancan Lingxuan Sutra (seventh level)]

[Supernatural powers: Five Elements of Heavenly Evil Seal (Nine Stars), Soul Devouring (Eight Stars), Nine Transformations of Heavenly Demon (Nine Stars Incomplete)]

[Strength evaluation: The dominant side]

[Current reputation: 154765211 (famous in the world)]

The word “incarnation” in the host column gradually faded away, and then the entire system panel fell into distortion, and finally only two reminders remained.

[System unbinding…]

[Unbinding completed. 】

Shi Lan could clearly see this light curtain. She was trying to unbind Qing Lan’s system through her own system.

This is the advice I got from Samsara, and now it seems that it has obviously worked.

[Congratulations to the host for gaining reputation: 154765211. 】

A prompt came next to her ears, which made Shi Lan quite surprised. She thought that these reputation points would be swallowed up directly by the system.

Qinglan was stunned for a moment, and a hint of complexity emerged in her expression:


“Because you didn’t attack me.”

Shi Lan opened the door to the world and stepped out of the Qiongluo Realm first.

This sentence is sincere.

Anyone who Qinglan dares to have any murderous intention towards her will now be turned into a corpse.

This life was saved by Qinglan herself.

Cang Yue, who was wandering around the outside world, saw Shi Lan walking out alone with blood in her palms. For a moment, her mind went blank.

When he came back to his senses, at some point, he had already rushed to Shi Lan’s legs, knelt in the air and kowtowed, his face full of grief, and grabbed Shi Lan’s skirt, almost bursting into tears:

“Your Majesty! Qinglan’s crime will not lead to death! I’ll wait…”

Before he finished speaking, Qing Lan had already followed him out, blocking the rest of his words in his throat. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly released the hem of the skirt in his hand and carefully smoothed out the folds above it. Then he moved his body to the side, looked at his nose and nose, and stopped talking.

Looking at Cang Yue, who was kneeling next to Shi Lan’s legs, looking a little embarrassed, Qing Lan’s already complicated expression turned into something like crying and laughing.

At least there were people in the Lan clan who were willing to stand up for her, even if it was just to say a word.

“It makes me look like a villain.” Shi Lan shook his head slightly and walked out of the ice city.

Immortals live a long life and are alone in the cold. With the Lan clan accompanying them, Qing Lan may be able to walk more comfortably.

As for the Tianyan Sect, she would still put in the effort to cultivate it. The cause and effect of immortality arose because of her, so she couldn’t just let it go.

When passing by the ice monument, Shi Lan looked back at the word “Sky Fire” on the ice monument, feeling vaguely familiar.

What seemed familiar to her was not the word “天火”, but the handwriting.

“The Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty…”

After thinking about it for a long time, but without getting any results, Shi Lan shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about it.

“Your Majesty, where are you going next?” Bai Yu climbed up and asked casually.

“It took me so many years just to travel. Wouldn’t it be a pity to go back so easily? Naturally, I should take a good look at this big world first.”

Shi Lan smiled. At this moment, a coordinate appeared in her mind.

That was the place where the Lan tribe first arrived in the world of Shenwu. If she was not too lucky, she might be able to find the remaining space-time passage.

Through this passage, she can directly cross the sea of ​​stars and reach the vicinity of the Rising Sun Realm, saving a lot of time.

“Aren’t you going to find that Li Guannan?”

“Who is Li Guannan?”

“I must have forgotten.”



“Build a mountain gate according to this drawing. I want it to be exactly the same.”

In the main hall, Qing Lan threw a picture scroll towards Zhao Xuanyi.

Zhao Xuanyi took it and unfolded it with sweating profusely. There was another world in the painting, depicting a mountain range with many towers and pavilions, paved with brocade and flowing clouds, and full of auspiciousness.

From the entrance of the Alchemy Hall to the Sutra Storage Pavilion, everything is available, just like a sect residence.

“I want it to be exactly the same.” Qinglan confirmed solemnly.

“My subordinates understand. I guarantee that every plant and tree will be correct!” Zhao Xuanyi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and nodded repeatedly.

“Go.” Qinglan nodded with satisfaction.

“Wait, come back.”

As soon as Zhao Xuanyi arrived at the door, he was called back. Qing Lan unfolded the drawing and drew a stroke on a statue in the center of the mountain range.

“There is no need for the statue.”

I deleted it many times, so I’m late, sorry.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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