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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 564 Mutation

“Want them all?”

Hearing this, the man in black’s eyes flashed slightly, and there was some joy on his face. There were not many customers shopping in large quantities, and most of them had complicated backgrounds. After this transaction is completed, if it goes well, there may be more customers in the future. There are opportunities for collaboration.

“Please wait a moment.” The man in black hurriedly left the tea room.

Although Shi Lan is not rich now, with a big world behind her, she can’t even afford the flesh and blood of some ferocious beasts. The massive energy crystals she got from the Malbray Starfield can also be used in place of spiritual crystals. .

Shi Lan didn’t touch the tea on the table. After getting up and walking around the entire tea room, she couldn’t help but look up.

There were some faint law fluctuations coming from above, and most of the movement was blocked by the magic circle.


“Here are the goods you want and the account details. Please check them.”

After a while, the man in black returned again, with a tray in his hand. Inside the tray was a jade bracelet, as well as the accounting details, in duplicate.

The jade bracelet is engraved with formation patterns, and it is a high-grade spiritual treasure. The paper on which the accounts are written also has aura, and is full of atmosphere.

“Since the quantity you want is larger, we’ll give you a 10% discount.”

Shi Lan glanced at the written documents and saw that the total price of about 200,000 kilograms of flesh and blood, minus 10%, was still nearly 300 million top-quality spiritual crystals.

The flesh and blood in the jade bracelet has been divided and neatly arranged, and formation patterns are carefully carved on each piece of flesh and blood, locking the energy, blood and domain fragments spilled within it.

After confirming that there was no problem, Shi Lan put the flesh and blood in the jade bracelet directly into the Qiongluo Realm, then put an equal number of spiritual crystals into the jade bracelet and returned it to the tray.

She won’t feel bad about the flower’s spiritual crystal.

“If the account is correct, please leave a note so that I can submit it when the account is checked.”

The man counted the spiritual crystals in person, then took out a spiritual pen and handed it over.

After glancing at the two receipts, Shi Lan took the pen, paused slightly, left his name at the bottom of the two receipts, and then put away one of the receipts.

“Excuse me, I wonder if this flesh and blood can meet your needs?”

The man in black glanced at the name vaguely, put away the remaining document properly, and then spoke again, tentatively:

“If you still need it in the future, you can send a message directly to me. As long as it is within the territory of the Imperial Dynasty, I, Liyue Tower, can complete the deployment of the goods and deliver it to you on the same day.”

“Not only the flesh and blood of ferocious beasts, but I, Liyue Tower, also undertake all employment tasks. As long as you can afford the price, the Supreme Lord will also take action for you.”

Perhaps Shi Lan’s understatement when delivering the spiritual crystal gave him some illusion, and he began to promote other businesses in the building.

“I will come again if necessary.”

Shi Lan stood up and when he walked to the door, he turned around and asked:

“What is your name?”

“I’m in Lin Weiyuan.”

“I took note of it.” Shi Lan nodded and walked out of the room.

“A group of beast slaves just arrived in the building two days ago. If you are interested, you can just pick a few and take them away.” Lin Weiyuan followed and sent Shi Lan outside the gate.

“No need.” Shi Lan shook her head and refused. The value of this kind of gift can be imagined, and it meant nothing to her.

Now that the flesh and blood is obtained, there is no need to waste time anymore. Finding a quiet place to break through is the most important thing.

“Then walk slowly.”

Outside the door, Mu Yunhu was still waiting outside. Shi Lan got on the carriage directly and said softly:

“Looking for a place to stay.”

The strange beast pulling the cart neighed and disappeared at the end of the broad street in the blink of an eye.

“Ling Wushuang…”

Watching Shi Lan leave and remembering the name on the paper just now, Lin Weiyuan leaned against the bluestone wall and fell into deep thought for a while:

“The name is quite domineering, but I haven’t seen it on the Sky List…”



Less than half an hour after leaving Liyue Tower, Mu Yunhu sent Shi Lan to a continuous hall, with overlapping magic formations covering the entire sky and earth.

“How many spiritual crystals?” Shi Lan stepped out of the frame and asked.

Along the way, she asked many questions about Taiyuan City and learned many hidden secrets.

Mu Yunhu is not from Taiyuan City. His family is located on a star in the northern domain of the sky. Due to the long distance, the transmission cost is extremely expensive. Most of the time, he rushes back by himself. This is undoubtedly risking his life. Because the stars are located far away from the earth.

There are countless people like Mu Yunhu in the entire Taiyuan City who are running for spiritual crystals. Among them, there are almost no natives in the Shenwu World. They are all exiled here because the original world was destroyed. .

The prosperity of the world of Shenwu was built on countless destroyed worlds. Countless creatures lost their homeland because of this, and have been displaced since then, or even exterminated.

Along the way, she has seen many tragic scenes. She feels pity for this situation, but there is nothing she can do.

Under the prosperity of the prosperous age, there is always blood that cannot be washed away.

From world to world, the disparity between the strong and the weak will become even greater, and it will be a more explicit version of the law of the jungle.

“Just watch it.” Mu Yunhu smiled, keeping his posture very low.

After handing over a storage ring, Shi Lan stepped into the hall.


After seeing clearly what was inside the storage ring, Mu Yunhu took a breath of air. The spiritual crystals in the ring were almost equivalent to his earnings in the past hundred years.



This large hall occupies the best position in the spiritual vein under Taiyuan City. It has specially divided secret rooms for practice. The owner behind it is the Ziji Emperor Dynasty. It is undoubtedly the safest place in Taiyuan City.

Likewise, the price is quite high. The rent for a low-grade secret room costs one hundred top-quality spiritual crystals per day, and the rental period is at least thirty days.

In this regard, Shi Lan just chose the cheapest one. All she needed was a quiet environment.

The palace looks no more than ten feet in diameter from the outside, but there is another universe within it, with overlapping space formations and all the facilities for refining alchemy and refining weapons.

With just a glance, Shi Lan stepped into the Qiongluo Realm. She put more than 200,000 kilograms of flesh and blood into the realm. The magic circle covering it shattered instantly, and the surging flesh and blood essence surged out. , filling the imperial realm.

An illusory figure walked out of the dark depths of the realm, wrapped in pieces of law, filled with chaos, and its face was blurred and shrouded in smoke.

Shi Lan let go of her restrictions and stepped into the blood cloud realm. With a few clicks, her blood energy began to drain away rapidly.

The domain was operating to its limit, and the mountains of flesh and blood surrounding her were rapidly dissolving at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a torrential amount of blood was poured into her body.

However, the transformation speed of blood energy could not keep up with the passage of time. In just a few breaths, the energy and blood in Shi Lan’s body almost dried up. The luster on his hair was dim, and his skin was pale and the blood color faded.

Just when her blood was about to be squeezed dry, the flow of energy and blood stopped abruptly. After a while, the blood and energy around Shi Lan returned to fullness, and the terrifying devouring force appeared again, as if it was just to restore her health. time.

After a few breaths, Shi Lan’s skin just showed a hint of blood, and suddenly turned pale, and even his cheeks were sunken, looking extremely haggard.

After going back and forth dozens of times, the terrifying attraction gradually disappeared, and her cultivation was completely stabilized within the Blood Cloud Realm. Shi Lan originally thought that this eight-level and six-level ferocious weapon with more than 200,000 kilograms would The flesh and blood of the beast can at least push her into the late stage of the Blood Cloud Realm, or even the fifth level of the Emperor.

However, her cultivation is still at the early stage of Blood Cloud Realm, which is not far from her previous state. If she forcibly pushes her cultivation into the middle stage of Blood Cloud Realm, the result will still be that she will be sucked dry in an instant.

She also needs a lot of flesh and blood.

The figure in the field has become much more solid, as if it has been injected with life. The knuckles are clear as white jade, and you can even see the delicate palm lines on it, but the face is covered with a layer of mist, making it unclear.



The speed of time in Lingyang Realm is very different from that in the larger universe. Only ten years have passed since the heavenly punishment that shook the entire Lingyang Realm.

Since that heavenly punishment, the rain between heaven and earth has surged, and the sea level has risen a lot. Parts of the coastal areas of the three tribes have even turned into a marsh.

There was an emperor who used great magical powers to build mountains and fill the sea, and even poured seawater into the starry sky. However, no matter what method, he could not stop the land from being gradually swallowed up by the seawater, and he had no choice but to give up.

This is a change in heaven and earth that cannot be stopped by human power.

Due to the changes in the sky list, some of the creatures that originally lived in the boundless sea have also entered the sight of the three races. A large number of powerful people have quietly entered the sea area and begun to contact the survivors of the medieval and even ancient times.

Due to the fluctuation in the number of emperor-level experts, over the years, some powerful groups among the demon clan have begun to make moves.

The demon-suppressing army also expanded its armaments. During the heavenly punishment ten years ago, many demon-suppressing commanders rose to the top and entered the realm of the emperor. Therefore, although there were some minor conflicts between the two clans, Friction, but China’s border has always been as stable as Mount Tai.

The situation of the demon clan is much more bleak. Even though there are many demons who have entered the imperial realm, their numbers are undoubtedly vastly different compared to the other two clans.

For some reasons, the human race stayed put and even narrowed the scope of activities of the demon hunting camp. However, the demon race was not polite and began to invade the demonic land.

The vast land of China, the Zhongtian Territory, and the Imperial Palace.

“In recent years, Zen, Taoism and Confucianism have inexplicably produced many young disciples with excellent talents. At the age of more than thirty years old, they have entered the realm of Yuanshen, and their foundation of Yuanshen is not weak. They cannot be found in the history of the human race. Its foundation.”

In the main hall, Liu Yunzheng stood tall and looked a little solemn.

The history of the human race cannot be found, and there are only two situations. One is that these are demons, and the other is that they were not born in the Lingyang Realm.

“I understand.” Taishi nodded noncommittally.

“Did you expect it a long time ago?” Liu Yunzheng said hesitantly, looking at Taishi’s dull expression.

“It’s earlier than I expected.”

Hearing this, Taishi nodded, his eyes burning with golden divine flames dimmed slightly:

“Let’s make some preparations and break up the warriors who have never been involved with these three forces in the vast land of China.”

“From now on, Zen Buddhism is prohibited from preaching. All Zen disciples must return to the Haotian Territory and are not allowed to take a step outside the Haotian Territory. Taoism and Confucianism are no longer allowed to recruit new disciples.”

“According to the decree.” Liu Yunzheng’s pupils narrowed slightly, and he bowed and began to write the emperor’s decree.

Not long after, an imperial decree came out, and in just a few moments, it spread throughout the nine heavens.

Such a strange imperial order immediately caused rumors to spread throughout China.

Within the three branches of the Taoism, there were surprisingly no complaints. They followed the emperor’s order extremely well and suspended all development.

Among the Buddhist and Taoist families, many sects even closed the mountain gates directly and stopped interfering in worldly affairs. The Confucian sects were also cautious. For a time, it was difficult to see the Haoran Zhengqi Sword in China.

Large tracts of land were vacated, which led to many disputes. As chaos began to arise in China, many hidden imperial clans returned to the mortal world, suppressing the overall situation of the Nine Regions.

These imperial clans are not well-known in China. They were almost in a semi-hidden state before, but in terms of their background, they have completely exceeded the imagination of ordinary sects and families.

Most of the group of Human Emperors who overcame the tribulation ten years ago were from the Imperial Clan.



Yunshan Gorge is one of the most important checkpoints on the human border. After the demon disaster in the Chengtian Domain subsided, it was rebuilt and then the army was expanded. Today, there are nearly 1.5 million demon-suppressing troops stationed here.

“General, are you going back to visit your relatives?”

Outside the camp gate, Bai Weiyang took off his battle armor and stood tall in a sky blue soft satin gown. When he heard the question, he looked at the soldiers beside the camp gate and nodded with a smile:

“Take a rest for a few days.”

After activating the Sword Emperor Dao Fruit, his cultivation has improved day by day, and he has now reached the fourth level of the Heavenly Realm. Although he was not promoted to the second level Demon Suppressor due to lack of military merit, he is now a third level Demon Suppressor. General, the future is boundless.

Next to him, followed a man in his thirties, wearing a black military robe with silver patterns. He was tall and tall, with long hair hanging casually on the back of his head. There seemed to be a gloomy energy condensing between his eyebrows, and he was breathless. Too close to people.

“You don’t have to follow me all the time. The world is big and you can go wherever you want.”

After leaving Yunshan Gorge, Bai Weiyang looked at the man beside him, feeling helpless.

The man in front of him was brought out of the Guiyun Realm. After entering the Heavenly Realm, he opened up the world left by the Sword Emperor.

The Guiyun Realm evolved from the time when Sword Emperor Guiyun traveled from the great universe. Based on his own Tao and Fruit, he transformed it into the secret method of merging the worlds and merged it into the Great Thousand Worlds, the Middle Thousand Worlds and the Small Thousand Worlds. .

After he stepped into the Guiyun Realm, he found a part of the Daozang left to him by the Sword Emperor and obtained the authority of the Heavenly Dao.

Then, he discovered the man named ‘Qi’ in front of him in the third layer of the world, because this man carried part of the destiny of Guiyun Realm.

Because of curiosity, he used the authority of heaven to check some information about the past of “Qi”. However, because the time was too long, he could only see some rough fragments.

‘Seven’ was favored by heaven, and in less than six hundred years, he became the most powerful creature in Guiyun Realm. He was only one step away from being able to form a realm.

With the passing of the Sword Emperor, Guiyun Realm has lost its source power and has become much weaker. It can no longer be called the Great Thousand World, and is only slightly stronger than the ordinary Middle Thousand World. This level of cultivation has already reached the end of the road.

Because ‘Qi’ carries some of the destiny of heaven, Bai Weiyang guessed that he might be related to the Sword Emperor, so he took him out of that world.

Then the current scene happened. Almost wherever he went, ‘Qi’ would follow him.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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