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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 567 Luck

Although he realized that his bid might be too high, the middle-aged man did not change his tune.

After the words have been spoken, changing the price again is obviously disrespectful to the customer and will even damage the reputation of the auction house.

“I want fifteen thousand.” Shi Lan thought for a moment and did not agree with the price. Since the quotation was ten thousand, the value of the divine blood gold was far more than that.

“Ten thousand is already the maximum price. This piece of divine blood gold can only be used to make a dagger at most. If it is larger, the price can be higher.” The middle-aged man shook his head:

“If the customer still has such fairy materials in his hands in the future, and can give priority to selling them to my Tianci Auction House, I can make the decision and give you another thousand.”

“Fifteen thousand.” Shi Lan bit the price. She was really short of money. She could use these fairy gold in the future, and it was impossible to exchange them all for spiritual crystals.

After grinding back and forth for half an hour, this piece of divine blood gold was finally sold to Tianci Auction House for a price of twelve thousand pieces of heavenly essence.

It only took Tianci Auction House half an hour to raise this huge sum of money and deliver it to Shi Lan.

In order to prevent the guests who come to participate in the auction from being short of money and need to raise funds temporarily, the auction house basically always has a large amount of spiritual crystals and spiritual essence, which is also another revenue channel for the auction house.

It wasn’t until the payment was handed over that Shi Lan learned that the middle-aged man who received him was named Cao Tiancheng. He was a very important auctioneer at the Tianci Auction House branch and had hosted no less than a thousand large-scale auctions. .

“There happens to be an auction tonight. If you are interested, you can participate. I will prepare a suitable location for you.”

After the payment was settled, Cao Tiancheng sent out an invitation. Twelve thousand yuan of Tianling Essence. This wealth alone has exceeded most of the guests coming tonight. He is a very important guest. If If you have treasures you value, bidding can quickly heighten the atmosphere of the auction.

Hearing this invitation, Shi Lan wanted to refuse, but then he thought that the flesh and blood would not arrive until tomorrow morning, and there was nothing to do when he went back now, so he nodded and agreed.

The auction started in three hours, so Cao Tiancheng directly called a maid and rushed to the venue with Shi Lan.

The venue is located on the top floor, with a very wide area. There is a huge exhibition stand in the middle. The highest point is divided into rows of rooms, with orderly heights. Some of them have lights lit. In the hall below, there is a pair of Tables and chairs with distinct layers.

Many people have come to the venue, and most of them are sitting around tables in the main hall. There are not many brightly lit rooms high up.

The maid led Shi Lan into a secret passage and went all the way up to the second row of rooms. After selecting one, she pushed the door open and lit a spiritual lamp.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, with a soft couch, a jade table, and nothing else.

After the maid bowed, she exited the room, then quickly returned, placed two plates of spiritual fruits on the jade table, and stood aside.

In the blink of an eye, three hours had passed, and the hall was already filled with people, and most of the rooms above were lit with spiritual lamps.

“Who is the room on the upper floor reserved for?”

The uppermost room was always empty, and not a single spiritual lamp was on, which made Shi Lan slightly curious.

“It was prepared for the Supreme Being, but few Supreme Beings will come. It has not been used for more than a hundred years.” The maid responded respectfully.

The Supreme Divine Dragon has seen its head but not its tail. Taiyuan City is not considered the top city in the Ziji Dynasty. It is not a strange thing that the Supreme Dragon has not been seen for more than a hundred years.

While he was talking, the auction had already begun. The originally noisy venue fell silent for a moment, and a huge projection appeared on the booth. Even though Shi Lan was extremely far away from the booth, he could still clearly see the scene on it.

“Thank you for coming. I will host this auction.”

Standing on the booth was none other than Cao Tiancheng, whom he had just met not long ago. He had put on a very eye-catching golden suit and looked solemn.

“The first auction item: Tianyu Red King Pill, an eighth-level and fourth-grade elixir. It is the work of a master in the Danxian Dao. There are three pieces in total. The base price is 300 million top-grade spiritual crystals. Each increase in price must not be less than 10 million top-grade spiritual crystals. .”

“Three hundred and fifty million…”

“Three hundred and seventy million…”

Soon, these three elixirs were snapped up for 420 million.

“The second auction item: the swallowing cloud beast, with a cultivation level in the middle of the seventh level. The base price is 50 million high-quality spiritual crystals. Each increase in price must not be less than 1 million.”

The auction items passed by very quickly, and only one item aroused Shi Lan’s interest.

A three-foot-tall clay figurine holding a halberd. According to the auction information, after being activated by injecting true energy, this clay figurine can be revived briefly and exert its eighth-level and first-level combat power.

What interested Shi Lan was not its combat prowess, but the aura of underworld that exuded from it. Her holy demonic eyes could see the sinister aura of death from this clay figurine. With her abundant financial resources, she did not waste any time. With so many hands and feet, I was able to capture this clay figurine in my hands.

Some of the remaining lots did not arouse Shi Lan’s interest, so she did not take action again.

During this auction, Shi Lan did not see the piece of divine blood gold. Obviously Tianci Auction House had other arrangements. In the entire Taiyuan City, there were not many people who could afford this piece of divine blood gold. This cannot be sold at a high price.

Two hours later, the auction ended. Under the leadership of the maid, Shi Lan walked out of the room. The auction payment was settled downstairs.


Not long after he walked out of the room, Shi Lan heard a cold shout from below the venue.

Following the sound, a large open space appeared among the crowds. A tall woman in white stood in it. Standing opposite her was a young man in black with an extraordinary bearing.

“It’s Mo Hanyue, the true successor of Wujian Palace! He seemed to have advanced to the eighth level some time ago.”

“I remember that she seems to be only one hundred and sixty-three years old this year? Her talent is too terrifying, I’m afraid she won’t lose to those few fairy seedlings.”

Hearing the comments from people not far away, Shi Lan’s heart moved. He entered the eighth level at the age of 163. This talent is indeed quite astonishing.

The young woman in the crowd, dressed in white, with a very tall posture, said softly:

“Give me the Earth Spirit True Breast, I owe you a favor.”

“How much is your favor worth?” The man didn’t buy it and sneered: “I really want it, but I just raised the price, and now I’m pestering you again.”

The man is obviously not very old, but his cultivation level is not weak anymore. He has entered the late seventh level and is not far from the eighth level.

Earth Spirit True Breast was an item that was sold at the auction just now, and it fetched a sky-high price of 3 billion top-quality spiritual crystals.

“You!” Mo Hanyue was obviously very angry, her face turned red, but after a moment she still said patiently:

“I can’t produce that many spiritual crystals for the time being. I’ll give them back to you in the future.”

Such a beautiful woman begged her in a soft voice. Even if an ordinary person did not agree, his tone would be lowered. However, the man did not show any dignity at all. He snorted coldly and turned around to leave:

“I’m too lazy to care about you.”

Looking at this scene, Shi Lan’s expression was a little strange, and there was a glimmer in his eyes. The man in front of Mo Hanyue was shining with a golden light of luck, which almost hurt her eyes.

“Can there be children of destiny in such a big world…”

The dispute between the two people had nothing to do with Shi Lan. She only glanced at them for a few times before stepping out of the venue.

Soon, the clay figurine was delivered to her hands, and the sinister aura of death inside it was even thicker, and it simply didn’t look like something from the underworld.

After studying it for a while and finding no clue, Shi Lan put it into the Qiongluo Realm, where he might discover something in the future.

The Yinsi is an extremely mysterious place. It is the place where the souls return after death. Even the traces of the Sword Emperor’s memory have been erased, which inevitably makes people worried.



The next morning, Shi Lan went straight to Liyue Tower.

When she arrived at the door of Liyue Tower, Lin Weiyuan was standing at the door, as if she was waiting for him here specially.

“Please come with me.” Lin Weiyuan led Shi Lan to the third floor.

The third floor is a wide platform covered with many pits and cracks, and the walls are covered with a magic circle.

In the middle is a huge iron cage. Chains as thick as an adult’s thigh are criss-crossed inside the cage. It traps a strange beast with two wings on its back. It looks like a giant mastiff. Its upper body is as red as lava, and its lower body is filled with cold water. Extreme power blended perfectly within his body, and his huge eyes were closed tightly, as if he was sleeping.

A figure stood with his back to the entrance of the corridor, standing next to the iron cage, staring at the mastiff in the cage.

“This is a star envoy from Liyue Tower. He is responsible for escorting this batch of flesh and blood and receiving payment.” Lin Weiyuan led Shi Lan to the iron cage. After a brief introduction, he looked at the man next to the iron cage. :

“Star Envoy, this is Ling Wushuang, Miss Ling, the buyer this time.”

Shi Lan looked at the man in front of him. He was about forty years old, with narrow eyes and thin lips. He was dressed in black clothes, with a black cloak on his body, and a beast-swallowing armor on his shoulders. His aura was unfathomable.

However, Shi Lan, who possesses the Holy Demon Eye, can see through his true cultivation level at a glance. He is at the eighth level and seventh level, and he is a strong man who has mastered the soul. The strength of his qi and blood can only be said to be ordinary.

“Thank you for choosing Liyue Tower.” The man in black did not look down upon Shi Lan’s cultivation. After bowing politely, he took out a warm jade bracelet.

Inside the bracelet was a mountain of flesh and blood, as if it had just been removed from a ferocious beast and was still steaming with heat.

After confirming that the number was correct, Shi Lan’s eyes were full of joy. These flesh and blood were enough to push her cultivation into the late stage of Blood Cloud Realm. By then, her combat power would be a hundred times stronger than now!

“What’s the price?”

“After deducting the 15% discount, there are 30.7 billion top-quality spiritual crystals. I’ll erase that fraction for you. Just give me the full 30 billion.” Lin Weiyuan on the side took the words. It was obvious that the Star Envoy was only responsible for Escort, specific matters need to be negotiated through him.

Shi Lan did not counter-offer and was about to hand over the spirit essence. The mastiff locked in the iron cage on the side suddenly opened its eyes and began to struggle violently. It roared crazily and broke free of the shackles that locked its upper jaw. A mysterious light of green and red colors spewed out from its mouth and shot towards the three people standing next to the iron cage.

“You evil beast, how dare you!” The star envoy on the side shouted loudly, expanded his territory, and blocked Shi Lan behind him.

The moment the blue-red mysterious light shot out, Shi Lan’s Imperial Domain reacted instantly. The power of the domain turned into silk and danced, condensed into a long black whip, passed through the Star Envoy’s open domain, and dispersed head-on. The two-color rainbow light continued unabated and hit the iron cage.


The iron cage made of black gold dented instantly, flew up, and hit the bluestone barrier. The huge impact shattered the layers of magic formations covering the barrier, causing a loud explosion.

After the dust and smoke dissipated, the twisted iron cage was deeply embedded in the wall, and the mastiff inside was silent.

“Sorry for disturbing our distinguished guest. This mastiff was only delivered yesterday evening. It seems that the shackles have been loosened. I will find out the reason later.” Lin Weiyuan had a trace of cold sweat behind his back and hurriedly confessed:

“Liyue Tower will deduct another billion spiritual crystals from your payment this time as compensation for your shock.”

This billion of spiritual crystals can be regarded as the sealing fee given by Liyue Tower.

This kind of ferocious beast bursting out and hurting people happened in Liyue Tower. If word spread, it would also be a blow to the reputation of Liyue Tower. The subsequent impact would be far more than this mere billion spiritual crystals.

“It’s okay, it’s just that I accidentally missed it. I don’t know if it’s still alive.” Shi Lan shook his head slightly. She was not scared at all. The blow just now was just a domain autonomous body protection. She didn’t expect that the attack would be so… Heavy.

After putting two hundred and ninety pieces of heavenly essence into the jade bracelet and signing the receipt, Shi Lan turned around and headed downstairs.

“You walk slowly.” Lin Weiyuan sent Shi Lan to the carriage, and then turned around.



When Lin Weiyuan returned to the third floor again, the Star Envoy was squatting in front of the twisted iron cage and said lightly:

“already dead.”

Hearing this, Lin Weiyuan didn’t have much surprise in his heart. This mastiff is an eighth-level and fifth-level perfect ferocious beast. The iron cage that seals it is also specially built. Under that whip, the iron cage was twisted into this shape, let alone It was a miracle that the creatures among them were not turned into a pile of rotten flesh on the spot.

“She should not be using her true appearance, and maybe even her name is fake.” The star messenger shook his head slightly, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. Ling Wushuang’s cultivation level was only the eighth level and fourth level, but he had just opened up the domain from her. Among them, I actually noticed a hint of threat.

This is undoubtedly extremely absurd. The gap between the seventh level of the eighth level and the fourth level of the eighth level is like a falling star compared to the bright sun, more than a million times. A wisp of his divine will is enough to kill an ordinary eighth level and fourth level person. Creatures.

No matter how outrageous the genius is, it is impossible to confront the enemy across two realms, which subverts the common sense in the universe.

“Besides, she may not be very old…”

“Why did the Star Envoy say this?” Lin Weiyuan was a little surprised. Judging from Shi Lan’s appearance, it was obvious that she had gone through at least the first third of her life. Judging from her cultivation, she should be quite old. .

“Maybe I feel wrong.”

The Star Envoy shook his head and denied his own thoughts. What was revealed in the domain was the most essential aura of a living being. The aura he just felt from Ling Wushuang’s domain was too young, and even made him feel a little uncomfortable. Dare to trust your own judgment.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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