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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 568 Martial Arts

“In any case, this Ling Wushuang is not simple. You need to be careful when dealing with him.”

After a moment of silence, the Star Envoy gave instructions. Forging his name and not showing his true face to others meant that his true face might cause a lot of trouble, and it was hard to say what existence it would involve.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the great world of Shenwu. Although Liyue Tower is very strong, even the Ziji Imperial Dynasty dare not say that they are not afraid of any trouble.

“It’s natural. We only do business and don’t involve grudges. This is the first rule of Liyue Tower.” Lin Weiyuan nodded in agreement:

“Liyue Tower only recognizes Ling Wushuang. It doesn’t matter who is hidden under his mask.”

When he didn’t see Ling Wushuang’s name on the sky list, he became a little suspicious. He had no intention of getting too involved with her, she was just an ordinary distinguished guest.



The Qiongluo Realm.

After leaving Liyue Tower, Shi Lan immediately began another retreat.

She chose an empty wilderness to store mountains of flesh and blood, eight-level and six-level ferocious beasts, most of which were extremely large in size, comparable to the sun. These flesh and blood were obviously compressed to form The formation locked the energy and blood within it.

Even so, the flesh and blood of hundreds of ferocious beasts were spread over hundreds of thousands of miles in a radius and piled up to a height of thousands of feet, like a continuous sacred mountain of flesh and blood, mixed with heavy domain fragments.

The Imperial Dao realm slowly unfolded, wrapping all flesh and blood in it, and Shi Lan once again began the process of repeatedly filling with Qi and blood.

If an ordinary monk’s Qi and blood are severely damaged, it can take a few months to cultivate, or it can take dozens of years of seclusion, and requires countless spiritual materials to replenish it before it can recover as before. However, Shi Lan has no such worries at all.

As Shi Lan’s cultivation level increased, the speed of absorbing energy and blood became more and more terrifying as he merged with the Imperial Dao Domain of the Black Domain. In almost half an hour, he could devour the flesh and blood of an eighth-level and sixth-level ferocious beast. Three or five breaths can make up for all the lost energy and blood. This is an indescribable gap.

Without the existence of the Imperial Realm, with the amount of Qi and blood that Shi Lan needs now, she might have to stay in this realm for more than a hundred years, and it would be possible for her to step through the Blood Cloud Realm.

A few hours later, Shi Lan entered the middle stage of the Blood Cloud Realm without any pause. Her cultivation continued to advance rapidly toward the late stage of the Blood Cloud Realm. The existence of Qiongluo almost opened all the bottlenecks of her cultivation, and the world was destroyed. Afterwards, there was a smooth road in front of her.

The sky-high energy and blood fluctuations filled the wilderness, and strands of blood essence, like hundreds of rivers filling the sea, poured into Shi Lan’s body in an endless stream. Then, after staying in her body for a few breaths, they flowed back into her body again. Within the domain, there is an incarnation nourishing the depths of the domain.

With the nearly endless flesh and blood of ferocious beasts as the backing, the speed at which Shi Lan’s body was filled with energy and blood gradually kept up with the rhythm and became smoother. Under the flushing of a large amount of blood, a slight change occurred in her body.

The Imperial Domain has absorbed a large number of domain fragments, becoming more and more unfathomable, like a dark sea of ​​chaos, with flesh and blood shining brightly, full of vigorous vitality, surging and hot, like an oven, enough to swallow The next world.

This retreat was much smoother than Shi Lan imagined. However, it took more than half a month for Shi Lan to break through the realm again and enter the late stage of the blood cloud realm. After that, the incarnations in the realm stopped absorbing Qi and blood seemed to have reached a certain limit.

After experiencing so much energy and blood irrigation, the figure in the domain is almost completely solidified. Under the warm and jade-like skin, you can even see light red blood streaks, as if it has a physical body, but its face is still unclear. .

At first glance, it seemed that he could see a face, but when he turned around and looked over, it seemed that it had turned into another face. It was so unfamiliar that it was difficult to leave a trace in his mind. Even if Shi Lan wanted to work hard to carve it, he could not. It was difficult to make it manifest. After several attempts, I could only give up.

After stepping into the Blood Cloud Realm and using one’s own Qi and blood to complete the cultivation of the incarnation, the next step is to enter the Creation Realm.

The Creation Realm, in the realm of the Imperial Dao, is another qualitative change. This qualitative change does not refer to combat power, but to one’s own power. The strong ones who step into this level will have incredible divine power and can turn nothing into something.

Creator, one refers to blessings, and the other refers to the secret of creation and evolution. It is an alternative manifestation of the authority of heaven.

A strong person who steps into this realm can intercept the most essential energy between heaven and earth and fabricate some things out of thin air, such as some high-level spiritual materials, including spiritual crystals.

But few strong men of this level would do such a thing, because the efficiency is too low, and the spiritual crystals that take thousands of years to create are not as good as a high-grade spiritual vein, or even as good as a random one. The ferocious beasts killed are valuable, so this kind of behavior is undoubtedly a waste of one’s lifespan, which is equivalent to chronic suicide.

According to Samsara, this level of power manifestation is somewhat similar to the transformation function of the system. As long as there is enough source power as capital, most things in the world can be created, even living creatures.

However, this kind of creature created out of thin air generally does not have a soul, and it cannot even go to the underworld after death.

The human race is born with a weak spirit. As they practice practice and gradually strengthen themselves, they can gather spiritual thoughts in their minds and further evolve their divine souls.

Although there are three souls and seven souls when you are born, it is like a piece of white paper, without the concept of self, and there is no word of reincarnation in itself. After stepping on the road to hell, it becomes a piece of white paper, and its true self , has been thoroughly cleaned.

Only when the soul has evolved can it have a certain degree of self-preservation. In the next life after reincarnation, due to certain coincidences, it may even awaken the memory of the previous life.

Therefore, those who can be reincarnated with memories are all powerful people who can communicate with the gods. There is no reincarnation for mortals. The universe is so vast and there are so many similar faces. The past self has passed away, leaving behind Just a similar skin.

The reason why Shi Lan was able to maintain her self and reincarnate with her memories is most likely because she was taken away from the underworld before she entered the underworld, and her weak self had not yet been cleansed. .

To put it bluntly, the realm of creation is nothing more than a preliminary understanding of the source of power. It requires a deep understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. What needs to be seen is personal understanding. Shi Lan has never felt that her understanding is very strong, but now she has controlled a party. The powerful heaven and earth controlled the power of heaven, which undoubtedly brought her into contact with the most essential power between heaven and earth.

Yuanli may still be unfamiliar to ordinary eighth-level creatures, but for her, she had already understood what Yuanli was when she first entered the heavenly realm. It just took some time to get familiar with it again. .

After stabilizing his own cultivation, Shi Lan came out of seclusion. The purchased flesh and blood had not been exhausted, and there were still three to five heads left. Shi Lan directly threw it to the alchemy hall in Tianyan Sect, and mixed it with some medicinal properties. Mild fairy grass, after simple processing, was refined into a batch of elixir for increasing qi and blood.

Shi Lan kept part of this batch of pills for the Asura clan, and then kept three pills alone. The rest were distributed to three guards including Chi Junyu, except Bai Yu. Although they were not practicing martial arts, But they are still at the threshold of the eighth and fourth levels. This kind of elixir made of flesh and blood is of great benefit to one’s cultivation.

As for Tian Bai, Bentham, and Shi Lan, they each divided one pill. Now their cultivation level is too low. It would take at least three to five hundred years to digest just this elixir without external interference. , should be used as a condiment after practice, used to warm and nourish the body.

Immortalism does not pay much attention to the cultivation of the physical body. Shi Lan gave the last elixir to Li Canglan and asked him to combine it with many spiritual materials to create a spiritual pool for the disciples of Tianyan Sect for those above the Nascent Soul realm. Cleanse the body.

Although he often felt that he was so poor, when he was raising the people under his control, Shi Lan felt that he still had some wealth, at least he didn’t feel any pressure.



After cleaning up the affairs in the Qiongluo Realm, Shi Lan left the rented hall and took back the remaining rent, a total of 1,200 top-quality spiritual crystals. When she first entered the Xiantian Realm, this was simply An unimaginable amount of money.

Originally, she wanted to bring Tian Bai and Bentham out to see the world, but considering the environment of the Shenwu World and the two of them being on the verge of a breakthrough, she couldn’t help but give up the idea. If they encounter an enemy, the aftermath of a strong fight can be The two of them were turned into ashes in an instant. If any accident happened, it would be completely unacceptable to her.

Still the same as last time, Mu Yunhu was sitting cross-legged not far away, leaning against the frame of the car, practicing with concentration. Considering his age, there may not be any opportunities to condense the field in this life. If he steps into the eighth level, the situation will be completely different. .

“Where are you going, senior?”

After getting on the carriage, Mu Yunhu asked in a low voice.

“Out of town.”


After a moment of silence, the carriage moved forward slowly. Mu Yunhu didn’t ask much about Shi Lan’s whereabouts. He had been a guide in Taiyuan City for thousands of years, and there were countless guests coming and going, many of whom didn’t like it. A talkative person.

The carriage moved forward for less than half a moment when a loud sound of shaking the ground suddenly came from the front. Shi Lan’s Imperial Domain instantly noticed something was wrong. In an instant, she stood up and stepped out of the carriage, reaching out to touch Mu. Yunhu held it in his hand and jumped up.


The next moment, a huge black shadow swept across the long street, smashing several vehicle frames along the way, until it crashed into a shop, splashing gravel and dust all over the sky, and then slowly stopped, revealing the car frame among the gravel. Judging from some of its limbs, it should be a Spark Lion with red eyes and white fur. It is a very common large-scale walking spirit beast here and is raised in many sects.

Judging from the size and vitality of this Spark Lion, it must be at least the middle to late seventh level of cultivation. Now it has no life. Among the several smashed frames, some people were alert and were not accidentally injured, but the person pulling the cart was The strange beasts, without exception, were all killed on the spot.

Looking at the dust and smoke in the distance, Shi Lan let go of Mu Yunhu in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, his sight penetrated the dust and smoke, and after seeing the scene in the distance clearly, his expression couldn’t help but be a little weird.

At the end of the broad road, two parties were facing each other. One of them was the man with the golden light of luck that he had seen in the auction house a few days ago. The person standing next to him was the man with great talent. The girl, the true successor of Wu Jian Temple, Mo Hanyue.

Now the two of them are standing side by side, obviously standing on the same ground for some unknown reason.

Opposite the two of them, there was a group of more than ten people, all dressed in different clothes, but on their chests, they were all embroidered with three long swords of seven colors. At first glance, the distribution was chaotic, but it coincided with the power of the three talents of heaven, earth and man. Extremely mysterious.

The dozen or so people were like stars over the moon, surrounding a young man among them. The man’s cultivation had reached the seventh level of perfection. He was dressed in white, with black-patterned cloud sleeves. He was tall and handsome in appearance.

“Qin Feng! I let you go last time, but now you block the road for no reason, and you wantonly kill my spiritual beast in the city. Is it true that no one can control you?!”

At this moment, the man’s handsome face was filled with anger, and there was a faint hint of murderous intent flashing through him. The people around him were also filled with murderous intent, as if they would draw swords against each other if they disagreed.

“There is plenty of road to go next to, but you want to drive the spiritual beast to hit me, Chang Yunsheng, a man should do things openly and aboveboard. If you are dissatisfied with me, you can make a life-or-death decision. You and I can let it go and fight. Why do you need to play these little tricks?” .”

The man known as Qin Feng sneered, his words were tit for tat, and he refused to give in, full of the unique spirit of a young genius.

“Miss Mo, Qin Feng has a perverse personality and is not a kind person. It would be better to have less contact with such people.”

Hearing Qin Feng’s implicitly provocative words, Chang Yunsheng took a deep breath and ignored him. Instead, he looked at Mo Hanyue aside and spoke again with some persuasion:

“Wujiangdian and our Heaven and Earth Sword Sect are both the top sects of the imperial dynasty. You are the true successor of Wujiandian. How noble your status is. If…”

“Whoever I associate with has nothing to do with you.”

Before he could finish speaking, Mo Hanyue spoke again, with a cold expression, showing no mercy.

In the distance, Shi Lan couldn’t help but frown. Now it seemed that she and the other carriages were obviously accidentally injured in a fight. Mu Yunhu on the side had a trace of sadness in his eyes. The two strange beasts in front of the carriages, Having spent a long time with him, people are not just grass and trees, and it is inevitable to have some feelings.

The other people who escaped from the carriages also looked a little angry, but for some reason, they did not dare to come forward to argue. Wujian Temple and Tiandi Sword Sect were both at the forefront of the Ziji Emperor’s dynasty. The top sect is not something ordinary people can afford to offend.


After hearing Mo Hanyue’s words, Chang Yunsheng’s face turned pale. Mo Hanyue’s actions undoubtedly ruined his face, but it was impossible for him to speak harshly to Mo Hanyue.

Mo Hanyue is the supreme seed that is expected to reach the supreme realm. Her talent is not inferior to that of the immortal seedlings in the imperial dynasty. Having an enemy with her may affect the relationship between the Wujiang Palace and the Heaven and Earth Sword Sect. Among them, the relationship between them is It was so big that he couldn’t bear the consequences.

Just when the scene was getting a little embarrassing, a figure suddenly appeared on the scene. It was a woman in her thirties with a pretty appearance.

For Shi Lan, this was just a minor accident with no impact. She had no intention of intervening in the grudges between the two parties. All she wanted to do was to give Mu Yunhu and several other drivers , including that shop, want a due compensation.

“Is it you who made the move?” Shi Lan looked at Qin Feng with a calm expression, showing no emotion or anger.

“Senior, that’s true. If you disturbed senior, I will apologize to you.”

The perfect aura fluctuations on the eighth and fourth levels made Qin Feng calm down a bit, and he held his hands and apologized.

“It’s not enough to disturb them, just make up for some of their losses.” Shi Lan shook his head slightly, and felt a lot more comfortable when he saw that Qin Feng still understood etiquette, at least he was not arrogant.

“Loss?” Qin Feng was startled, looking at the messy end of the long street, and quickly realized:

“I dare to ask senior, how much is it approximately?”

“One hundred and twenty-three million two hundred and forty thousand top-quality spiritual crystals.”

This price, which is divided into parts and components, is not reported by Shi Lan out of thin air. She has already asked the steward of the store and several drivers involved. This is already the daily revenue, various expenses, etc. After clearing out all the messy expenses, the calculated pure price showed that the actual loss was far more than that.

“Junior understands.” Qin Feng agreed readily, and then looked at Chang Yunsheng in the distance:

“Did you hear that? A total of 123.24 million top-quality spiritual crystals.”

“What do you mean?” Chang Yunsheng quickly understood what Qin Feng meant, and his face turned pale:

“You kill my spirit beast in the street and you still want me to pay for it? Qin Feng, you are going too far!”

Lingyun Sword Qi surged around him, his hair danced wildly, and he almost had a seizure on the spot.

More than 100 million spiritual crystals are an astronomical figure for most seventh-level monks. For these disciples of the big sect, they also have to work hard to sell some treasures.

Moreover, Qin Feng was the first to take action, killing his spirit beast in the street, and then asking him to bear the consequences. This was such a shame and humiliation. If he nodded in agreement today, he would never be able to hold his head up in the entire Tiandi Sword Sect in the future!

Even the elders within the sect would feel that he had lost the reputation of the Heaven and Earth Sword Sect, which would undoubtedly drive him to a dead end.

“I don’t ask about the cause and effect, and I don’t want to care about the grudges between you.”

Before Qin Feng could respond, Shi Lan shook his head and looked at him and spoke again:

“Since you did it, you will be responsible for paying the fee. As for whether you want to ask him for it later, that is your business and has nothing to do with me.”

This kind of dispute about cause and effect would undoubtedly take a lot of time to get involved in. She didn’t have so much time to get entangled with these people. Her time was very precious.

“Senior, there is something wrong with being so afraid.” Qin Feng frowned slightly, straightened his back, and said without being humble or arrogant: “There is a reason for this, it is his spiritual beast…”

“This fee should be nothing to you. Don’t let me take it by force and make the situation embarrassing.” Shi Lan interrupted his long speech and got straight to the point.

The travel routes of all the carriages and spirit beasts in the city have been planned in advance, so they can ensure extremely fast operation. It is common to encounter such traveling carriages and even spirit beasts. Most people will receive reminders and choose to avoid them. .

Now that such a situation occurs, it is obvious that Qin Feng is unwilling to give way. The reason is simply because of old grudges. Shi Lan has no intention to care about it. In the final analysis, these things have nothing to do with her.

The reason why she chose to intervene today was because if she didn’t do this, the final result of this loss would be borne by the shops and the drivers themselves. The shops might be protected by Taiyuan City and could get some compensation. The driver who lives here will never receive half of the spiritual crystal.

“Senior, do you want to use your strength to suppress others?”

After Qin Feng finished speaking, Mo Hanyue on the side disagreed a little, stepped forward and said loudly:

“Bullying the weak by relying on the strong is not the behavior of the strong, and it would be unworthy of one’s status.”

“Bullying the weak?” Shi Lan didn’t bother to correct Mo Hanyue’s wording, and frowned:

“Does this matter to you?”

“It has nothing to do with me. It’s just that I can’t bear to see some people bully good people just because they have practiced for a few more years.” Mo Hanyue said calmly, her words becoming sharper and her eyes filled with pride:

“Eighth-level and fourth-level cultivation is nothing. There are many people who are stronger than you…”


Before the sound was over, Shi Lan glanced at him, his eyes dark and boundless. Mo Hanyue’s knees softened and he knelt on the ground. His back felt like an ancient sacred mountain was pressing on him. All his true energy and spiritual thoughts were suppressed, without any trace. The power of resistance.

“Senior, please show mercy!” Qin Feng’s expression changed slightly and he spoke.

The next moment, another kneeling figure appeared on the ground.

Shi Lan walked up to Mo Hanyue, squatted down slowly, reached out and pinched her chin, and there was a hint of cold murderous intent in his beautiful eyes that should have been filled with autumn water:

“There are indeed many people stronger than me, but among them… you are not included.”

Mo Hanyue’s pupils tightened, her hairs stood up, and her eyes were filled with fear.

“I have no interest in disciplining you on behalf of your elders. Next time, you don’t have to speak.” There was a biting edge in Shi Lan’s tone, which was the overwhelming aura hidden in martial arts.

Martial arts practitioners are on the road where energy and blood are boiling. There are many people who will draw their swords and kill people on the spot if they say an unjust word, and they will kill people on the spot. Her gentleness and kindness are only for those around her.

For strangers she has never met before, her tolerance is actually very limited. For those who have a good impression, she will help them easily, but for those who have a bad impression, her senses will also fall to the bottom in an instant.

The reason why he was angry was because Mo Hanyue was too ignorant of etiquette. What does age mean…

“Close your eyes!”

Seeing this scene, Chang Yunsheng gave a low shout, causing all the Heaven and Earth Sword Sect disciples around him to close their eyes.

In any case, Mo Hanyue is the true successor of Wujian Palace. This ugly kneeling posture was seen by these disciples. If Mo Hanyue is more narrow-minded, he may attract revenge in the future.

These ordinary disciples are not on the same level as this genius and cannot afford to offend him.

When there was silence in the field, a burst of lightning flashed from the end of the horizon. The leader was a white-armored warrior, followed by dozens of soldiers. They were all clad in armor and full of murderous aura. It was obvious at a glance. They are an iron-blooded warrior who often participates in battles.

The general at the head has reached the eighth level of cultivation, and the soldiers behind him are all in the late seventh level, and the lineup is extremely powerful.

Obviously, these people are the garrison in Taiyuan City. Considering the vastness of Taiyuan City, these soldiers came very fast. Shi Lan did not let go of the suppression on Qin Feng and the two men. At this moment, let When they open their mouths, things will only get messier.

“What happened here?” The white-armored general frowned, with a cold face.

In the distance, Mu Yunhu secretly transmitted a message and shook his head at Shi Lan: “Senior, the army can’t afford to provoke him, so let’s forget about this matter.”

All armies in the city are affiliated with the Ziji Imperial Dynasty. No one or clan can conflict with the army. This is the first commandment that everyone knows.

Confronting the army is equivalent to challenging the imperial dynasty, or even challenging the Ziji Emperor. In the entire Shenwu world, few people dare to say that they can afford such consequences. A slight mistake can lead to the destruction of their entire family.

“It was all a misunderstanding. My spirit beast lost control and accidentally disturbed pedestrians. As a result, I was killed on the spot and caused some damage.”

Before Shi Lan could speak, Chang Yunsheng came up to him. As if intentionally or unintentionally, he stood in front of Qin Feng who was kneeling on the ground with a bright smile:

“I will bear all the losses.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan took a look at Chang Yunsheng, he was a wonderful man.

She didn’t want to get too entangled. Mu Yunhu and the others still had to live here, and they couldn’t let things end badly. She had to consider their consequences.

“Control your own spiritual beasts. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured, otherwise you will be put in jail today. Don’t let this happen again.”

“I’ll keep this in mind.” Chang Yunsheng responded respectfully.

After General Baijia had finalized the matter, Shi Lan released the pressure on Qin Feng and the two of them.

The two people quickly stood up, their true energy floated, sweeping away the dust around them, and they stood aside without any trace of embarrassment, choosing to remain silent in a very tacit understanding.

“It turns out to be Young Master Qin. I didn’t notice it just now. Don’t blame me.”

After seeing Qin Feng, the white-armored warrior was a little surprised, as he obviously knew Qin Feng.

“I accidentally offended a senior. I learned a lesson and made Commander Ma laugh.” Qin Feng didn’t mention what happened just now and laughed it off.

Mo Hanyue lowered her head and did not dare to speak again. She was really afraid that Shi Lan would kill her on the spot. The commander Ma who came over was only as good as her and could not protect her. Shi Lan had already left her behind. A huge psychological shadow.

After a group of soldiers tidied up the street, they left quickly and the road became smooth again. Just as Shi Lan had expected, the shops received a small amount of compensation, and the group of drivers had no sense of existence and were completely ignored.

“Senior, today’s lesson will be kept in mind by this junior.”

Qin Feng bowed to Shi Lan. He had indeed learned a lesson today. Some strong people would not reason with you.

“I dare to ask the senior’s name. In the future, the junior will be successful in cultivation. I hope to ask for advice again.” When he stood up, Qin Feng spoke again, his expression was extremely serious.

“Ling Wushuang.”

Shi Lan glanced at Mo Hanyue aside and said calmly:

“I’ll give you one chance to avenge your shame, but there won’t be a second chance. This chance will cost you your life.”

Sensing Shi Lan’s gaze, Mo Hanyue’s fingertips trembled as she lowered her head.

Chang Yunsheng on the side tried his best to suppress the smile on his face. He had already paid off the spiritual crystals that Shi Lan had asked for before. He was extremely happy. It seemed that seeing Qin Feng being frustrated was even more satisfying than his breakthrough in cultivation.



“Thank you, senior!”

Several drivers looked full of gratitude and wanted to kowtow to express their thanks, but were stopped by Shi Lan.

For them, a bicycle frame is not a small sum. This value allows them to realize the dignity they only had a long time ago. This self-esteem has already disappeared with the destruction of their own world. If it’s broken, they won’t even want to fight for it.

Soon after, Mu Yunhu found another carriage and sent Shi Lan all the way out of the city.

“Senior, if you come to Taiyuan City again, just give me a shout. I will always drive here. The spiritual crystal you gave me is enough to drive me for a hundred years.”

Shi Lan did not respond to Mu Yunhu’s words and disappeared into the void.

“Senior.” Mu Yunhu kowtowed to the Prime Minister and did not get up for a long time.

The sun is setting in the distance, and the setting sun is like blood.

The next plot is estimated to be written at three points, and it will be broken into chapters, so I will just cut it off. Don’t worry, the number of words will not be short. I will post it in tomorrow’s chapter, and I will update it tomorrow.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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