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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 577: Invite the Immortal

In the world of Shenwu, people are not sensitive to the passage of time.

The rise and fall of lower dynasties happens at least three to five hundred times every year, just like raindrops falling into the sea without making any waves.

However, because of the Tiancang Lingxuan Sutra, the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty came into the eyes of many big forces.

For some people who have entered the realm of the Supreme, in order to practice the Immortal Sutra, one must give up all the Taoist fruits, which is undoubtedly extremely uneconomical. After a small wave of enthusiasm, it stopped.

The Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty’s expulsion of Buddhist disciples naturally spread to the ears of many powerful forces. Some people wanted to sell Buddhism a favor and prepared to destroy the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty, but they were warned by a big shot and could only stop their activities.

Due to the leakage of the secrets, the opening techniques of Tiancang Lingxuan Sutra were circulated almost everywhere. Some small families in the dynasty, and even the common people at the bottom, quietly began to try it.

The upper limit of the techniques they can access is not high. To them, the Tian Cang Ling Xuan Sutra is like a road to heaven.

The seeds of immortality are scattered in Shenwu, and perhaps immortal flowers will grow one day.



Time flies like an arrow, and three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Within the virtual space of the system, three hundred years have passed. In the first hundred years, Shi Lan did not rush to cut off certain martial arts and martial arts, but did the opposite, reaching the state of transformation and extracting them. The true meaning of martial arts.

Instead of cutting it off with a single blow, Shi Lan wanted to try to fuse it with it, just like his previous constitution. This would also purify the power composition in the domain and would not affect his own combat power.

In addition to the original martial arts, she also selected nearly a hundred martial arts and secret techniques that she had obtained from various channels. Many of them were not of a very high level. From a high position, Shi Lan It didn’t take long to put it all together.

The level of the Yuqing Creation Technique is too high. With Shi Lan’s current cultivation level, she is not able to make adjustments to the techniques. The remaining techniques, except the Fetal Breath Technique, including the Burning Sky Trident, were all used by her. Cut out from within the Tao realm and completely forget about it.

Then, Shi Lan spent thirty years, using the Burning Sky Trident as the main body, and integrated more than forty martial arts, including spear, halberd and stick techniques, fists, legs and body techniques, into a pure fighting technique.

This was Shi Lan’s first time to refine martial arts, and the results he obtained were unexpectedly good. At least in the evaluation of reincarnation, among the many supreme methods he had seen, he was no longer mediocre.

This original fighting method was named Martial Arts by Shi Lan. It is a pure martial arts fighting method.

In the remaining more than a hundred years, Shi Lan turned her focus to magical powers. Compared to her martial arts, her magical powers were not many. She was previously worried about bloodline conflicts. Over the years, she has been purified with the blood of the Supreme. The body did not absorb the magical power contained in it at all.

Nowadays, the only five magical powers she possesses are the Heavenly Eye Gazing Qi Technique, Roaring Moon, Divine Phoenix Wings, Holy Demonic Eyes and Han Gang Seal.

The star level of the Sky Eye Technique is not high, but it has given her a lot of help along the way, and it may come in handy in the future.

The Divine Phoenix Wings were now useless, and Xiao Yue had never even used them. These two magical powers were chopped out of the body by Shi Lan without hesitation.

There is still a lot of room for exploration of the Han Gang Seal. It was born out of the Ji Dao Rune and is equivalent to a half-finished Supreme Tao Fruit. If a creature specializes in runes and swallows the Ji Dao Seal, the future will be inevitable. Will be an ice supreme.

Although the level of the Holy Demon Eye is as high as ten stars, with her current cultivation level, she cannot exert its full power. This double pupil was a gift from Xiang Yu. Its greatest use is to be able to see the path leading to the Supreme. At least she had to wait until she stepped into the imperial realm before these eyes could play their true role, but that was too far away for her.

Miraculous powers are much rarer than martial arts. You don’t need to concentrate on practicing them. If you can, you will know it, and if you can’t, you won’t. There is no such thing as a great achievement or perfection. It is just a part of the top magical powers that cannot be fully exerted due to the limitations of cultivation. Power.

In the remaining more than a hundred years, Shi Lan began to devote himself to studying some magical traces included in the system’s virtual space.

These magical powers are all collected from the world of the Three Kingdoms. There are too many secrets hidden on the huge lunar star. When she succeeds in cultivation, she will definitely go back and take a look. Of course, the premise is that the way of heaven in that world has been Fall into deep sleep, otherwise she will still be in danger if she goes in.

These magical power imprints are too old, and most of the magical power has passed away, making it extremely difficult to comprehend. However, after spending more than a hundred years, Shi Lan still made some gains and comprehended two top magical powers.

One is ‘Invite the Immortal’, and the other is ‘Demon Killing Order’.

The levels of these two magical powers are both as high as nine stars. The Demon-Slaying Order is a killing magical power that transforms the true energy and spiritual thoughts in the body into a curse-killing order. It can be guided by the horoscope of birth date or the essence and blood of the true name, which can be used for thousands of miles. To slay demons outside, the distance is limited by your cultivation.

With Shi Lan’s current level of cultivation, he can cast a killing curse from hundreds of thousands of light years away. It’s unclear how powerful it is.

Inviting immortals is much more intuitive, and is similar to imitating the figures of living beings in the realm of the imperial realm, both of which rely on strength.

Inviting immortals is to borrow the power of real immortals, not the fake immortals who only have immortal bodies in the Mahayana realm.

Similar to imitating a figure, inviting an immortal also requires establishing contact with a true immortal first. Shi Lan doesn’t know if there are any true immortals in the universe today. He just wants to try it out and follow the instructions in the art of inviting immortals. The Dharma Gate set up an altar in the Qiongluo Realm.

After bathing and changing clothes, and washing away the dirt and grime, Shi Lan stepped onto the altar wearing a gauze and recited the spell to invite immortals in her heart.

The immortal curse appeared in the void, merged into the nine heavens, and slowly opened up a passage, in which fragments of time shuttled back and forth, seeming to connect the past, present and future.

Seeing this, Shi Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Holy Demon Eye suddenly opened, piercing through the misty passage of time and pointing directly to the essence.

The next moment, she saw a figure sitting cross-legged in the sky. Chaos galaxies seemed to be entangled around him. Her face could not be seen clearly. Even the Holy Demonic Eyes could not penetrate the fog that shrouded his body.

The picture only appeared for a moment, then disappeared again, and a huge force, with majestic immortal energy, poured into her body.

Feeling the power that surged a hundred times in her body, Shi Lan’s expression changed slightly. This power almost lifted her to a great state without damaging her foundation. The warm fairy energy was even nourishing her internal organs.

Half an hour later, this power with a strong celestial energy slowly dissipated, and Shi Lan’s internal organs shone brightly, as if he had been baptized.

“Is this a true immortal?”

Shi Lan couldn’t help but have a strange look in his eyes. It was obviously unreasonable for Qingxian to have such a powerful magical power without any side effects.

Why did the real immortal who established a connection with her help her for no reason?

One chapter will be longer tomorrow morning


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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