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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 584 Foreign Land

Life on the floating island was very peaceful. Since he had no clue for the time being, Shi Lan stopped thinking about it and adding trouble to himself. He took off all pretense and continued to practice with a calm mind.

Perhaps the two days in Lingyun’s words were different from what Shi Lan understood. She didn’t see Lingyun again until nearly two months later.

His attire was no different from the one he saw last time. He was dressed in coarse white clothes and had a pair of cloth shoes at his feet. He was slovenly.

Following Lingyun, there was also a young woman with deep features, cold lines on her face, silvery eyes flashing in her eyes, bronze complexion, short ear-length hair tied into a short ponytail at the back of her head, and a The silver-backed soft armor with dark patterns carries a supreme power, and the aura fluctuations are not like those of the human race. He is a foreign supreme, with a hint of ferocity.

“From today on, you are the true successor of my Lingwu Palace, and all the permissions you should have will be opened to you.”

While talking, Lingyun casually threw a jade plaque, which had Shi Lan’s aura engraved on it, giving Shi Lan no chance to refuse.

Seeing this, Shi Lan took the jade token away very wisely, and penetrated it with her spiritual thoughts. A vast sea of ​​breath poured into her mind, and after two or three breaths, it was digested by her.

This information was extremely complex and contained some secrets about Lingwu Palace. Shi Lan skipped some unimportant information and found the part about the true disciples.

The true disciples of Lingwu Hall are divided into three generations. They are not based on age or the order of entry. They only look at their talent, which represents the training level of Lingwu Hall. Even if they are three generations of true disciples, their future achievements are limitless, at least for the eighth level. A person in this realm has a high probability of becoming enlightened.

In the entire Lingwu Hall, there are only twenty-nine true successors of the first generation. Including Shi Lan, the number is exactly thirty. Compared to the size of Lingwu Hall, this number is undoubtedly quite rare.

Except for Shi Lan, the twenty-nine people differ greatly in age and cultivation level. The strongest one has already achieved enlightenment and has traveled an extremely far distance in the supreme realm. The weakest one has just condensed the realm a few years ago. He is less than a hundred years old and is terrifyingly young.

In the Lingwu Hall, all the true successors have to do is practice.

The authority of the True Inheritance of the First Generation is extremely great. Not only can you check out any cultivation techniques and secret techniques, but you can also take any resources. If there are some special resource needs that cannot be transformed even by the source power, you can directly ask the Supreme to search for them through the report. Don’t waste your precious time running around.

The most important thing is that a generation of true successors can come into contact with powerful men at the level of supreme giants, and have the opportunity to ask for answers to questions every ten years. This is undoubtedly of great help to practice.

“Her name is Taya. From today on, she will follow you until you become enlightened.”

After Shi Lan roughly sorted out the information, Lingyun began to introduce the woman next to him.

Taya did not speak, but silently bowed and saluted, and then walked to Shi Lan’s side. The feeling she gave Shi Lan was different from the supreme ones she had seen before. She lacked a kind of aloof arrogance, as if she was trapped in a cage. Although the beast within has restrained its claws, it can still feel a hint of ferocity.

To this, Shi Lan did not refuse. Taya’s existence may be a different kind of surveillance for her, but before she figured out what Lingyun needed her to do, she was not qualified to bargain with Lingyun. Just accept it.

“Have you ever heard of the grand competition among the geniuses of all dynasties?”

“I’ve heard some news.” Shi Lan nodded.

“In this competition, about a thousand people will be selected to enter the exotic realm of gods and martial arts. You have already been assigned a spot.”

“What is Shenwu Foreign Land?” Shi Lan’s expression changed slightly. She had only heard some broken information in fragments before, and she only had a partial understanding of the so-called foreign land.

“It’s a strange world. You have the opportunity to see where your destiny flows, and even more wonderful things may happen.” A glimmer of light flashed in Ling Yun’s eyes, as if she had recalled certain scenes.

“Senior wants me to enter the exotic realm of Shenwu. Is there something you want me to do?” Shi Lan’s heart condensed slightly. She was really elusive about Ling Yun’s true thoughts.

“That’s right.” Lingyun nodded and said, “I want you to come out alive.”

Come out alive…

“Is the foreign land very dangerous?” Shi Lan frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

“Opportunities don’t fall from the sky, you have to grab them yourself. For some people, there is a blessed place, but it may also be a place of burial.” Lingyun said lightly and suggested:

“One thing I want to remind you is that in that world, your own cave cannot be opened, and some of your trump cards may become useless.”

“How long will it take before the Ten Thousand Chao Tianjiao Competition?” Shi Lan didn’t ask such a childish question if he could do it, and began to think about preparations.

Since it is so dangerous, she naturally wants to improve her cultivation as soon as possible to prepare for the Shenwu Foreign Realm. According to Lingyun, the Qiongluo Realm may not be opened by then, and she can only rely on herself.

“It will be more than ten years at most before the foreign land opens.”

More than ten years…

Hearing this, Shi Lan felt relieved. More than ten years would be enough for her to cross two realms in a row. When the foreign realm opens, even if she has not killed the Tao, she will not be too far away. With some tricks, she can save her life. It shouldn’t be difficult.

The many talented people in the world of Shenwu are not fools, and they will not rush to death. Even if there are dangers in foreign lands, they will not be too scary.

“I will try my best to prepare.” Shi Lan nodded in agreement.

“Taya can get the resources needed for cultivation directly. If your cultivation encounters bottlenecks, you can contact me at any time.”

Lingyun was obviously very satisfied with Shi Lan’s refreshing attitude. After leaving a communication token, she stood up and left.

Not long after Lingyun left, the floating island at Shi Lan’s feet suddenly began to tremble. Her spiritual thoughts spread instantly and she saw the scene outside.

Hundreds of spiritual veins emerged from the void, poured into the earth, and vaguely condensed into a magic circle. In the direction of the small building, the terrain suddenly changed, soaring into the sky, turning into a ten thousand-foot spiritual peak, overlooking the giant tree that supports the sky.

In just a few breaths, the floating island turned into a peerless spiritual land, and the rivers and lakes surging on it also turned into spiritual liquid, revealing astonishing fluctuations of spiritual energy, which can be called a miracle of creation.

Shi Lan was not surprised by this. In the Qiongluo Realm, she could turn the world upside down with a single thought and create a land of creation. This was the power of heaven.

She didn’t know if it was Lingyun who controlled Lingwu Cave Heaven, but she must be an extremely terrifying and powerful person.

After withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Shi Lan looked at Taya aside:


“Just call me Taya.”

There was a hint of hoarseness in Taya’s voice, with some kind of special magnetism, like a magic sound. Even though she was a woman, Shi Lan felt that her energy and blood were a little unstable.

“There is no limit to the cultivation resources of a true generation, right?”

Dispersing his distracting thoughts, Shi Lan did not worry about the title, and his eyes were filled with light.

“As long as it is used for practice, there are no restrictions.” Taya nodded, and then reminded:

“If the value is too high, such as the Supreme Dao Fruit or the ninth-level magic medicine, you need to list a detailed report of its use and obtain the Supreme Lord’s approval before you can get it.”

Generally speaking, in the eighth-level realm, it is difficult to use the ninth-level magic medicine because it is simply unable to withstand its medicinal power. The same is true for the Supreme Dao Fruit, which has no benefit for one’s own path, except for certain special occasions. arrive.

“Here’s the list.”

Shi Lan carved the large amount of resources she needed into a blank jade tablet. The Qiongluo Realm is part of her cultivation, and the creatures in the Qiongluo Realm are also part of the Qiongluo Realm. It is quite important to get some resources for them. It’s reasonable, the opportunity is rare, and she won’t think her family is too rich.

She didn’t ask for the Supreme Tao Fruit, but she did ask for a large amount of the Supreme Flesh and Blood, as well as two ninth-level elixirs. Compared to the Tao Fruit, the value of the Supreme Flesh and Blood was not very high.

Practicing martial arts, one’s vitality is at its peak, and there is a huge need for flesh and blood. Among the first and even second generations of true disciples, there are many geniuses who use supreme flesh and blood to nourish themselves.

In a secret place in Lingwu Cave, there are even some foreign supreme beings who are unable to be taught, and every once in a while, their flesh and blood will be taken from their bodies as nourishment for all the true disciples.

There is still supreme bloodline in the Qiongluo Realm that has not been exhausted. The reason why Shi Lan wants this flesh and blood is to repair the Burial Realm. This is the biggest trump card in her hand now, and she will definitely use it in foreign lands.

Taya took the jade card, turned around and left without reading the content.

Half a day later, Taya returned again and brought back all the resources Shi Lan requested, including a large amount of Supreme flesh and blood.

Among the two ninth-level elixir plants, one is nearly nine feet tall and looks like a salvia. Its roots are intricately woven and spread out several feet. They are surrounded by a sealing circle, which suppresses all fluctuations in divine energy.

At this stage, the magic medicine has already channeled the spirit. If it can get the opportunity to get rid of the shackles of the body, it will be equivalent to a supreme person who has cultivated the spirit. However, this opportunity is not suitable for most magic medicines in the world. It can be encountered but cannot be sought.

Another magical medicine looks like a real dragon, with blood all over its body. It is only three feet tall. It has fine lines on it, like dragon scales. When it breathes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, there is a strange rhythm in it, which hides a breathing method.

Seeing this, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a little excited. This was a windfall, enough to make the scalps of some lone supreme beings without a big force behind them go numb.

After collecting these resources into the Qiongluo Realm, Shi Lan kept the magic medicine that looked like a real dragon and pushed it in front of Taya.

“Thank you for your trouble.”

Taya hesitated for a moment. She looked at the magic medicine in front of her and didn’t speak for a while. Shi Lan saw hesitation in her eyes.

There will be a long time to get along with her in the future. Maybe one day, she will ask for something from Taya. This is just borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha. For Shi Lan herself, there is no loss. It is not about winning people’s hearts and building a good relationship. , it never hurts.

In the end, Taya still didn’t accept the magical medicine. I don’t know whether it was because she didn’t dare or for other reasons. Shi Lan didn’t force it, and stepped straight into the sky, pouring all the supreme flesh and blood into a spiritual pool. , and then put the burial world in.

After being immersed in the blood pool, the burial world became extremely active, the fairy patterns on it bloomed with glow, and the cracks on the bow began to slowly repair.

Because the aura fluctuations in these flesh and blood were too tempting, Shi Lan couldn’t help but taste a piece of the flesh and blood wrapped in Dao Yun. The taste in it was the best in the world, but the consequences were a bit unbearable. The blood on his body was overflowing, his energy and blood were almost boiling, and he was a little weak and unreplenished. It was completely different from the previous feeling of using the Supreme blood to cleanse his body.


“Not much of an appetite.”

In the dark gray hall, Ling Yun sat on the floor, tilting her head, supporting her chin with one hand, looking through the void, muttering to herself:

“There is no arrogance in my temper. I don’t look like a young man. It’s a bit interesting…”



Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty, the imperial capital.

“A grand competition among the geniuses of all dynasties?”

In a side hall, Qinglan was leaning on a jade couch, her skirt trailing to the floor, covering her tight and well-proportioned slender legs. Three thousand black hairs were not tied up and were scattered behind her. Her eyes were cold and penetrating, yet penetrating. With a demonic aura, he has been in the imperial rank for many years and has developed some grace and grace.

She glanced at the young man lying down not far away, her mind moved slightly, and she sat up, with her toes sticking out of her skirt. She was not wearing boots, and her warm white knuckles were like warm jade, melting frost and snow.

“In the foreign land of Shenwu, is there a way to increase strength in a short period of time?”


Ying Qianqiu did not raise his head, but stared at the ground, his face as smooth as a mirror, clearly reflected on his face.

It is extremely dangerous in the foreign land of Shenwu, and he has to enter the Palace of Fate to rewrite his destiny. Even if he is initiated by a Taoist, it may not be a sure thing.

As the leader of the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty, Qing Lan has a high probability of being the supreme being in the Ancient Immortal Era. If he can enter the foreign land with her, his chance of survival will undoubtedly be greatly increased.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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