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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 585 Decision

The Shenwu Foreign Land is an extremely strange world. Cultivation and combat power are not necessarily the decisive factor. What is more important is the ethereal luck.

In the previous openings of foreign lands, there were many examples of the strong men of the eighth level falling, while the young geniuses who had never consolidated their realm came out alive.

Regarding his current situation, Ying Qianqiu is very clear. If he cannot rewrite his fate, his path in the Origin Era will soon come to an end. He will be unable to make the slightest waves in this era, as if he had never existed. Pass.

He came here originally to find the door to the Supreme Being, not to spend hundreds of years and finally die in depression.

According to Tao Zun, if he dies like this and his soul enters the underworld, there will be no peace, because his true spirit does not belong to this era. In the underworld, he may not even be qualified to be reincarnated. He can only Fall into the Nine Nether forever.

The Immortal King and Immortal Lord in the Immortal Ancient Era have remained in the Yang world for too long, which once led to an imbalance of Yin and Yang, with Yang rising and Yin declining. The underworld has almost become a back garden, and the cycle of life and death has become a complete joke to those powerful people.

It is precisely because of this that after the collapse of the Immortal Ancient Era, the reincarnation road to the underworld was completely closed in later generations. No one can forcefully enter the underworld to reverse life and death. Even the supreme giants can only affect the reincarnation of mortals. However, he cannot interfere with the monk who has entered the path of spiritual practice. He knows very little about the underworld, so he always has a sense of awe.

This time, Shenwu Foreign Land is his only chance.

Moreover, the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty has appeared. In his memory, the time and space node where the Origin Era collapsed is not far away. If he cannot gain enough strength as soon as possible to establish contact with future generations, even if he steps into the realm above the Supreme, He won’t live long either.

‘You can come here from eternity, you must have your own intentions, but you can’t force anything. If you try to change some extremely important time and space nodes, you will probably get burned, and the law of heaven will not tolerate it, so you can do it for yourself…’

As his thoughts fluctuated, Ying Qianqiu was suddenly startled. He recalled Emperor Linglong’s reminder to him when he was in Langya Cave. He subconsciously touched his chest. The exquisite jade in his lapel exuded a warm breath and was slowly nourishing him. body of.

Qing Lan pondered for a moment, got up and left the jade couch, walked up to the young man, with cold eyes, leaned over and asked:

“Ying Qianqiu, what is your purpose in joining the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty?”

She needs strength now, but until she understands the situation, she will not risk doing anything beyond her own strength. The prerequisite for rapid growth in strength is that she can come out of the Shenwu Foreign Land alive.

Now this life was finally recovered from Shi Lan’s hands. Qing Lan cherished it very much. Ying Qianqiu’s origin was unknown, his purpose was unclear, and his position was unclear. There was almost nothing worthy of her trust.

“There hasn’t been any movement from the Buddhist side so far. I think it was the person behind you who said hello, so…”

“What are you going to do with the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty or me?”

Hearing this, Ying Qianqiu fell into silence for a while. After weighing it, he concealed his origin from the later generations, confessed part of the truth about Shenwu Foreign Land, and then said bluntly:

“I want to enter the destiny palace in a foreign land, rewrite my own destiny, and seek the opportunity to achieve enlightenment. I hope the emperor can help me.”

Talking about him in such a matter will only make Qinglan completely lose her trust in him.

“Why did you choose me?” Qinglan’s eyes moved slightly. In the world of Shenwu, there were countless people stronger than her, and Ying Qianqiu had a better choice.

“Because the emperor’s future is far more than this.” Ying Qianqiu said calmly.

Before coming to the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty, he asked Taoist Master to calculate Qinglan’s fate. At the end of the calculation, there was a gorgeous fairy light. He didn’t know its full picture, but it was definitely not the sign of premature death.

To put it bluntly, Qinglan would not die so early.

He concealed something about Dao Zun and Qing Lan, and did not tell all the truth because he had his own concerns.

If Tao Zun learns that after the destruction of heaven and earth, it will be the Ancient Immortal Era, it is hard to say what actions the supreme giant of this era will take, and it may even cause great changes in advance. For him, this will not be of any benefit.

“Can you see the future in a foreign land?” Qinglan looked calm and had thoughts in her heart.

Judging from the power behind Ying Qianqiu that can shock Buddhism, even if there is any conspiracy, it cannot be used on her who has just entered the eighth level. If he directly suppresses it with force, she has no ability to resist.

“There are fragments of time and space in it. You can see the future or some illusions of the past in this world, but its authenticity cannot be confirmed.” Ying Qianqiu sighed secretly. If he could really see the past and the future, the supreme giant of this era would , and we won’t be in a dilemma like now.

“I’ll repay your favor.” Qinglan no longer hesitated and made a decision. She really needs more powerful power now. Even if she doesn’t gain anything in a foreign land, as long as she can win the ranking, she can already get a huge sum of money. rewards.

If she could really see the future in a foreign land, she wanted to see where she and Shi Lan would lead, or how they would end.

“About the quota…” Ying Qianqiu hesitated for a moment. The quota for foreign lands cannot be decided casually. Even the supreme giant must follow some rules. Dao Zun sent him in. When it came time to decide the quota, Even in the actual situation, you must also go through the formalities symbolically, otherwise it will not be enough to convince the public.

“I will figure out the quota myself, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Qing Lan shook her head. She had no intention of entering the Shenwu Foreign Realm through the relationship behind Ying Qianqiu, but planned to participate in the Wan Chao Tianjiao Competition.

However, as the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty is now a lower dynasty, it is not qualified to directly participate in the Ten Thousand Dynasties Prodigy Competition. It must first pass the selection of the neighboring upper dynasties before it can participate.

Among the ten thousand dynasties, excluding the lower dynasties, the middle dynasties do not have this qualification.

Qinglan stepped out of the hall, summoned the courtiers, and prepared to make some arrangements. She might have to go on a long journey.



Lingwu Cave Heaven.

On a floating island that spans nearly a million miles, there are many lofts. From time to time, the light of the teleportation circle lights up. People are flowing in and out. It is extremely quiet when they come and go, and you can’t hear any noise.

This place is called Wanjingzhou, and it contains most of the cultivation methods in Lingwu Palace, and even includes many cultivation paths in the universe.

When Lingwu Palace conducts conquests outside the territory, it will try its best to preserve the practice methods and develop ancient history in the other worlds.

This is of great reference significance for a powerful force. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. This is the creed that Lingwu Palace has always adhered to.

Any practice method that can be passed down has its own uniqueness. A practice system that is not strong enough has long been submerged in the long river of time under the oppression of other practices, and no trace can be found.

The reason why Buddhists, Taoists and sorcerers are spread all over the universe is because their practice methods are too overbearing. Once they gain a foothold in a certain world, they will soon push the rest of their practice methods into the heresy. Among the ranks, their living space is squeezed until the orthodoxy is extinct.

On the top floor of a pavilion, Shi Lan was sitting in front of the desk. His black hair was neatly draped behind him.

What she is wearing now is the unique robe of the true descendant of the Lingwu Palace. She is wearing a belted military robe with dark patterns on the silver background, which outlines amazing curves, and her slim figure is like the undulations of mountains.

The beautiful face that has removed all disguises seems to be the best masterpiece of heaven. There is no flaw in sight. The temperament is lofty and pure, without any smoke and smoke. The eyes like autumn water seem to contain the deep starry sky, and they are concentrated. He stared at an ancient scripture with calmness in his expression.

Taya sat quietly beside her, silent.

The robe with dark patterns on the silver background is flowing with divine brilliance. This is a very high-grade Taoist weapon in terms of single defense. It even exceeds the ten sets of armor Shi Lan had previously obtained, but it does not have such a powerful increase. But it is still a stunning treasure.

On the table in front of Shi Lan, there are various ancient books, bamboo slips, jade tablets and even bones engraved with mysterious characters.

There are different systems of practice in the world, and the ways to record the methods of practice are also different, which is extremely complicated.

On Wanjingzhou, Shi Lan stayed for nearly two years, wandering from pavilion to pavilion, consulting ancient scriptures and secret techniques, and gained a lot. She also picked out two supreme laws for Tian Bai and Bentham. , enough for two people to use in the future.

During this period, she also discovered many records about technology. Running rampant in the universe, it is impossible that Lingwu Palace has not encountered a technological world similar to the [Sarovina Interstellar Federation], and there are far more than one or two. .

Lingwu Hall has even combined holographic projection technology with Taoist photography techniques to incorporate the true meaning of martial arts. Using this to record and teach martial arts, the efficiency is much higher than letting disciples learn through exercises, and at the same time, it saves a lot of manpower.

Lingwu Palace has also learned a lot from the methods of raising some powerful creatures, as well as the improvement of space battleships, resource recycling, etc. However, foreign objects such as mechas and exoskeleton armor are absolutely prohibited in Lingwu Palace. No one is allowed to participate in research.

“Senior sister, please be safe.”

From time to time, Lingwu Hall disciples and even elders would pass by Shi Lan. After seeing the robes on her body, they all bowed and saluted with respectful expressions.

The true successor of the first generation is also an extremely mysterious group of people in the Lingwu Palace. Their status is much higher than the ordinary deacons and elders in the palace. The dragons are rarely seen, and ordinary disciples rarely see them.

In the past two years, Shi Lan has often appeared here and has been well known to many disciples. However, perhaps because her aura is not very approachable, or the identity gap is too large, no one dares to come forward to talk. After saluting, she hurriedly Leave.

Shi Lan didn’t care about this. She was already used to this somewhat lonely life.

Facing the occasional greetings, she just nodded and responded perfunctorily without moving her eyes even a little.

“Junior sister looks a little unfamiliar. Did she just get started?”

Shi Lan had just finished meditating on an ancient scripture and put down the somewhat damaged animal skin in his hand, when a gentle voice came from not far away.

Raising her hand to tuck the hanging lock of green hair from her forehead behind her ears, Shi Lan turned her head and saw a young man wearing a military robe similar to hers, with an indistinct aura.

This person must have been here for a while, waiting for her to read this ancient scripture, otherwise it wouldn’t be such a coincidence.

“Who are you?”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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