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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 587 The Emperor Collapse

“Junior sister is going to Shenwu Foreign Land?”

Hearing that Shi Lan was preparing for the Shenwu Foreign Land, Mo Lingshu raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand to move the void, and appeared in a deep valley with Shi Lan.

“Yes, I hope Senior Brother Mo will give you some advice.” Shi Lan nodded.

“In the Shenwu Alien Realm, there is the origin of the Shenwu World, which involves the most essential secrets in the universe. It is like a furnace in which the core of the Heavenly Dao integrated into the big world is smelted. There are some extremely strange spaces connected there. , it’s like a projection of the past of these worlds.”

Mo Lingshu’s expression was a little solemn. No genius who could come out of the Shenwu Foreign Land would even think about going there a second time because that place was too evil.

“Projection?” Shi Lan’s eyes narrowed.

“These worlds do not really exist, but they will affect your perception of the soul. You cannot tell whether it is true or false. Everyone’s experience is completely different. Some people have had an eternal dream in them and said that they have visited the supreme realm. Even I can tell all the details of the condensed Tao and Fruit, every detail, and even actually write a supreme Bible, but there are also people who go in and never come out again.”

Mo Lingshu’s expression was slightly condensed and his face was slightly gloomy, as if he had recalled some bad scenes.

After a long silence, he spoke again:

“When entering the Shenwu Foreign Realm, the first level is to defeat nine projections in succession. These projections come from outstanding figures who have appeared in all realms. They are first determined based on your bone age, and then you are selected from them with a cultivation level that is similar to yours. The nine people far away can pass this level by killing these nine projections.”

If you are killed by the projection, everything will be in vain.

“After that is the Life Palace, where you will meet the other geniuses who passed the first level.”

“What is the Palace of Life?”

Shi Lan is not too worried about the first level. She is not arrogant, but she will not belittle herself either. She has never met anyone her age who can compete with her.

“The Palace of Life is a strange place where one can change one’s destiny. There is a wheel of destiny in it, and each person has two chances to turn it.”

“By turning the Wheel of Life, can you change your destiny?” Shi Lan’s expression moved slightly, unable to conceal his surprise. If the destiny can be changed at will, wouldn’t everyone be able to become enlightened?

“Not entirely.”

Speaking of this, Mo Lingshu’s eyes flashed with fear and he said slowly:

“I once asked the Supreme Being, this may be a different kind of borrowing one’s life.”

“Borrowing your life?”

“When you turn the wheel of destiny, you have a chance to borrow the destiny of the ancient sage, which will make your future path smoother. But on the other hand, as a substitute, your original destiny will remain in your life. In the palace, it was eventually borrowed by others.”

“Is the borrowed fate irreversible?”

Hearing this, Shi Lan’s expression changed slightly: “Everyone must turn the Wheel of Life?”

“That’s not the case.” Mo Lingshu shook his head slightly:

“If you don’t want to change your destiny, just don’t step into the Palace of Fate. Just choose a world portal at will. After stepping into it to complete your experience, you will naturally return to the world of Shenwu. Moreover… the theory of destiny may not be accurate.”

“The people who entered the foreign land in the same group as me once said personally after coming out of the Ming Palace that they had obtained the fate of the ancient saints. However, in the end, his soul lamp went out and died in the foreign land of Shenwu. Not even his body was found. “

The natal soul lamp is connected with the soul. If the soul lamp goes out, it means that the soul is gone. There is no second possibility.

“Has Senior Brother Mo ever entered the Palace of Life?” Shi Lan asked subconsciously, and then reacted instantly. This undoubtedly touched the secrets of others:

“Sorry, I was abrupt…”

“It doesn’t matter, I have indeed entered the Life Palace and turned the Life Wheel twice.” Mo Lingshu did not hide anything and seemed very calm:

“After turning the wheel of life, I lost my memory and reincarnated in two lives. In the first life, I was the son of the supreme king of a foreign land, Huang Liang Yimeng, and finally ascended to the top supreme position, the second life…”

When mentioning the second generation, Mo Lingshu looked a little unnatural:

“The second generation was a common woman. Her life was ordinary. She married as a wife, raised her husband and raised her children. She died at the age of fifty-three.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan’s eyes filled with sympathy. She could imagine Mo Lingshu’s collapse and even despair the moment he regained his memory.

“I only remember vague memories of these two lives. Most of the memories were cut off by me when I was condensing the Dao Fruit to stabilize my Dao Heart.” Mo Lingshu shook his head and opened the door without going into details. topic:

“After leaving the foreign land, I asked the Supreme Being to deduce my destiny for me. The final result is that my destiny has not changed at all.”

“It hasn’t changed?” Shi Lan’s eyes moved. She thought Mo Lingshu had obtained the fate of that top supreme being.

“According to what the Supreme Being said, it may be that my destiny is stronger, so it has not been taken away by the destiny wheel.”

For a moment, Shi Lan fell into deep thought. Is this exchange of fates really fair?

“There are only less than ten years left before the opening of the Shenwu Foreign Land. It would be too hasty to prepare at this time. Junior sister has only just started, so it is better to wait. It is only three hundred years to accumulate one’s own heritage and pass the first level. The certainty is undoubtedly greater.”

Seeing Shi Lan’s silence, Mo Lingshu couldn’t help but persuade him. In his opinion, three hundred years would pass quickly. He would take advantage of this period of time to hone his foundation and open the Divine Martial Foreign Land next time. If you participate again, you will undoubtedly have greater confidence.

“What is the portal to the world that senior brother just mentioned?”

Shi Lan ignored Mo Lingshu’s advice. Now she couldn’t afford to wait for thirty years, let alone three hundred years.

Putting aside whether Lingyun would agree or not, three hundred years later, things and people had already changed. She still wanted to enter the Emperor Realm as soon as possible after returning from the Shenwu Foreign Land to prepare for enlightenment.

The world in Lingyang Realm is about to undergo a change. It is not safe now. Her family and old friends are among them. Now she urgently needs more powerful power. If it is not possible, she has to go back to Lingyang first to resettle them. To a safe enough place, there is no time to waste in the great world of Shenwu.

“The Shenwu Foreign Realm connects countless spaces, and its portal is near the Palace of Life. You need to pass the baptism, and you can just choose a portal at will to enter. Everyone’s experience behind the door is different. Some people are like turning the wheel of life and living a new life. There have also been people who encountered endless life-and-death fights and escaped from it after a narrow escape. After entering the portal, there are also a few who never came out. I can’t give you any advice on this.” Mo Lingshu shook his head slightly, and Aimuneng said:

“After I turned the Wheel of Life, I entered a desolate ancient world, where living things were rare, and the flow of time was different from the outside world. I spent more than two thousand years in it, and after my cultivation broke through three realms, I just escaped from that ancient world and returned to Shenwu, and less than ten years have passed in Shenwu.”

“Thank you, senior brother, for clearing up the confusion.” Shi Lan thanked her. She admired Mo Lingshu’s calmness in adapting to the situation. If she were trapped in a strange ancient world, she might not be able to practice with peace of mind.

“As a fellow disciple, why do you need to express your gratitude for things that are within your scope of duty?” Mo Lingshu waved his hand indifferently:

“One thing, junior sister needs to remember, there is a kind of strange creature in the foreign land of Shenwu. It is extremely large in number and has different strengths and weaknesses. There are enlightened supreme beings among them. They have no fixed faces and wander among the projections of these worlds. Good and evil creatures The different evils, unstable personality, and moodiness are also a major obstacle to entering the world and gaining experience.”

“Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me. I’ll keep it in mind.” Shi Lan nodded.

“And…” Mo Lingshu showed a hint of embarrassment and whispered:

“Junior sister, please keep secret what happened after I turned the wheel of fortune.”

Regarding this, not many people in Lingwu Hall know about it. Except for a few elders, only a few people in the generation of true successors know about it. Although he himself does not care too much, as the chief true successor of Lingwu Hall, he still has to take it into consideration. It’s a matter of face and shouldn’t be publicized.

“Senior brother, don’t worry.” Shi Lan was not a talkative person, so he would not go around exposing others.

“Then I wish my junior sister a successful trip to a foreign land and a safe return.” Mo Lingshu was obviously busy. After confirming that Shi Lan had no other problems, he left quickly.

In the deep valley, a waterfall washed down from the top of the mountain, raising waves of water mist. Shi Lan looked at the void with empty eyes. After thinking about it over and over in his heart, he suddenly felt a chill. Those geniuses who died in the foreign land of gods and martial arts were really because of Didn’t you pass the training?



Ling Yang Realm, Fantasy Star Realm.

Two figures stood in the starry sky, and more than twenty human emperors stood scattered in the distance. All four princes were absent, but Liu Yunzheng was nowhere to be seen.

The forbidden divine patterns that shrouded the Magic Star Territory were shimmering with light, separating the entire Fantasy Star Territory into another layer of space, making it visible but out of reach.

The blood of the Supreme Emperor was spread across the vast starry sky without any cover. Taishi was silent for a long time, looked at Ling Chu aside, and suddenly asked:

“Ling Chu, are you dissatisfied with me?”

“Yes.” Ling Chu nodded repeatedly.


“The Yellow Spring is too cold. It would have been better if I could have moved to another place.”

“…” Taishi’s eyes dimmed slightly, and he pushed Lingchu towards the sea of ​​​​stars with his hand:

“Go ahead.”

The black and white mysterious light shook Zhou Tianxingyu, and a world illusion spread across the starry sky, beginning a rapid transformation. In an instant, the energy of the realm emerged from Ling Chu’s body.


In the vast land of China, countless thunder catastrophes were once again heard.

The figures under the calamity cloud have different auras. Some are not like human beings. They are five feet tall, with blue and black skin, and resentment lingering around them. There are also young women, whose bodies are shrouded in divine brilliance, holding a sacred jade staff, like a saint. The girl Linchen chanted the words and spirit in her mouth, and contacted a certain god from another world. His appearance was different, but without exception, they were not from the Taoism of the Lingyang world.

“Is this useful?” Ling Chu turned around and glanced, without much fluctuation in his expression.

“It’s useless now.” Taishi said flatly, “But it’s better than nothing.”

At least it can weaken the insight of heaven.

He has secretly cultivated these heretic monks for nearly a thousand years, and they are all at the sixth level of perfect cultivation. They are all in order to prepare for the tribulation at Lingchu, paving the way first and attracting the attention of heaven, just like firewood igniting a raging fire.

Ling Yang’s Tiandao does not tolerate aliens, and those who are not so clear-headed will inevitably be diverted most of their attention.

But the only thing that made him miscalculate was that the Emperor Rakshasa had overcome the tribulation first, stimulating the Heavenly Dao in advance. Then the Demon Emperor took action, which completely revived the originally slow Heavenly Dao, further causing the tide of the boundless sea to rise, speeding up the movement of heaven and earth. The coming of changes.

The plan can’t keep up with the changes, that’s all. When the changes in the world come, Ling Chu will never be able to get ahead, and now he can only force himself.

Ling Chu said no more and remained calm and focused. The chaotic energy from the intertwined yin and yang energy pressed across the sky. In the next moment, dazzling lightning flashed between the stars and the sea.


A bolt of lightning struck down instantly. The thunder was mixed with the divine power of heaven, which was unmatched. It instantly penetrated the mysterious light on Lingchu’s body, cracking his muscles and bones, and the blood of the Yin-Yang Holy Body splashed under the dome of the starry sky.

Seeing this scene, Taishi sighed softly. Ling Chu’s foundation was strong enough. Most of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm emperors on the Sky List were no match for him, but they were still defenseless under the Heavenly Tribulation.

Above the thick calamity cloud, a face appeared vaguely, with an indifferent expression, and the light of the mark of heaven flashed in its pupils, carrying a strong pressure.

“I wanted to meet you a long time ago, and today I got my wish.”

A shout echoed in the stars. Under the calamity cloud, Ling Chu slowly raised his head. Golden fireworks suddenly burned in his dark eyes, and half of his white hair suddenly turned black, like ink clouds falling down. .

A scroll of Heavenly Treasures emerged from the void and was held in his hand. Countless magical patterns appeared on it, and an extremely domineering energy and blood wave seeped out from the picture, rising into the clouds and flooding the starry sky.


“Absolutely not!”

“Emperor, please think twice!”

In an instant, all the human emperors in the distance guessed what Taishi wanted, and their expressions changed.

They have never even heard of the secret method for this generation of people to be robbed. How could there be a way in the world to hide it from the supervision of heaven.

Standing outside the calamity cloud, Taishi’s body trembled slightly, the golden flames in his pupils were silent, and the fluctuations of Yin and Yang’s holy blood emitted from his body. Nearly half of his hair lost its color at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a green mountain covered with snow. , he looked at the figure under the calamity cloud in the distance, with obvious confusion in his expression.


Thunder and lightning flashed in the tribulation cloud, but the thunder never fell. The giant face that emerged in the tribulation cloud, its pupils moved slightly, glanced at Taishi who stood outside the tribulation cloud, as if it had a spirit.

A figure emerged from above the calamity cloud, holding the Thunder Sword of Heaven’s Punishment. It did not strike at Ling Chu under the calamity cloud, but towards Taishi outside the calamity cloud!

The Tongtian Baolu under the calamity cloud bloomed with endless rays of light, and the fluctuations of Qi and blood that overflowed from it shook the entire sky, revealing the Taoist Qi machine that had stepped into the limit of the emperor’s realm, and frantically intercepted the Sword of Heaven’s Punishment regardless of the consequences.

Tear it apart——

The clear sound of tearing echoed in the starry sky, and a striking crack appeared on the Tongtian Baolu, but it finally blocked the killing thunder sword.


The calamity cloud in the sky shifted, shifted its target, and slowly enveloped Taishi.

The next moment, a bright Taoist fruit jumped out from the broken Tongtian Baolu, blocking the head of Taishi. With a slight twist, it shook the entire starry sky, the fluctuations revealed the Lingyang Realm, and destroyed the endless stars outside the realm. .


A heavier thunder sword fell, tearing apart all the obstacles and drowning Taishi’s figure. This was the heaviest thunder punishment under the law of heaven, and the heaven’s punishment was overwhelming.


The extremely powerful Dao Fruit only blocked it for a moment before it was split open directly. The sound of the world collapsing exploded first, like thunder filling the ears and roaring.

The Dao Fruit shattered, and the fragments flew everywhere, wrapping around Ling Chu’s figure under the calamity cloud, turning into a giant cocoon, wrapping it in it, completely devoid of life.

When the Tao fruit collapses, the spirit will perish. This is an unchanging law that prevails in the universe. It is normal for the body to be wrapped in the Tao after death.

Under the lightning, Taishi’s figure also disappeared with the wind, disappearing without a trace.


Bloody thunder flashed between the sky and the earth, and the monstrous rain of blood covered the entire land of China. It stretched endlessly and marked the fall of an emperor.


All the human emperors were so sad that their eyes were red. The emperor passed away and Ling Chu could not be saved. For the human race, it was undoubtedly an unbearable blow, and they might even be unable to recover from the fall.

The thunder light patrolled for nine days, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, it slowly dispersed. To Tiandao, this was just a provocation that was quickly suppressed.

The hearts of all the emperors were filled with despair, but Chu Hanzhou clenched his fists, thinking of Shi Lan far away on the other side of the starry sky.

There is still hope…

After calming down, the four princes came to the giant cocoon transformed from the Taishi Dao Fruit fragments, preparing to take Taishi’s body back to the imperial palace.


Before they could make any move, a crack suddenly appeared on the giant cocoon, and strands of mysterious light flowed out, half black and half white.

The fragments of Dao Fruit peeled off layer by layer, revealing Ling Chu’s figure. He opened his eyes, his expression did not waver at all, but tears poured out of his eyes one after another and dripped down his cheeks.

In the void, a white light emerged and fell on the top of his head. The Yin and Yang Holy Body contained two qi of yin and yang in the body. When divided, it was two sides, and when combined, it was one body. The breath was completely consistent, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

In the Lingyang Realm, there is no way to hide from the supervision of Heavenly Law. The only thing Taishi can do is to gamble, put everything he has, and bet that Heavenly Law will doubt his own judgment.

The outcome now is that he obviously won the bet.

Use yourself as fire, and be the people of Lingyang, burning lamps to continue the day.


In the imperial palace, Liu Yunzheng was leaning in front of the desk, his eyes were reddish, and he was holding a silver jade pen. His fingertips were trembling slightly, but the handwriting under the pen was not out of shape at all.

[In the 48951st year of the Taishi Calendar, the emperor died. 】


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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