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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 591 Ranking

The entrance to the secret realm of martial arts is located above a floating island. The floating island is filled with auspiciousness and splendor, all over the pavilions and palaces.

There are not a few people who gain insights from the fighting and grinding, and then break through the bottleneck. In order to avoid affecting each other, each pavilion and palace is surrounded by a magic circle to isolate the atmosphere to ensure that they will not be disturbed.

Shi Lan took out the jade token of a true generation, opened a 100-foot-long Qiong Tower, and stepped into it.

There are only less than fifty Qiong Towers of this size on this floating island, and they belong to the true generation.

There is another universe within the pavilion, which accommodates a small world and depicts countless large formations, which are enough to carry the Supreme to use his means to kill and prove his martial arts.

In the sky above the small world, hangs a clear orb that looks like a silver moon. It breathes out massive energy fluctuations and vaguely emits bursts of Tao Yun. It has the miraculous effect of calming the mind and cleansing the soul. It is a rare treasure.

This is not the first time that Shi Lan has been here. He stepped to the center of the small world and sat on the ground. His spiritual thoughts interacted with the heaven and earth, activating the Dao marks hidden in the void.

In an instant, her spiritual thoughts traveled through the void, as if she had traversed hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers. The next moment, she was standing in front of a huge city.

A special energy enveloped her mind, and she transformed into a physical body, wearing a military robe, no different from the outside world. Countless spiritual lights rose and fell from the surroundings of the giant city, manifesting the figures of many disciples.

Those who can enter the secret realm of martial arts are not only the disciples in Lingwu Cave, but also the outstanding figures from many dynasties under the jurisdiction of Lingwu Highness. The number of disciples staying in this giant city at any time is a quite terrifying number. .

In front of the huge city, there are nine thousand-foot crystal monuments standing. On each crystal monument, there are hundreds of true names. Each name is surrounded by eye-catching brilliance, which can be clearly seen in any corner of the secret realm of martial arts.

Those who can leave their names on the crystal tablet mean that their combat prowess in the same realm ranks among the top 100 among all the people who have come here since the establishment of the secret realm of martial arts.

In addition to the supreme giants who are not included in the realm, the top supreme ones are also ranked. Many of them have passed away, but their names are still hanging on them. In the secret realm of martial arts, their energy has been preserved and can be shaped. The phantom body is for those who come after to challenge, to prove one’s own martial arts, and to learn from the past.

Among them, the top names of the seven crystal monuments all have the same name, named ‘Rong Xuanqing’. This is a legend in the Lingwu Palace, an unparalleled martial arts talent.

This person seems to be born for martial arts. He is born with all the knowledge and innate aura in his body. His energy and blood are as strong as a dragon and a tiger, and he is as crazy as a demonic elephant. Since he joined the Lingwu Hall, he has been like a myth, making great progress all the way. He is only sixty years old. At the age of three, he set foot in the realm of Emperor Wu.

Moreover, he has extremely strict requirements for himself. After polishing himself to perfection in the current realm, he will break through and set foot in the next realm.

It is a pity that such a monster, with the cultivation level of the Martial Emperor, entered the foreign land of Shenwu, but failed to come out alive, and the soul lamp was extinguished.

According to the same group of geniuses who entered foreign lands, Rong Xuanqing never stepped into the Life Palace, but directly chose a world portal to experience. He never thought that this would be the result.

The death of a genius is often lamentable, and it caused countless people to sigh.

This is the second time Shi Lan has stepped into the secret realm of martial arts. The last time she came, she only had a rough understanding of it and did not try to challenge the ranking above the crystal tablet.

Given the eye-catching nature of the crystal tablet, if she can leave her name on it, it will not only bring her a huge amount of reputation in a short period of time, but it will also help her reputation grow for a long time in the future. The dynasty under the jurisdiction of His Highness Lingwu is like an ocean. There are countless creatures in it, all of which are hidden sources of reputation.

Shi Lan walked to the first crystal stele, her spiritual thoughts integrated into it, and glowing light emerged from the crystal stele, engulfing her figure.

The first crystal tablet corresponds to the first realm of cultivation. The first realm has different names in the universe, but this realm has not yet left the mortal world and is collectively called the mortal level.

An illusory arena condensed from the sky, instantly attracting many eyes.

Since ancient times, there have been countless talented people in the Lingwu Palace. It is not easy to stand out among these people and rank among the top 100. Although there are many people who come to the secret realm of martial arts, there are not many people who challenge the crystal tablet ranking. It’s not common. In a month, at most three or five people will try it.

After all, there are people paying attention to the crystal monument at all times. If you are not prepared enough and are easily defeated by the phantom body in it, you will inevitably be ridiculed for your lack of self-awareness.

“She is a true generation senior sister Shi Lan. I have seen her in Wanjingzhou. She seems to have just started.”

“I have said hello to her. She is indeed a rare beauty, but she has a cold temperament and is not very approachable.”

“This seems to be the first time that Senior Sister Shi has come to challenge the rankings. I wonder which crystal tablet she can leave her name on.”

A disciple in Lingwu Cave recognized Shi Lan and stopped, preparing to observe the martial arts competition.

The status of the true successors of Lingwu Palace is extremely high. They are all extremely rare among people. It is not surprising that they can leave their names on the crystal monument. The key lies in the ranking. Due to the different paths they have cultivated, each person has different abilities in different fields. The combat power in the realm will vary greatly.

Shi Lan stood on the ring, slowly stretching her muscles and bones. Her cultivation was suppressed at the ninth level of perfect body tempering realm. The acupoints all over her body were closed, sealing off the interaction with the vitality of heaven and earth, and she degenerated into a mortal body. .

Without the restrictions of the shackles of the Lingyang Realm, and with her now refined Shura combat body, at this moment, she was exerting nearly 100,000 kilograms of strength in every movement of her hands and feet. The feeling of returning to the body tempering realm made Shi Lan feel… I have some more insights in my heart. The body tempering method in Lingyang Martial Arts still has great potential that can be tapped.

Shi Lan glanced at the crystal tablet and chose a name. The next moment, a young man of about fourteen or fifteen years old appeared opposite her, with a handsome appearance.

“This senior sister is so courageous. She actually challenged Supreme Master Lingyun as soon as she came up!” Some disciples couldn’t help but be surprised.

This is the phantom body that Lingyun once left behind. On the first crystal tablet, the current Supreme Leader of Lingwu Palace ranks fifth. To challenge such a high-ranking person right from the start is enough to show that he has great influence on the world. Strong confidence in one’s own fighting ability.

There are more and more people around the ring, all attracted by Supreme Lingyun, and there is a faint expectation in their hearts.

The top ten rankings of crystal monuments have not been changed for a long time. Except for Rong Xuanqing, who is ranked first, the rest are at least the top supremes. They have swept across the same realm when they were young. Many disciples hope that Shi Lan can create miracles. , pushing down the rankings of these people.

Today’s disciples are not as good as the previous ones, and they are far worse than before. This is what they often hear from the elders who teach martial arts, and they are inevitably a little dissatisfied.

Shi Lan had never had any contact with a giant-level figure and had always been curious, so he chose Lingyun as his opponent.

She has extremely rich combat experience. When refining her martial arts in the virtual space, she often uses the Supreme as her opponent to hone her martial arts. Apart from Rong Xuanqing, there are only giant-level figures who can interest her.

Phantoms of weapons flashed in front of Shi Lan. She did not choose a halberd, but transformed into a pair of gold thread gloves as thin as cicada wings. All of her martial arts has been integrated into the martial arts. All laws are accessible. For those who have not faded away from the realm of mortals, the appearance of weapons is not important.

A large spear appeared in the young Lingyun’s hand. The spear was five feet long, with a nine-inch blade, shining with bright silver light.


Just as Shi Lan put on her gloves, a bit of cold light streaked through the void like a dragon and pierced her throat.

In an instant, Lingyun’s figure crossed a distance of tens of feet and held out the spear in his hand. The murderous intent was bone-piercing. The fierce blood of a dragon and an elephant leaked out of his body, faintly raising the temperature around him. There was even a faint sound of thunder surging with blood.

Those who can leave their names on the crystal tablet all have the invincible talent to kill enemies across great realms. This spear is enough to attack in reverse and instantly kill extraordinary creatures!


The gold-threaded glove gently stroked the gun blade, sparking out.

Shi Lan did not dodge, he held his breath and concentrated, cutting away all distracting thoughts. Only the sound of blood flowing in his body was left in his ears. He deflected the cold light with a palm, stepped forward, wrapped around the barrel of the gun, and swung his arms sideways. He raised his palms and exploded with an air explosion. With the force of thunder, he pressed it towards Lingyun’s heart. With his bare hands, his Qi machine was three points more powerful than a gun blade!


Ling Yun reacted very quickly and suddenly took a few steps back. The gun barrel in her hand bent instantly, removing Shi Lan’s palm strength. Then she suddenly twisted her body and raised her legs. A strong wind blew up, like a steel whip coming!

This blow was powerful and heavy, with a roaring thunder sound. Before the whip could reach, the strong wind had already ruffled Shi Lan’s long hair.

Shi Lan’s eyes flashed slightly, and instead of retreating, he advanced. His cheek brushed against the strong wind like a knife cutting his face, and he slid to Lingyun’s side like a fish. He raised his arm to press the spear in his hand, twisted his waist and stood up, his spine like a dragon, There was thunder every now and then, like a huge mountain peak rising up from the earth, leaning against Lingyun’s chest with its shoulders.

Suddenly, her arms were free, and Ling Yun slid the spear in her hand away. Without dodging, she turned around, bent her arms and raised her elbows, hitting the side of her head like a heavy hammer.

The sound of wind and thunder exploded, and in a hurry, Shi Lan had no time to change his stance and barely gave up half of his body.


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, Lingyun’s figure flew out, her bones shattered, and her left chest collapsed visibly.

Shi Lan rolled to his feet and gave up half of his body, but could not avoid the blow. There was a sharp pain in his waist. His internal organs had been cracked and he had suffered severe injuries. He found it difficult to get up for a while.

Not far away, Ling Yun had jumped up first, stepping forward like a tiger and leopard, reaching out to wrap her arms around the tip of the gun. The gun barrel was tightened between her arms, forming an astonishing arc. The next moment, the gun blade was wrapped with terrifying power. The rebound was like a giant ax, slashing diagonally towards Shi Lan’s throat, unstoppable!

Gritting his teeth to suppress the severe pain in his waist, Shi Lan turned sideways to avoid it, but the skin of his neck was still opened by the tip of the gun, causing blood to bleed, and his throat was almost torn open.


Before Shi Lan could take action again, Lingyun’s figure suddenly softened and fell onto the ring, her energy and blood silent. Just now, Shi Lan’s blow had already crushed his heart. This was the last moment of strength to hold on. Kill the enemy with one breath, and see life and death with one blow.

Shi Lan slowly wiped away the blood on his neck with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Compared to those in advanced realms, who often use force to overwhelm others, in the battle between mortals, they pay more attention to changes in moves and use all means to kill the enemy. Just in the blink of an eye, she had experienced life and death twice, and was almost killed by Lingyun on the spot.

She had not experienced this kind of experience in the same situation for a long time. The battle that she originally thought would be a bit boring gave her a very novel feeling, and it actually had a significant promotion effect on martial arts.

The ranking on the crystal tablet has changed. Shi Lan’s name appears in the fifth line, Lingyun has been relegated to sixth, and the original bottom position has been directly squeezed out of the ranking.

The moment the ranking changed, Shi Lan’s injuries recovered instantly. She did not stop and looked at the top of the crystal stele. Lingyun was ranked fifth and almost killed her. Rong Xuanqing, who was ranked first, must have only It will be even scarier.

Suddenly, Shi Lan felt a little excitement that he had not seen for a long time.

The next moment, she directly selected Rong Xuanqing’s name, and a figure appeared again on the empty arena.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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