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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 614 The Way of Heaven

Chongxiao’s sword energy is so amazing that it can be clearly felt anywhere in the Lingyang Realm.

The moment the sword light shined, in the Demon Emperor’s palace above the heavy demon clouds, the Demon Emperor’s eyes flashed slightly and he looked up to the sky.


The next moment, a dazzling sword that spanned a million miles, carrying a vast and unparalleled power, came straight towards the Demon Emperor’s Palace.

The many Demon Emperors and Heavenly Demons who gathered around the Demon Emperor’s Palace felt their livers and gallbladders freeze in an instant. The swords revealed unparalleled Qi, and the one who took action was an invincible being who had reached the top of the Emperor Realm.


In between breaths, several rays of light shone in the sky, breaking through the dark clouds in the sky. The sky was filled with demonic aura. The Demon Emperor, who controlled the ancient demon emperor’s weapons, awakened the true spirit in it and tried to resist it with the ancient demon emperor’s soldiers. Jian Gang.

A bright dragon ball soared into the sky, with dozens of real dragons skating around inside it, bringing with it a monstrous dragon power. The seven-color light rose into the sky, and the glittering feather fan slowly unfolded, encompassing a world within it. The screams of various magical birds echoed.


The sharp energy enveloping the sword is incomparable and extremely domineering.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon ball shattered, and dozens of real dragons swimming in it were instantly killed by the sword. The feather fan did not last for a moment. The fan bone exploded, and the fragments flew to all directions, and the world wrapped in it also followed. It collapsed, was pierced by the sharp sword, and was instantly destroyed.

There were as many as four or five ancient demon emperor soldiers rising into the air, but none of them could stop Jian Gang’s approach. They were crushed without any resistance midway, unable to stop him in the slightest.


Embedded in the sword light was a simple blue-grey long sword. Wherever it passed, all demon clansmen were crushed into powder, and their blood shot into the sky.


The Ten Thousand Demonic Rulers suspended in the sky moved slightly, and the shadow of a snow-white alien beast emerged from it, resembling a giant mastiff. There was a long shadow of a long river flowing in the beast’s pupils. The divine pattern of laws almost resonated with the world, and many Thunder shines, this is a strange sight that can only be caused by the most powerful person above the Demon Saint.

In the Demon Emperor’s Palace, Chen Xin slowly took a step forward, with murderous intent in his eyes.


The moment the Ten Thousand Demonic Rulers moved, the annals of human history hanging over the Chengtian Territory surged in divine glory, and the forbidden divine patterns were woven into chains of light in the void, transforming into the patterns of the mountains, rivers and earth, and suppressing them.

The battle line that was originally pressed into the sky for millions of miles was pushed across in an instant. Countless big demons and even many demon emperors lingering on the battle line were crushed to death instantly without any resistance, and turned into demons at the snap of a finger. Bloody mud.

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise of the collapse of the small world echoed in the sky, bloody lightning flashed, and blood rain filled the sky. The number of demon emperors who were crushed to death was no less than fifty, and the sky demon had no calculation.

The two clans are fighting against each other with heavy weapons. Any mistakes will be infinitely magnified and cause irreparable damage.


Liu Yunzheng, who was sitting cross-legged under the annals of human history, coughed out a mouthful of blood. His hair, which was originally as black as ink, was almost half turned into snow, and his temples were all white.

His cultivation is not enough to unleash the full power of the human history book. He has always used secret methods to burn his own foundation to activate the human history book. The blow just now almost burned away most of his lifespan.

Fighting opportunities were fleeting, and under the heavy pressure of Ten Thousand Demon Rulers, he could hardly find any chance to counterattack. Now that he finally had an opportunity, he naturally couldn’t miss it.


The terrifying roar echoed in the sky, millions of miles away, and the demon-suppressing army, including many warriors, also had their blood surge. If not for the protection of human history, they would have exploded and died on the spot.

In the Demon Emperor’s Palace, looking at the many Demon Emperors who were instantly crushed to death in the Chengtian Domain, Chen Xin’s eyes did not waver at all, and he continued to activate the Ten Thousand Demon Rulers.

The giant white mastiff above the nine heavens stepped on the galaxy, slowly opened its mouth, and in the next moment, breathed out a mouthful of chaotic energy.

In an instant, the heaven and earth seemed to be carrying an unbearable huge force. The whole sky collapsed, and the world’s barriers were shaken and almost collapsed.

Chaos energy rolled through the void and met head-on with the sword light that was attacking.


Countless marks broke apart between the heaven and the earth, and the sword was instantly shattered. With a soft sound, spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the gray sword wrapped in it, almost disintegrating on the spot, turning into a stream of light, carrying a huge energy fluctuation. Rewind and go back.


The Nine Heavens Gang wind stirred, and a figure flew out, plowing a deep ravine in the void, scattering large amounts of essence and blood, and then fell into the vast land of China and entered the realm of human history.

The energy fluctuations between heaven and earth have not subsided for a long time. If it were not for the suppression of heaven, the surrounding star fields would have been destroyed in the aftermath of the fight.

The Demon Emperor did not pursue him, but calmed down the restlessness above Ten Thousand Demons, and his eyes were a little cold.

In just one moment of fighting, he had already seen the details of the person who made the move. Thinking of the Emperor Sword that was born in the boundless demon realm when he was fighting outside the territory, he already knew the origin of this person. .


He never expected that a mere imperial sword would actually dare to take action against the Ten Thousand Demon Rulers. The word “death or death” cannot describe this approach.



In the Chengtian Domain, before the annals of human history, a figure in green clothes stood in the sky. He was only in his early twenties, and his appearance was unparalleled. However, his clothes were stained with blood at the moment, making him look a little embarrassed.

“Dare you ask me, senior?” Liu Yunzheng asked carefully.

Although his posture is a bit embarrassing, the imperial power on his body cannot be faked. If it were not for the people who came out of Ling Yang, Tiandao would probably have revived at this moment.


Wuxu glanced at the history of the human race, and his eyes were a little complicated. Back then, Guiyun was begging for the treasure but it was rare to see it, and now it appeared in front of him.

Liu Yunzheng was no stranger to the name ‘Wuxu’. The Imperial Court had already found out the root cause of the Sword Emperor Dao Fruit on Shi Lan’s body. Bai Weiyang, Yan Mobei and others had all been interrogated.

“It turns out to be Senior Wuxu…”

Before Liu Yunzheng finished speaking, Wuxu’s figure had disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the entire vast land of China was under the awareness of the history of the human race. Liu Yunzheng quickly found traces of Wuxu in a demon-suppressing army camp.



“Where did the Tao Fruit in your body come from?”

Wuxu came directly to the school grounds and found Bai Weiyang.

“Are you…Senior Wuxu?”

Looking at the man in green in front of him, Bai Weiyang asked tentatively. He could sense the Sword Emperor Dao Fruit and carry such a friendly imperial power. Apart from Wuxu, whom Shi Lan had mentioned to him, there should be no more. There are others.

Thinking of the previous Chongxiao Sword Qi, it is not difficult to guess Wuxu’s identity.

Hearing Bai Weiyang’s inquiry, Wuxu looked carefully at Bai Weiyang and nodded slightly:

“Are you Shi Lan’s chosen successor?”

“I’ve met senior.” Bai Weiyang saluted with some excitement. He didn’t know the inside story of the incident that had just happened, but Sword Emperor Guiyun was the most powerful man in the imperial realm. As his imperial soldier, Wuxu He cannot be a weakling, and he undoubtedly plays a decisive role in the current situation in the Lingyang Realm.

“Where is Shi Lan now?”

Wuxu asked bluntly without exchanging pleasantries. He came back to this world just to find Shi Lan. He just took action because the demon clan’s arrogance was too arrogant. The demon emperor’s blood he had drank was enough to stain him. It is naturally impossible to sit idly by in the boundless red sea.

Even though he was facing the Ten Thousand Demonic Rulers, he still chose to take action, although the consequences were somewhat serious. If he had not stepped into the void realm a few days ago, the Wuxu Sword would have been destroyed on the spot.

The main body is damaged, and even if he is now free from the shackles of the sword, he will still suffer heavy injuries.

“Shi Lan is now outside the territory. The younger generation has no way of knowing where he is.” Bai Weiyang shook his head. After the last encounter, he had not seen Shi Lan for nearly 20 years.

“Outside the territory…”

Hearing the words, Wuxu couldn’t help but frown. According to his speculation, with the vast world behind him and his extraordinary talent, Shi Lan could not stay in the realm of heaven and human for too long. He should have entered the realm of the emperor by now.

With a vast world in his hands, after entering the realm of emperors, the path taken by ordinary human emperors is also different. He originally wanted to make a point or two, but now it seems that he may not have this opportunity.

“Last time you met Shi Lan, how far had her cultivation reached?” Wuxu asked casually.

“Blood Cloud Realm, but judging from the recently updated Sky Ranking, it should be at the Luotian Realm now.”

“Complete the Luotian realm?!”

How could it be so fast?

Wuxu was startled, and immediately frowned. He didn’t even have time to sigh at how quickly Shi Lan’s cultivation had grown.

It is almost impossible to condense the Dao Fruit in a vast world. Wuxu’s original intention is for Shi Lan to use the Qiongluo Realm as a springboard. When the time comes to kill the Dao, he will take action to kill the Qingluo Realm. As a part of it, when Shi Lan Zhandao steps into the Emperor’s Realm, it will naturally be a matter of course.

But now, things have gone beyond his imagination. Shi Lan’s cultivation level has improved much faster than he expected. If something went wrong when he was cutting the path outside the territory, his actions at that time helped Shi Lan refine Qiongluo. , but it harmed her.

Thinking of this, Wuxu felt a little uneasy for a moment. The universe was vast and boundless, and it was impossible for him to find Shi Lan. Moreover, looking at the current situation in the vast land of China, he could not just stand by and leave directly.

“It is true that the Luotian realm has been perfected. Nearly twenty years ago, when Shi Lan came back, he had already reached the blood cloud realm. At that time, he still entered the realm as an incarnation. It seemed that something happened outside the realm and was captured by Lingyang Tiandao. Repulsed…”


When Bai Weiyang was feeling a little emotional, he was directly interrupted by Wuxu and confirmed:

“Shi Lan hasn’t come back during this period, has he?”

“Indeed never…”

Bai Weiyang is a smart person who can tell the truth at a glance. He suddenly realized that if Shi Lan had not returned to Lingyang, the information on the Sky List would not have changed.

With the current situation in Lingyang Realm, if Shi Lan comes back and sees her father and brothers on the battlefield, there will be no movement.

Then there is only one possibility left.

If the person who drew up the Sky List could be found, he would naturally know the current location of Shi Lan.

“Have a good life and practice.”

Wuxu hurriedly said something, then turned around and stepped into the void.

The situation is critical now, and there is no time for him to waste.



The great world of Shenwu, the alien land of Shenwu.

In a desolate world that was half virtual and half real, Shi Lan sat on the ground, quietly waiting for the next projection.

After setting foot on the heavenly road, within a moment, she was sent into this space.

In this space, there is a very special power that suppresses all external forces. The Qiongluo Realm, including the Burial Realm and the Supreme Artifact stored in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, are all suppressed, and even reincarnation is silent.

The first level in Shenwu Foreign Land is to kill the nine projections.

After entering this space, up to this moment, she had killed seven projections. Including the time for the projections to alternate, only half an hour had passed in total.

The strength of these projections was far different from hers, and the battle was a one-sided defeat.

Perhaps because she won too easily, the strength of these projections was increasing at an extremely fast rate, almost geometrically.

After drinking some tea, a figure appeared in front of her out of thin air.

“Rong Xuanqing?!”

The moment he saw the figure in front of him clearly, Shi Lan’s expression changed slightly.

Apart from Rong Xuanqing, the only person she has spent the longest time with since she entered martial arts is Rong Xuanqing.

Hundreds of years spent in the virtual space made her very familiar with this appearance.

Compared to the figure on the crystal tablet of the Secret Realm of Performing Martial Arts, the projection manifested by Shenwu Foreign Realm is a bit more mature. He looks to be in his mid-twenties, and the aura fluctuations revealed by his cultivation are around the third level of the eighth level.

Nowadays, Shi Lan is still far away from being a hundred years old. When he was the same age as her, Rong Xuanqing already had this kind of cultivation, which was enough to be called a genius that shocked the world.

When Shi Lan was astonished, Rong Xuanqing had already opened his own domain and stepped forward. The domain was filled with a bluish-white divine glow, which was holy and unparalleled, exuding an unparalleled pure aura.

In terms of the quality of the field alone, Shi Lan, who has completed part of the purification of the Imperial Dao field, is far from this pure aura and contains almost no impurities.

Shi Lan stood up slowly. The dark Imperial Domain, with an absolute power gap, instantly suppressed all Rong Xuanqing’s movements and imprisoned him in place.

She walked up to Rong Xuanqing, put her hand on Rong Xuanqing’s neck, paused for a few breaths, and then crushed his throat.

In just a few breaths, Rong Xuanqing’s projected aura has been included in the system’s virtual space.

At this moment, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a little happy. She had always felt a little regretful that she couldn’t fight Rong Xuanqing who was behind the Condensation Domain.

The eighth level is an ultimate transformation. In the realm, a purer true meaning of martial arts is manifested, which can bring her greater gains.

Rong Xuanqing’s figure slowly dispersed, and after drinking tea, the last projection appeared in front of Shi Lan.

He was a man in white clothes who looked to be less than twenty years old. He was surprisingly tall, a head taller than Shi Lan. His eyebrows were dark and bright, and he was extremely energetic.

Compared to his figure, the aura of the man in white made Shi Lan even more desperate.

The eighth level of extreme realm.

She simply couldn’t imagine how there could be a living being at her age who could possess this level of cultivation and be just one step away from condensing Dao Fruit and becoming the Supreme Being within the universe!

This is a force that she cannot defeat on her own. At this age, with this kind of cultivation, she is a freak. Coupled with the suppression of the big realm, she cannot fight back at all.

“I thought that no one would be able to see me at all…” There was a trace of obvious surprise in the expression of the man in white.

As the words fell, Shi Lan’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t help but feel a hint of horror: “Are you conscious?!”

The eight projections, including Rong Xuanqing, are all simulated incarnations of Shenwu Foreign Land. They have no thoughts at all, but the man in white in front of him is completely different, and he obviously has his own consciousness.

The man in white is more like a remnant soul than a projection.

“My name is Tai Yuantian.”

Seeing Shi Lan, the man in white obviously had some fluctuations in his mood, but his tone remained calm. He had a demeanor that was otherworldly, and his background was unfathomable, like a vast ocean.

“Tai Yuantian…”

The man in white slowly walked up to Shi Lan and sat on the ground with a very relaxed posture. He had no intention of doing anything. Seeing Shi Lan’s stunned look, he couldn’t help but chuckle:

“I was once the Heavenly Dao of Taiyuan Realm. After giving up the authority of Heavenly Dao, I became a human and gave myself this name.”

“Are you the incarnation of heaven?!”

After hearing what the man in white said, Shi Lan gradually came back to his senses, suppressed the shock in his heart, and couldn’t help but ask:

“Why are you still conscious?”

This is the first time that Shi Lan has faced the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao in Yifang World, and it can’t help but feel a little strange.

“Taiyuan has been integrated into Shenwu, and the core of Heavenly Dao has not been completely swallowed up. Perhaps because of this, I have retained part of my consciousness.”

“After coming here, I haven’t seen any living beings except you, and my consciousness has been wandering.”

Perhaps because he hadn’t seen anyone for a long time, Tai Yuantian gave an answer to Shi Lan’s question without reservation.

“What kind of existence is Shenwu Foreign Land?”

After hearing Taiyuan’s words, Shi Lan’s heartbeat accelerated a little, as if he saw a bright future.

Maybe she can learn some secrets from Tai Yuantian’s mouth that no one has ever heard before.

Tai Yuantian did not answer Shi Lan’s question, but asked instead: “Do you know how these worlds in the heavens and worlds were originally born?”

Shi Lan shook her head. She had never thought about this before, nor did she want to explore it. After all, it meant nothing to her. Along the way, what she considered most was always how to survive.

Compared with the illusory future or the past, tomorrow is the closest to her.

“The source of the heavens is a continent, and all the worlds are transformed from the corpses left behind after the death of the creatures on this continent, including me.”

There was a hint of recollection in Tai Yuantian’s eyes. Although these memories were long ago, they were extremely clear.

“Where is that continent now?” Shi Lan’s eyes moved slightly. Even the giants in the outside world may not know the secrets Tai Yuantian said.

“Broken into pieces.”

“Broken?” Shi Lan was puzzled. As the source of all worlds, the power of this continent is definitely not comparable to that of the ordinary world. Even today’s Shenwu is probably far from being able to compare with it.

The power of its heaven must have reached a limit that no living thing can imagine. How could such an existence be destroyed by others.

“The lifespan of a living being is limited by heaven and earth. Even if the source of power continues, when the lifespan determined by heaven and earth is reached, heaven will still send down a calamity of death, deprive you of everything you have, and knock you into hell. Are you willing?”

Tai Yuantian’s expression was very gentle, and he had been in a happy mood after seeing Shi Lan.

Shi Lan couldn’t answer this question. Few people were willing to die if they could live. She had always thought about how to live.

“Of course some people are unwilling.”

Tai Yuantian sighed softly.

“Who broke the world?”

Shi Lan couldn’t imagine what kind of creature could possess such great power and defeat the source of all worlds.

“A creature born in a world cannot have the power to destroy this world. This is an iron law that no creature can disobey, but someone has figured out a way.”

The smile on Tai Yuantian’s face gradually faded, and he looked a little confused:

“If there is no way to improve one’s own power, then weaken the world. This is also the first time in the universe that source power has flowed out.”

“I don’t know since when, some powerful creatures on the continent chose to commit suicide when their life span was about to expire. Their bodies were sealed using secret methods and buried in the chaos outside the continent. The source of their power was never returned to the world. “

“This process lasted for hundreds of millions of years. By the time the heaven and earth reacted, He had lost his absolute power advantage. After a great battle, he was slaughtered by the living beings. The continent also collapsed, and the core of Heavenly Dao within it , was split into four pieces.”

Shi Lan listened quietly without interrupting. Tai Yuantian recounted a piece of ancient history in the universe in a very calm tone.

“After the corpses of those powerful creatures were buried in the chaos, they turned into galaxies. These galaxies are called ‘World Pasture’ by some people.”

“I came from the World Pasture, which is equivalent to the mass graves in the mortal world. All powerful dead creatures are buried here. After hundreds of millions of years, there will be pure worlds, which are the best nourishment. , there will be dedicated personnel to harvest the source power on a regular basis.”

“I don’t know how long it has been, but in the pasture where I am, there are fewer and fewer worlds, and people who harvest source power no longer appear. Driven by the creatures within them, the many worlds have begun to devour each other. “

“One day, I noticed that my source of power began to flow out, and my strength gradually weakened. I didn’t want to wait for death, so I chose to become a human being, but I never escaped death.”

Speaking of this, Tai Yuantian laughed at himself. Compared with those more powerful creatures, his strength was almost vulnerable. As a heavenly being, he was trampled under his feet and trampled wantonly.

Listening to Tai Yuantian’s narration, Shi Lan calmed down a lot. The information in Tai Yuantian’s mouth was too far away from her. The most important thing for her now was how to get through the Shenwu Foreign Land.

“What kind of place is Shenwu Foreign Land?”

Upon hearing Shi Lan’s inquiry, Tai Yuantian was silent for a moment, and then said:

“The core of the Heavenly Dao of that continent was broken into four pieces, one of which is in the Shenwu Foreign Land.”

“In the Palace of Life?” Shi Lan’s heart tightened and she guessed.

“Ming Palace?” Tai Yuantian was stunned, then shook his head:

“There is nothing secret about that place. It is connected to the Book of Three Worlds under the Underworld. When you turn the Wheel of Life, you are pulling your own lifeline. Taking a trip under the Underworld is like reincarnation, grafting your own life. Just gave it to someone else.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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