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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 615 Killing Intention

Tai Yuantian said it in an understatement, but what Shi Lan heard was thrilling.

This is a trip to the underworld. If something unexpected happens, it is not unusual to be unable to come back.

“I once heard that some people borrowed the fate of ancient saints after entering the Palace of Fate, but they were unable to leave the foreign land. Why is this?”

After gathering his composure, Shi Lan asked again.

“I told you just now that on the original continent, longevity is constant. There is a core of heaven in the foreign land of gods and martial arts. This law is naturally applicable here.”

“After pulling the lifeline, if Shenwu Foreign Land thinks that you should be a dead person, then you will naturally be robbed and you will not be able to walk out alive.”

Talking about this, Tai Yuantian shook his head and said: “However, due to the lack of the core of Heavenly Dao, his induction is not so sensitive now, and the probability of inexplicable death is not very high.”

“Why do those who have never entered the Life Palace die?” Shi Lan felt a little relieved. After understanding the secrets of the Life Palace, the unknown fear faded a lot.

“In the tests of these worlds, the probability of death is extremely low.” Tai Yuantian said lightly: “Some people may not have been able to leave the foreign land of Shenwu, but it does not mean that they are dead.”

“Have you been trapped in those world projections?” Shi Lan’s eyes narrowed.

“No.” Tai Yuantian denied Shi Lan’s speculation: “There is a force operating in the foreign land of Shenwu, stealing source power, and sometimes absorbing fresh blood. Some of the more outstanding people may be targeted.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan was startled, and then suddenly realized that this should be the creature that Lingyun said was moving in the foreign land of Shenwu.

After thinking for a moment, a flash of light flashed in Shi Lan’s mind. Samsara had told her before that the system headquarters, including the Samsara Palace, had never stepped into the Shenwu World because the Heavenly Dao in the Shenwu World was extremely active. The control of Yuanli is extremely strict.

Now it seems that the reason why the way of heaven is so active may be because the source power of the great world of Shenwu has been flowing out in large quantities.

Thinking of this, Shi Lan couldn’t help but wonder: “Did these people steal source power without being noticed by Shenwu Tiandao?”

“The laws in foreign lands are completely different from those in today’s universe. Shenwu’s heavenly law can be detected, but it cannot affect it here.”

“So that’s it.” Shi Lan suddenly realized that this place is the core of the world of Shenwu, but the law of heaven cannot intervene. It is equivalent to an unguarded treasure house.

“All the creatures in this force exist as spiritual bodies, like wandering souls, without physical bodies at all, so they can come and go freely in the projections of all worlds…”

After saying that, Tai Yuantian stood up slowly, and the realm that was compressed to the extreme slowly unfolded, manifesting a vast sea of ​​stars, with a breath as thick as a sacred mountain.

Shi Lan sensed the crisis, and the Imperial Dao realm extended involuntarily. The suffocating pressure caused the depths of the dark realm to surge like a wave, and a layer of divine brilliance emerged from the turmoil.

“There will eventually be a battle between you and me. This is the law of the divine martial arts. I cannot violate it. I’m sorry.”

Tai Yuantian’s eyes were still calm. It was obvious that this projection was now beyond his control. The short time just now was already the result of his efforts to delay it.

“Thanks for clearing up the confusion.”

Shi Lan bowed and exhaled slowly, her eyes regained their composure, and all the distracting thoughts in her mind were cleared away in an instant. Since the battle was unavoidable, there was only one thing left for her to consider.

Do whatever it takes to defeat the powerful enemy in front of you!

If she cannot defeat Tai Yuantian, she will stop here and all her past honors and disgrace will disappear.

“I was once the sky of the Taiyuan Realm, protecting all souls. Now I have been wandering here for countless years, like a lonely ghost…”

Tai Yuantian was a little disappointed, and his dark and bright eyes dimmed slightly. The movement of his hands did not stop at all. He raised his arm to take a starry sky into his palm. Stars of various colors collided at his fingertips, creating brilliant sparks. In an instant, A complex and dazzling Dao mark was condensed.

As the way of heaven in a vast world, he was transformed from the corpse of the most powerful person in ancient times. His background is unpredictable, and his cultivation during his lifetime has already entered the realm above the supreme.

The projection that is now manifested is only the cultivation he had at Shi Lan’s age, but his combat power is not the same.


The desolate world collapsed under a palm, almost completely shattered. The turbulent currents stirred up, and the fragments of space flowed across like a river of stars, flooding the sky. Beyond the broken sky wall, there was an endless starry sky.

Shi Lan’s expression was very calm. Facing the palm that shattered the sky and shattered the earth, she remained unmoved. The pupils in her eyes were spinning like the sun and the moon, and the blood energy around her body was igniting like a torch. In an instant, she had ignited her body’s longevity.

This is the secret technique she obtained from Rong Xuanqing. She has combined it with the spirit-burning technique to form a more powerful life-burning combat method.

Facing a powerful enemy whose cultivation level is ten thousand times better than hers, she has no chance of winning unless she gives everything she has.

The incarnation shrouded in chaos came from the depths of the realm, holding the Red Crow Halberd tightly in his hand. As the dark realm surged, the roar of gods and demons exploded, shaking the universe.

The dazzling light of the halberd soared into the sky, and the divine clouds spread across the sky, carrying the power of the dark imperial realm, directly towards the falling palm print!


As the light and shadow flickered, the halberd exploded, and the Red Crow War Halberd rolled back. The incarnation took several steps back. Every step it took caused a turmoil in the realm. Cracks appeared vaguely in the dark realm, and it was almost destroyed. Cracked with one palm.

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Shi Lan’s mouth. Her sea of ​​consciousness was greatly shaken, and her soul was scattered for a while, but her eyes did not waver at all. The Holy Demon Eye was activated to the extreme, shining with divine light.

The entrance to the Qiongluo Realm has been sealed by Shenwu Foreign Realm and cannot be opened, but the connection with Shi Lan has not been severed.

Before the critical moment of life and death, Shi Lan put aside all worries, extracted power from the Qiongluo Realm, and distributed the residual power of this palm to the entire Qiongluo Realm. At this moment, the world was in ruins, and the rivers and seas stopped flowing.

If not, this palm would be enough to crush her internal organs and kill her vitality!

“You carry a vast world on your back. Although it is a help to you, it is also a heavy burden. It is very difficult to condense the Dao Fruit.”

“Don’t regard the world as a burden. If you use it properly, it will become your help. All the spirits in the world exist because of you. While enjoying the shelter, nature will give you feedback. You must completely integrate it.”

Tai Yuantian’s voice was still unhurried and distant, as if it was out of reach, as if he was giving a reminder:

“If you can help me escape today, I will give you a big gift.”

If this projection is defeated, he may be able to take a moment to breathe, gain the right to commit suicide, and no longer be trapped between heaven and earth.

The tall figure stands in the sky, like a god who transcends the world, controlling the life and death of all souls, exuding the most domineering majesty.

The dazzling brilliance gathered behind him, and a sword of heavenly punishment was vaguely condensed. The blade was pointed directly at Shi Lan Tianling, and the majestic and majestic aura swept across the world.

This is the incarnation of the way of heaven. With the power of heaven, almost no one can resist it.

The majestic energy was grabbed by Shi Lan from the Qiongluo Realm and poured into her body to repair her injuries. The cultivation base that was in the perfect Luotian realm inevitably began to skyrocket, and it touched the Dao-killing realm. threshold.

Shi Lan took a deep breath and without hesitation pushed his cultivation into the realm of Zhan Dao. In an instant, the Imperial Dao realm began to twist and collapse, gradually closing and becoming a faintly visible dark divine ring, shrouding the A layer of dim starlight.

She hasn’t found the perfect way to kill Dao, so now is not a good opportunity to kill Dao, but if she doesn’t kill Dao now, she will only die!

The dark imperial realm began to surge and expand rapidly, and the dark divine ring enveloped the entire world.


The giant sword behind Tai Yuantian fell, like a collapse of the sky, and the laws turned into light fragments, like stars, flying around the lightsaber, possessing invincible power.

Within the domain, the incarnation stepped on the energy of chaos and soared into the sky. The dark halberd stirred up a galaxy, crushing a large area of ​​the sky, defying the power of heaven and blooming with dazzling brilliance.


There was a thunderous explosion, and the leaping incarnation was knocked back and slammed into the field. All limbs were torn apart, no blood spilled, only scarlet blood vibrated and floated in the air.

“It’s not enough!” Shi Lan clenched his teeth, the corners of his eyes cracked, and a line of red blood fell down his cheeks. It was not enough to kill Tai Yuantian as she had just entered the Dao Slayer realm. She needed more powerful power. .

At this moment, she has been forced into a real desperate situation. Unlike in the virtual space, if she loses at this moment, she will never have the chance to start over again!

As his cultivation skyrocketed, his stable soul began to turmoil, and chaotic thoughts that shouldn’t have appeared in the depths of Shi Lan’s mind were signs of the beginning of inner demons.

This realm was originally something that could only be set foot in after the imperial realm was purified, but now Shi Lan no longer had the intention to wait.

Hundreds of years of fighting in the virtual space have made her Taoist heart almost unshakable, but the signs of inner demons emerging from her soul still stirred up her mood, and her calm heart suddenly became filled with mixed feelings.

Phantoms even began to appear in front of her eyes, interfering with her judgment. If this continues, she will lose this battle!

While her mind was in turmoil, a thought couldn’t help but emerge from the bottom of her heart. If she wielded the Heart Sword of Martial Arts and cut off her seven emotions and six desires, maybe she would be able to overcome this hurdle…

“The seven emotions and six desires are the foundation of life. If there are any defects, there is no hope of enlightenment.”

Sensing something strange about Shi Lan, Tai Yuantian spoke again, with a much heavier tone:

“You don’t have to fight against your inner demons, don’t suppress them, activate your spirit, release your nature, just remember one thought.”

“kill me!”

As he spoke, the lightsaber behind Tai Yuantian condensed and took shape again. The power of the sky was like a big hand caressing the starry sky of the universe, favoring Yunei.

When he took action, there was no murderous intent at all, but a sense of naturalness as it should be.

God wants you to die!

After drinking loudly, Shi Lan regained his consciousness, got rid of distracting thoughts, and turned his thoughts into pure murderous intentions according to Tai Yuantian’s words.

Her eyes were bloodshot and turned red, her rationality was almost completely gone, and all her turbulent thoughts were buried by the overwhelming murderous intent.

In an instant, the aura around Shi Lan increased more than ten times, and the avatar rose up from the domain again. The cracks on his body had healed and were intact. He was holding a halberd, exuding a shocking killing aura, shaking the starry sky in the universe. .

Tai Yuantian didn’t speak again, his eyes were distant, with a hint of expectation. His white clothes rustled amid the surging energy fluctuations, and his grace was not of this world.


The Light Sword of Heaven’s Punishment slashed down again, and all the laws were wrapped up in the light of the sword, regardless of each other. Under the power of God, the fusion was flawless. This is almost the origin of law.

These laws are all born of heaven and earth, and have an indescribable affinity for the incarnation of heaven. There are even some of them that were once part of the Taiyuan Realm.

The incarnation did not dodge, and the halberd rose up in reverse. The light of the halberd spread across the sea of ​​stars, and the clanging sound echoed among the stars.

The mist covering the face stirred up and faded a lot, revealing some outlines, reflecting a pair of eyes as clear as water. Its inner shadow drew the shadow of a long river, as plain as autumn, and had not been affected by Shi Lan’s current violence. The slightest influence on the mood.

Tai Yuantian lowered his head and glanced at Shi Lan, who was surrounded by blood demons in the field, and his eyes changed slightly.


The halberd blade collided with the Heavenly Punishment Light Sword, and the force was fierce.

In an instant, the lightsaber collapsed and the Red Crow Halberd rolled back, its blade trembling wildly.

The incarnation did not retreat even an inch, stretched out a palm, and gently swept across the void. The jade-white fingertips carried the true meaning of martial arts, trickling down.

The majestic power of Heaven in the sky was instantly smoothed, as if Taiyuan Heaven was pulled into the earthly world, and the separation between heaven and man was shattered with a snap of a finger!

The next moment, the halberd fell again!

Tai Yuantian raised his arms to meet his palms, and the light of the stars once again swam in his palms, interweaving traces of the path.


Under the blade of the halberd, the Dao marks instantly shattered, and eye-catching blood marks emerged from Taiyuan Tian’s palm, with bones visible deep, almost cutting off his palm.

The incarnation stepped on the void, and glanced at Taiyuan Tian with clear eyes. Then it was shrouded in mist again, making it difficult to see anything. The bones of the white wrist had been misaligned and cracks appeared.


The incarnation did not care about the broken wrist bone and raised the halberd again, without giving Tai Yuantian a chance to breathe. The halberd blade fell like a curtain from the sky, tearing the white robe and staining the skirt with blood.

The mighty power of heaven descended again, and Tai Yuantian seemed to be burning with fairy light, blazing and dazzling. Endless mysterious Dao patterns flowed on his body, and each pattern was filled with the great art of killing life in Heaven’s way.

However, before he could take action again, the halberd light that penetrated the heaven and earth had fallen down again, splitting his Tao body and tearing his chest. The deathly murderous aura entwined on the halberd blade cut off all his vitality.

The halberd blade was stuck in his body. The collision between the way of heaven and the way of martial arts seemed to awaken the fragments of time in the foreign land of gods and martial arts, manifesting many broken illusions, some of which originated from the past, and some reflected the future.

“Your future…is above all other living beings. It is my great honor to be able to give you a ride before you die!”

The long laughter shook everyone, and I couldn’t hide my relief.

Tai Yuantian looked at Shi Lan in the field, with a soft light in his eyes, and his figure slowly dispersed.

A flash of spiritual light manifested from the fragment, jumped into Shilan Lingtai Baihui, and merged into her soul.



When Shi Lan regained consciousness again, she saw a vast expanse of stars in front of her. In the four directions above and below, there were many lights and shadows rising and falling, like nebulae, with different rays of light. Just as the aura reminded her, they were divided into four colors.

A magnificent palace, spanning the sea of ​​​​stars, with an ancient and deep atmosphere, covered with a layer of dazzling starlight. The shadow of a long river flows over the hall, and the river is filled with endless fragments of time and space.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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