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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 619 A sign of great misfortune

“See Shuiyun Immortal Lord.”

Several women surrounding Ying Qianqiu bowed one after another and paid homage.

At this moment, Ying Qianqiu has not yet recovered.

Qinghong Realm…

Ying Qianqiu didn’t have much impression of the name of this great world. His first reaction was that it was extremely strange, but deep down he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, with a hint of sadness.

What surprised him the most was the prosperity of the Immortal Way in this world. Successful Qi practitioners could be seen almost everywhere. In just one moment, he felt more than ten fingers of true Immortal Qi.

This is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying force, accounting for almost half of the world’s foundation.

He once asked Dao Zun, and people like Dao Zun had never heard of immortality in the universe. Otherwise, he would not be so surprised when he saw Tian Cang Ling Xuan Sutra for the first time.

He had always thought that it was the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty that opened the Ancient Immortal Era, and that the Immortal Way could prosper.

For a time, Ying Qianqiu was not sure which era he was in, whether it was before the Immortal Era or the Origin Era.

In the wheel of fortune, there are only the fates of people in the past and should not involve the future.

But if it is true that before the Origin Era, there was an era when immortality was so prosperous, it is impossible that there is no record of it.


Seeing that Ying Qianqiu’s eyebrows were furrowed and he remained silent, the woman in purple gauze couldn’t help but feel confused.

“I’ve met Taoist friends.”

Ying Qianqiu came to his senses, raised his hands in salute, and after a moment’s hesitation, he softly tried:

“Is the Heavenly Fire Immortal holding the throne now?”

“Are you kidding, fellow Taoist? As a member of the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty, don’t you know better?”

After hearing what Ying Qianqiu said, Shuiyun Immortal Master frowned slightly and his attitude became much colder:

“If you are here to demonstrate, there is no need. I, Shuiyun Palace, will not participate in any fights. What your Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty wants to do has nothing to do with us. Please go back.”

After saying that, she turned around and prepared to leave.

“Fellow Taoist, please stay. Please forgive me for being rude.”

Ying Qianqiu came to his senses and immediately apologized without any hesitation. Now he still couldn’t figure out his situation and needed to find out slowly. The woman in front of him was undoubtedly an excellent source of information.

“What on earth do fellow Taoists want to find me for?” The woman stopped and looked at the strange person in front of her with confusion.

Her temper wasn’t violent, but she couldn’t be called gentle either. However, facing the man in front of her, she felt inexplicably kind, and her patience relaxed a lot unconsciously.

“On the Road!”

Ying Qianqiu looked serious, his thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he found a barely suitable reason.

“Discuss the Tao?” Shuiyun Immortal Lord was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes. The Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty was the most powerful existence in the Qinghong Realm, and none of the strong men who came out of it were simple people. To discuss the Tao with them, for For her, it also has considerable benefits.

“Dare you ask your friend your Taoist number?”


Upon hearing the word ‘Qianqiu’, Shuiyun Immortal Lord’s eyes flashed slightly and he turned around to lead the way:

“Fellow Taoist Qianqiu, please come with me.”

Ying Qianqiu followed slowly, and in an instant, the two of them had entered a cave.

The sky is as green as a wash, high and pure, with fairy mountains rising one after another, connected vertically and horizontally, and all you can see is the sacred land of Lingshan shrouded in clouds and mist, which is majestic.

On the top of a spiritual peak, a tea table chessboard has been set up. The spiritual tea in the tea cup is steaming with mist, and it vaguely appears as an auspicious dragon and auspicious phoenix.

Shuiyun Immortal Lord sat on the chessboard, raised his hands to place the pieces, looked at Ying Qianqiu who was facing the case and smiled faintly:

“I have never heard of the name of Taoist Fellow Qianqiu before. I think he is a person who is devoted to Taoism and has never walked in the world of mortals.”

“The Immortal Lord has never seen me, how do you know that I am a member of the Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty?” Ying Qianqiu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he held the black chess piece.

“My Taoist friend’s immortal power has reached the realm of transformation, and I’m afraid he’s not far away from the supreme realm. I’ve also asked for advice on the Heavenly Cang Ling Xuan Sutra. The aura on my Taoist friend’s body is too strong.”

While speaking, the two men’s hand movements did not stop at all, and they lost more than ten breaths.

As the chess pieces fell, a fairy flower bloomed behind each of them, growing in the Dao Fruit and waiting to bloom. The invisible energy began to collide between the chessboards.

The moment the immortal flower appeared, the hazy mist covering Shuiyun Immortal Master’s face slowly faded away, revealing his true appearance. His ink-like hair was tied up with a jade hairpin. His appearance was extremely vulgar, like that of a fairy on the platform, with both hands. The eyebrows are long and the lips are thin and slightly upward, as if they are always smiling.

Ying Qianqiu glanced at it and then looked away, cautiously.

It was somewhat difficult for him to control the soaring cultivation level in his body, and he quickly fell into a disadvantage in the game. He was almost led away by Shuiyun Immortal Lord, and Heizi was strangled and swallowed up one after another.

Both of them are existences that transcend ordinary true immortals. They have been in a trance for thousands of years when discussing the Tao.

As time went by, Ying Qianqiu gradually regained his disadvantage, became more and more skillful, and gained the upper hand.

This discussion on Taoism was too precious to him. The principles of cultivation that were originally incomprehensible now seemed like lines on the palm of his hand.

To a certain extent, Ying Qianqiu has fulfilled his long-cherished wish and successfully found the door above the Supreme. As long as he reaches the realm of cultivation and is promoted to a true immortal, it is only a matter of course for him.

During more than a thousand years of discussion, Ying Qianqiu also got a lot of the news he wanted.

The Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty of this era was different from what he had in mind. It was far less domineering, and it was not the only one. There were still rivals in the universe.

The Immortal Way goes far beyond the world of Qinghong Realm.

There are not many disciples in Shuiyun Palace, less than a hundred, but they are all good and talented, and all of them are people with extraordinary immortal talents. Some are even born with the bones of a true immortal. They are destined to be extraordinary and to embark on the path of a true immortal.

The woman in front of him, the master of Shuiyun Palace, Shui Linghua, whose Taoist name is Shuiyun Immortal Lord, is also an existence that has taken the second step. In the Qinghong Realm, her status is extremely transcendent.


After a soft sound, Ying Qianqiu slowly closed his hand, and the shadow of the fairy that appeared behind him disappeared without a trace, leaving half black and half on the chessboard.

“Thank you, fellow Taoist.”

Shui Linghua took a deep breath, nodded her head and thanked her, feeling a little grateful.

In her opinion, Ying Qianqiu intended to give her three points, which allowed this debate to last for thousands of years. In the end, he won half the son, which not only saved her face, but also ensured the debate. The quality and strong control are breathtaking.

“Fellow Taoist, your words hold true.”

Ying Qianqiu wiped his slightly damp palms calmly, with a calm expression.

“My Taoist friends are here to do more than simply talk about Taoism. If you have something to say, you can speak out.”

Shui Linghua suppressed the smile on her face and looked a little solemn:

“For the past ten thousand years, I have always felt restless and uneasy, and my inner world has been shaken. This is a sign that a great disaster is approaching. Have you ever sensed it, fellow Taoist?”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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