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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 621 Immortal Corpse

There was a dead silence between the desolate heaven and earth, and there was no sign of life. The sky was covered with a thick layer of twilight, and it was so gray that no sunlight could be seen.

There are endless dead bones buried in the dark brown soil. A red figure walks between the sky and the earth, walking slowly but urgently, covering tens of thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

It has been nearly a hundred years since Qing Lan stepped into this place. No matter how she searches forward, the world around her is the same. There is no difference. She cannot find any exit and cannot escape.

The vitality in this piece of heaven and earth is extremely thin, and there is no spiritual land that can support her long stay. She can only maintain her own practice by constantly rushing on the road and draining all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth along the way.

Over the past hundred years, even if she paused occasionally, the distance she had covered was immeasurable.


Suddenly, Qinglan stopped and looked towards a huge valley.

Compared with the surrounding world, the vitality in this valley is so rich that it is outrageous.

There was divine light in her eyes, she penetrated the void and saw the scene at the bottom of the valley.

A female corpse dressed in green was nailed to the ground by a golden arrow.

This world has been destroyed for countless thousands of years. The flesh and blood of the female corpse have not been corrupted, and it is lifelike. Her eyes are half-open, looking up at the sky.

An invisible layer of secret power extended from the golden arrows, sealing off the entire valley.

Qing Lan walked closer and took a closer look for a moment, with a hint of realization in her eyes. This barrier would not block anything tangible, but was meant to lock the remnant soul of the female corpse so that it would not even have a chance to be reincarnated. This barrier Such methods are undoubtedly extremely ruthless.

Now I don’t know how many years have passed, but I’m afraid those remaining souls have long since dissipated completely.

Looking at the barrier in front of her, Qinglan hesitated for a moment. Instead of entering the valley, she sat down on the top of an ancient mountain a hundred miles away from the valley and began to practice quietly.

The little vitality that overflowed from this place was enough to support her practice.

Now that I can’t find an exit, it’s futile to be anxious. I can only let nature take its course. After improving my own cultivation, I may be able to make some changes.

Cultivation in the Immortal Way is inherently dull, and Qinglan’s own longevity makes her barely aware of the passage of time.

The vitality of heaven and earth here seems to be very consistent with the immortal way. After concentrating in seclusion, Qinglan pushed his own cultivation into the realm of destiny and perfection.

The tribulation of immortality is divided into three levels. After the tribulation of life and death is completed, there will be the tribulation of yin and yang chaos. After breaking through this level, Qinglan will not encounter any bottlenecks before her cultivation reaches the eighth and sixth levels.

Originally, before this level, Qing Lan still needed to stabilize for a period of time to find some secret treasures that carried the yin and yang energy to increase her chances of overcoming the tribulation. However, with the two petals given by Shi Lan, she could save her hundreds of years of hard work. .

After the calamity of life and death was completed and settled for several years, Qinglan triggered the chaos calamity of Yin and Yang without hesitation.

The calamity of fate comes from one’s own body, while the two qi of yin and yang come from the heaven and the earth. Above the gray sky, the unchanging long sky suddenly manifests a strange scene. The clouds carry the yang and thunder across the sky. The next moment, black as ink rains down. Yin thunder.


A jet-black petal hung above Qinglan’s head, swallowing up most of the black lightning. The power of thunder, wrapped in thick Yin Qi, began to erode Qinglan’s body.

This Yin force was extremely evil, and it directly penetrated Qing Lan’s Thunder Fire Immortal Clothes and entered her body.

As the Yin power entered her body, a hint of surprise appeared in Qinglan’s eyes unconsciously.

The power of this calamity energy was so weak that it posed almost no threat to her. The pure Yin power entering her body greatly nourished her cultivation.


The bottleneck of cultivation was broken at this moment. In an instant, the immortal essence in Qinglan’s body increased more than ten times.

Before she could think about it, the next thunderbolt had already struck.

After hesitating for a moment, Qinglan raised her hand to retract the petals, letting the Yin thunder subside. A slight numbing tingling sensation surged through her limbs. Her physical body was almost unscathed, but her cultivation, with the help of Yin power, It went up again.

The power of the calamity energy was like child’s play, as if heaven and earth didn’t want to hurt her at all.

After nine yin thunders fell in succession, nine yang thunders followed closely. Qinglan still did not resist, allowing herself to be drowned by the blazing white light.

The power of Yang Lei was slightly stronger, but it was still limited. The slight numbness turned into severe pain, but with the strength of her body, she could barely bear it.

With this level of thunder, if it were a martial arts practitioner, it would be difficult to detect even a weak pain.

According to common sense, the yin and yang chaos tribulation is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, your soul will be scattered. Ordinary immortal practitioners, no matter how powerful they are, still need to rely on magic weapons and spiritual objects from heaven and earth to survive the tribulation due to their weak physical bodies.

The catastrophe that Qing Lan endured this time was almost full of weirdness.

The nine yang thunders passed in the blink of an eye, and there were a total of 18 yin and yang thunders. The huge energy contained in them almost forced Qinglan’s cultivation to a small level.

The tribulation thunder in the sky did not dissipate. The yin thunder and the yang thunder entangled and turned into a chaotic ashes. After brewing for a while, the thunder struck again.

The power of the chaotic thunder light mixed with yin and yang energy increased more than ten times.

For the first time, Qing Lan sensed a sense of crisis. She took out two petals filled with yin and yang energy, swallowed them into her belly, and condensed the chaotic energy on her body surface to absorb the violent thunder like rain.

Severe pain reached his soul, and his body was completely numb. Gray lightning poured straight into the spiritual platform, baptizing Qinglan’s soul and Wuxia Immortal Base.

The power of the thunder was just right, and it was stuck at the critical point that Qinglan could bear.

After nine gray thunderbolts fell in succession, the pain slowly dissipated, and wisps of fairy light seeped out from Qinglan’s limbs and bones, carrying some impurities out of the body.

After closing her eyes and cultivating with concentration for decades, Qinglan had just completely digested the gains brought by the thunder tribulation and consolidated her own cultivation.

Overcoming the three realms of tribulation, ‘destiny tribulation’, ‘chaos’, and ‘infinite’.

Today, Qing Lan has entered the middle stage of the Chaos Realm and is equivalent to an eighth-level and fifth-level expert. This speed is an almost impossible miracle for immortals.

If it weren’t for the power of Tribulation Thunder, this distance would have taken at least another hundred years of hard work on her part.

What makes Qinglan even more happy is that the power of the Yin-Yang Chaos Tribulation is much lower than she expected. This is undoubtedly related to this world.

This world may be a rare blessing for her.

If she could take advantage of this opportunity and survive the immeasurable calamities of heaven and earth in one fell swoop, the Mahayana realm would be almost within reach.

As soon as she enters the Mahayana, the true energy in her body will begin to transform into immortal power. Her fighting power is incomparable. She is not afraid of the Supreme Yu Nei. In the great world of Shenwu, she can also rely on her own power to create a land for the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty that is enough to reproduce. The living world.

Putting down the excitement in her heart, Qinglan calmed down and continued to practice with concentration.

As her cultivation level increased, the surrounding heaven and earth energy could no longer support Qinglan’s cultivation. As a last resort, she could only gradually approach the valley.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years passed by. Every few years, she would get closer to the valley, and soon she would completely enter the scope of the valley.


After another retreat, Qing Lan slowly opened her eyes. The invisible barrier was only less than three feet away from her, and the vitality of the world around the valley had been snatched away by her.

Wisps of vitality of heaven and earth seep out from the barrier, like a gurgling stream. It will take at least a thousand years to return to the previous concentration of vitality.

Today’s Qing Lan obviously does not have the energy to wait slowly. She slowly stood up and sacrificed Yue Hong first.

The red sword penetrated the barrier without any hindrance, and nothing abnormal happened.

Qing Lan controlled Yue Hong to continue moving forward, slowly approaching the female corpse that was nailed to the ground by a golden arrow.

As the distance got closer, there was a huge pressure on the meteorite rainbow. Once it entered the radius of about a thousand feet around the female body, it could no longer move forward.

After waiting quietly for two days, and seeing that nothing unusual happened, Qinglan recalled Yuanhong.

After calmly activating the Thunder Fire Immortal Clothes on her body to the extreme, Qing Lan slowly leaned towards the barrier.

As soon as he passed through the barrier, Qing Lan noticed a strong celestial power, as if he was under heavy pressure, and his light steps instantly slowed down.

This is the power of a true immortal. What was buried at the bottom of the valley was the body of a true immortal. Even after eternity, the power of the immortal has not dissipated.

Qinglan’s eyes changed slightly and she was greatly shocked. From the previous thunder tribulation, she had already had some premonitions that the world in front of her might have had some connection with the immortal way, but she never expected that this female corpse was actually alive during her lifetime. He will be a true immortal.

After passing through the invisible barrier, the concentration of vitality between heaven and earth increased more than a thousand times. The source of this vitality was the female corpse.

After the death of the true immortal, the immortal power contained in his body dissipated, and then was blocked by golden arrows. After many years, it turned into such a peerless spiritual land.

Qing Lan did not get close to the female corpse, but sat in a corner at the bottom of the valley. She cut off all the distracting thoughts in her heart and absorbed the energy of heaven and earth to practice.

These vitality are all transformed from immortal corpses. For immortal practitioners, they are a rare and great tonic. For Qinglan, it is a huge opportunity.

Her practice almost made her forget the years. As time went by, thousands of years passed.

Qing Lan’s cultivation has been increasing at an extremely fast speed. It only took her five hundred years to reach perfection in the realm of chaos. The remaining time was spent preparing for the tribulation.

The last level of the Tribulation Realm, the ‘Infinite Tribulation of Heaven and Earth’ is the most important level, which is equivalent to the path of killing other living beings.

Under the immeasurable calamity, the life level of the Immortal Qi Refiner will be sublimated again, and the body will be transformed to prepare for the transformation of immortal power. Under the refinement of calamity energy, a true immortal body will be condensed.

After countless tribulations, the Qi Refiner’s lifespan will once again experience a terrifying surge. Even if his talent is ordinary, he can reach the realm of Mahayana with the help of time.

Suddenly, the surrounding heaven and earth energy suddenly fell into restlessness, breaking the silence that had existed for eternity, and the clouds of calamity enveloped the entire canyon.

There is no thunder light above the calamity cloud, only an aura of birth and death is permeated, which is similar to the calamity of life and death, but completely different. This aura of birth and death comes from the heaven and earth, not from one’s own body.

More than a thousand years of boring practice have worn away some of Qinglan’s inherent impatience. She sat cross-legged at the bottom of the valley, as calm as a fairy rock.


A ray of evil light descended from the sky and fell into Qinglan’s body. A glow suddenly rose from the Thunder Fire Immortal Clothes, blocking most of the evil light for Qing Lan.

Without the help of immortal treasures, the physical body of an immortal monk cannot withstand the erosion of the evil light. Before the body completes its transformation, it will turn into blood and mud, and no bones will be left.

When the evil light entered the body, charred marks appeared on the fair skin, and soon the flesh and blood peeled off layer by layer. Under the invasion of the evil light, the internal organs instantly turned into blood.

In the blink of an eye, Qinglan turned into a white skeleton except for the fire of the soul that was still burning between her brows.

The jade-like bones were also corroded by the evil light, and cracks appeared.

When the bones were about to collapse, a powerful burst of vitality bloomed from the calamity light and injected into the bones. The cracks healed in an instant, new bleeding flesh was born on the skeleton, and the internal organs were rebuilt.

Before the flesh and blood could grow again, another round of evil light struck, and the new pink flesh and blood turned into blood again, and cracks appeared on the bones again, and the fragmentation became more and more severe, and the arm bones turned into powder.

Powerful vitality emerged again, regenerating flesh and blood, and rebuilding bones and organs.

However, the speed of regeneration could not keep up with the erosion of the evil light. After several rounds of evil light, Qinglan’s body only had a thin bone left above the heavenly spirit, supporting the empty thunder fire fairy clothes and protecting the spiritual platform. The fire of the soul within.


A piece of Panlong Jade Pendant hanging on the Thunder Fire Immortal Clothes suddenly shattered, and surging vitality emerged from it, blocking the evil light that was constantly attacking all around, and accelerating the reshaping of Qinglan’s physical body.

This vitality was so pure that it almost had the effect of bringing the dead back to life. After a few breaths, it helped Qinglan reshape her muscles and bones before slowly dissipating.

As time goes by, Qinglan’s physical body is remodeled faster and faster, and the corrosive power of the evil light is gradually weakened, no longer threatening the new bones and flesh.

This catastrophe lasted for several months before slowly dissipating.

The moment the calamity cloud dissipated, immeasurable fairy light burst out from Qinglan’s body, causing resonance in the world and illuminating the sky for several days before slowly dissipating.

The flawless immortal foundation and the immortal body she cultivated are boundlessly powerful. When Qinglan entered the realm of Mahayana, the speed at which she transformed her immortal power was naturally one step ahead of others. The stability of her foundation allowed her to stay on top of the path. It’s almost getting smoother and smoother.

After countless calamities, there will be a smooth road.

After consolidating her foundation, Qing Lan slowly stood up and walked toward the immortal corpse in the center of the valley.

Perhaps because she had absorbed too much energy from this place, the pressure of this immortal corpse on her became less and less powerful. Even though she walked all the way to the side of the immortal corpse and could reach the golden arrow with her hand, she never felt any difficulty in moving. .

The existence of the True Immortal level is an immeasurable treasure for all living beings.

Moreover, the true immortal has immortal bones in his body, and the supreme secret of the immortal way is imprinted in the bones.

For immortal practitioners, if they can obtain a piece of immortal bone, the speed of transforming immortal power will skyrocket in the Mahayana realm, and the chance of entering the realm of true immortals will also be greatly increased, and its value will far exceed that of any immortal treasure.

It would be a lie to say that Qing Lan has no thoughts about immortal bones, but now, she has been absorbing the nutrients from this immortal corpse and practicing for more than a thousand years. She is undoubtedly a little greedy to kill the corpse and take the bones again.

Now, she just wants to remove this golden arrow. Although countless thousands of years have passed, there is still a slight possibility.

That is the remnant soul of this true immortal, still in a corner of the valley.

Pulling out this golden arrow may be able to free her. Even if the probability is not high, Qinglan still wants to give it a try, at least so that this true immortal from eons ago can sleep in the earth without being exposed in the wilderness. .

Looking at the golden arrow that passed through her heart, Qinglan took a deep breath, slowly reached out her hand, held the arrow feathers, and suddenly exerted force.


Accompanied by the muffled sound of the arrow tearing flesh and blood, the golden arrow left the immortal corpse’s chest.

The process of pulling out the arrow was surprisingly easy for Qinglan. She almost staggered due to the excessive force.

As the golden arrow was pulled out, the surrounding barrier shattered, and surging vitality surged out, rolling up a mighty tide between heaven and earth.


While the strong wind roared, a faint gasp suddenly sounded. Qinglan was so shocked that her hands shook, and she held the golden arrow tightly, retreating three thousand feet in one step, looking at the immortal corpse lying on the ground in the distance. , his face turned pale instantly.

If she heard correctly, that gasp came from the immortal corpse’s throat.

After a while, the immortal corpse was still lying on the spot, motionless, with half-open eyes, looking up at the sky. The beautiful face was stained with immortal blood, revealing an unspeakable loneliness.

Qinglan hesitated for a long time, then bravely leaned forward slowly.


No one responded for a long time, as if it was just an illusion.

Qing Lan was silent for a moment, put away the golden arrows stained with immortal blood, stood up and rushed out of the valley. After completely burying the valley with one palm, she fled towards the distance.

Now, all she needs to do is find the exit, and the journey of Shenwu Foreign Land is complete.

The secrets hidden in the immortal corpse have been buried in ancient times. She doesn’t want to and has no need to pursue them.

Instead of worrying about these, it is better to worry about whether he can get out of this world and what Shi Lan’s current situation is.

The only good news is that she has not felt anything abnormal for more than a thousand years, and Shi Lan is at least still alive.

More than a thousand years have passed, and with Shi Lan’s talent, he may have become enlightened.



After crossing the portal of the world, Shi Lan felt a burst of pain that was almost tearing his soul apart. His soul, which was already seriously injured, almost lost consciousness.

After the severe pain, there was a strong feeling of dizziness. When she came to her senses again, she was already in a large hall. The hall was surrounded by clear gray murals of flying immortals with a noble style and eighteen coils. Long Yuzhu supports the entire temple.

The moment she regained consciousness, Shi Lan noticed something unusual. At this moment, she was not in her own body, but in a huge golden statue. There was a strong incense and wish power deposited in her body, and there was also something in front of her. Wreathed in green smoke.

Inside the large cauldron made of purple gold, three thigh-thick incense sticks were burning slowly.

The materials used for these incense sticks are extremely extraordinary. They are taken from spiritual trees that have been around for at least tens of thousands of years. They are ground into powder. Under the wisps of green smoke, Shi Lan can clearly feel the divine spirit in this golden body. It can grow slowly.

The incense wish was mixed with endless wishes. From these wishes, Shi Lan learned a lot of information.

In the world in front of us, the way of incense gods prevails. There are no less than hundreds of millions of gods, big and small. Most of them belong to the divine court. The gods who do not enter the divine court are all obscene priests.

The powerful gods sit high in the Nine Heavens Shrine and enjoy endless incense, while the weak gods squat in the wild villages, running around day and night, praying for good weather in the villages and towns.

The most miserable thing is that some gods at the bottom are squeezed by powerful gods, and at the same time they have to try their best to help believers fulfill their wishes. Otherwise, their faith will disappear and even their own survival will be difficult to guarantee.

Her golden body is called ‘Taixu Yuanjun’. She is a superior deity who belongs to the Divine Court. The number of followers is immeasurable, almost all over the world.


With a soft sound, the heavy palace door slowly opened, and a group of more than a hundred people filed in. There were countless figures kneeling outside the palace. Shi Lan took a cursory glance, and there were no less than tens of thousands.

Mountains of treasures of flesh and blood, treasures of heaven and earth were poured out, and the vast spiritual power instantly filled the entire hall.

“I respectfully hope that the God will last forever, and that all souls will be bathed in His grace. They all feel grateful in their hearts. Now I sincerely worship the heaven and earth. May the power of God last forever, and may all souls be protected by His shadow forever…”

After the lengthy memorial text, which was thousands of words long, everyone kowtowed and waited in silence.

Shi Lan was silent for a moment, temporarily opened up a space, and included some valuable tributes into the sea of ​​consciousness.

According to common sense, the world in front of us should have been shattered long ago. Everything in front of us is an illusion, just a projection.

But the feedback from the sea of ​​consciousness is not like this. These things are not illusions, but real spiritual treasures. It is also a huge gain for her, and a large part of them has a lot of impact on the soul. Small benefits.

People who enter the Shenwu Foreign Realm encounter different things in these world projections. Shi Lan doesn’t know at this moment whether what she encounters is within the normal category.

In any case, the batch of treasures she just accepted were by no means illusory. According to her guess, there was a high probability that they were transformed from source power.

Seeing that Shi Lan accepted the tribute, all the believers looked happy and paid homage again to express their gratitude to the gods for their blessing.

A sacrifice lasted for several hours before it ended.

Shi Lan lay in the golden body, frowning, thinking about how to escape from this world.

Every genius who has completed the training has received a lot of rewards from the Shenwu Foreign Realm. These rewards even include the Supreme Dao Fruit.

Shi Lan doesn’t care about rewards. What she needs to do most now is to find a secluded place to fight against her own inner demons and completely complete the killing path. After entering the Emperor Realm, the Emperor Realm is within reach.

Moreover, changes in the world of Lingyang were imminent, and there was not much time for her to waste here.

While Shi Lan was thinking about it, it was already midnight soon, and a golden light fell in the hall, manifesting a figure that was more than three feet tall.

“Wan’an Lord Taixu Yuan, I am here to collect the vows and tributes in accordance with the decree of the Divine Court.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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