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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 624 Ragnarok

The battle between Taixu Yuanjun and Heavenly Crane God has attracted the attention of many gods in the past few days, and even alarmed the divine court.

However, no other gods intervened forcefully, and they were all watching the fire from the other side.

When two superior gods compete, one of them will surely fall. At that time, a large number of believers will naturally be left vacant. This is the best time for them to enter the arena.

At the moment when the faith of God Tianhe collapsed, many gods had received the news, and they were all greatly shocked.

War between superior gods can easily last for tens or even hundreds of years. However, Taixu Yuanjun broke this common sense and completed the God-killing in just a few days, directly shattering Tianhe’s divine base. , extinguished the fire of faith.

This method is too frightening.

With the death of Tianhe, his original followers were naturally in a state of panic and were in urgent need of new gods’ blessings. This moment was undoubtedly the best opportunity to increase the number of followers, but the gods were afraid of Taixu Yuanjun’s unknown means and did not dare to do anything. If you move, you are afraid of setting yourself on fire.

While feeling fear in their hearts, the gods couldn’t help but feel a little envious. If Taixu Yuanjun could swallow all the followers of Tianhe in one fell swoop, he would instantly become the first echelon of gods under the main god and have the position of looking up to the main god. Qualifications.

Shi Lan had no way of knowing the reaction of the gods, but it could be seen from the skyrocketing incense power within the golden body that the progress of accepting Tianhe’s followers should be relatively smooth.

In order to speed up the repair of the Yuan Shen, her consciousness began to flow among the various golden bodies of Taixu Yuanjun. While collecting a large number of tributes, she also sent down many oracles, ordering a group of subordinate gods and believers to collect the power to nourish the Yuan Shen for her. Treasures and many practice resources.

The efficiency of these subordinate gods was beyond Shi Lan’s expectation. In less than half a month, mountains of precious medicines and spiritual materials were piled in front of her.

For Shi Lan, these are real gains. There are many treasures, medicines, incense and incense that the gods cannot use, but they are of considerable benefit to her body.

All of this was brought about by the identity of a superior god. For a while, Shi Lan was a little reluctant and began to weigh whether to give up his identity as Taixu Yuanjun.

Before entering the Shenwu Foreign Land, Lingyun’s advice to her was to wait for the time. When the time comes, there will naturally be a turning point.

However, waiting so boringly all this time is too difficult for her now. She is at the threshold of the Dao-Slaying Realm and needs to spend a lot of energy to resist the inner demons in her soul. Her mood can’t help but become a little impetuous. .

The result of making a decision at this moment may not be what Shi Lan wants.

After thinking for a long time, Shi Lan swallowed a large amount of treasures that nourished the soul and fell into a deep sleep. After repairing the soul, her thoughts should be much more stable and she can make more secure decisions.



In the starry sky deep in the Shenwu Foreign Realm, there is a huge square space, spanning a star field. It is silver-white and looks like a crystal monument. There are countless figures in it.

Within the surrounding starry sky, there are endless world portals, and the four-color light flows, connecting countless heaven and earth.

Suddenly, hundreds of figures rushed out from the silver-white crystal monument and stepped into a world portal glowing with purple light.

The auras displayed on their bodies vary in strength, but none of them are below the eighth level. Four of them have the light of Tao Fruit wrapped around their bodies, and they are obviously the Supreme Beings who have achieved Taoism.


In a barren mountain range, more than a dozen figures appeared out of thin air. They were all dressed in uniform black iron clothes. Their expressions were solemn and filled with deadly murderous intent, like pure killing machines.

Most of the more than ten figures were men, led by a thin middle-aged man with short hair, dark yellow skin, and red pupils with eye-catching bloodshot eyes.

A curtain of light visible only to him slowly unfolded in the void.

[You have entered the large-scale war instance “Twilight of the Gods


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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