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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 626 Divine Punishment

Faced with the middle-aged man’s inquiry, Shi Lan did not respond. Instead, he used the incense and wish power in his golden body and took action directly, manifesting a divine kingdom in the void and sealing off the sea areas in all directions.

The middle-aged man’s expression suddenly turned cold. He raised his hand to indicate that more than ten people followed him. In an instant, they struck out with lightning, preparing to kill the god again.

The god in front of them is not weak. Judging from the aura alone, he has just entered the realm of the eighth level and cannot pose a threat to them.

A cold light flashed in the middle-aged man’s eyes, a scarlet red color, and his sallow complexion was full of blood. The short hair on his head began to grow wildly, spreading past his waist in an instant, and his body ballooned to more than three feet, turning into a half-man, half-animal appearance. , the breath is cold.


A terrifying divine light of annihilation spat out from his mouth, turned into a dark rainbow, pierced through the void, and shot toward Shi Lan. Its power was so terrifying that it could destroy a star field.

At the same moment, the rest of the people had already arrived not far from Shi Lan’s side. The auras of nine of them were connected with each other, condensing into a formation, forming a huge figure, leaning on the sky and the ground, with gods trapped around it. Chain, holding an ancient war weapon, the muscles of his limbs were tangled, revealing astonishing fluctuations of divine energy.

A woman reached out and sacrificed a gray orb, which evolved into a realm of chaos, sealing Shi Lan in it. The moment the realm of chaos appeared, Shi Lan found herself and the rest of the golden orbs scattered throughout the world. The body is disconnected, and it is impossible to adjust the incense and wish power in the air.

This gray orb is obviously a rare treasure, and it was specially prepared to target the gods of incense. Without the continuous supply of incense, the fighting power of non-local gods will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. of weakening.

In the blink of an eye, with the Zhan Ge slashing down, the dark divine light struck directly at Shi Lan’s front door.


An illusory transparent cauldron emerged from Shi Lan’s side. Patterns were imprinted on the cauldron, just like the scales of a real dragon. The dark divine light disappeared instantly, and the fallen Zhan Ge was stuck in the air, unable to move.

“Is this all your trump cards?”

Shi Lan stretched out his fingers, flicked the Zhan Ge hanging above his head, and said calmly:

“If there is no other way, you can prepare to die.”

“Ninth level true artifact!” Looking at the emerging cauldron, a trace of horror flashed in the middle-aged man’s eyes, and he immediately ordered without hesitation:

“Disperse, run away!”

Before he finished speaking, he turned around, tore open a space passage, and fled frantically.

Facing the existence of the ninth level, even if it is just a weapon, they have no chance of winning at all. If they resist to the end, they will only die.

While running away, he gradually returned to his original appearance, with a sallow complexion, short hair, and bloodshot eyes.

Half an hour later, he had crossed an endless distance, and there was no wave of pursuit coming from behind, so he slowly stopped.

The sky and the earth were gray, with no edges visible. Looking at the desolate world around him, the middle-aged man was a little dazed, and for a moment he didn’t know where he was.

He just ran away blindly without knowing the direction at all, but according to the size of this world, half an hour should be enough for him to reach the end of the sky.

“team leader!”

“Fan Yong!”

Several shouts came out from the gray mist. The group of people who had scattered and fled gathered together again. Many of them were safe and sound.

Looking at the people beside him, Fan Yong suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart and pulled out the map light screen.

His speed was much faster than these people, and he scattered and escaped. In just a short moment, it was impossible for these people to catch up with him.

After seeing the position displayed on the light screen clearly, the middle-aged man’s pupils shrank suddenly and his heart felt cold. For half an hour, his position on the map did not change at all.

At this moment, they were still in that sea area.

While trembling, Fan Yong suddenly looked up, and a jade statue of a goddess glowing with golden light came into view. She stared at him calmly, with no trace of joy or anger in her jade pupils.

Several people standing beside him followed his gaze, and the blood on their faces instantly faded, and their fingertips became cold.

Shi Lan held the Prison Dragon Cauldron in his hand and looked at the dozen or so people sealed in it with a thoughtful expression.

Since entering the world, she has been vaguely feeling that something is wrong. The moment these people took action, she suddenly understood that since entering this world, she has never felt the existence of the laws of heaven.

In all worlds, there will be certain restrictions. These are shackles from the way of heaven. They are nothing more than the difference between the strength of the shackles. This world is just a projection. The core of the way of heaven has long been integrated into the great world of Shenwu. Naturally, there is no so-called Shackles, no wonder they can use various means.

“What on earth are you going to do?”

Fan Yong regained his consciousness and asked questions calmly, the bloodshot eyes in his pupils getting thicker and thicker.

They have killed many gods, which is a capital crime for this world. Since the god in front of them did not kill them directly, he obviously wanted to get something from them.

“Answer my previous question, are you from the Rubik’s Cube?”

The magnificent divine voice echoed between heaven and earth, deafening and enlightening.

“Yes.” Fan Yong licked the corners of his chapped mouth and nodded slowly.

“The headquarters of the Rubik’s Cube is in the foreign land of Shenwu?”

“Not bad.” Fan Yong’s eyes dimmed slightly. People with lower cultivation levels didn’t even know what the Divine Martial Foreign Land was.

“What will this world look like in the end?”

Shi Lan stared at the Prison Dragon Cauldron in his palm: “You should know all the secrets in this world, which is what you call the plot.”

When he heard the word “plot”, Fan Yong’s calm expression suddenly cracked:

“Is there someone you know in the Rubik’s Cube?!”

If I hadn’t had in-depth communication with the people in the Rubik’s Cube, I wouldn’t have been so clear about the Rubik’s Cube.

“I ask, you answer.”

Hearing the words without any emotion in Shi Lan’s mouth, Fan Yong took a deep breath and told everything he knew without hiding anything.

Now that their lives were all in Shi Lan’s hands, he couldn’t see Shi Lan’s depth, and he didn’t know whether this question was a test, he could only tell the truth.



“Twilight of the Gods…”

After listening to what Fan Yong said, Shi Lan was silent. From this information, it is not difficult to see that this world will collapse in more than ten years at most.

For her, this news is mixed. After the world collapses, it does not mean that she can escape.

“When the dungeon ends, how will you leave this world?”

After thinking for a long time, Shi Lan asked again.

This is what she is more concerned about now.

Hearing this question, Fan Yong’s eyes flashed slightly, and he heard some overtones from Shi Lan’s words.

The god in front of him may be trapped in this world for some reason and is looking for a way to escape. If he guessed correctly, there is a high probability that he is a genius from the world of Shenwu who came here to practice.

“The Rubik’s Cube will open the exit. If you extradite me back, we can take you out of the boundary with you.” Fan Yong pondered for two seconds and then said tentatively.

“What is the secret treasure in the divine court?”

To his surprise, Shi Lan didn’t seem to care about this, but turned around and talked about the treasure buried in the divine court.

Shi Lan didn’t know much about the Rubik’s Cube space, and he had no intention of escaping through the exit opened by the Rubik’s Cube. Doing so would be too risky and would most likely put him in a desperate situation.

Ultimately, she didn’t trust these people.

“I don’t know the specifics, but it has something to do with condensing the Dao Fruit. Someone in the Rubik’s Cube once achieved enlightenment through it.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan’s eyes narrowed slightly. Most of the secrets involved in enlightenment were not simple, but she didn’t have much desire for this secret treasure, because enlightenment was no longer a problem for her now.

“Have you seen this person?”

After a while, Shi Lan slowly raised his hand, and a figure condensed in his palm. He was about twenty-three or four years old, and it was none other than Rong Xuanqing.

Fan Yong looked at it carefully for a long time and slowly shook his head.

This answer made Shi Lan slightly disappointed. She thought that Rong Xuanqing might have been targeted by the Rubik’s Cube and died in a foreign land, or that he was directly absorbed by the Rubik’s Cube. Now it seems that this is not the case.

If a person like Rong Xuanqing still existed, he would be an outstanding person no matter where he was. If he were really in the Rubik’s Cube, it would be impossible not to recognize these people in front of him.

“I won’t kill you.”

After getting all the information he wanted to know, Shi Lan was silent for a long time, released the group of people from the Prison Dragon Cauldron, spoke slowly, and wrote lightly:

“I have just reported this matter to the Lord God. I have no right to interfere with how he will deal with you.”

Regarding the Rubik’s Cube, Shi Lan had a slight fear in his heart. If he killed people rashly, he might leave behind the head and tail. This time, the person who entered the Rubik’s Cube was a supreme-level figure. It was undoubtedly safer to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Along the way, this group of people slaughtered countless lives. Even if these people may be just projections of the world, this is still a blood debt that is difficult to wash away.

Hearing this, Fan Yong and his party suddenly turned pale.

The crime of killing gods cannot be forgiven in front of the Lord God. The only outcome is divine punishment.

“These gods of incense and fire died countless thousands of years ago, why can’t they be killed?!”

“I just want to go home, what’s wrong with me?!”

“These bastard gods deserve to die!”

There was a sudden noise beside him, and under the threat of death, the collapse of emotions gradually spread. However, Fan Yong’s expression was dull, and his eyes were empty. He had experienced too much in the Rubik’s Cube, and he had long been indifferent to life and death.

Everyone who enters the Rubik’s Cube dies for no reason. The only motivation for most people is to return to their hometown in glory after entering the ninth level. The same is true for him. He even resorts to any means to bury his own heart and turn it into food. The demon of man.

For him, the word “going home” has always been an unattainable dream. At this moment, it suddenly shattered. He couldn’t even feel the pain of the broken dream. What was left was endless numbness.


The sea area with clear skies was suddenly covered with dark clouds. Among the thunderclouds, there was a figure like a demonic dragon lurking. Countless dragon heads were entangled in one place, swaying and rising, like a magic flower blooming among the thunderclouds, filling the sky. The divine power covers every corner of the world.


Dazzling lightning flashed wildly in the void. The main god who arrived was obviously extremely violent in temper. He did not speak a word. The terrifying divine thunder had condensed into a ball and suddenly fell, like meteors formed by thunder and lightning, falling into the vast sky. The sea area was filled with boundless waves.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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