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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 627 The Shackles of the Gods

Fan Yong and the rest of the group didn’t even have a chance to speak before they were submerged in the divine punishment, and the rare weapons and weapons sacrificed by several people were turned into flying smoke.

Shi Lan did not recognize this main god who came with thunder and fury, so he stood aside silently without speaking.

“You are Taixu Yuanjun.” A huge black dragon head poked out from the thunder clouds. The dragon’s horns were like reverse blades soaring into the sky. Within the red gold vertical pupils like stars, violent thunder talismans flashed. :

“I have heard of your name. Some time ago, you killed Tianhe.”

“I have met the Lord God.” Shi Lan bowed slightly and saluted.

“Tianhe is my god.”

The low words came from the dragon head, as dull as a war drum.

“I have found out the whole story. There is nothing wrong with this matter. Tianhe took advantage of the opportunity for the Divine Court to collect the wish power and killed the righteous god. His mind has fallen into the evil way and he deserves to die.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan silently pressed several supreme weapons that had just begun to revive in the sea of ​​consciousness. The justice of the main god in front of her was somewhat beyond her expectation. Even if the one who was killed was her own god, there was no favoritism at all. .

“The method you used to kill Tianhe is very magical. The origin of Tianhe’s soul has been shattered by you. It is somewhat similar to the divine curse of Lord Dangyue, but I feel the aura of the laws of immortality from it.”

The huge dragon head slowly lowered, staring closely at Shi Lan, the seals in his pupils flickered, and he slowly spoke:

“Have you been recruited by Heaven?”

Hearing the word ‘immortal way’, Shi Lan couldn’t help but be startled and opened her eyes slightly. She didn’t expect to learn information about the immortal way from the mouth of a main god.

“What is heaven?” Shi Lan frowned slightly. She felt that she seemed to have touched some secrets.

The Lord God did not speak, but the seals in his red gold vertical pupils flashed sharply, as if to identify the authenticity of what she said.

“It’s just that I don’t know.”

After a moment, the red gold vertical pupils slowly moved away, and the dark dragon head retracted into the thunder clouds. Instead of answering Shi Lan’s question, he gave an order:

“Follow me back to the divine court.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a purple thunder splashed out from the dark clouds, penetrating the void and opening a dark vortex. On the other side of the vortex, an astonishing fluctuation of incense power was revealed, vaguely manifesting a divine kingdom.

“May I ask the Lord God, why do you want to go to the Divine Court?”

Glancing at the whirlpool, Shi Lan’s eyes flickered and she asked softly. She didn’t know the details of Shenting. If there was anything abnormal, she might not be able to escape safely.

Although Tai Yuantian once told her that the risk of death in these world projections was extremely small, she would not relax her vigilance.

“Don’t worry, Tianhe’s death is his own fault, and Shenting will not blame you.”

As if he could see Shi Lan’s worry, his deep voice sounded like thunder, and he slowly explained:

“Some evil gods have been very restless recently, and with the enemies from foreign lands, the Divine Court needs stronger combat power. The increase in the share of collected wish power this time is also to select gods with superior qualifications and concentrate on cultivating them.”

“You have the qualifications to be promoted to the Lord God. I will recommend you to become the new Lord God.”

The new main god? Shi Lan’s pupils shrank, this was a development she had never expected.

Before she could think about it, a chain of light intertwined with thunder divine patterns came out from the ink clouds and was tied around her waist. A huge force came and pulled her into the whirlpool.

In an instant, the world had changed all around, and all the eyes could see were bright streams of light. The incense and wishing power of various colors formed into clouds, floating in the void. More than a dozen figures were looming in the mist, and their bodies were all wrapped with incense. The flame transformed by the will power.

The aura on their bodies is extremely ancient, as if they have existed since the barbaric era and have spent countless years.

The vast divine power made Shi Lan subconsciously slow down his breathing. These figures, without exception, were all enlightened gods.

The figure in the center reminded her of the imperial power she had experienced from Taishi. This was undoubtedly the pinnacle of power in the realm of the Lord God. He was proud of all the gods and was only one step away from the legendary realm of the Ancestral God. .


A figure came over and said hello. He looked like a man in his early thirties, wearing a red-green divine robe. He was thin and had a jade-like appearance. His brown pupils looked up and down at Shi Lan with a little curiosity:

“Who is this little guy?”

“She is Taixu Yuanjun, and I want to recommend her to become the main god.” The cold tone echoed between heaven and earth.

The divine chain tied to Shi Lan’s waist slowly dissipated, and the ink-like thundercloud gradually converged, and a purple figure stepped out from it, with an proud figure, purple hair shawl, skin like ice and snow, eyebrows like thunder lines, red gold Divine light danced in his pupils, and he was dressed in dark dragon scale soft armor, adding a bit of evil aura.

“Lord God?”

The man in green clothes was a little surprised, and all the gods standing around looked at him.

The name Taixu Yuanjun has been spread throughout the entire divine court, and they are no strangers. Although the death of a high-ranking god is not a big event, but the fire of faith was extinguished in just a few days, it is undoubtedly beyond Common sense.

If it were the main god who took action, such a record could be explained, but Taixu Yuanjun was just a superior god, and his power was much weaker than that of the Supreme God Tianhe. This kind of combat power was undoubtedly terrifying.

“She has this value.” Lesa’s expression did not waver at all. She scanned the surrounding gods one by one and slowly raised her hand:

“I recommend Lord Taixu Yuan to be promoted to the Lord God. If you agree, please raise your hands.”

Leisha’s decisive attitude surprised Shi Lan. After entering this kingdom of God, she went straight to the point without any nonsense and made a proposal to all the main gods.

For Shi Lan, being promoted to the main god level does not have much temptation. It is dispensable, because everything in front of her is illusion. However, the power of the main god level should allow her to get more benefits in the subsequent changes in the demise of the gods. big benefit.

If she could experience the power of the supreme level in advance, she would also gain a lot from it.


An ancient god with grayish skin nodded slightly and raised his right hand.



“This God abstains.”



There were a total of fourteen main gods in the field, and the results soon came out. Except for the main god in the center, ten main gods approved Lesa’s proposal, and two abstained.

The eyes of all the gods were focused on the figure in the center, waiting for his answer.

A gaze passed through the divine flame and fell on Shi Lan, and a deep divine voice slowly sounded:

“What does a believer mean to a god?”

Hearing this, Shi Lan thought for a long time and gave his answer:

“The source of strength, the foundation of existence, and the foundation of promotion.”

This is her personal understanding. Everything about incense and gods comes from believers.

“What about gods to believers?”

“Faith and protection.”

Shi Lan thought for a moment and gave an uncertain answer.

“it’s not true.”

A figure walked out of the divine flames, walked to Shi Lan, and said slowly:

“For believers, gods are constraints, shackles and bottom lines. The existence of gods in the world is a deterrent to living beings. The rewards and punishments of gods are the supreme iron law to maintain order in the world.”

“Those who do not respect ghosts and gods in their hearts will do things without any scruples, and their hearts will be in chaos.”

“Where are the shackles of the gods?”

Shi Lan asked subconsciously, and as her words fell, the surroundings fell into silence.



My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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