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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 628 Promotion

“The Lord God is the shackles of all gods, and our shackles are the way of heaven.”

Faced with Shi Lan’s question, the Lord God standing in front of her did not hesitate and gave the answer:

“Gods are born for believers and are favored by heaven, so they can enlighten their souls and give birth to their spiritual self. After becoming the main god, you will become a part of this world, and the divine fire will burn for heaven, not your own body.”

Having said this, the divine light that shrouded his side gradually faded away, allowing Shi Lan to see his true face clearly.

The appearance of the main god in front of him was somewhat beyond Shi Lan’s expectations. There was nothing special about it. It was too ordinary. It was difficult to distinguish between male and female. It had no divine power at all. It was difficult for people to associate it with a god, or even remember it.

“For the existence of gods, there should be no self. After learning to weigh the pros and cons, you will naturally lose your ‘divinity’.”

He stared at Shi Lan, his dark pupils like an abyss, unable to see the bottom:

“You have to give up part of yourself, downplay your own emotional fluctuations, and return to before spiritual enlightenment, in order to regain your ‘divine nature.'”

After saying that, he turned around and slowly raised his hand:

“I agree, Lord Taixu will be promoted to Lord God.”

As His words fell, the surrounding incense power became restless and turned into thick black smoke clouds, pouring into Shi Lan’s golden body.

The moment the wish power entered his body, Shi Lan’s cultivation began to skyrocket at a speed visible to the naked eye. Compared with the speed of absorbing source power to increase his cultivation, it was even faster. There was almost no bottleneck to speak of.

Only half an hour later, Taixu Yuanjun’s divine cultivation had been pushed to the peak of the eighth level. Threads of flesh and blood began to grow, and the glorious divine blood flowed out from the divine jade. The limbs and bones poured into the golden body.

Blood meridians, bones, organs, muscles and fascia appeared one by one, and a slightly illusory Tao Fruit emerged, wrapping the divine jade in it.

The moment the Dao Fruit appeared, Shi Lan’s originally agitated mood gradually returned to calm. The influence of the inner demons on her became weaker and weaker, almost imperceptible. She suddenly felt a sense of alienation from the world, and her heart The lake is like a pool of stagnant water, unable to make any waves.

As her mind gradually calmed down, her soul cultivation level also jumped to a higher level, entering the late stage of Dao Slaying Realm.

Originally, it would take Shi Lan at least a hundred years to stabilize her mind. Now, under the suppression of Dao Fruit, the inner demon can hardly have any impact on her. This is undoubtedly a huge surprise for Shi Lan.

Shi Lan, who noticed this, couldn’t help but feel a hint of joy in his heart. The biggest threat to the Dao Slaying Realm was undoubtedly the inner demon. If he could take this opportunity to pass this level, the condensed Dao Fruit would be within reach.


The moment Shi Lan’s mind fluctuated, a crack suddenly appeared on the illusory Dao Fruit, and a wisp of black mist surged out from the rich wish power, invading into the divine jade along the crack.

The nearly endless power of will enters the body, giving Shi Lan the feeling of insatiable desire, insatiable greed, and a huge emptiness that can never be filled.

The unprovoked desire for violence and destruction suddenly arose, instantly eroding most of her sanity. The golden body of the soul was instantly contaminated, and most of it turned into ink.

The golden body, which was gradually transforming into flesh and blood, also saw a strange scene. Half of the divine body was completely black.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the main gods around them remained unchanged. Being promoted to a main god will naturally be dangerous. If you are not careful, if you are eroded by the power of wish, you can easily become an evil god who only knows killing and indulgence.

At this moment, Shi Lan’s condition was extremely bad. Due to the cracks on the Dao Fruit, the inner demons that had been suppressed also found an opportunity at this time and began to attack her soul.

The inner demons evolved from her seven emotions and six desires, coupled with the erosion of her willpower, almost aroused the deepest fear in her heart. Countless illusions emerged in her mind. In the blink of an eye, she seemed to have fallen into endless purgatory and a sea of ​​suffering, tasting the taste of human beings. All the suffering in the world!

The calamity of life and death has almost become an insignificant pain. People’s hearts are exhausted, everyone is betrayed and separated from their relatives, everyone in the world is an enemy, all they see is graves and wasteland, relatives and friends are all gone, family members are torn apart, tortured in all kinds of ways, heartbroken for nine times, and all thoughts are lost.

These illusions were so real and the pain was so intense that Shi Lan almost had the idea of ​​​​committing suicide. His mind was in ruins and life was worse than death.

The blending of the incense’s wishing power with the inner demon produced an extremely strange reaction, as if Shi Lan had experienced thousands of reincarnations and extreme pain, and then instantly entered a state of bliss, sinking in the flowers of all kinds of desires.

At this moment, Shi Lan’s Yuan Shen was like a taut strong bow. It relaxed instantly and almost collapsed. Many cracks appeared on the surface of the Yuan Shen’s golden body.

The pain of her soul being torn apart allowed Shi Lan to regain some sanity. After realizing her situation, her mind was spinning and she had already made a decision.

An ancient sutra flowed out from the depths of her soul, igniting her soul. A raging fire ignited from the depths of her soul, and the blazing temperature instantly swept through the sea of ​​consciousness.

The “Zhuling Sutra” passed down by Lingyun originally used his own soul as fire to refine the impurities in the field. But at this moment, Shi Lan made some changes and used his own soul to In addition, the endless incense and wish power serve as the foundation to refine the inner demons.

This move is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. In the Tao-killing realm, as long as you can withstand the invasion of the inner demons and complete the purification of the realm, you can enter the Emperor’s Realm without taking this risk.

At this time, Shi Lan didn’t have so much time. Under the double harassment of her willpower and inner demons, it was only a matter of time before her soul was completely eroded. There was no trace of life.

The fire of the soul gradually boils and becomes more intense. With Shi Lan’s own power of the soul, if she is not restrained, in less than half an hour, this fire of the soul will burn her body, and everything will be destroyed. It turned into nothing, and in the state of being harassed by inner demons, she simply did not have the mental strength to control it, and it was almost certain death.

But at this moment, with the endless incense and wish power as a supplement, a strange balance has been formed. The fire of the soul is burning more and more vigorously, but Shi Lan’s origin has not been lost. On the contrary, it is gradually increasing. All the wishing power was injected into the flame by Shi Lan and turned into fuel.

As time went by, the Yuan Shen, which was originally mostly soaked in ink, gradually returned to its original appearance under the refining of the Yuan Shen’s fire. The slightly illusory Dao Fruit became more solid, and the harassment of inner demons began to weaken.

At the moment when the ink faded, the cracks in the Dao Fruit healed and became round and flawless. The divine light rising into the sky bloomed from the golden body of Taixu Yuanjun, and the aura of the Supreme Divine Dao swept across the sky and spread throughout the entire world.

At the moment when Shi Lan was promoted to the main god, the golden bodies of Taixu Yuanjun’s statues scattered throughout the world all transformed at the same moment. They were soaked by the invisible power. The stone carvings turned into jade, the jade statues were painted gold, and the golden bodies It was bloody, almost indistinguishable from the flesh.

In the eyes of all the believers, this is undoubtedly a manifestation of the gods, and the incense and wish power of Lord Taixu has once again surged!

However, after Shi Lan stepped into the realm of the Lord God, his absorption of the incense’s wish power was far from stopping. Because too much wish power was injected into the soul’s fire, it burned too fiercely at this time and was on the verge of losing control. She could only continue to push forward helplessly.

In just half a month, she crossed three realms in a row and took the second step in the supreme realm.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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