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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 631 Heaven

Although the fire of the soul has become stronger again, Shi Lan still feels a little relieved, at least it can relieve his urgent need.

What was just put into the fire was just a fragment of the battle flag, and the divine energy on it had almost been lost. If all the battle flags were put into it, it would last longer, at least for a year. Even for several years.

On this basis, by collecting more rare treasures, she might be able to sustain herself until she becomes enlightened.

Looking at the fiercely burning soul fire, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Shi Lan’s mind. With the tyranny of this flame, ordinary supreme beings would not be able to withstand it. If she could turn it into an offensive method, it would be very difficult for her. Speaking of which, there is undoubtedly one more trump card.

After thinking about it for a moment, Shi Lan suppressed this idea for the time being. With her current cultivation level, it was too early to think about this, and she could only play with fire and burn herself.

Shi Lan took out the blood crystal condensed from the divine blood on the battle flag and observed it for a moment. He could only feel that it contained extremely strong blood energy fluctuations, mixed with some fragments of divine law. It should have a certain effect on the tempering of the physical body. Small benefits.

The gods of incense and fire are originally intangible things. The flesh and blood produced by defying nature and taking possession of nature have the effect of transforming decay into miraculous things.



After Lin Dou and his group of counter-gods attacked, Shi Lan and the others were not hindered by anything anymore. All the counter-gods crouched down and no one showed up.

Therefore, the speed of their advance is quite stable. They can completely uproot a kingdom in half an hour at most. In one day, they can conquer no less than fifty kingdoms.

According to this progress, it could take as short as half a year or as long as a year, and they would be able to completely uproot the deep-rooted land abandoned by God in front of them.

Among these divine kingdoms, there are a large number of weak gods with only tens of millions of believers. Faced with the incorporation of the Divine Court, most of them chose to surrender without hesitation. Their loyalty to their respective gods is far from that high.

In comparison, the position of god promised by Shenting is more attractive to them.

However, nearly half of the believers chose to commit suicide, sacrificing their entire body and soul to the gods they believed in.

This kind of sacrifice will greatly increase the fighting power of the incense god in a short period of time. Although it will gradually weaken, at some moments, it can be enough to change the situation of the battle.

Shi Lan had no problem with these believers. The other three main gods wanted to share a portion with her, but she refused. In exchange, she received all the tributes collected in the land abandoned by the gods, as well as most of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

For the god of incense and fire, the importance of believers is undoubtedly the first, and other external objects are not important. As the strongest person in the industry, Shi Lan has no interest in believers, which inevitably makes the three newcomers The main god and other high-ranking gods felt a little excited.

If other main gods lead the team, they may not even be able to drink the soup.

Compared to believers, these confiscated rare treasures are truly huge gains for Shi Lan. Some of the extremely rare materials can barely withstand the calcining of the fire of the soul, which is equivalent to a life-extending elixir. .

The so-called believer, the fire of faith, was all false after she left this world. Only these treasures in her hands had real warmth.



Deep in the Land Abandoned by the Gods, a temple is entrenched on the top of a mountain range. The mountains are surrounded by clear skies, but there are thunderclouds near the temple. Affected by the mood of some powerful beings, changes have occurred.

There are only eight figures in the spacious hall, and the divine clouds are surging on their bodies. The Qi machine covers the nine heavens. Four of them are slightly illusory, and they are incarnations projected from across the endless void.

“This time, the Divine Court should fight to the end.”

A main god shrouded in red light spoke slowly, with a slightly heavy tone.

This time, the Divine Court was obviously serious about it. All the gods along the way were suppressed, and even the Kingdom of God was uprooted. The move was unprecedented in scale. In addition to some rebel gods, many neutral gods were involved. Those who came in and refused to enter the divine court were all beheaded.

“Then let’s fight! I have long wanted to overthrow the Divine Court, and this time I will cut off one of his arms before they come out in full force!”

Murderous shouts erupted, and a purple-clothed figure spoke in a cold voice. A seven-color flower bloomed on his chest, flowing with the yin and yang energy of the five elements.

Some people obviously disagreed with His words and immediately sighed:

“Everyone who comes is an incarnation. Even if they are killed, it will be harmless to the Divine Court, let alone a broken arm…”


Lin Dou, who was standing aside, shook his head slightly, his silver eyes condensed:

“I can feel that the sacred jade of the main gods who came to my territory is within the golden body. They should all be newly promoted main gods. They have not yet come to place the sacred jade, so they hurriedly set off to fight. This is a great opportunity. .”

Hearing this, the surrounding gods were all surprised. Divine jade is not only the origin of the gods, but also a peerless tonic for the other gods. If they swallow these sacred jade, they may be able to go one step further.

“Didn’t you already take action? I heard you were defeated for a while?”

“If they are all new Lord Gods, how could you lose? Who is leading the team on your side?”

Several projected incarnations spoke one after another. They had just received the message and were not clear about the specific situation.

“I have now found out the details of that main god. Her name is Taixu. She was promoted to main god a few years ago. Before her promotion, she relied on a weird secret technique to kill a high god with a snap of her fingers.”

Speaking of this, Lin Dou’s expression became a little gloomy:

“If I hadn’t fought against Dangyue before, I would have been prepared for the curse technique and almost fell into it.”

After taking a breath, Lin Dou then spoke:

“After killing the god with a curse, she helped the Thunder God kill a group of foreign enemies, and then was called into the divine court for training. After absorbing the power of incense and wish, she never thought of reaching the sky in one step, but took the second step directly… …”

“Took the second step directly?!”

Hearing this, the atmosphere suddenly condensed, and the thunder outside the palace roared in the sky, indicating the inner turmoil of these Lord Gods.

After attaining enlightenment, every step is as difficult as climbing to the sky. It takes endless time and years to slowly dissolve the distracting thoughts in the aspiration and accumulate the river into the sea.


Lin Dou nodded slightly. When he first received the news, he was also greatly shocked.

“This Taixu is a little weird. She is not a god who is good at fighting. She should only be able to pray for blessings to ward off disasters. Her method of fighting with me has never been shown before. That fairy bow is definitely not something from this world. I am afraid it comes from heaven. .”


“Are you sure it’s related to Heaven?”

“There has been no news from Heaven for tens of millions of years. Even in the universe, news about it is rarely heard. It seems to have completely disappeared…”

The word “Heavenly Court” caused an uproar among the gods. As a powerful force in the Immortal Way, the “Heavenly Court” is the absolute overlord in the entire universe, and its power radiates to endless galaxies.

Among them, only two or three people have ever met the people in Heaven. In fact, they have been trying to find ways to contact Heaven in order to find a way out.

In this world, there is pressure from the Divine Court, and their development has reached the limit. If they turn to the Heavenly Court, they may have the opportunity to become a star king or a god, and enjoy the incense of the righteous gods, so that they will not shrink here and be beaten. Join the ranks of rebels.

“There is only a 50% chance that it contains immortal power and mixed tribulation energy, which is exactly the same as the great tribulation experienced by practicing the immortal way.”

Lin Dou was not absolutely sure about this. He had never seen anyone from heaven, but he had seen a person from the Immortal Mahayana.

When thinking about this, he actually felt that it was a bit unlikely. If Taixu really had an affair with the Heavenly Court, the Divine Court would not have allowed her to be promoted to the realm of the Lord God, and would have killed her long ago.

The Divine Court is different from them, claiming to be orthodox and extremely hostile to the Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Court is aloof and does not attach much importance to the incense gods. It just wants to use the incense gods to extend their longevity and exist in the world forever.

“Speaking of which, a visitor from a foreign land secretly contacted me not long ago and said he could help me escape from this world.”

“I also received a secret message from someone.”

After a long silence, the two projected main gods spoke one after another.

For a time, the atmosphere in the palace became even weirder.

“That’s it for today.”

The main god wrapped in red light spoke, and immediately dispersed the projection without waiting for Lin Dou to speak.

The other projected gods followed closely, and in a blink of an eye there were only four figures left in the hall.

“Lin Dou, you decide whether I will stay or leave.”

“Yes, you can just give the order!”

“Even if you have to fight to the death, there is nothing you can do!”

Except for Lin Dou, the cultivation of the other three main gods was more than a step weaker. During the conversation just now, they never spoke and just listened quietly. Now that the conversation was over, they couldn’t help it anymore.

“First shrink the sacred soil and transfer the believers. After a while, I will go to see Taixu and find out the reality.”

Lin Dou thought for a long time before speaking in a heavy tone:

“I’ll go alone.”



Shi Lan didn’t know anything about the conversation between the rebel gods. He still pushed forward slowly with many gods, pushing down mountains and breaking veins, trampling valleys and filling rivers, searching for rare treasures, and at the same time, he was wary of the enemies that might suddenly appear around him.

She has noticed the strange movements in the land abandoned by the gods. Many counter-gods and their followers have begun to shrink their activities. Many of the kingdoms of gods they encountered have turned into desolate open spaces.

This made Shi Lan feel a little disappointed. She didn’t care about the believers, so she just left. However, all the tributes were taken away, and not even a single elixir was left behind. This made her feel that she was going to conquer the city against the gods. Lost meaning.

Thanks to this, their advance has become even faster, and at most three to six months will be enough to completely conquer this area.

Just as Shi Lan felt more and more disappointed, a sky curtain fell, blocking her way forward and completely isolating her from the other gods.

A somewhat familiar figure walked out from behind the curtain.

“you again.”

Looking at Lin Dou in front of him, the disappointment in Shi Lan’s heart was swept away, and there was a vague expectation in his eyes.

During this period of time, she had collected many rare treasures, but none of them could compare with that battle flag. In addition, she had not found anything for a long time. Now she could not help but feel a little happy to see Lin Dou appear again.

“I’m not here to compete with you.”

Seeing Shi Lan’s shining eyes, Lin Dou felt a slight chill in his heart. He didn’t care about the topic and got straight to the point:

“Can you contact someone in heaven?”


After hearing what Lin Dou said, Shi Lan’s face dimmed in joy and his brows furrowed.

It’s heaven again.

When she first heard this name from Lesa’s mouth, she already felt a little strange.

She knew nothing about Heaven, but from Lesa’s words, she could already tell that this force called “Heaven” was inseparable from the immortal way.

Shi Lan pondered for two seconds and then asked: “Why do you think I am related to Heaven?”

“That bow of yours is not from this world. It comes from the immortal world. Such a valuable treasure most likely comes from heaven.”

Lin Dou did not hide anything and directly expressed his guess.

Being able to tear apart the divine blood war flag with one arrow, the power of that bow has reached the pinnacle of the realm of the Lord God. Treasures of this level are probably rare in the heavens.

“What do you want from Tianting?” Shi Lan did not rush to ask for details about Tianting, but began to explore Lin Dou’s background.

“If you can contact the Heavenly Court for me, I can directly hand over this area to the Heavenly Court.”

Seeing that Shi Lan seemed to be really related to Heaven, Lin Dou’s eyes brightened for a moment.

“If you don’t give it to me, it’s still mine.” Shi Lan remained unmoved. Lin Dou was no match for her, and it was only a matter of time before this area was eaten by her.

Hearing this, Lin Dou did not refute, and remained silent for a long time before speaking: “Then what do you want?”

“What if I want your life?” Shi Lan’s expression was dull, showing no emotion or anger.

“If you can really contact Heaven for me, if you want your life afterwards, take it!” Lin Dou sneered, his pupils shining with silver light, without any hesitation.

Such a decisive attitude surprised Shi Lan. She pondered for a moment and said with some probing:

“The battle flag you had before was a rare treasure. Give me ten more battle flags, or treasures of the same level, and I will help you find a way to contact Heaven.”

As soon as the words came out, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a little guilty in her heart. She didn’t even know what heaven was.

However, after she entered the realm, she even robbed the tributes and used them to deceive the dead. When she thought about this, she felt a little at ease.

“I can’t take it out.” Lin Dou took a deep breath: “I only have the last main artifact left on me, and I have to keep it for emergencies.”

“Not one thing…”

Before Shi Lan could finish speaking, a secret voice sounded from her ears, it was Yao Po.

‘Retreat to the Divine Court for the time being, there are enemies from outside the area. ’

“Outside the territory?” Shi Lan’s expression changed and he silently replied: “Is it the same as the ones Lesa killed before?”

During this period of time, she has been paying attention to the movements of the Rubik’s Cube people, but has found nothing. It seems that they are completely hiding.

‘No, they are more terrifying and powerful creatures. This world is blocked by them, and there is no way in or out. ’

Yao Po’s tone was extremely solemn, as if facing a formidable enemy:

‘It was supposed to be a few years away, but they seemed to be disturbed by something, so they took action in advance and returned quickly! ’

The sound transmission stopped abruptly, and Shi Lan’s thoughts whirled, and a guess emerged.

Could it be that the time point of Ragnarok has been advanced?

It was only this that she could think of to make Yao Po pay so much attention to her.



Seeing that Shi Lan was silent for a long time, Lin Dou gritted his teeth, turned his palm and took out a silver lamp, which he handed to Shi Lan. There was a faint light swaying inside.

“This is me…”

Before he could finish speaking, Shi Lan took the silver lamp into his palm, put it away directly, and then pointed at the surrounding sky with one finger, connected the coordinates of the divine court, and opened a domain gate.

Seeing this action, Lin Dou was stunned for a while, not knowing why.

“The Lord of God has a decree to return to the divine court as soon as possible.”

After hearing what Shi Lan said, the gods scattered around did not hesitate at all, stopped all movements in their hands, stepped into the domain gate one after another, and were gone in a snap of their fingers.

Shi Lan took one step to the domain gate, suddenly remembered something, and subconsciously turned around and asked:

“What is heaven?”

Lin Dou was stunned for a moment, and after he reacted, there was a buzzing in his ears, and then his silver eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes, and a roar exploded from his chest:

“You fool me?!”

Angry roars rang out, world-destroying thunder exploded in the sky, and dark clouds stretched for billions of miles.

Seeing the blood-stained silver eyes, Shi Lan came back to his senses and realized that he had asked the wrong question. He stopped staying and immediately stepped into the domain gate.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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