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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 632 God


The angry roar echoed in the void, shattering the sky for thousands of miles. Looking at Shi Lan’s leaving back, Lin Dou felt like his whole body was burning, and his head was full of silver threads rising up. He wished he could follow the space passage and kill him. Enter the divine court and fight to the death with him.

But the only trace of reason he had left told him that doing so was tantamount to self-destruction. He had hatred but could not express it, and it was stagnate in his heart. He was so angry that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

That silver lamp has been following him since the beginning of his birth. He has cultivated it step by step from an ordinary magical weapon to the main divine weapon. It has been with him to this day, which is of extraordinary significance.

He had just taken it out. He had already weighed it hundreds of millions of times in his mind before he made the decision. He wanted to use this to find a way out for the gods and believers under his command, but in the end this was the result. This made him unable to accept it, and his heart felt heavy. Got to rock bottom.

“Please God Lord, please calm down.”

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Lin Dou. He was wrapped in a black shirt and had a thin figure. His movements were filled with power that could destroy the world. His eyes were black and bright, and he was extremely energetic.

“You are from a foreign land.”

Lin Dou had already seen the details of the person who came face-to-face. In this world, if it were not for the god of incense and fire, ordinary living beings would not be able to achieve such a state of cultivation. Moreover, as soon as they met, he had feelings for this person. An inexplicable feeling of rejection.

“I, Xu Cheng, have met the Lord of God.” The man in black bowed slightly in greeting.

“Why are you looking for me?” Lin Dou’s expression did not waver at all, but secretly he was on guard. The person in front of him was not weak in cultivation. One of his two artifacts was destroyed by Taixu before, and the other was just destroyed by Taixu. Taixu deceived him, and his combat power was greatly reduced. If they really fought, he would have no chance of winning.

“Perhaps I can help the God Lord avenge his shame.” Xu Cheng had a faint smile on his lips and his attitude was extremely warm.

“Avenge your shame? Tell me your reason for coming.”

Hearing this, Lin Dou was unmoved. Although he wanted to gnaw Taixu’s golden body at this moment, he was willing to be courteous for nothing, and it was either adultery or robbery.

Although Taixu is treacherous, these people from a foreign land with unknown origins are not good people, and they don’t know what they have in mind.

“This world has been sealed for decades, and the Lord God must have known this for a long time.”

Seeing Lin Dou’s indifferent attitude, Xu Cheng didn’t care and raised his finger to the sky:

“To be honest, the people who have blocked this world will enter the world in a few years and wipe out the gods in this world. The first one to bear the brunt is the Divine Court.”

“The Divine Court has been entrenched in this world for a long time. There will be a great disaster soon. When the war breaks out, I can help the Divine Lord kill Taixu and extinguish the fire of his faith.”

Lin Dou looked Xu Cheng up and down, his eyes lowered: “What do you want?”

“When the Divine Court is destroyed, I would like to ask the Divine Lord to obtain a secret treasure for me…”

“What do you mean? It turns out that you are here for the remains of the ancestor gods.”

Hearing this, Lin Dou sneered and shook his head, interrupting Xu Cheng’s words:

“Stop your thoughts. If the ancestor god’s remains are not the god of incense and fire, the mortal body will die if they touch it. Even if it is the god of incense and fire, if you don’t get the favor of the ancestor god, you will only die if you do the following.”

It was because Shenting was recognized by the remains of the ancestor gods that it claimed to be orthodox, led them into evil ways, and occupied a huge territory.

“I have my own ideas about this.” Xu Cheng smiled lightly, appearing confident.

“You just said that outsiders want to wipe out all the gods, and naturally that includes us, right?”

Lin Dou stared at Xu Cheng closely, with a terrifying light in his eyes:

“How can you guarantee that you can escape safely after I help you retrieve the bones?”

“Among the people who entered the world, there are old friends below…” Xu Cheng looked calm, but he didn’t finish his words, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

“Since you have this ability, you can wait for others to break through the divine court and get it yourself. Why bother to negotiate with me, thinking that I am a stupid person, so easy to deceive?” Lin Dou sneered:

“If you really have this ability, bring Taixu’s divine jade to me. If the divine palace is really breached, I will sacrifice my life to help you retrieve your bones.”

Hearing this sneer, the smile on Xu Cheng’s face gradually faded, and his brows furrowed slightly. Lin Dou’s attitude of not getting into the trouble was a bit beyond his expectation. Looking at Lin Dou’s angry look just now, he originally thought Persuasion won’t be too difficult.

The remains of the gods buried under the divine court have incredible divine power. Not only can they help people condense the flowers of Dao Fruit, but they also contain a huge amount of source power. If they are handed over to the Rubik’s Cube, they can also get a lot of rewards.

This is the most precious treasure in the Ragnarok copy, and he cannot miss it.

“Then… please wait for the good news, Lord.” Xu Cheng turned around without further entanglement. Since Lin Dou had no way to go, he could only go to the other Lords to find a solution.

As for killing Taixu, this idea has never appeared in his mind from beginning to end, because this matter has no meaning at all to him, and it will also attract revenge from the Divine Court, which is not worth the gain.


Before Xu Cheng could get away, a sound of thunder suddenly exploded, and a huge hole appeared in the sky, reflecting the boundless starry sky.

Nearly a hundred warships were covered with starlight and slowly sailed into the sky. The star flags and electric halberds on them covered the sky and the sun with their power.

‘How come it’s so fast? ! ’ Xu Cheng was shocked. According to the information given by the Rubik’s Cube, these people would not enter the realm until at least five years later, but now it was suddenly earlier than expected.

Obviously, some unknown changes occurred, causing the world’s course to change.

Xu Cheng subconsciously looked not far away, but saw nothing. At some point, Lin Dou’s figure had disappeared without a trace.



In an instant, Lin Dou had returned to his temple and was about to issue a summons. It was a very important matter and he wanted to summon the Lord God again for discussion.

However, before he could make any move, a message came from the sky.

After checking the information in the transmission, Lin Dou sat on the ground and projected his spiritual thoughts away. He crossed hundreds of millions of miles with a snap of his fingers and stepped into a magnificent palace.

There are many figures in the palace. At a glance, there are no less than hundreds. All the main gods who are not from the divine court, including some high-ranking gods, are all present. The gods who have just met not long ago are among them.

In front of the high throne, there stood a majestic figure, nearly a hundred feet tall, with three poems, one happy on the left and angry on the other, and the face in the middle was indifferent.

Among the many obscene sacrifices, the position of the god in front of him is equivalent to that of Yao Po, the Lord of the Divine Court.

Shenting regards him as the leader of the rebel gods, the buried god-Lan Xiao.

“I summoned you all in a hurry just because the situation is urgent.”

After drinking some tea, Lan Xiao finally spoke slowly when he saw that no one was present anymore:

“From now on, all disputes with the Divine Court will be suspended.”

As soon as the words fell, there was a commotion in the palace. During this period, there were no less than tens of millions of gods, big and small, who perished due to the divine palace. One of the main gods even had his jade shattered, and he was in a state of confusion all day long.

Several God-forsaken lands on the main battlefield have already started to use real fire, and they are all a little angry at this time.

Looking around, Lin Dou frowned slightly, and immediately asked: “I dare to ask Burial God, but is it related to enemies from outside the territory?”

“Indeed, the purpose of the people outside the territory is to kill all the gods, including all living things, without exception. From this point of view, we are now in the same situation as Shenting.” Lan Xiao sighed softly, his expression expressionless. There was no change at all, but there was a hint of helplessness in his words.

“Don’t we have the strength to fight?” A main god said in a deep voice, and the divine fire surrounding his body was surging, making him look extremely uneasy.

“They have already besieged this world. Some of the main gods among you already know this, but do you know why they have never taken action?” Lan Xiao slowly walked down the divine steps, looked at the gods in the palace, and said in a calm tone. :

“Because they are waiting for a price and waiting for a suitable buyer. In their eyes, this world is just a thing in the palm of their hand and a meal on their plate.”

There was silence in the hall, and all the gods, including Lin Dou, had their pupils shrink suddenly and felt chills in their hearts. No one asked such stupid questions as if they could surrender.

The beasts in the mountains, forests and valleys would not care about their prey’s pleas for mercy, let alone the terrifying existence in the cloud-like battleship that regarded the entire world as if it were nothing.

The purpose of these foreign visitors is to clear out this vast world and kill all living beings. Without believers, their final result will be destruction.

“The only solution now… is to fight to the death! Believers have exhausted their efforts, passed down the inheritance from generation to generation, and provided you with endless incense. Now is the time for you to show your sainthood!”

Lan Xiao slowly spread his arms, looked down at the gods with six eyes, his pupils were burning with blazing fireworks, and shouted sternly:

“Death can destroy the divine body, but faith will last forever!”



After leaving the Land Abandoned by the Gods, Shi Lan, who had just returned to the Divine Court, heard the sound of thunder that spread across the entire world. The Holy Demonic Eyes penetrated the void, and the next moment he saw the cloud-like warships.

“The world…the sky…the fierce clouds…”

Shi Lan saw several flags clearly and thought deeply. Judging from these flags, these battleships may not originate from the same force. What made her feel a little confused was that she could not feel the difference from the people on the battleships. To any breath of the great world of Shenwu.

Now this world projection should have been defeated by the Shenwu World before its core fell into the Shenwu Foreign Realm.

There are not many forces in the world of Shenwu that can fight cross-border. Shi Lan has stayed in Lingwu Hall for a long time. She has heard about all the forces that can be called. These battleships in front of her, Obviously not included in this list.

Before she could think about it, the number of figures around her gradually increased, and in the blink of an eye there were more than a thousand.

“Everyone must already know about the enemy from outside the territory.”

Yao Po walked out of the void, glanced at Shi Lan, and looked at the many gods. There was no emotion on his plain face, and he spoke slowly:

“Whether you know it or not, from now on, please be prepared to die.”

All the main gods had expressionless faces, obviously they had expected this. Many high-ranking gods were looking around, not daring to speak under the oppressive atmosphere, and feeling a little panicked.

“My previous crusade against the Land Abandoned by the Gods was to integrate all the believers in this world so that I could fight against enemies from outside the territory. Now it is obviously too late.”

There was no ups and downs in Yao Po’s words, but there was a chilling pressure in his plain narrative:

“These enemies from outside the territory are here to kill all the creatures in this world. We are about to fight against them. I will not lie to you. These enemies from outside the territory are very strong! Extremely strong! Invincible! This battle will be defeated!”

“But! On the day you become gods, you should be prepared. It is natural that we are born for believers and die for believers.”

As Yao Po’s words fell, the atmosphere around him dropped to freezing point, and not a breath could be heard.

“May the dead step forward!”

This was the first time Shi Lan saw the expression on Yao Po’s face change. The murderous intent in his eyes was extremely frightening.


The sound of uniform footsteps broke the silence in the hall.

To Shi Lan’s surprise, none of the gods present retreated. All of them, including the main gods, took a step forward.

“You all still remember the oracle left by the ancestor gods.”

Following Yao Po’s inquiry, the whispers of the gods echoed under the dome of the divine court:

“Until the death of the gods, the fire of faith will burn forever.”

“The spirit will die with you, but the soul will live on forever!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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