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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 635 Underworld

“Send a message to the General Alliance, please call your Majesty immediately!”

The moment the words fell, several streams of light rose into the sky and disappeared into the vast universe.

At this moment, the martial arts supreme standing not far in front of Shi Lan had cold sweat oozing out of his palms, and his heart was full of confusion.

He took action across the passage and shattered a sword energy from the Taishang with one finger. With such strength, he must have reached the pinnacle of the immortal path, and he was definitely not an ordinary true immortal, at least a person at the level of an immortal.

The Immortal Way has been destroyed for an unknown number of years, and even he has only seen and heard about it in ancient books. In today’s universe, the treasures left by the Immortal Way monks are very rare, and the Immortal Way monks have long since disappeared.

Even the word Immortal Dao has been almost forgotten. How could there be such a terrifying existence? Faced with such a person, if you are not careful, everyone in the Tiandao Alliance will die without a burial place. .

Under the gaze of many people, the fingers protruding from the passage slowly dispersed, and after a moment, the passage also disappeared.

After the passage dispersed, a group of Supreme Leaders from the Tiandao Alliance could not help but let out a sigh of relief. As long as the existence on the other side of the passage did not come at this moment, they would still have a chance to survive!

As long as we can hold on until Taishang comes to help…



“Why such a big change?”

In the void extremely far away from the battlefield, there are two figures hidden, a man and a woman, both wrapped in black clothes. The man is thin and has very bright eyes. He is staring at the battlefield at the moment, his eyes full of doubts.

According to the original course of the world, the Divine Court did not join forces with the anti-gods in the land abandoned by the gods, and was defeated in the first battle. Most of the main gods were killed, and the remaining ones returned to the Divine Court, and were gradually cannibalized and wiped out.

“The plot direction given by the Rubik’s Cube can only be used as a reference. It is normal for changes to occur.”

The woman standing next to him shook her head. Her figure was extremely plump. Under the black clothes, she still showed amazing curves. Her eyebrows were picturesque, and her red lips were like blazing flames, which seduced people.

“The Divine Court will be destroyed anyway, just wait and see.”

When the divine court is destroyed, the remains of the gods will naturally appear in the world. This is the best time to seize the remains.

Thinking of this, the woman frowned slightly and asked:

“Have you found the master god who will retrieve the bones?”

There is an ancient will left by the ancestors on the remains of the gods. If you want to take it away, you need to find a main god, sacrifice it with Tao fruits, and appease the will in it before you can take it back to the Rubik’s Cube.

“I went to the Land Abandoned by the Gods to visit a few main gods a few days ago. Two of them have some thoughts. After this battle, it will not be difficult to solve them.”



Taking the last ray of immortal power into her body, Shi Lan let out a long breath. Behind her, a shadow of the divine kingdom emerged, filled with endless immortal light. At this moment, she had the power to move the stars with her movements.

Vaguely, her fingers seemed to touch a long river, and she felt the passage of time.

It’s just that there is a layer of gauze between them. If her power is stronger, she may be able to break through this barrier and come into contact with this river that flows from ancient times to the future, spanning the past, present and future.

However, although the force was powerful, it was completely beyond Shi Lan’s control, and the majestic immortal power in his body had begun to overflow at this moment.

Her own cultivation level is only in the Dao-Slaying realm, and Taixu’s Dao Fruit comes from the Incense God, and was forcibly improved. Her actual combat power is filled with a lot of water.

The martial arts supreme who died under the Burial Realm just now had not underestimated the enemy and died under an arrow. In a real confrontation, she would have been defeated within ten moves.

In the memory of Taixu Yuanjun, she can only pray for disaster relief techniques. She is not a god of killing, and her methods are extremely single, which undoubtedly further limits her combat power.


There were roars in the distance, and many countergods headed by the three giant gods had penetrated layers of defensive formations one after another and crushed more than ten warships.

While the Tiandao League and the others were stunned, they did not stop and took advantage of the excellent fighting opportunity to rapidly expand their results.

“Clean up this world first and wait for His Majesty’s arrival in person!”

A long roar like thunder exploded on the battlefield, and the energy and blood soaring into the sky flooded the sky. The martial arts supreme not far from Shi Lan had already taken the first step and struck boldly, his burly figure shrouded in the dazzling blood light, Like a god or a devil.

He didn’t hold back at all, he directly ignited his own energy and blood, pushing his combat power to the extreme, almost shaking the river of time and space, and countless illusions appeared around him. His eyes were extremely calm, without any hesitation, he cut off Get rid of all distracting thoughts.

No matter what the connection between the god in front of him and the Immortal Way is, what he has to do now is to kill all the gods present. As long as the Taoist Alliance’s Supreme Leader can arrive before the unknown giant of the Immortal Way. In this world, then he will be safe and sound!

What’s more, the unknown true immortal may not dare to show up. Immortal monks have already been on the must-kill list among the major transcendental forces!

He did not use the magical weapon, but just punched it down. The fist opened up the sky and the whole sky collapsed. The terrifying true meaning of martial arts filled the void and locked the world in all directions.


The punch came so fast that Shi Lan didn’t even have time to react, and the golden body was directly blasted. The sky was filled with incense smoke mixed with strands of divine blood, and it fell into the void.

The majestic fairy light bloomed between the heaven and the earth, and in an instant, a body was condensed from a million miles away. The figure was tall, the face was blurry, and every move was filled with fairy charm.

After giving up the golden body, Shi Lan felt much more relaxed, and the immortal power in his body could flow freely.

The combat power of martial arts is already strong. If there is no crushing power above the realm of cultivation, the gods of incense and fire are far from being opponents. Even if they are immortals, they must use the magic weapons and treasures to fight against the enemy. Otherwise, they will only be beaten with bare hands.

She has just received the immortal power, and her cultivation has expanded to a point where it is difficult for her to control it, and it is impossible for her to be her opponent.

In an instant, bursts of rays of light rose in Shi Lan’s soul, and she recalled some of the meanings of the Tiancang Lingxuan Sutra. She had never practiced immortal magic, and now she could only imitate cats and tigers, trying to use immortal magic to fight against the enemy.


A figure fell from the sky, it was Yao Po. After killing the old Taoist, he turned around and intercepted the martial arts supreme who was about to pursue him. He was also the god of incense and fire, but his combat power was far beyond ordinary. Never been at a disadvantage.

The two of them had fought for dozens of times in the thunder room, and the fierce battle shattered the sky. If the battlefield had not been separated into another layer of space, the entire world would have been reduced to ruins.

Taking advantage of this gap, Shi Lan quickly flipped through the Immortal Scriptures in her mind, sharpened her spear in battle, and understood the Immortal Techniques. The two were fighting. With her current control, using the Burial World to fight against the enemy, there would inevitably be accidental injuries.

Among the supreme beings from the Tiandao Alliance, except for the old Taoist and the martial arts supreme who is currently fighting against Yao Po, no one has taken the third step.

However, the progress of the main gods was not smooth. It was difficult to deal with the Supreme of the Tiandao Alliance, and even the three-headed giant among the counter-gods was blocked.

The supreme beings of the Tiandao Alliance sacrificed an orb. The orb was completely natural, like a silver moon, without any flaws. There were many nebulae inside it, covering a corner of the universe. There were three faint marks in the sky.

Under the radiance of the orb, the laws of heaven and earth seem to have changed. All the supreme beings have received some kind of blessing and are invulnerable to all laws. The divine spells cast by the Lord God cannot even affect them, and their own divine power has been affected. Greatly weakened.

This is a treasure specially created for large-scale wars. It has extremely powerful auxiliary power and is enough to change the situation of the war.

At this moment, Shi Lan has no time to take into account the battle situation. She has abandoned all distracting thoughts and devoted herself to comprehending a newly discovered magical method. Now it is difficult to change the battle situation with the power of one person. She needs more help. This magical method is called ‘Calling the spirit’.

According to the description in Tiancang Lingxuan Sutra, this immortal method can open the door to reincarnation and summon powerful ghosts and gods from under the underworld to help. The specific number is uncertain, but they will definitely not be weaker than herself.

The magic can last for at most half an hour, and she must summon help during this time.

“You want to kill me just because of the dead bones in the grave?!”

In the blink of an eye, half a moment had passed, and a loud roar suddenly came from the battlefield above the sky. The spatial barriers were shattered, and a roaring sound like a demon overflowed:

“The incarnation of wish power is so complex that even the path and fruits come from believers. How can it have the power to defy heaven!”

As the space barrier shattered, Yao Po’s golden body exploded in the sky, half of his body was shattered, and divine blood splashed.

Even so, there was still no wave in Yao Po’s expression. In the blink of an eye, the incense and wish power condensed into a golden body again. In his right arm, the divine pattern became more and more brilliant, and there was a vague pressure that surpassed the Supreme.

“God Lord!”

When the gods in the divine court saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically. They were extremely anxious and somewhat distracted.


Terrifying energy and blood pressed across the sky. The Supreme Martial Arts strode forward, his expression as cold as ice, and the sky beneath his feet was shattered. He was already standing at the end of the Supreme Realm, with only the last step left to ascend to the Supreme Realm. territory.

In the Supreme Realm, he has almost no opponents, and his combat power is unparalleled. He can even tear open the boundary between life and death with his own strength. At this level, he is already the most powerful person in the universe.

The moment he walked out of the space barrier, he subconsciously began to search for Shi Lan. Compared with these incense gods, he was more concerned about the remnants of the immortal world.

Sensing his sight, Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes in the distance. Immortal light overflowed from his body, making him look as graceful as a beautiful lady from a divine palace.

The moment their eyes met, the Martial Arts Supreme’s expression suddenly changed. He looked through Shi Lan and looked into the void behind her.

The void affected by the battle between the supreme beings was already a state of chaos, mixed with streams of light of various colors. The void behind Shi Lan was now pure black, and the evil energy of death surged wildly, gradually turning into a passage.

“Yellow Spring?!”

The Supreme Martial Arts Master took a breath of cold air and frowned. The first thought in his mind was that Shi Lan had summoned some monsters from under the underworld to help out.

This method is rare in the universe, but it is not traceable. The evil things under the underworld like to eat creatures with strong blood.

Before he had time to think, he took one step forward, raised his palm and turned it into a sword. A bright sword light instantly cut through the world barrier, tore through the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, and fell on top of Shi Lan’s head.

No matter what method Shi Lan used, he couldn’t let it continue. Immortal Dao’s methods were too weird and had to be guarded against.


An arm stood in front of Shi Lan, and his flesh and blood instantly fell apart, leaving only a pale golden arm bone, which remained unscathed under the light of the world-destroying sword.


At the same moment, dull footsteps came from the passage behind Shi Lan, and a figure slowly squeezed out, nearly nine feet tall, wearing a bloody gauze, with a rough appearance, no different from the human race, with a light fiber wrapped around his waist. Silver chain.

His body was wrapped with a rich evil spirit of death, falling to the earth, and in a snap of his fingers, hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers were transformed into the underworld.

As soon as he walked out of the passage, his eyes were fixed on the martial arts supreme not far away, and there was unconcealable joy in his eyes:

“I want your body.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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