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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 636 Ancient History

The Yin God walking out of the passage gave Shi Lan an indescribable sense of familiarity. The moment he saw him, his soul felt hot, recalling a figure that looked like a god and demon.

The chain tied around his waist contained obvious martial arts energy, which was exactly the same as that of Ling Yang.

An almost impossible guess appeared in her mind. The Yin God in front of her was too similar to the ancient god in the Lingyang Realm.

“This place is not the underworld. You want to take my body by yourself?”

The Supreme Martial Arts Master was bathed in the blazing blood flames. When he heard what the Yin God said, he laughed:

“Arrogant! I will give you no chance to return to the underworld today!”

Before he finished speaking, he stepped forward again and pulled out a green-gold sword from the void. The blood flames covering his body burst out with a brilliant divine light, reaching the peak of the sun.

His movements were filled with strong self-confidence. Even when faced with two people in the same situation, he still had the invincibility and the confidence to win.

The bright sword light cut through the sky and the universe, vaguely tearing apart the barriers of time and space, sputtering out some fragments of light and shadow that did not belong to this era.

“Humans… are all renegades and should be punished.”

The Yin Shen who walked out of the passage seemed to be stimulated when he saw the surging blood flames on his body. His eyes instantly turned red, and he stepped straight to meet the sword. The bloody gauze on his body surged and condensed into A spurge.


When the laws collide, the heaven and earth are shattered, the world’s barriers completely collapse, and the outer starry sky is fully visible.

The green-gold battle sword rose up, the blade trembled violently, and made a harsh sound. The martial arts supreme took three steps back, with a trace of disbelief in his expression. His energy and blood could shake the reincarnation, sweeping across the invincible, Now in the face-to-face meeting, he hardly took any advantage.

During the collision of the Dao Fruit, he was even slightly suppressed. The Yin God in front of him had an extremely complicated origin during his lifetime, and he had a profound understanding of the martial arts.


When he was shocked, the bloody halberd had already risen across the sky, attacking and killing, carrying a thick evil spirit of death and the aura of underworld, trying to drag people into the realm of reincarnation. The void echoed with such sounds as A thunderous roar:

“Today, I will lend you my body to repay the sun!”


Two figures criss-crossed the sky, and between the swords, halberds and shadows, a terrifying divine power arose. The overwhelming blood energy and the evil energy of death blended into the extremely lethal divine light of annihilation.

The sky burst, and several main gods and the Supreme were involved. In just a few breaths, they disintegrated in an instant. Whether it was divine jade or Taoist fruit, they were all reduced to ashes under the divine light, and a lifetime of honor and disgrace was lost in one fell swoop.

Yao Po did not intervene in the battle in front of him and attack the martial arts supreme, but ran towards the battleship.

The battlefield around the battleship has fallen into a quagmire. The main gods are blocked and even seem to be defeated.

That orb is so magical that it is superior to the divine way. Even if you stand at the pinnacle of the realm of the Lord God, you will still be suppressed by it.

In the distance, Shi Lan looked at this scene, stepped back for a distance, recalled the blue spear, his eyes flashed slightly, took a breath, and filled his mouth with fairy light. After a moment, he spit out a five-color galaxy and the air flow of the five elements. Turning around, it was filled with vitality and enveloped the entire battlefield.

This is a auxiliary immortal method called ‘Muhua’. According to the Tiancan Lingxuan Sutra, it is also an immortal method that can only be practiced after entering the Mahayana realm. In a hurry, Shi Lan can use it The power is only 1/20%.

But for the main gods who were fighting fiercely in the field, it was like a timely help, which offset part of the impact of the orb. In addition, Yao Po’s entry into the field instantly restored the situation.



“There is definitely something wrong with this Taixu. It can actually connect to the underworld. Judging from the methods she used, I’m afraid she is not a native creature.”

In the void in the distance, the two Rubik’s Cube Supremes who had been watching the battle had expressions of deep thought on their faces.

After being silent for a long time, Xu Cheng slowly spoke: “Send the message back to the Rubik’s Cube and ask the most powerful to intervene. If this person is an unparalleled genius, we can also benefit from it.”

The Rubik’s Cube also needs to add new blood. If they can recruit some outstanding talents, they can also get a good reward.

The woman on the side nodded slightly, and after a moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, her face turned pale:

“I can’t contact the Rubik’s Cube…”

“How is that possible?!” Xu Cheng’s expression changed slightly. After sensing it for a moment, his expression also became a little ugly.

In the Shenwu Foreign Land, it is impossible to fail to contact the Rubik’s Cube. The only possibility is that they are not in the Shenwu Foreign Land now.

All the creatures in this world have no choice but to perish in the end and cannot contact the Rubik’s Cube. How they leave this world has become a big problem. This situation is beyond their control.

“Gather everyone together and find a way to escape first!”

After a brief consideration, Xu Cheng made a decision. In this situation, he could no longer care about camp points.

If they cannot escape from this world, they will all be buried with this world.




As the war situation gradually stabilized, a dense divine light suddenly burst out between the sky and the earth far away from the battlefield, enveloping hundreds of millions of believers and rushing towards the universe. Among them were the main gods of the divine court and gods who had rushed out from the place abandoned by the gods. .

The sword energy that suppressed the entire realm has collapsed, and the main force of enemies from outside the realm who have entered the realm is also entangled at this moment. This is undoubtedly the best chance to escape. If you wait until the enemy’s backup arrives, there will be only a dead end in the end.

Seeing this, neither Yao Po nor Lan Xiao spoke a word. They had been fighting against their opponents for endless years, but the thoughts in their hearts at this moment were surprisingly the same.

‘Run faster…’


On the peak battlefield above the sky, between the flashes of swords, a figure flew out. The high-spirited martial arts supreme was now covered in blood, and his eyes were red. Compared to just now, his whole body seemed to be burning, and his heart was beating faster. The sound is like the roar of thunder, and the roar is endless.

His energy and spirit had completely reached the limit, and even his life force was burning.

The figure of Yin Shen walked out of the divine light of annihilation. His body from the waist down had turned into black mist, unable to condense into a form, and he suffered heavy injuries.

Flesh and blood are tonics for the ghosts and gods of the Yins. The combination of yin and yang can increase one’s own cultivation. However, everything has two sides. The fierce blood of the Supreme Martial Arts is too masculine and will cause extreme harm to evil creatures such as the Yins and Gods. Big damage.

If it were an ordinary Yin Shen, under the blood of a supreme martial artist, he would probably evaporate in an instant.


A streak of blood-colored lightning flashed across the sky. Shi Lan looked up at the sky, his cheeks slightly cold, and drops of blood rained down, turning into a majestic heavy rain in an instant.

Because the Yin God appeared in the world and transformed into the underworld, the earth was nourished by the blood rain and came back to life again, growing strange and exotic grasses. The rich spiritual energy filled the space between the sky and the earth, floating like soft clouds, turning into mist.

The laws between heaven and earth have undergone slight fluctuations, and the world’s barriers, riddled with holes, have begun to heal crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Leave the border quickly!”

A long shout from the martial arts supreme came from the air, with a hint of shock and anger:

“The way of heaven has revived in this world!”

Following his reminder, all the supreme beings of the Tiandao Alliance tensed up and broke free from the entanglement of the main gods at all costs, rolled up the battleship and rushed towards the sky.

The first time the Heavenly Dao revives, it must clean up the creatures outside the territory. The heaven and earth that can cultivate the supreme supreme will have the power to instantly kill the supreme supreme.

If they cannot leave this world before the Heavenly Dao is completely revived, the only thing waiting for them is the ruthless obliteration of this world. They will die violently before the Supreme Being arrives.

“How could this be so…”

Shi Lan reached out his hand to catch a few drops of blood rain, and looked slightly startled as he watched the blood drops gradually melting into his palm.

After entering the world, she had never felt the existence of Heavenly Dao. She originally thought that this was because this world was a projection of Shenwu Foreign Realm, and Heavenly Dao had long been smelted by Shenwu Foreign Realm, but now it seems that this is not the case.

In a few breaths, the world barrier was completely healed. No one from the Tiandao Alliance who entered the world escaped, and at the same time, the main gods who were about to leave the world were also intercepted.

“It’s over…”

The moment the world barrier healed, all the creatures in the Tiandao Alliance fell into despair. The ignited Qi and blood of the Martial Arts Supreme also fell into silence, and his eyes were a little dazed.

Without the supreme power to suppress them, the way of heaven would take their lives only in an instant.


The laws between heaven and earth resonated, and the bright heavenly sword appeared from the sky. Before its sharp edge was revealed, it stung the soul through the physical body.

The moment she saw the heavenly sword, Shi Lan was suddenly shocked. The immortal way was not the way of this world, and she was afraid that she would not be able to escape the punishment of heaven.

Not far away, Yin Shen sensed the crisis and glanced in the direction of the Supreme Martial Arts Reluctantly. He slowly retreated to Shi Lan’s side. Just as he was about to return to the underworld, his expression suddenly froze and he stared intently. Shi Lan:

“You seem to smell like a king…”


As soon as the words fell, before Shi Lan could react, the heavenly swords in the air fell like rain, turning the entire battlefield into a Shura field. The Yin God did not dare to stop at all and got into the vortex.

The battleship collapsed, and the Supreme Daoguos were beheaded one after another. They couldn’t even resist. They stood there, unable to move, and let the heavenly sword kill their necks.


Looking at the oncoming sword light, the Martial Arts Supreme looked dull, his energy and blood were silent, and he murmured:

“How can people defy heaven…”


The sharp sword light passed across and cut off his head. There was no blood on it, and it was smooth and flawless, as if it would not be stained by anything.

A bright blade of light grazed Shi Lan’s side and chopped into pieces, but it did not hurt her at all.

Under the way of heaven, the Supreme Being is also an ant. In an instant, no one outside the realm can survive.

This battle, which endangered the entire world, ended in an almost bizarre way, and all the gods could not recover for a long time.

Half an hour had passed, and the immortal power was withdrawn from Shi Lan’s body like water from a floodgate, and the body formed by the condensed immortal power also collapsed.

The heavenly sword just struck could not have been missed. Immortal ways are obviously allowed to exist in this world.

After gathering his willpower and condensing a golden streak, Shi Lan didn’t have time to think deeply, and immediately began to clean the battlefield, collecting the remains of the Supreme body and many fragments of the Supreme weapon.

Except for the old Taoist and the martial arts supreme who was eyeing Shi Lan, the number of supremes who entered the world from the Tiandao Alliance during this trip was still close to ten. This was more than what Shi Lan had gained in the last time in the Qiongluo Realm. Be huge.

And among these supreme beings, there are many who have taken the second step, and their value is inestimable.

The only pity is that the Supreme Artifact could not escape the slaughter of the Heavenly Sword. The true spirit was cut off and broken into several pieces, and the shocking orb could not be saved.

These supreme remains and fragments of the supreme weapon were of little use in the eyes of the incense master gods. Seeing Shi Lan collecting them, they took a hand and sent them to Shi Lan together with the remains of the battleship.



“Can you contact Heaven?”

After the battlefield was cleared, Lin Dou slowly fell to Shi Lan’s side. His expression was a little unnatural. In this battle, Shi Lan’s existence undoubtedly affected the entire battle situation, and the methods he used were obviously immortal magic. .

At this moment, he was a little confused as to whether Shi Lan was lying to him.

“I really don’t know what Heaven is. Thank you very much for coming to the rescue.”

Seeing that Lin Dou had a strange look on his face, Shi Lan didn’t say much. After thanking him, he took out the silver lamp and returned it. Although even if she didn’t return it, Lin Dou wouldn’t be able to do anything to her.

“Don’t think that the grudge between you and me can be wiped out.”

Hearing what Shi Lan said, Lin Dou felt something in his heart. After carefully taking back the silver lamp, he sneered, his silver eyes filled with brilliant light: “One day, I will definitely ask you to take back the shame of bullying me. .”

“If there is this opportunity.”

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the void.

Shi Lan’s eyes were a little complicated. Ever since she was angered by the martial arts supreme, her thoughts had been a little uneasy.

Everything that is happening in this world today is a projection of the past. The gods who have experienced a life-and-death struggle before their eyes and survived the disaster have withered away countless thousands of years ago.

No matter what happened in front of her, it would not have any impact on her, but at this moment, she felt inexplicably mixed emotions in her heart.

The destruction of the great world is all due to the struggle for source power, and the greedy plunder of the great world has created endless tragedies. Along with this world, the gods and hundreds of millions of believers who have long been buried, what’s wrong?

She has seen too much of the cruelty of the source power struggle along the way. The tragic scenes in the Qiongluo Realm and the Fierce Pluto Realm are vivid in her mind. Trillions of living beings, in the eyes of the Supreme and even the stronger ones, are all in one thought. between.

This was a truth she had known for a long time, but it had never been as strong as it was at this moment. The inner demons burned out by the fire of the soul amplified certain emotions in her heart, making her more emotional.

A group of main gods from the land abandoned by the gods did not leave. They gathered in one place, separated from the divine court by an extremely long distance, looking at each other from a distance, clearly distinguishable.

Lan Xiao stayed and stood opposite Yao Po. Shi Lan slowly fell to the side of the two main gods. She had seen the two gods in front of her and wanted to ask her something.

“These people from outside the territory have extremely huge forces behind them. They have asked for help, and a strong person should arrive soon. Perhaps he is the master of that sword energy.” Yao Po spoke first, with a rare solemn look on his face:

“Taixu, can you open that passage again?”

Now the heaven has sealed off the world, with no way in or out, like a cage.

The existence on the other side of the passage could shatter the sword energy with just a finger in the air. Naturally, they had the ability to penetrate the world and open a way out. If they waited until the owner of the sword energy arrived, they would still be unable to escape death.

Shi Lan shook his head slightly. Although the immortal technique was powerful, it also had many limitations. It was not always possible to borrow the power of a true immortal. After using it, the turbulence in the passage would take some time to calm down.

“Is there heaven on the other side of the passage?” Lan Xiao on the side asked, with a trace of unnoticeable anxiety.

“What kind of force is Heavenly Court?” Shi Lan was a little confused. Ever since she came to this world, this name always appeared in her ears.

Seeing her reaction, Yao Po and Lan Xiao’s eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

“Heaven is a holy place where immortals gather.” Yao Po sighed softly and began to tell the ancient history of this world.

The word “Heavenly Court” is also an extremely ancient legend for him. Accompanying these two words are only powerful, majestic and inviolable.

“The Heavenly Court occupies half of the Immortal Sect’s Taoism, commanding thousands of immortals. Its power radiates to the endless star field, and even affects the Yin Division. Its leader, the Jade Emperor, is the supreme master in the universe. He can decide one side with a single thought. In the world of life and death, even the ancestral gods can only bow their heads.”

“During the heyday of the Heavenly Court, he commanded all the immortals, and was present in all the six realms. He even overpowered the Buddhists, Taoists and magicians. He was also very friendly towards my Xianghuo lineage. In ancient times, there were frequent contacts, and there were even long-term relationships in this world. The true immortals abide.”

“However, some changes seem to have taken place in Heaven. In ancient times, the Ancestral God suddenly prohibited the gods from communicating with the Immortal Way, and strictly ordered them not to have anything to do with the Immortal Way. Since then, the occasional Immortal Way monks who have wandered into this world have also been directly expelled. After that, contact was completely severed.” Yao Po shook his head slightly and then said:

“If it hadn’t been for the will of the ancestor god, this great world might have been taken under the command of Heaven.”

Heavenly Court’s attitude towards the lineage of incense gods has always been relatively gentle. Many gods of the lineage of Incense have devoted themselves to heaven, becoming a star king, or gaining the throne, enjoying endless incense, and rebuilding their immortal bodies. I don’t know if there are any. How many gods are secretly envious.

Originally, when he saw that Shi Lan was involved with the Immortal Way, he was a little happy, thinking that the gods in this world could find a new place of refuge.

Although you have to leave this big world to join heaven, you can at least save your life, and hundreds of millions of gods and believers can continue to survive. It is undoubtedly much better than being destroyed along with the big world.

But looking at Shi Lan’s appearance now, this idea is undoubtedly in vain.


During the conversation, the color outside the territory suddenly changed, and the light reflected into the sky and the earth. Everything that came into view was snow-white. The strong starlight was enough to instantly penetrate the pupils of living beings. A terrifying figure appeared in the sky, covered with endless brilliance, like a true god. .

Obviously, support from outsiders has arrived.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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