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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 638 Memory Fragments

When Shi Lan regained consciousness, the soul had returned to the body, filled with a long-lost sense of security.

Surrounded by a cold starry sky, the bright starlight comes from the distant universe without any warmth.

There is a strong repressive force in the laws under the starry sky. The Qiongluo Realm is still in a sealed state, and Samsara cannot be contacted. After realizing this, Shi Lan couldn’t help but be silent. The only explanation for this situation is that she is still He is in a foreign land of gods and martial arts.

The next moment, Shi Lan suddenly noticed the changes in herself. When the soul left the body, her physical body seemed to have been refined by some kind of secret power and was greatly enhanced. The qi and blood surging in her body increased by ten. More than twice as much, even the bones are filled with golden divine patterns.

There is a strange power mixed in the blood, just like the divine blood condensed by the Lord God of Incense, filled with powerful Tao Yun.

The bloodline of the incense god is different from ordinary creatures. It has the magical effect of turning decay into something miraculous. The benefits to the physical body are immeasurable.

Within the sea of ​​consciousness, a section of pale golden arm bone hangs above the sea of ​​consciousness. Shi Lan still has the impression that this section of arm bone once appeared in Yao Po’s right arm, but now it appears in her for some unknown reason. In the sea of ​​consciousness.

As he glanced between the pale golden arm bones, Shi Lan’s eyes suddenly stopped. On the smooth and flawless surface of the arm bones, there was an extremely small scratch. Although it was not obvious, there was still a trace of the true meaning of martial arts remaining on it.

For a moment, Shi Lan’s memory had some fluctuations, and he couldn’t tell whether the world he just experienced not long ago was a projection or something that really happened.

The various changes in the body and this golden arm bone may be the rewards given by the Shenwu Foreign Land.

While he was deep in thought, a burning pain suddenly appeared in the depths of his soul.

Without the suppression of Dao Fruit, the Soul Fire burned even more fiercely. Shi Lan didn’t know how long he had been sleeping, but when he left the world, eight out of ten of the fragments of the Supreme Artifact put into the Soul Fire had been consumed. Nine.

Glancing at the golden arm bone, Shi Lan pondered for a moment before throwing it into the fire of the soul.

The Supreme Master of Martial Arts tried his best, but only left a scratch on the arm bone. This arm bone must have come from a being above the Supreme Being. With such a strong level, it should be able to last for a long time.

The moment the golden arm bone fell into the fire of the soul, the burning pain gradually disappeared, and the law imprint on it was instantly activated, shining brightly. The fire of the soul invaded it, and some fragments of the laws of time and space were calcined out of it.

The moment he came into contact with these fragments, some pictures appeared in Shi Lan’s mind, which were fragments of memories. These memories were extremely long ago and were imprinted in the laws left by the arm bones. They were incomplete and only had sporadic pictures.



In a daze, Shi Lan appeared under a starry sky dome. Not far away were several huge figures, with a god shrouded in divine light in the center.

“Kano, there are only two ways before you now. One is to join forces with us. Afterwards, you can occupy half of the star field under the jurisdiction of heaven.”

“The second is to be buried with the heaven. Today, we will first cut off the incense of your divine way.”

“There are still gods of my lineage in heaven…” The god in the center spoke slowly, seeming hesitant.

“There will be no chickens or dogs left in heaven. This is the bottom line. Some gods can be dealt with at their own discretion. The sacred jade can be broken into pieces and their faith retained.”

“The future of Shinto is in your hands.”

“We don’t want to commit murder in vain. Your Shinto believers are all over the heavens and the world. When the time comes, the remnants of those who pursue the heaven will be easily captured.”

After a while, the surrounding divine light trembled slightly, and the god responded. The picture suddenly became blurry, and Shi Lan could not hear his answer clearly.

In the blink of an eye, the image shattered, and she was already on a bloody battlefield. A terrifying wave of energy was surging in the universe. The huge figures she had just seen were fighting in the sky.

With every move they made, they possessed the mighty power of the birth and death of the universe, shaking the long river of time and space, completely shattering the invisible barriers of a large universe, and plunging it into chaos.

Immortal light crisscrossed the universe. At a glance, Shi Lan saw no less than ten true immortals, countless immortal qigong practitioners who had reached the Mahayana, and many main gods who had condensed the Tao Fruit. Mixed in it.

The fierce battle was far more brutal than any war Shi Lan had ever seen. With every breath, hundreds of stars would die and turn into ashes in the universe.

Under the aftermath of this, there was a huge star in the sky that was not affected at all. It was protected by a true immortal, and even the Tianque Qiong Tower above it was not damaged.

“This is……”

Seeing some familiar palaces above the stars, Shi Lan was slightly startled. After taking a closer look, she confirmed her suspicion that this huge lunar star was the one she had seen before.

“Are you even going to turn your back on Heaven?”

Suddenly, a whisper sounded in Shi Lan’s ear, the tone was extremely calm and did not contain the slightest emotion.

The moment the words fell, on the battlefield, many of the main gods who originally stood on the side of the immortals changed instantly. Their swords and halberds were pointed at the Qi Refiners. The battle situation was reversed and almost fell into a one-sided massacre.

Shi Lan’s eyes swept across the entire battlefield, and when he saw the face of a true immortal, his eyes suddenly tightened, and a trace of disbelief flashed through his eyes.

“How could it be him?!”

This young man who once appeared in Langya Cave and now follows Qinglan left a very deep impression on her. Before entering the world projection, she also relied on his help to escape from Buddhism.

For a moment, Shi Lan suspected that he had recognized the wrong person. The universe was so vast and it was so normal to have people with similar faces. However, the voice and appearance of the true immortal in front of him were almost the same as that young man.

Moreover, the energy coming from this true immortal belongs to the same lineage as the Heavenly Cang Lingxuan Sutra. This is too much of a coincidence.

Before Shi Lan could think about it carefully, there was a sudden spin in front of his eyes, and the memory fragments came to an abrupt end.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the pale golden arm bones were surrounded by the fire of the soul, without any change, but the memory fragments that just flowed out could not be faked.

This is a scene that the former owner of this amputated arm bone experienced personally.

Heavenly Court… Immortal Dao… Qinghong Realm… Tiancan Lingxuan Sutra…

In the dark, Shi Lan seemed to feel that he was grasping an invisible rope, but the feeling was still a bit vague.

Just as she was thinking hard, a strange energy appeared in her perception. She disconnected her thoughts and suddenly opened her eyes.

At some point, a figure appeared just a few feet away in front of him.

Seeing the familiar face of the person in front of him, Shi Lan subconsciously blurted out:

“Rong Xuanqing?!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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