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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 64: Attack (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 64: Attack (please vote for recommendation~)

Huangfu Yun glanced at the herd of about 3,000 beasts in the distance, and immediately ordered to continue cleaning up the corpses.

Now the corpses under the city have piled up to a height of three feet. If they are not cleaned up, they will become a huge hidden danger. If another group of monsters comes after the death of this group of monsters, Shuangyue City will be in danger.

Huangfu Yun gathered all the remaining dragon horses in the city together and managed to make up 150. Then he selected the 150 strongest people from the demon-suppressing army, rode on the dragon horses, and rode in the city. There was a queue waiting at the door.

With the strength of Shi Lan and Jiang Li, they were naturally on the list. Apart from them, the only new recruits to the Demon Suppression Army were the other two chiefs and Yan Shan.

For some reason, Huangfu Yun placed the five newcomers at the front of the team. In front of the five people was an empty dragon horse, and behind them were several centurions with demon-suppressing army flags tied to their backs.

Yan Shan rode a dragon horse for the first time and seemed a little excited.

Shi Lan pulled on the reins and couldn’t help but tighten the halberd in his hand. He felt a little uneasy. Huangfu Yun only asked them to carry weapons instead of demon crossbows. Could it be that he planned to let them fight head-on with the demonic beasts? ?


The sound of Chuanyunya’s string was heard above everyone’s heads, and a figure descended from the city wall, riding on the empty dragon horse in front of Shi Lan and others.

“Don’t think too much about it later, just follow me.”

Huangfu Yun said something to Shi Lan and the other five, raised the sword in his hand and gave the order to attack.

Shi Lan’s expression changed slightly. Although most of the beasts in the distance were killed by the Cloud-Piercing Arrow, there were still more than a thousand of them, and there were traces of innate realm monsters among them.

Using these 150 cavalry to charge head-on from the herd would definitely cause huge casualties. This is obviously unwise.

But the military orders were like mountains. No matter how doubtful Shi Lan was, he could only urge his horse to get off and follow Huangfu Yun closely.

When he was less than a mile away from the beast herd, Huangfu Yun suddenly shouted: “Construct the demon-slaying formation!”

As soon as he finished speaking, several centurions following Shi Lan and others, carrying the demon-suppressing army flag, instantly turned their reins and deflected the direction. The one hundred and fifty cavalry were divided into three teams and suddenly dispersed.

At the same time, Shi Lan suddenly felt a pulling force coming on the top of his head, and the flow speed of Qi and blood in his body suddenly surged, almost to the point of leaking out of his body.

A trace of horror flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes, and he raised his head to look at the source of the pulling force. It was a demon-suppressing military flag.

Above the heads of everyone in the military formation, a wisp of light red smoke faintly extended, connecting to the military flag.

The golden characters on the flag were faintly glowing with blood, making them look a bit strange.

The light red smoke gathered more and more, gradually condensing into a light red cloud, and a similar cloud appeared above the heads of the other two teams of sergeants.

The moment the light red cloud appeared, Huangfu Yun raised his hand and took out a palm-sized square platform and threw it into the sky.

The square platform absorbed the clouds and swelled in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it grew from the size of a palm to a radius of twenty feet!

An extremely terrifying aura of bloody killing instantly enveloped a ten-mile radius!

The monster beasts that were so crazy that they didn’t even know what pain and death were, gradually stopped running and stopped in place, restless. There were even scattered monster beasts that turned around and ran back!

Several of the Xiantian realm monster beasts seemed to be unaffected, but they were unable to change anything and could only roar anxiously among the beasts.

Ten blood-red figures with a height of three feet and holding giant blades walked down from the square platform and rushed towards the stagnant herd of beasts, causing a huge wave of blood!

After the blood-red figure appeared, Shi Lan’s energy and blood surged to a new level, and she felt that her power was connected to Huangfu Yun and everyone behind her.

It was as if their team had become a whole.

Feeling that his strength had nearly doubled, Shi Lan swept out with a halberd, cutting the three monsters in half.

Under the intimidation of the square platform in the sky, most of the monsters lost their resistance, forgot about their fangs and claws, and turned into lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Several Xiantian realm monster beasts kept roaring wildly, trying to motivate the group of monster beasts, but received no response at all. In an instant, they were killed by several centurions.

In the end, except for a few scattered monster beasts that escaped, more than a thousand monster beasts were all killed, and no one in the demon-suppressing army was killed.

Seeing this glorious result, Shi Lan felt puzzled. Why Huangfu Yun didn’t use this method earlier if he already had such means.

When the ten bloody figures returned to the square platform, Huangfu Yun raised his hand and waved, and the square platform returned to the size of a palm and fell back into his hand.

The three cavalry groups merged into one, and the clouds in the sky dissipated.

At the moment when the clouds dissipated, Shi Lan felt as if his body had been hollowed out instantly, with no strength left. The halberd in his hand slipped and was inserted into the ground, and at the same time there was a sound of weapons falling to the ground.

Obviously, Shi Lan was not the only one whose body was hollowed out.

Immediately, Shi Lan felt a lump in his chest, coughed a few times, and spat, which was slightly bloodshot.

The rapid surge of energy and blood hurt the heart. It was fine just now, but once it exited that state, it became a little unbearable.

Shi Lan’s reaction was already calculated. Jiang Li vomited a mouthful of blood, and Yan Shan vomited again and again, spitting out a large amount of blood. He lay on the horse’s back and couldn’t get up for a while.

Except for a few centurions, the other demon-suppressing sergeants all had similar reactions.

Seeing this, Shi Lan finally understood this method. Why didn’t Huangfu Yun use it before? Such a huge sequelae is not cost-effective compared with this result. Moreover, losing combat effectiveness in the wild like this, the consequences are disastrous. .

After gasping twice and regaining some strength, Shi Lan pulled up the halberd from the ground, followed Huangfu Yun to turn the reins, and walked slowly towards Shuangyue City.

The others rested for a while and gradually regained some strength. They dismounted, picked up their weapons, and turned around to return to the city.

After entering the city, Huangfu Yun gave healing pills to the sergeants below the eighth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and asked them to go back and rest for half a day to recuperate their bodies and alleviate the side effects.

Fortunately, after this batch of monster beasts passed away, there were no more monster groups of more than three thousand. The monster-breaking crossbows were enough to deal with them, and everyone finally had some breathing space.

It’s dusk in a blink of an eye.

In the afternoon, the monster’s offensive slowed down a lot. Although the smoke in the distance came closer, the speed finally slowed down.

Huangfu Yun stood by the city wall, his face as sinking as water, with a cold light in his eyes. The other centurions stood beside him, their expressions not very good-looking.

Since they have been fighting monsters for many years and know their habits very well, the slowdown of the monsters’ offensive is not a good sign. This is not because they are weak, but because they are accumulating strength and preparing to decide life and death with one blow!

It might be difficult at night. Unlike humans, the vision of monster beasts is not affected by the dark night.

Thanks to the book friend of “Le Shang Meng Yu Forgetting the Soul” for the reward~


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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