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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 646 The Underworld

The moment he saw the reputation points, Shi Lan pushed them all into the lottery section without any hesitation.

What she lacks most now is time. The only role of reputation for her is to enhance her combat power.

Including the two main quest rewards, Shi Lan’s limit lottery opportunities have reached as many as six times.

After thinking about it for a while, Shi Lan chose the props column, including magic weapons, magic weapons, and elixir techniques. Now she has both. The only choice left is props.

[Do you want to start the lottery? 】

“Turn on.”

Several whirlpools emerged in Shi Lan’s sea of ​​consciousness and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, leaving her no time to react.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the eight-star prop: Holy Water Essence]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the nine-star prop: Xinghai Ladder]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the eight-star prop: Divine Light of Extinction]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ten-star item: the Saint Cloth of All Transformations]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the nine-star prop: Pluto Seal]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the eight-star prop: Yuanhuo Pearl]

Three have eight stars, two have nine stars, and one has ten stars.

Looking at the lottery results in front of her, Shi Lan took a breath. This was the first time she had drawn something at the ten-star level, surpassing the treasures in the supreme realm.

What makes Shi Lan slightly confused is that she once got a replica of the Wanhua Saint Cloth, and now that the authentic one is in her hands, it inevitably makes her suspect that this was deliberately arranged by the system, including the previous main mission, and the system also Deliberately guide her journey.

The three eight-star props were ignored by Shi Lan, and he only took the Wanhua Saint Cloth and two nine-star props in his hands.

[Sacred Cloth of Ten Thousand Transformations: Refined from the entire skin of a Thousand Fantasy Beast King, it can transform all races, manifest some of its magical powers, and hide from the sky. 】

[Xinghai Ladder to Heaven: It contains time and space, and with the help of coordinates, a heavenly road can be built between two places, which can be reached in an instant. 】

[Pluto Seal: Its function is unknown. 】

The Saint Cloth of All Transformations was like a transparent water curtain, completely wrapping her up the moment it fell into Shi Lan’s palm.

In an instant, Shi Lan’s figure disappeared from the spot, and a giant white tiger with a shoulder height of nearly ten feet appeared among the barren mountains.

The whole world changed color in Shi Lan’s eyes. At this moment, she could keenly sense the Gengjin energy in the world, and the extremely pure blood of the white tiger was flowing in her body.

After a while, Shi Lan returned to her original appearance, with uncontrollable excitement in her eyes. It wasn’t until she penetrated her divine sense into the Holy Cloth of Ten Thousand Transformations that she truly understood the horror of this rare treasure. It was not a disguise, but a true treasure. The transformation can even hide from the supervision of heaven, and it has the real power to deceive the heaven!

Although the transformation will have an impact on combat power, with this rare treasure, Shi Lan’s safety in the universe will be greatly increased in the future, and he will be able to calmly deal with the situation when heaven blocks the world again.

And… she might be able to return to Ling Yang with this.

What makes Shi Lan slightly disappointed is that the Holy Cloth of All Transformations can only be said to be a auxiliary prop, not a killing weapon, otherwise she would no longer have to restrain herself in her actions.

The Xinghai Ladder is only about the size of a palm, like a bridge carved from transparent crystal. Its refining technique makes Shi Lan feel a little strange and has never seen it before.

The biggest difference between props and magical weapons is that they do not require any energy to be activated. The Xinghai Ladder contains a force of time and space. After use, it takes a period of time to slowly recover.

The Pluto Seal is a long and narrow seal that looks like a jade pendant, exuding a strong sinister aura of death. Shi Lan studied it for a moment. Even if he used the Holy Demonic Eye, he found no use. He could only vaguely feel the aura above, which was somewhat familiar.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Lan’s eyes moved slightly, he rummaged through the Qiongluo Realm for a moment, and took out a three-foot-tall clay figurine.

This clay figurine was accidentally obtained by her in the world of Shenwu. This Pluto Seal gave her the same feeling as this clay figurine. It was not like a thing from the earth, but most likely originated from the underworld.

After a while, Shi Lan still found nothing useful and could only put it away temporarily.

The harvest of this lottery was not small, but the excitement in Shi Lan’s heart soon subsided. It was just a tenth-level rare treasure. Without the support of strong cultivation, these were still unreliable castles in the air.



Lingyang Realm, Chengtian Realm.

With the lengthening of the battle front and the gradual rise of the boundless sea, the vast land of China is now less than half of its original area.

Even less than half of the Zhongtian Territory was turned into Zeguo. Some powerful human emperor families were unwilling to move and simply set up a magic circle to move their ancestral land into the sky and turned it into an aerial fortress.

The large-scale population migration has resulted in many newly built giant cities in the remaining areas. However, due to years of war, the flow of people in these cities does not appear crowded.

During this period of time, Shi Lan’s incarnation has been active on the battlefield, but on the battlefield where the emperor can be seen everywhere today, it can only be said that it has only exerted its meager efforts and has no effect.

The perception of the incarnation and the body are always connected. On the day when he drew the Pluto Seal, Shi Lan escaped from the battle line and came to the sky above a mountain range not far from the history of the human race.

Wuxu was sitting cross-legged in the void, with a gray long sword covered with cracks warm on his knees.


After Shi Lan bowed, he asked bluntly: “Can you tell me something about the Yinsi?”


After hearing what Shi Lan said, Wuxu frowned and showed a rare and obvious mood swing:

“Why do you ask this?”

“I just want to know what happened to the Sword Emperor after he entered the underworld?”

The original Sword Emperor Guiyun once penetrated the boundary between Yin and Yang, entered the Yin Division, and then fought his way out. As his imperial soldier, Wuxu should probably know some inside information.

At this moment, Shi Lan had prepared for the worst. If she fell into an irreversible situation during the great changes in Ling Yang, she would definitely have to go to hell. There would be no harm in knowing something in advance.

“That is a restricted area for the living.” Wuxu shook his head slightly, his expression slightly complicated, but he did not refuse.

It would be better to inform Shi Lan directly about the dangers, so that she would not put herself in danger in the future simply out of curiosity.

“The world often combines the Yinsi and Huangquan into one, but this is not the case. The Yinsi is the Yinsi and the Huangquan is the Huangquan. The two cannot be confused.”

Wuxu’s first words surprised Shi Lan.

“Back then, after Guiyun broke through the Yin-Yang barrier, he entered the Underworld, which was an unexplorable cold and cold area. Even with Guiyun’s perfect cultivation in the Imperial realm at that time, his blood was constantly being eroded. “

“Guiyun only stayed under the underworld for three months, and nine out of ten of his longevity was lost. He was in constant fighting almost every day.”

“Are you fighting the Yin God?” Shi Lan thought of the Yin God he summoned from Huangquan not long ago. His fighting power was extraordinary, and it was not far behind the Supreme Master who had perfected his martial arts.

There are not many Yin gods like this under the underworld.

“The laws under the Underworld are a bit strange. Humans and ghosts cannot communicate with each other. The Yin gods below the Imperial realm cannot communicate with people at all. They have their own way of communication.”

“For those powerful Yin gods, reincarnation is like starting from scratch. Naturally, there are creatures who are unwilling to do so and want to use the bodies of people in the Yang world to return to the Yang world.”

“At that time, Guiyun didn’t know anything about Underworld. He only knew that there was a three-life stone in front of the road to reincarnation. From it, he could check the past and present lives of all living beings. He wanted to use this to find Wanfeng’s reincarnation.”

“Not long after entering Huangquan, Guiyun saw a city. In order to find out the news, he walked in. He never thought that there were nearly three million Rakshasa ghosts living in it. They fought for nearly seven days before escaping from the city.”

Speaking of this, Wuxu seemed to remember some of the scenes from back then, and a hint of horror appeared in his eyes:

“Then after wandering all the way, Gui Yun finally found the entrance to the Samsara Road. However, at the entrance of the Samsara Road, there was a terrifying creature with shackles tied to his body. He squatted in front of the Three Life Stone and inspected the wandering souls of the past.”

“Not waiting for Guiyun to get closer, the creature looked over. Guiyun couldn’t even resist the gaze, and almost caused the Tao Fruit to disintegrate and explode to death.”

Listening to Wuxu’s narration, Shi Lan found it thrilling. The most powerful person who had reached the imperial realm couldn’t bear even a single glance. The strength of that creature was simply outrageous.

“However, for some reason, that creature did not take Guiyun’s life. He seemed to have had a few secret conversations with Guiyun. I don’t know the content.”

Wuxu seemed a little disappointed, shook his head and sighed: “Due to being corroded by the evil spirit of death, my mind was a little unclear at the time, and my memory was very vague. I don’t remember exactly how Guiyun returned to the world of the sun. I only remember Guiyun.” After Yun came back from under the underworld, he felt a little disheartened, and then returned directly to Lingyang.”

“Then what is Yinsi? What is Huangquan?” Shi Lan asked puzzledly.

“The Imperial Court is to the Divine State what the Underworld is to the underworld.”

“The Yellow Spring carries the souls of all deceased creatures in the universe and is the manifestation of the reincarnation of heaven and earth, while the Yin Division is completely different. The Lord of the Yin Division holds the Book of Three Worlds, which is a treasure that can affect the Yang world.”

“In the Yin Division, inspectors will be set up to patrol the boundaries of Yin and Yang, hunting down the creatures who try to disturb Yin and Yang, and at the same time, sending some Yin gods who do not want reincarnation to death.”

“In other words, it is the Yin Division that maintains the balance of Yin and Yang…”

At this point, Wuxu’s words stopped abruptly, no longer talking in depth, and ended the topic: “There is a lot of information in this, which is not necessarily accurate. It is just some of Guiyun’s experiences under the underworld. You just need to remember, Li If the underworld is further away, it will be enough.”

Shi Lan looked at Wuxu, feeling that something was wrong in his heart. Since Yinsi had this ability, how could Taishi enter and exit the underworld so easily, and Sword Emperor Guiyun also stayed under the underworld for three months.

According to common sense, the path of reincarnation must be a place that the Yinsi attaches great importance to. Guiyun has entered that realm and can return safely. Obviously there are unknown secrets in it.

“Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts.”

Regarding this, even though she was curious, Shi Lan didn’t ask any more questions. Wuxu didn’t want to say anything. Naturally, he had his reasons. She was already satisfied to know this.

I worked overtime today, so it’s a bit short. I’ll have a big chapter tomorrow.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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