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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 652 Roots

Looking for a way to survive…

Hearing this, Shi Lan was startled, not quite understanding what Lingyun meant.

“The era we are living in now will eventually come to an end. At that time, the heavens will be shattered and all realms will wither. We, including you, your relatives, friends, and descendants of your clan, will all be reduced to ashes.”

Before Lingyun spoke, a voice came from the depths of the palace, and a figure slowly walked out, dressed in black robes, with a layer of mist covering his face, and only a pair of bottomless black pupils could be seen. , it seems to reflect a large universe, and the power of time and space is flowing.

Although the figure in black robe was close at hand, Shi Lan felt an insurmountable distance, as if he was looking at each other across time and space.

The moment this person appeared, the connection between Shi Lan and Samsara was cut off. Samsara seemed to be suppressed by some mysterious force and fell into a deep sleep.

“My name is ‘Meng’, I am the first generation master of Lingwu Palace, and the former master of the divine martial arts world.”

“I’ve met senior.” Shi Lan’s heart skipped a beat and he bowed to salute. The man in front of him was an old monster who had lived for who knows how many years.

Lingwu Hall has been passed down for an unknown number of years, but it existed before the current Futian Calendar began.

The years that ‘Meng’ has personally experienced are unimaginable.

“In order to survive this catastrophe, we need more comrades, and you have this potential.” Meng’s words were concise and concise, and his tone did not fluctuate at all, as calm as water.

“Dare I ask senior, what is the source of the catastrophe?” Shi Lan suppressed the restlessness in her heart and frowned. If what Meng said is true, then everything she has now and the final result will be in vain.

“All cause and effect have been cut off. There is nothing to find, nothing to know, nothing to see.” Meng shook his head gently. If the root cause could be known, the catastrophe would not have happened at all, and everything would have been nipped in the bud.

“Is Ling Yang related to dealing with the catastrophe?”

“At the beginning of heaven and earth, the world was originally one. Due to some reasons, it finally split. After countless years of evolution, the current universe was born…”

The reason for this was that Shi Lan had already heard Tai Yuantian say it in a foreign land, but she didn’t mention it at this moment and just listened quietly.

In Meng’s words, there were many secrets that Taiyuantian had never mentioned. After the original continent of origin was destroyed, the fragments were split into different sizes. Among them, four of them were the largest. This was also Lingyang, including Tianyuan, Jiyi, Shenwu is the prototype of the three-party world.

The Lingyang Realm is different from the ordinary world. The foundation of its world is not much different from that of the big world. If the source power is sufficient, the laws of heaven and earth in it are enough to support the most powerful.

Ling Yang was originally the largest piece among the four fragments. Just because of the passage of source power, some changes occurred in the world, but its foundation is still there. As long as there are enough fragments to replenish it, leaping to the big world is not just a matter of time. A difficult thing.

“Isn’t there already a divine weapon? Why go to such trouble?”

In Shi Lan’s view, the world of Shenwu is already powerful enough. Even if it is necessary to accumulate strength, using Shenwu as the foundation is undoubtedly much more cost-effective than raising Ling Yang.

“Shenwu Tiandao is unwilling to delegate power. As far as we are concerned, our hands are tied everywhere. Tianyuan and Jiyi have basically become the back garden of the Samsara Palace and the system. The Tiandao Alliance is also fishing in troubled waters. It has long been a mess.”

Having said this, Meng paused slightly and then said:

“How much do you know about the universe? Has the system in your soul told you about the current situation in the universe?”

Hearing Meng’s inquiry, Shi Lan fell into deep thought and said uncertainly: “This junior only knows part of it.”

She only has a partial understanding of the situation in the universe, and even about reincarnation, she doesn’t know much.

“In today’s big universe, except for the three big worlds, it seems that the Samsara Palace and the system each occupy half of the country. In fact, the most powerful one now is the Tiandao Alliance.”

“The Tiandao Alliance looks small and inconspicuous, but it actually controls more than a thousand worlds in its hands, and it controls three world pastures, so it has the most abundant power.”

“Source Power can transform all things, and the only thing that can turn all things into Source Power is the World Source Crystal. The transformation speed of the World Source Crystal in the vast world today is already a drop in the bucket for a being with my level of cultivation… “

“When the Origin Continent was destroyed, the original World Source Crystal was also shattered and divided into four pieces. The Palace of Reincarnation, the Tiandao Alliance, and the source of the system in your soul are so prosperous. , precisely because each of them holds a fragment in their hands, possessing the power of creation that can turn everything upside down.”

Speaking of this, there was an imperceptible fluctuation in Meng’s tone: “Without source power replenishment, no matter how strong the strength is, longevity will still reach the end. I can survive until now, initially because of the gift of Shenwu Tiandao. Part of the source of power, but in recent years, Heaven has become more and more stingy, and we can only seek changes.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan’s heart was up and down, and she couldn’t help but feel a little horrified. She could vaguely guess the reason for the changes in Shenwu Tiandao, and it was most likely because of the existence of the Rubik’s Cube.

According to what Meng said, the Reincarnation Hall, the Tiandao Alliance, and the system headquarters each hold a source crystal fragment, plus the Rubik’s Cube, which is exactly four fragments.

“Do you know why there is no trace of the people and systems from the Reincarnation Hall among the gods?”

After a long silence, Meng spoke again, awakening Shi Lan who was in a daze.

“I don’t know, this junior, because of the way of heaven?” She shook her head slightly, but she had already guessed part of the inside story.

“I got news from those forces. Judging from the mutual induction between the source crystal fragments, the location of the last fragment is in the Shenwu World. I tried my best to bring those forces together. Blocked out, I have been searching so far, but I have not found any clues…”

Shi Lan’s heart was shocked, but her expression did not change at all. The last fragment was in the foreign land of Shenwu, but it was impossible for her to tell Meng and Lingyun.

Before leaving the foreign land, Rong Xuanqing had repeatedly warned not to leak the inside information of the Rubik’s Cube. Shi Lan always kept it in mind. Without Rong Xuanqing, she would not be able to leave the foreign land of Shenwu. Moreover, it involves a huge secret. With her current cultivation Because, I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will be crushed to death by the strife between the various forces.

“However, Shenwu shouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer.”

Meng sighed softly. There are not a few people in the Shenwu world who have colluded with the Tiandao Alliance because of their source power. Moreover, during this incident in Ling Yang, he may also want to accept the Tiandao Alliance’s feelings. It is unreasonable to stop him anymore. .

“After these forces take over Lingyang, what will happen to the creatures in the world?” Shi Lan gradually calmed down and asked the question she was most concerned about now.

“In the Lingyang Realm, there are powerful beings behind the demons and monsters. As for the human race, if they are involved with Buddhism, Taoism and Warlocks, they will be protected. The rest will seek blessings for themselves.”

Meng didn’t care about the creatures in Ling Yang’s world. Even if they died, it had nothing to do with him, as long as Ling Yang was still there.

“After a period of time, I will send a group of sixth-level disciples into the realm. After the great change of heaven and earth, I will demarcate a territory for Lingwu Hall. Your relatives will be able to enter directly without being disturbed.”

On the side, Lingyun took over the words. He naturally knew what Shi Lan was worried about.

“Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts.” Shi Lan bowed to Meng Gong and then looked at Lingyun:

“For the disciples who have entered Lingyang, can I personally lead the team?”

“Yes.” Lingyun nodded in agreement.

“As for the Buddhist side, you don’t have to worry anymore. I’ve already told you that within Shenwu, they don’t dare to disturb your purity anymore.”

After saying this, Meng Wei opened his mouth again and disappeared into the depths of the hall like a wisp of breeze.



At the border of the Shenwu World, over a mountain range, Shi Lan walked out slowly and looked at the Tianyan Sect’s headquarters below, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

There are still three years before the disciples of Lingwu Hall go to Lingyang. These disciples going to Lingyang are not elites. They can be found in large numbers in the hall.

The situation in Lingyang was unclear. Before going to Lingyang, Lingwu Palace had already made preparations for the losses of these disciples.

Shi Lan, on the other hand, wanted to take advantage of these short three years to make some preparations. The first step she had to do was to advance Bai Yu to the supreme realm.

Bai Yu has been in the eighth level for some time, but because of Shi Lan’s limited cultivation and the poverty of Qiongluo World, it has been difficult to advance.

Now that all these shackles have been completely broken as Shi Lan enters the imperial realm, it will be much more convenient for Shi Lan to have an extra supreme being by his side.

With one step forward, Shi Lan had already entered the core forbidden area of ​​Tianyan Sect.

Bai Yu came upon hearing the call, and the moment he saw Shi Lan, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy:

“Congratulations, Your Majesty, for your enlightenment!”

Because of the excitement, his whole body was trembling slightly. The Supreme Realm was a realm he had been looking forward to for countless years. For Qiongluo, he gave up the chance to become a Taoist in Shenwu. Although he never regretted it, there was still a trace of regret. .

Today, he might be able to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

“Follow me.” Shi Lan suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, smiled lightly, and opened the portal to the Qiongluo Realm.

When Bai Yu faced the temptation of Shenwu, he still chose Qiongluo and stayed by her side. She always remembered this friendship.

The world within the Qiongluo Realm has been reorganized by Shi Lan. Compared with the original scope, it has been greatly expanded. The concentration of spiritual energy between the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas has also skyrocketed.

The moment he stepped into Qiongluo, the energy on Bai Yu’s body began to boil, and the domain filled with Gengjin’s killing energy appeared. As the light of the runes danced, the domain began to gradually shrink.

But a moment later, Shi Lan felt the hazy Dao Seal within Bai Yu’s soul. At this moment, he was carefully trying to get the recognition of Qiongluo Heaven and Earth.

With Shi Lan’s presence, there would naturally be no problems with this step. In just half a day, Bai Yu had successfully entrusted the Dao Seal, and the slightly illusory Dao Fruit condensed and took shape.

The moment Bai Yu condensed the Dao Fruit, Shi Lan glanced at Qiongluo. Without any hesitation, he drew out most of the source power in the world, and then evened out a massive amount of essence from his own Dao Fruit, merging it into one Here, a gift from heaven and earth was created for Bai Yu.

Due to the passage of source power, large areas of mountains and rivers in the Qiongluo Realm have lost their spiritual energy, and lakes and seas have dried up. Shi Lan is not worried about this. She can make up for these missing source powers from the Glazed Light Realm without any harm.

As for how much benefit Bai Yu can get from this gift, it all depends on his own luck.

The surging source of power spurted out, pouring down from the sky, with a faint light, like the Milky Way upside down, completely covering the white tiger lying prone on the earth.

However, Bai Yu’s foundation is obviously incomparable with Shi Lan. Even if he accumulates a lot of energy, the speed of absorption is still limited. Nearly half of the source power washed down from the sky returns to the world.

Seeing this, Shi Lan reached out his hand to gather the scattered source power again, and then merged it into the falling Milky Way. Bai Yu could eat as much as she could, and she would give him as much as he could. It all depends on him.

It’s not too much to follow her all the way and have a full meal today.

As time went by, the body of the white tiger shrouded in Yuanli gradually began to swell, expanding in a circle, like a ball of snow.

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”

It wasn’t until he heard Bai Yu’s intermittent calls that Shi Lan suddenly realized something was wrong.

This seems to be too much…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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