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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 655 The Seal of Heaven

Looking at Ling Chu’s current appearance, it was obvious that Taishi had already made arrangements before.

“Even I have to hide this.”

Liu Yunzheng closed his eyes feebly, and smiled sadly after a while. If it was him back then, he would have strongly opposed it anyway. It seems that Taishi had already anticipated that situation, so he directly chose to hide it and did not want to have any differences with him.

At the beginning, he had exhausted his efforts and deduced the secrets countless times, trying to find a way out for the human race, but everything was in chaos and no clues could be found. Now that he thinks about it, it should be the interference in the history of the human race.

“That’s all…”

Liu Yunzheng couldn’t hide his loneliness. In this changing situation, as the Heavenly Master of the Imperial Court, he had done his best and had a clear conscience.

As a Heavenly Master, he was extremely sensitive to changes in his fate. In the dark, Liu Yunzheng could already feel that his end was approaching. What would be the future of the Lingyang human race, he was no longer able to interfere.

Looking at Ling Chu in front of him, Liu Yunzheng’s mind turned slightly, and he couldn’t help but think of Shi Lan. Since their first meeting, he had used human history to calculate Shi Lan’s future fate, and the final result was only a few broken pictures. , nothing can be seen clearly.

The only explanation is that Shi Lan has stood at the pinnacle of the Great Emperor’s domain in the future, and his true body has set foot in the long river of time and space. Because of the rupture of the long river of time and space, the secrets of heaven are scattered, and the end cannot be seen.

Although he could not completely see Ling Chu’s future destiny, he could still feel some clues and could barely see where his upper limit was, and it was not so obscure.

“Ling Chu…”

Thinking of this, Liu Yunzheng reminded him in a low voice:

“No matter what the future holds, I hope you will not become a rival with Shi Lan.”

If we really get to the point where swordsmen meet, Ling Chu’s chances of winning may not be too great. Shi Lan’s cultivation speed has exceeded common sense, and even surpassed the incarnation of heaven. His future achievements will be It was beyond his comprehension.

“I got it.”

Hearing this, Taishi Lingchu’s eyes moved slightly. Regarding Shi Lan, Taishi had also reminded him to stay away from Shi Lan before he entered the realm of the Great Emperor, otherwise his lifeline might be changed. Major changes will occur in the future.

As a result, at least the path of cultivation is full of twists and turns, and at worst, he is in danger of death. There is a kind of power in Shi Lan that is extremely evil. If he is too close, it will harm his luck. This is the result that Taishi sensed through the history of the human race. .

He and Shi Lan only met once, and what he saw at the beginning was just an incarnation. He could not feel the horror that Taishi and Liu Yunzheng sensed, but he never questioned these reminders in his heart. No matter what the reason, Taishi and Liu Yunzheng Liu Yunzheng was thinking about him.

Now that he is about to leave the territory, the chance of running into Shi Lan in the future is extremely slim. Besides, he has no reason to be an enemy of Shi Lan.

“According to my calculations, the changes in the world will take place within ten years. When are you going to leave Ling Yang?”

Liu Yunzheng didn’t mention Shi Lan anymore and turned to ask about Ling Chu’s future plans.

“After the change in heaven and earth ends.”

If the annals of human race withdraw from Lingyang now, I am afraid that in an instant, the human race will be wiped out in China.

“When the time comes for outsiders, unknown strength, and demons, are you sure you can escape?”

Liu Yunzheng frowned slightly. If the human race’s history leaves the boundary, there will inevitably be a great chaos. With the emergence of ancient demons and enemies from outside the territory, the scene will probably be extremely chaotic.

Even if there is human history to protect oneself, it is not easy to escape unscathed.

“Among the people coming from Shenwu Great World, there will be someone who will help.”

In this regard, Taishi had already made all arrangements. When he sent Ying Qianqiu to Shenwu earlier, he had already prepared backup for today’s changes.

The only pity is that the glory of the ancient and even ancient times of the Lingyang human race has long passed. In the eyes of many powerful people, there is no weight at all. Several of them even had an affair with the great emperor of the human race countless years ago. Some grudges.

Otherwise, the situation of the Lingyang human race would not be so embarrassing.



The great world of Shenwu, the Lingwu cave.

After staying in the Glazed Light Realm for a while, Shi Lan returned directly to Shenwu and Lingwu Hall.

Before the sudden change in Ling Yang, she had to completely shape Samsara’s body. The existence of Samsara could not be hidden from the most powerful people. If she was targeted by some powerful beings from the Samsara Palace or the Tiandao Alliance, she and Samsara would both Will be in danger of death.

Even though he is now in Lingwu Palace, with Meng’s support behind him, Shi Lan’s mind has not slackened at all. In this world, even the sky cannot be relied upon, let alone humans.

After returning to the Lingwu Hall, Shi Lan went directly to the retreat of the two Supreme Beings. In the entire Lingwu Hall, except for her, even the current generation of true successors, Mo Lingshu, did not have the right to enter and leave freely.

Lingyun was not in the palace. She was out for business. Meng seemed to have been asleep most of the time. After being awakened by Shi Lan who entered the palace, he did not get angry and spoke calmly:

“What’s the matter?”

“I forgive you for being rude and disturbing the purity of the Supreme Being. This disciple is here to ask the Supreme Being to take action to purify some of the blood essence.”

Shi Lan didn’t beat around the bush, got straight to the point, and then directly took out all the essence and blood sealed in the soul. As soon as he left the soul, the essence and blood of the God King was like a tiger out of the cage, splashing everywhere, penetrating the void, trying to find a way out.

However, this side of the main hall has already entered another time and space, and no matter how much the essence and blood rush around, they cannot leave this square inch.

“It’s a bit strange.”

There was some surprise in Meng’s tone. He walked out from the depths of the palace, reached out and gently called out, and collected all the blood essence into his palm.

The invisible Tao Yun filled the hall. In the blink of an eye, Shi Lan seemed to feel that her eyes were blank for a moment, and her thinking was interrupted. When she came to her senses again, the essence and blood of the God King had been sent to her, hanging in front of her. Mid-air, extremely quiet.

After reacting, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a little horrified. She had no idea what Meng had done just now, and she didn’t even know how much time had passed. It was as if there was a gap in her time and space and she had stagnated.

“The bloodline itself is not very surprising, but it is mixed with some fragments of the origin of Heaven. If I predict correctly, this unknown creature must have the mark of Heaven in its body, and the aura of the continent of origin is so strong… It comes from Ling Yang?”

Meng didn’t pay much attention to Shi Lan’s reaction. He just commented on the essence and blood. The moment he came into contact with the essence and blood, he already knew that the source of the essence and blood was still alive.

“The Supreme Dharma Eye.” Shi Lan nodded.

“Now it’s interesting…”

Meng’s body showed rare mood swings, and he chuckled:

“Dongxuan transformed himself into Tao and merged into Lingyang, in order to obtain the power of Heavenly Dao in Lingyang. Unexpectedly, the mark of Heavenly Dao was no longer there…”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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