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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 662 Decision

“Sister, are you going too?”

“Let me wait and explore the way first.”

Seeing Shi Lan preparing to enter Lingyang, the disciples following Shi Lan were a little surprised and suspicious. They thought that Shi Lan was only here to suppress the formation and would not take action personally.

Several supreme incarnations on the side also did not agree with it and started to persuade them one after another:

“Lingyang Tiandao is not yet stable. You should wait outside and let me go in first to see the situation.”

“Lingyang is no better than other places, so it’s better to be careful.”

It is not that they have no understanding of the Lingyang Realm. Two of them walked out of Lingyang, and then went to Shenwu and achieved the supreme position.

The Heavenly Way in the Lingyang Realm is too overbearing, and there is no room for outside forces in the realm. With Shi Lan’s current cultivation level, it is very likely that he will encounter the Heavenly Way’s attack when he enters the realm.

In ancient times, even the Supreme Lord was suppressed when he entered Ling Yang. Even if the world is declining now, its power is definitely not something Shi Lan can resist.

For Lingwu Palace, Shi Lan’s safety is more important than the life and death of all of them, so naturally they cannot take risks easily.

“I know it well, no need to say more, just follow me.”

Shi Lan didn’t explain too much, he just tore open a domain gate and stepped towards Lingyang Realm. Seeing this, everyone in Lingwu Hall had no choice but to follow. After all, Shi Lan was the leader of the group entering Lingyang.

Although her previous words were firm, Shi Lan still remained cautious when entering the realm, and she never lacked awe in her heart for the power of Ling Yang Tiandao.

In an instant, the aura of the laws of the Lingyang Realm became more and more obvious. Until the group of people passed through the world barrier, there was no change in the way of heaven, and apparently no abnormality was found.

Under the cover of the Ten Thousand Transformations Saint Cloth, Shi Lan did not show any signs of weakness. The moment she entered the rising sun, there was even an extra layer of protection on her body, and her invisible luck and even combat power were all over the sky. skyrocketing.

This is the blessing of the secret power of heaven and earth. It is the greatest reliance for the ancient gods to rule the ancient Lingyang. Within Lingyang, they are the most favored race by heaven and earth.



The moment the Lingwu Hall group entered the realm, a slight ripple appeared in the starry sky outside the realm, and three magnificent pagodas appeared from the void.

Buddhism has been here for a long time, but it has covered its existence with its secret power, and has not been noticed by Shi Lan.

On the top of the three pagodas, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, with a majestic golden body, and the halo of Buddha’s seal flashes in the eyes, as if it can shine through the eternal time and space, reflecting the past and the future.

“Can you two see anything unusual?” Miao Yan stared at Ling Yang, her eyes slightly narrowed, and she looked at the two true Buddhas beside her.

“What kind of rare treasure is this woman wearing? Can she actually have the power to deceive the heavens?”

“In the moment of transformation, I almost couldn’t see clearly.”

The eyes of the two true Buddhas were a little shocked, and they were a little afraid of the Wanhua Saint Cloth on Shi Lan.

“Have you two noticed any other differences?”

Miao Yan’s expression remained unchanged, he didn’t care about the rare treasure on Shi Lan’s body.

“In this woman’s soul, there is indeed the merit of the Supreme Lord. It does not exist in the past, but originates from the future.”

“Ten thousand years ago, I had a hunch that an unknown existence forcibly broke through the fractured time and space and sent something that could change the past. This secret may be in her body.”

“There may be key information delivered in the future.”

The two true Buddhas spoke one after another, and there was a strange color in their eyes. Before the great tribulation, no living being in the entire universe could stay away from it. Even if it was as strong as Buddhism, it straddled the two realms of Yin and Yang, and could not be alone.

“It’s a pity that now she has the support of Lingwu Palace, so she can’t move lightly.”

After being silent for a long time, Miao Yan couldn’t help but sigh, feeling a little pity. Lingwu Palace was different from ordinary forces, and there was a master in it.

‘Meng’ is an old antique that existed before the expansion of the Shenwu world. In the entire universe, there are less than five fingers of people who can be considered equal to him.

Its combat power was so strong that it was beyond the scope of Miao Yan’s understanding. In a moment of thought, the universe was born and destroyed, and it controlled the creation of heaven and earth. It was an invincible creature that could stand alone against a large world.

“Shenwu does not have source crystal fragments, and the master source power within it is limited and will not act rashly.”

“The sudden change in Ling Yang has made the situation chaotic. We can find an opportunity to open the Yin and Yang channel without harming her life, and send her directly into the underworld. Then send a message to the Lord Yin Division to take action, and we will surely dig out the secrets contained in her body. “

“The Master of Shi Jie is now on the other side of the Forgotten River. After the sudden change in the world of Ling Yang, he should be able to escape from the trap. Then he will not be afraid of the mere Lingwu.”

The other two true Buddhas are not from Shenwu. The concept of Lingwu Hall is only superficial. Even if it goes against the sky, Lingwu Hall has only one master, and there is no source crystal fragment to support it. If it is conquered with all its strength, there will be no supplement. , it won’t take long for you to live and die.

And in any case, Shi Lan is now just a mere source realm supreme. They don’t believe in a master and will do whatever it takes for him.

“Shi Lan is different from ordinary people.” Miao Yan shook his head slightly, his eyebrows were a little solemn. The importance Lingwu Palace paid to Shi Lan was beyond common sense. Meng, a transcendent existence, greeted him personally because he came out of seclusion. , I’m afraid there are some unknown secrets in it.

Before the opening of Shenwu Foreign Realm, Lingyun would kill people if they disagreed with each other. Miaoyan had never been in contact with Meng, so he did not dare to guess his character. If something happened to Shi Lan, he would be unscrupulous. In the end, they still couldn’t escape liquidation.

“The more unusual it is, the more secretive it is.”

“If the master of Lingwu really wants to pursue it to the end, I will give up this golden body and enter reincarnation again.”

The opinions of the other two true Buddhas were obviously different from those of Miao Yan. They had already thought about Shi Lan and made a complete decision, even putting life and death aside.

After Nirvana, they are still the reincarnation of the true Buddha. With the help of Buddhist secrets, it is not difficult to open up their wisdom and practice Buddhism again.

If they cannot solve the catastrophe of annihilation, they will eventually come to an end without even a chance of reincarnation. They will not let go of any hope.

Hearing this, Miao Yan lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

“Then we’ll act as the situation arises.”

After a long while, he slowly raised his head and looked at the many powerful beings lingering around him:

“When the world changes, I will use the name of suppressing demons to stir up disputes, and then lead the war into the Lingyang Realm. At that time, I will ask you two to find an opportunity to penetrate the Yin-Yang boundary.”

He wants to bring the battlefield to Shi Lan and squeeze her, along with part of the Lingyang Realm, into the underworld.

As long as he enters hell, Shi Lan will be found by the underworld sooner or later.



Compared with the turbulent undercurrents outside the territory, it is much calmer in the Lingyang realm. The three tribes have not started a war for a long time, and have gradually adapted to life on the floating island city, regaining some vitality.

There are huge floating island cities all over the sky, and the human race’s home court has entered the fantasy star field. With many stars, a world-shattering formation has been constructed.

A domain gate spanned the sky and landed on the sky. Shi Lan stepped out of the domain gate, followed by hundreds of figures.

The shackles between heaven and earth are still there. Most of the disciples of Lingwu Hall who have never felt like this are feeling a little uncomfortable. They feel that their blood and vitality have been suppressed, and their combat power is reduced to nothing.

“Is this Ling Yang?”

“What a heavy shackles…”

“No wonder there have been so many geniuses since ancient times. Under such an environment, those who can stand out can be regarded as outstanding people in the world.”

Several supreme beings who had never been to Lingyang were all a little emotional for a while, and they had some understanding of Shi Lan’s evil talent.

The eyes of the two supreme beings who came out of Lingyang were a little complicated. It is true that Lingyang is rich in geniuses, but monsters like Shi Lan have never existed before.

Shi Lan felt the laws of heaven and earth around her, and her eyes moved slightly. Her combat power was not suppressed at all, and even had a slight increase. This was undoubtedly a change brought about by the ancient god’s bloodline.

This world is too biased towards the Ancient God Clan.

Before Shi Lan and his group could make any move, a domain gate suddenly opened in the void not far away, and two figures walked out.

The leader was wearing a purple robe with a python pattern, and it was Chu Hanzhou. Next to him, there was another person, wearing silver clothes, with a golden crown in his hair. His blood was as strong as a real dragon, and there was a vague manifestation of Dao Fruit behind him. , is also a powerful Emperor Ji realm who has reached the peak of his field.

A pale silver sword box hung behind Chu Hanzhou, with murderous intent, obviously the person who came was evil.

At this moment, Shi Lan’s appearance had changed a lot. Chu Hanzhou failed to recognize her. With this appearance, he obviously regarded her as an uninvited guest from outside the territory.

“Shi Lan, I have met King Xuan.”

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Shi Lan directly revealed his identity, leaned forward slightly, and saluted. Although she had become a Taoist, Chu Hanzhou could not bear this ceremony because of his kindness to her.

“Are you Shi Lan?! Have you become a Taoist?”

Hearing this, Chu Hanzhou’s expression changed. Shi Lan’s energy was completely hidden, and he was shrouded in imperial power. He had obviously become a Taoist and entered the imperial realm.

Except for Ling Chu, most of the geniuses of the same generation as Shi Lan were still struggling in the heaven-human realm. At most, they had touched the threshold of the imperial realm, and the gap was immeasurable.

Chu Hanzhou was a little dazed for a moment. Unknowingly, Shi Lan was already walking in front of him on the way to martial arts, which inevitably made him feel a little behind the times.

After not returning for many years, Shi Lan is no stranger to this world. Due to the existence of the avatar, she has seen all the changes in Ling Yang over the years.

Facing Chu Hanzhou’s question, she nodded slightly, without much explanation, directly raised her hand to open a domain gate, and in an instant, she received her incarnation from the distant giant city.

The moment he saw the incarnation, Chu Hanzhou came back to his senses, exhaled a sigh of relief, put away the sword box behind him, and introduced the man in gold next to Shi Lan.

“This is King Ming, Huo Yufeng. He has been sitting in death trap for a long time. He has not seen the world for many years. He just came out of isolation not long ago. You have never seen him before.”

After saying this, he looked at King Ming and said solemnly: “This is my unparalleled king of China, Shi Lan.”

The moment Shi Lan revealed his identity, Huo Yufeng felt a little dazed. After hearing Chu Hanzhou’s words, he came back to his senses and subconsciously bowed.

“I’ve met the King Wushuang.”

The imperial power shrouding Shi Lan’s side was filled with frightening pressure, causing him to lower his head by three points unconsciously.

Facing Huo Yufeng’s gift, Shi Lan just nodded. She didn’t have much friendship with Huo Yufeng. With her current strength and status, she could afford this gift.

“Who are these people?”

After the greetings, Chu Hanzhou looked at the people in Lingwu Hall behind Shi Lan.

“A person from the Lingwu Palace.” Shi Lan spoke concisely and comprehensively. She had already told Chu Hanzhou part of her experiences outside the territory over the years through her incarnation.

Chu Hanzhou already had some understanding of Lingwu Palace.

When he heard the name of Lingwu Palace, Chu Hanzhou’s eyes dimmed slightly and he didn’t speak again, only nodded silently.

Looking at the Magic Star Realm not far away, Shi Lan waved his hands to the people in Lingwu Hall behind him:

“I have some personal matters to deal with, you can do it yourself.”

Before he finished speaking, hundreds of figures opened the space passages one after another and explored the endless sea. Their purpose of coming here was to observe the terrain pattern of Lingyang and identify a territory for Lingwu Palace in advance. They did not care about other things. .

Moreover, with their current cultivation level of only the sixth level, they would not be able to cause any trouble in the Lingyang Realm.

After the group of people from Lingwu Hall disappeared, Shi Lan looked at Chu Hanzhou and asked with some confusion: “Why don’t I feel the breath of human history?”

Not only in the history of the human race, but also in the aura of Wuxu, she had never felt it. With her current spiritual sense, if there were creatures above the imperial realm in the fantasy star field, it would be impossible for her to not notice it.

“Come with me.”

Hearing Shi Lan’s question, Chu Hanzhou’s face condensed slightly, he raised his hand to signal Shi Lan to follow, then turned around and stepped into the domain gate.

After a while, the three of them passed through the domain gate and stepped into the palace.

This palace, Shi Lan had been to before, was in the center of the imperial palace. This was the second and last time she saw Taishi.

The main hall was shrouded in a magic circle, blocking all the aura fluctuations in the hall. It was deserted and very cold.

A vortex emerged on the side of the hall, and astonishing energy fluctuations continued to pour out of the vortex.

The other side of this vortex must be connected to an extremely powerful world, otherwise there would not be such a large-scale backflow of spiritual energy.

“Where does this lead?”

Seeing this, Shi Lan raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

“Tianyuan Great World.”

Hearing Chu Hanzhou’s answer, lightning flashed in Shi Lan’s mind. She was already alert, and she understood a lot in an instant. Emperor Ting obviously planned to abandon Ling Yang.

Shi Lan doesn’t think there is any problem with this decision. No one knows the terror of these powerful creatures outside the territory better than her. Even in the history of the human race, she doesn’t think this treasure can stop so many powerful beings. By.

The sudden change in Ling Yang was a huge turmoil that almost affected the entire universe. The power of the Ling Yang human race was too fragile in this situation. If they were not careful, they might be wiped out. disaster.

“The annals of the human race are currently hiding in the void outside the territory. To maintain the stability of the passage and conceal their aura, some people have already explored the path.” Huo Yufeng, who was standing aside, explained.

“Will everyone be taken away?”


Chu Hanzhou lowered his head, rolled up his hanging cuffs, and smiled faintly:

“It’s right for young people to go out and have a try. At my age, I no longer want to travel outside the territory. I just want to stay in Lingyang and guard the Imperial Court.”

Apart from him, there are many people who do not want to leave their homeland. Only a small number of people go abroad. Rather than migrating, it is better to leave a fire behind.

“Even if you don’t come back, I’m going to look for you in two days. It’s better if you come back now.”

Chu Hanzhou didn’t say much here, changed the topic and asked:

“Will your relatives and friends go to Tianyuan first, or will you take them away yourself?”

Shi Lan thought for a moment and then made a decision: “Go to Tianyuan first.”

Nowadays, the situation outside the territory is about to break out. Following her will probably be more dangerous than going to Tianyuan.

At least those who go to Tianyuan are protected by the history of the human race.



Over the boundless demonic realm, there are groups of continuous floating islands.

Monster clouds filled the sky, condensing into mountains and valleys in the void, almost turning into an independent monster paradise.

“Someone who has entered the imperial realm has entered the realm. He is not a human race, but has the aura of a god.”

In the Demon Emperor’s Palace, the Great Demon Emperor gathered together in silence. After listening to the Demon Emperor’s whisper, everyone’s expressions changed.

They were not worried about the strength of the newcomers. With the Ten Thousand Demon Rulers and an emperor in the realm, they would not be able to affect the overall situation.

The key lies in the breath of the gods…


There will be another chapter tomorrow at noon, published in two chapters


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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