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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 664 Ling Yang Tian

Shi Lan had already studied the fragmentary scripture of the saint that was given to Shi Yiming before, and it was of extremely limited help to the beings above the Source Realm.

If that Confucian and Taoist sub-sage is interested in this, his cultivation to reach the sky is only the second step.

Today’s Shi Lan has no fear when facing the Supreme Being of the Void Realm. When the changes in the world are over and the sub-sage enters the realm, the Burial Realm will be ready for use and will not be restricted by the way of heaven.

Relying on the Burial Realm, it was enough for Shi Lan to ignore all existences under the Sky Realm.

“This…” Shi Yiming was speechless for a moment. For some reason, in front of Shi Lan, he didn’t have the courage to refute.

In less than a hundred years, Shi Lan had already created too many miracles.

“Just follow me. You go to Tianyuan with your father first. After the Ling Yang mutation is over, I will go find you.”

Shi Lan stood up, untied the soundproof barriers around him, threw down two spiritual crystals, paid for the drink, and turned to leave.

Shi Yiming stopped where he was, remained silent for a few breaths, and then slowly walked to follow.

The two of them were about to step out of the wine shop, when a low shout suddenly came from behind them:

“What I want to talk about today is the third chapter of “The Legend of the Unparalleled King Conquering Demons”…”

Hearing the words Wushuang King, Shi Lan subconsciously stopped. Shi Yiming, who was following her, suddenly changed his expression. His aura surged out, blocking the noise coming from behind, and he stepped forward with a serious face:

“It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time, it’s better to leave the city quickly…”

Shi Lan noticed something was wrong, and suspicion appeared in her eyes. Before she could use her spiritual thoughts to investigate, Shi Yiming spoke again, with a solemn expression:

“Someone has been watching over at the academy. The news may have been sent back at this moment, and someone will come soon.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan suddenly turned around and walked towards the wine shop:

“Then just wait.”

She wanted to see who was coming.

In the blink of an eye, a domain gate appeared in the sky, crossing the entire ancient city. A figure wrapped in a bloody war gauze slowly walked out, sitting cross-legged in the void, waiting quietly.

In order to avoid accidents, Shi Lan’s body rushed here directly to take precautions.

Shi Yiming’s expression froze, he turned around numbly, followed Shi Lan into the wine shop, and sat back in the corner where he was just now.

“Continuing from last time, the women’s camp of the Demon Suppressing Army are all people who are capable of fighting. Their bravery is not inferior to that of the men. However, in this camp…female style prevails…”

On the high platform, a storyteller wearing a long green gown was eloquent and eloquent. An ordinary book revealed all kinds of colors, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Shi Lan filled the wine cup again and listened quietly. Shi Yiming beside him was restless, wishing he could go up and gag the man.


While he was suffering, a suppressed chuckle came from Shi Yiming’s ears. Under the floating corner of the veil, a faint smile could be seen on the lips of Ruo Danxia.

The story was quickly finished. While Shi Yiming was stunned, Shi Lan stood up again, threw a bag of spiritual crystals towards the high platform, and walked out of the wine shop.

“Thank you for the reward, girl~”

The storyteller immediately bowed and saluted, and put away the spiritual crystals on the stage.

Shi Yiming stood up and followed Shi Lan onto the long street. After being silent for a long time, he still couldn’t hold back the doubts in his heart:

“Sister, why aren’t you angry?”

He originally thought that Shi Lan would explode on the spot after hearing these compiled rumors.

“It’s just some rumors. If you think it’s true, it’s true. If you think it’s false, it’s false. What’s wrong with me?”

Shi Lan smiled faintly. If she had to worry about these innocuous things, she wouldn’t have to continue practicing martial arts.

The two of them crossed the long street and soon came to the gate of the ancient city. Shi Yiming stopped, and shackles formed by the condensed aura of aura appeared under his feet.

This shackles was transformed by Ya Sheng’s mantra, locking him in this ancient city, unable to leave even half a step.

With a word to separate the world and draw the earth as a prison, this is Yasheng’s method of reaching the sky.

Above the sky, Shi Lan lowered his head and glanced down. His figure did not move at all. The holy demonic eyes in his pupils were flowing. The chains under Shi Yiming’s feet had disintegrated inch by inch and no longer existed.

Through the Dao marks on the chain, Shi Lan already knew the depth of the cultivation level of the sub-sage. It was much weaker than she had previously inferred. It was more than a step weaker than the likes of Venerable Jia Tian, ​​which was inferior. Entering the middle stage of the Origin Realm.

“Where are you going, girl?”

The moment the chains disintegrated, a middle-aged scribe appeared in front of Shi Lan and the two. His cultivation level was no more than the sixth level. He was wearing a jade crown, a green gown, his eyebrows were like a black sword, he was polite, and he had a gentle smile on his face. meaning.

Seeing this person, the expression on Shi Yiming’s face instantly became extremely ugly. Before he could remind him, Shi Lan spoke:

“Where do I go and what does it have to do with you?”

She could tell at a glance that this was an incarnation. Apart from the sub-sage, there should be no one else appearing here at this moment.

Shi Lan didn’t want to say anything, and without stopping, he led Shi Yiming straight out of the city.

“I think that scripture must have been written by a girl.”

There is no one with a crippled mind who can achieve enlightenment. This sub-sage quickly guessed part of the truth. The woman in front of him was obviously the source of Shi Yiming’s secretiveness.

“The saint’s scriptures are indeed from my hands. I got them from the hands of a Confucian and Taoist sage. If you insist on asking for their origin, I can send you to see him.” Shi Lan didn’t stop and replied indifferently. One sentence.

“Dare you ask about the name of that sub-sage?” The middle-aged scribe’s eyes narrowed slightly and he asked, if he is also a sub-sage, maybe he is an old friend.

“I don’t know.”

When she first got this fragment of scripture, Shi Lan only saw half of the arm. How did she know its last name? Even the half of the arm had been decomposed long ago, and now there are no bones left.

“Is the girl joking?”

Facing the visitor’s questions, Shi Lan ignored them and raised his hand to open a space passage.

“My name is Yu Qingfeng. After the sudden change in Ling Yang, I hope to have an in-depth talk with you again.”

Seeing that Shi Lan was silent, the smile on the middle-aged scholar’s face slowly faded and he got out of the way without blocking it. However, when Shi Lan, who was not far away, heard this, he stopped and his eyes suddenly turned cold:

“Are you threatening me?”

“Girl, what you say is serious, let’s talk about threats.”

Seeing Shi Lan stop, a smile flashed in the middle-aged scribe’s eyes:

“At the beginning, I promised that if Yiming could tell the origin of this scripture, I could take him to the outside world to listen to the teachings of the ancient saints. With his qualifications, it is not impossible for him to become a sub-sage in the future. This is Both sides benefit.”

“This statement is still valid now, as long as the girl tells the name of the sub-sage.”

“Since you want to know so much, you might as well ask in person.”

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lan’s figure disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he was standing in front of Yu Qingfeng, reaching out to strangle his neck.

There will be a weak connection between the body and the incarnation. Even across the barriers of the world, it still exists. In an instant, Shi Lan has locked the location of Yu Qingfeng’s body through the incarnation in front of him.

According to his position, he was outside the Lingyang territory at the moment.

“You…” Sensing Shi Lan’s movements, Yu Qingfeng reacted with a hint of horror in his eyes.


Before he could speak, Shi Lan had already broken his neck.


At the same moment, a loud thunder exploded in the sky, and a huge gap was torn open in the world barrier, revealing the outer starry sky at a glance.

Shi Lan’s body rose into the sky and stepped into the starry sky outside the territory. His spiritual thoughts came out and instantly locked onto a small boat floating in the sea of ​​stars.

Without saying anything, she turned over her hand and took out the burial world. The string opened to the full moon, and she condensed the energy into an arrow.

In the boat, a middle-aged scribe in a brocade robe suddenly stood up, his face a little ugly, the induction of the incarnation had been interrupted, one can imagine the result.

Before he could make the next move, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears. The tone was low and sweet, like water or song:

“Ask me what his last name is.”

The warning sign of death instantly enveloped his mind. Yu Qingfeng’s complexion suddenly changed. His whole body was filled with aura of awe. A book of treasures unfolded from the void, and every word of truth was filled with divine brilliance. It turned into a giant cocoon, covering the body beneath him. The boat was wrapped in it.


The arrow left the string, and a brilliant divine light flashed in the universe, cutting off one side of the universe.

In the starry sky, the evil energy soared, and the arrow energy, which spanned more than a million miles, leaped across the void, and the catastrophic energy swept away in all directions. Several star fields collapsed, and endless Death Stars were crushed into ashes.

A small boat is like a candle in the wind. Before the arrow arrives, the barrier formed by the mantra has been torn apart by the surging calamity energy.

The next moment, the loud sound of the Dao Fruit collapsing resounded throughout the universe, and the awe-inspiring energy scattered in all directions.

Many living beings surrounding Ling Yang were silent for a while. Before the chaos in Ling Yang started, the Supreme One had already fallen. This was not a good sign.

After the arrow left the string, Shi Lan didn’t look any further and turned back to Ling Yang.

“Let’s go.”

Before the ancient city, Shi Lan withdrew his gaze and stepped into the space passage.

“That sub-sage…”

Shi Yiming didn’t know what happened outside the territory, but he was a little worried when he saw Shi Lan killing the incarnation of the sub-sage.

“I sent him to find scriptures from saints. I think he will gain something from it.”



With a shocking arrow, he killed a Confucian and Taoist Supreme Being, causing quite a stir in the outer starry sky.

After the calamity energy on the arrows dissipated, many creatures came to the place where Yu Qingfeng fell. They used magical vessels to collect the scattered Haoran energy and some debris. For the creatures under the Supreme, these are rare. Treasure.

The strongest man who had entered the tenth level realm didn’t feel much about Yu Qingfeng’s death, but only talked about Shi Lan.

“That bow once drank the blood of the gods, so it is a rare treasure.”

“Who is that woman?”

“Together with Lingwu Palace, I think it comes from Shenwu.”

“I have heard that Lingwu Hall recently accepted a true successor, it seems to be named Shi Lan. Lingyun caused quite a stir for him, and even Meng came forward to speak out.”

“If this girl is really Shi Lan, she is probably just over a hundred years old.”

“Which world is she the incarnation of heaven?”

“If he is really the incarnation of heaven, how can he let Meng Meng show his face.”

Hearing this, the starry sky fell into silence for a moment. If he were not the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, but he was only a hundred years old, he would kill the Supreme Being of the Origin Realm like drinking water. This kind of cultivation and combat power was a bit too scary.

The three true Buddhas who were watching in the dark, listening to the discussions around them, had different ideas, and Miao Yan suddenly felt a little cold in his heart.

He had only thought about digging out the secrets of Shi Lan before, but he had not noticed for a moment that Shi Lan’s growth rate was too terrifying. When they first met, Shi Lan’s cultivation level was only eighth level and seventh level. How long had it passed…

If one day she can step onto the other side, I’m afraid she will be even better than Ling Yun.

As for the master…

Thinking of this, Miaoyan cut off his thoughts. This day would never happen.

After the sudden change in Ling Yang, there was no more Shi Lan in the world.



In the Fantasy Star Territory today, Confucianism and Taoism occupy the east, Taoism occupies the south, Buddhism occupies the west, and in the north are the major emperor families and martial arts sects.

In the Northern Territory, the stars and ancient cities are more densely distributed. Among the stars, there is a floating island that spans less than a hundred miles. Compared with the major ancient cities and the stars that are often 20,000 to 30,000 miles in diameter, it is almost nothing. Inconspicuous.

However, this place is a restricted area of ​​the Ling family of the Human Emperor family, and no one is allowed to disturb it. Various spiritual plants and precious medicines are planted on the floating island, making it a holy land for cultivation.

The interior of the island has long been hollowed out, forming a huge cave filled with formations.

On one side of the cave, the ancestor of the Ling family, Ling Qing, sat with his back against the stone wall, staring at a jade couch not far away with a dull expression.

Ling Yu was lying on the couch peacefully, her blond hair was disheveled, her eyes were tightly closed under Liu Ye’s eyebrows, Dao Guo’s shadow appeared on her body, swelling and shrinking, as if her heart was beating and solidifying at an alarming speed.

As time goes by, Ling Yu’an’s cultivation level has not slowed down at all, but has become more and more rapid. A few years ago, he had completed the Dao of Cutting and entered the Emperor Realm. Now he is taking steps towards the Emperor Realm.

At this moment, Ling Qing had already guessed nine out of ten of what happened to Ling Yu’an. Except for the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, there was no one with such a cultivation level who could advance at such a speed.

Thinking about the upcoming changes in Lingyang Realm, what is inside Ling Yu’an’s body is ready to come out.

“Ling Yang…”

Ling Qing’s voice was hoarse and there was a hint of water in his eyes. He had always regarded Ling Yu’an as the unicorn of the Ling family and loved her very much. He never thought that Ling Yu’an would end up like this.


A soft sound came from the jade couch. Ling Qing’s pupils shrank slightly and he stood up slowly, with a hint of horror in his expression.

On the jade couch, Ling Yu’an suddenly sat up, her eyes trembling slightly under her eyebrows. After a moment, she slowly opened her eyes, and her unfocused eyes gradually became brighter.

After looking around, her eyes fell on Ling Qing, and after a long while she spoke in a low voice:



Hearing this call, a burst of ecstasy surged from Ling Qing’s brows. He ran to Ling Yu’an, hugged her into his arms, and murmured to himself:

“Just wake up…just wake up…”

Before he could calm down, a powerful force instantly penetrated his chest. Ling Yuan’s expression was indifferent, and she leaned into Ling Qing’s ear and whispered:

“From today on, my name is Ling Yangtian…”

Ling Qing suppressed the imperial realm that wanted to fight back on his own, hugged Ling Yu’an tightly in his arms, and spoke in a trembling voice:

“It’s the ancestor’s fault, it’s all the ancestor’s fault…”

If Ling Yang hadn’t been named Ling Yang, perhaps Ling Yu’an wouldn’t have been targeted by Heaven and wouldn’t have suffered the consequences he has today.

After a moment, the expression on Ling Yu’an’s face suddenly fell into struggle. The indifference disappeared, and her eyes once again showed emotional fluctuations. After she recovered, she hurriedly withdrew her right arm, at a loss:

“Ancestor, I… am not…”

“Don’t be afraid, Yu’an, the ancestor is here, the ancestor is here…”

Ling Qing swallowed the blood that kept rising in her throat, and comforted the frightened Ling Yu’an in her arms, with an uncertain look in her eyes.

Ling Yang Tian…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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