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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 67 Helpless (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 67 Helpless (please vote for recommendation~)

Shi Lan lowered his head and did not reply.

“It’s nice to be young.”

Jiang Li sighed, sat down next to Shi Lan, picked up the small paper bag on the ground, stuffed it into two mouthfuls, drank a big mouthful of broth, and smiled again, “You are so good-looking, you must have been in trouble before. Passed a lot of little girls.”

Shi Lan glanced at Jiang Li and couldn’t help but ask: “You don’t feel uncomfortable at all? Are you not worried about the city’s destruction at all?”

“Is there any use in worrying?” Jiang Li looked unconcerned. After he woke up that day, he figured it out. He was just causing trouble for himself by thinking so much.

Glancing at the complicated expression on Shi Lan’s face, Jiang Li shook his head, “I can probably guess a little bit about what you are thinking. It’s just that you feel like you can’t do anything and you’re afraid of death.”

Shi Lan lowered his head slightly. Although what Jiang Li said was not very accurate, she did have some idea of ​​it.

“I also had a time when I was young and energetic. I was just starting out and my skills were not as good as others. When I was taught a lesson, I would be so angry that I couldn’t eat for three days. I would think about why I was inferior to others and why I was so weak. Later, when I got older, I got married and started a career. Now I understand the truth, people, sometimes don’t take yourself too seriously.”

Shi Lan raised his head in surprise when he heard this.

Jiang Li took another sip of broth, “Once people take themselves too seriously, they will put a lot of pressure on themselves. When faced with some things, it is easy to get into trouble and torture yourself.”

“Whether this city is broken or not, you can’t decide whether the final result is life or death. It’s better to be more open-minded. As for death… In fact, I am also afraid of death.”

Jiang Li’s mood dropped.

“A few days ago, I was still thinking about this question. What would happen to Tang Yan if I died? What would happen to my children? Then I suddenly understood that even if I died, they would still be alive and well. At most, they would be sad for me for a while. After all, life has to go on.”

“Then you’re not afraid of death now?” Shi Lan whispered.

“I’m still afraid, but when I think that because I stay here, the three of them can live together, I feel that it’s worth dying. By the way, you really don’t want to do something? Such good things are not common.”

Jiang Li said and handed the small paper bag in his hand to Shi Lan.

“No, thank you.” Shi Lan shook his head slightly, smiled, and felt a lot more relaxed.

She only agreed with part of what Jiang Li said. People shouldn’t take themselves too seriously, but they shouldn’t take themselves too seriously. She is weak now just because she has only been practicing martial arts for a short time.

As for death…

She would not die so early. She came to another world and became a woman. It would be a shame to die so early. She had not experienced this huge colorful world.

It has only been more than half a year since she came to Lingyang Realm. Except for a few comfortable days in Shi Mansion at the beginning, she has been running around almost the rest of the time.

According to reincarnation, as long as she can stand at the pinnacle of the Ling Yang Realm, the system may be unbound, and by then, she can live the life she wants.

Thinking of the system, Shi Lan pulled out the system panel and clicked on the task section.


Looking at the numbers in front, Shi Lan’s eyes flashed with disbelief. Did she kill so many monsters above the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm in one night?

Shi Lan moved his gaze to the nine-bow bed crossbow beside him. Could it be that…


The familiar sound of footsteps came from the distance again.

“I go first.”

Jiang Li finished the broth in two gulps, stood up and left.

Shi Lan stood up, took out a new demon-breaking crossbow, narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened the crossbow to fire arrows.

The offensive of the monsters during the day was not too intense, and was much less intense than at night. However, after yesterday’s experience, everyone knew in their hearts that the most difficult time was at night.

After recycling the arrows in the city, less than 50,000 were left. Most of the rest were mixed in the burnt corpses of monsters and could not be taken out. However, many cloud-piercing arrows were recovered, and there were still 700 arrows.

But there are not many young and strong men left in the city who are still capable of fighting.

The pressure tonight will definitely be several times greater than last night.

Huangfu Yun and several other centurions disappeared for some unknown reason, and even the demon-suppressing army was temporarily given full command by Nie Yangze.

After two consecutive waves of more than a thousand monster beasts, a group of nearly 5,000 monster beasts came.

Shi Lan dropped the demon-breaking crossbow in his hand, came to the side of the nine-bow bed crossbow, and worked together with the other eight demon-suppressing sergeants at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm to pull the string of the crossbow.

Seeing the nine air waves roaring out and tearing apart the herd, Shi Lan’s eyes moved to the system panel.

As expected, the data began to rise rapidly, stopping at 734 from the previous 687.

Obviously, the system does not care about the method of killing monsters. Using a weapon of mass destruction like a bed crossbow is also considered.

Just like yesterday, when the sun was about to set, the monster disappeared again. Huangfu Yun and other centurions did not show up until then, all of them expressionless.

After a few people came to the city wall, they immediately called all the old people from the demon-suppressing army together and distributed a blood-red pill to each of them.

After getting the elixir, the atmosphere among everyone suddenly became a little depressed.

Taking advantage of the rest, Jiang Li carried a few water bags and walked to Shi Lan again. Also coming with him was Yan Shan.

Jiang Li threw a water bag into Shi Lan’s arms and sat down next to her. Yan Shan sat opposite them.

Shi Lan unscrewed the water bag, took a sip, and suddenly opened his eyes.


Jiang Li raised his hand to signal her to be silent, then whispered: “I came here secretly, no one knows.”

“You are too courageous. The centurion has strictly ordered not to drink alcohol during wartime.” Shi Lan lowered his voice.

“Just drink a little, it won’t hurt.” Jiang Li waved his hand, pointed at the old men of the demon-suppressing army and said, “Look over there.”

Shi Lan looked up and saw several centurions distributing wine bowls to the veterans of the demon-suppressing army. Huangfu Yun followed behind with a large wine jar in his hand, filling them up one by one.

Jiang Li unscrewed the water bag, took a big gulp, and said, “Tonight, if it’s still like last night… I probably won’t be able to survive it.”

Shi Lan knew this very well, and she had even made plans to leave here with the help of the power of reincarnation when the city was broken.

She didn’t want to lose her life here, and Jiang Li wanted to let Samsara bring someone along, and he shouldn’t refuse.

As for Huangfu Yun.

Although he had only been following Huangfu Yun for less than a month, Shi Lan already knew almost everything about Huangfu Yun’s personality.

Thinking about it, if she brought up the idea of ​​​​escape, Huangfu Yun might pull out the half-foot long sword and force her to take it back.

Yan Shan sat aside and took two sips of wine silently, his expression gloomy.

Thanks to me for following the trend, and Paris for the reward from BJ book friends, thank you.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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