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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 678 Rubik’s Cube

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed.

As time went by, Shi Lan realized more and more what the old man meant when he said that day, “The underworld is bitter and cold, and the road to reincarnation is far away.”

The cold under the underworld is far beyond what most people can experience. It is not the same as the cold of ten thousand years of black ice. It penetrates deep into the bone marrow and cannot even be resisted by blood.

Even though Shi Lan simulated the body of the Yin God with the Ten Thousand Transformations Holy Clothes, walking under such a world, the biting coldness still spread across his limbs and bones, and the majestic Yin wind whistling by made people feel chilly in their hearts.

The blood flowing deep inside the body seemed to be covered with ice, and the scratched meridians felt a dull pain.

There are many ghosts and spirits wrapped in the dark wind, but these ghosts and gods in the underworld cannot communicate at all. Even if Shi Lan pretends to be the underworld god, he can’t understand them at all. There is an alternative way of communication between them, which has never been entered before. In the supreme realm, there is no way to communicate with the creatures in the world.

In the past few days, Shi Lan encountered many cities, most of them were Yin gods who could not communicate with them. After seeing her enter the city, they all knelt down by the street and did not dare to raise their heads.

Shi Lan did not stop in these cities and hurriedly passed by. The coordinates of the Samsara Road were extremely far away. At her speed, she would have to catch up with the road for at least half a month. If she did not hurry up, she would start extracting the source of the Qiongluo Realm. Strength tonic.

While passing through several larger cities, Shi Lan once again saw several Yin gods who had entered the Supreme Realm. With the reminder from the previous old man, she seemed much more calm when communicating with these Yin gods. , during the conversation, I learned about many recent changes in Huangquan.

The biggest thing among them was that Yin Si, who had not heard from him for a long time, sent out a rare arrest document. On the document, Shi Lan’s portrait was clearly visible, and there was even a trace of her aura.

The existence that issued this arrest document has reached an incomprehensible level of cultivation. The document has been distributed in billions, but it still has incredible divine power.

As long as the Yin Shen has read this arrest document, all the information about Shi Lan will be forcibly engraved in his mind, and he will not be able to forget it. He can recognize Shi Lan with just a face to face, and there will be no omissions.

However, apparently that being did not calculate that the Saint Cloth of All Transformations on Shi Lan had the power to fill the sky and cross the sea, deceiving the sky and changing the sun. This allowed her to travel unimpeded under the underworld, and she also met many people from her early years. The fallen hero.

Among these heroes, there are many martial arts experts. Although the time was short and they could not compete with each other, Shi Lan still left their imprints in the system’s virtual space.

Those who are willing to stay under the underworld for a long time are not ordinary people. Most of them have extremely strong ambitions and hope to achieve something in the next life. Their background is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, and the martial arts she created requires the combined expertise of hundreds of schools. Unfortunately, it is now difficult for her to resist the erosion of the evil spirit of death. Otherwise, under the underworld, for her, it would be a piece of cake. Treasure land.



All the way across the endless underworld, when passing by an ordinary city, Shi Lan suddenly stopped.

There were waves of strange movements in her soul, causing her eyes to condense slightly, and then a hint of joy appeared.

In the city, there were several faint qi movements, which caused a slight movement in the depths of her soul.

Shi Lan restrained his breath, stepped over the city, reached into the city, and grabbed three souls.

“Why are you here?”

Looking at the three wandering souls in front of her, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. She had never seen these three people in front of her again since they left Yuanji Realm.

“I’ve met my lord.”

Relying on the induction of the soul card, the three wandering souls understood what Shi Lan said and bowed in unison.

After saluting, Liang Yunnan, who was standing in the middle, immediately opened his mouth to explain:

“The three of us are carrying out the tasks given by the Rubik’s Cube.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan suddenly understood. Strictly speaking, Liang Yunnan’s group of people were all people who had died once. They were lonely ghosts. It was not incomprehensible that they could go in and out of the underworld.

What made her a little doubtful was that the Rubik’s Cube had actually penetrated into the underworld without her realizing it. This was enough to show that the Rubik’s Cube’s plan was as big as it was horrifying.

“How did you enter the underworld, and how did you go back? What kind of tasks did you do under the underworld?”

After coming back to her senses, Shi Lan did not bother about the purpose of the Rubik’s Cube, but asked about the way to leave the underworld. In any case, being able to see the person who held the Rubik’s Cube under the underworld would undoubtedly mean a lot to her now. of turning point.

She doesn’t have to risk the journey of reincarnation at all. As long as she can return to the Rubik’s Cube through the three people in front of her, she can use the Shenwu Foreign Land to return directly to the Shenwu World! With Rong Xuanqing’s care, there will be no danger to her in Shenwu Foreign Land.

“We don’t know how we got here, but we were already here as soon as we opened our eyes.”

“The task given by the Rubik’s Cube is to collect as many rare underworld and Yin beads transformed from the soul power of the Yin God as possible. When the ten years are up, it will naturally take me back.” Liang Yunnan shook his head slightly. Their strength was too weak. There are many secrets that cannot be known at all.

Due to the difference in the speed of time, for Shi Lan, it was only a hundred years, but for Liang Yunnan and the others, more than a thousand years had passed.

Their qualifications are not outstanding. Even if they have narrowly escaped death for more than a thousand years, the strongest ones have only entered the seventh level.

“Ten years…” Shi Lan’s eyes dimmed slightly. She couldn’t afford to wait for this time.

“Sir, how did you…” Xiao Jingchen’s eyes flashed slightly and he asked softly. If Shi Lan had died, their soul cards would have been shattered long ago, and they would not be able to stand here unharmed now.

The only explanation is that Shi Lan came across the underworld in a physical body. There are only a handful of people in the entire universe who can reach this state.

“Something happened.”

Shi Lan did not go into details. When she accepted Liang Yunnan and others, she just did it casually. Later, she took action to help them out in Yuanji Realm. She also had thoughts about Yuanji Realm itself. Now that time is running out, she has no time to waste. Reminiscing about old times.

Looking at the three people in front of her, Shi Lan couldn’t help but think of the past. The first time she heard the name of the ‘Rubik’s Cube’ was when she heard Liang Yunnan mention it a few times in Qinghong Realm.

At that time, she could not match such a huge force that spanned the heavens. Now that we meet again, the Rubik’s Cube in her eyes has far lost the sense of mystery it once had.

But the reunion with Liang Yunnan and others once again put a veil on the Rubik’s Cube, making it difficult to see clearly.

When he met Rong Xuanqing in the Shenwu Foreign Land, he once said that what he did was related to the entire universe, which was obviously not just talk.

There is a huge secret in this.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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