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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 685 The Fourth Halberd

The fairy light reflected the water of the underworld, and a layer of golden war gauze was covered on Shi Lan’s side. She had removed all disguises, with black hair shawl, like a war fairy, with the holy and demonic eyes flowing between her pupils, Permeated with mysterious Tao seals.

Shi Lan raised her hand, and the red-black war halberd was pointed directly at the center of the World Honored One’s eyebrows. The blazing blood energy was like a fire, wrapping around the body of the halberd. She didn’t know the strength of the person in front of her, but at least it was an existence higher than Lingyun.

Even so, she didn’t want to sit back and wait for death. This was the first time she faced such a powerful existence. It seemed like a huge universe was lingering in front of her, and she couldn’t see the edge at all. This energy was so vast and boundless that she could reach it with just a touch of her hand. Break through time and space, stir up reincarnation, and sweep across the world.

“Please use magic…”

Looking at the whirlpool behind Shi Lan, the World Honored One’s expression did not fluctuate much, and he whispered: “There are no immortals in this world, the long river of time and space has been cut off, and this place is the underworld. Even if you are here in person, you still have some fighting power.”

There was no hint of arrogance in his words, just an understatement and calmness, and then he slowly took a step forward.


The unmanifested vortex shattered, and in an instant, the world in front of Shi Lan instantly overturned. Unrivaled intuition surged in her heart, almost extinguishing her courage to take action in the blink of an eye. The Dao Fruit disintegrated silently, and her body The time he has experienced has turned back, and his cultivation is rapidly regressing.

The moment the words fell, the World Honored One took action, reversed time and space, traced back to the origin, and searched for the invisible truth of Shi Lan’s past and present lives.

The demon-killing incantation that caused the three Buddhist masters to sacrifice their lives must have involved many secrets, perhaps related to the matter of the source of power in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. If this secret can be unlocked, and the catastrophe that makes the masters talk about the change of expression, perhaps, There can also be a three-point turnaround.

As her cultivation retreated, the fire of the soul that had been dormant for a long time in Shi Lan’s body boiled again and burned fiercely. The pain of her soul being burned instantly restored her consciousness.


The moment he came back to his senses, Shi Lan waved the halberd in his hand without any hesitation. The sky for hundreds of millions of miles was shattered, and the hot blood flames swept through the Nine Netherworld of Underworld. It was so fierce that it almost burned the sky wherever it passed, melting through it. The dome caused the water from the underworld to pour in, and the vast water flooded a large area of ​​the underworld.

In just one breath, facing the heavy pressure of the master, Shi Lan’s Dao Fruit faintly underwent an astonishing transformation. The connection with the Yuanshen became closer and closer, and even the true meaning of martial arts was polished. , sharp as a frost blade, cold as ice.

Forcibly breaking through the limit naturally brought a heavy load. After supporting the underworld for so long, she had already burned most of her origins. Now her short lifespan has been further compressed, and she has been subjected to unprecedented stress. He was severely injured, and even his original black hair had faintly visible silver threads.

Considering her age and current level of cultivation, this is simply impossible. She should still have a lot of life left.

“Use this seat as a whetstone…”

The halberd came to the dust, and before it came close to the World Honored One, the flames were extinguished by an invisible big hand, without causing any ripples. The World Honored One rubbed his fingertips, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. According to common sense, the ordinary Supreme Being, in the In front of him, he couldn’t even think, let alone take action.

This is the heavy pressure brought by the long river of time and space. If you have never stepped into the tenth level, there is no way to avoid this power.

But now, Shi Lan seemed not to be affected by the power of time and space. For a moment, the World Honored One, who had been in the dust for a long time, became a little curious. His eyes flashed slightly, and the divine patterns of Buddhism and Taoism loomed in the depths of his pupils. , you can clearly see the cause and effect.

“The missing piece of the Ling Yang Sansheng Stone is actually in your body. The soul contains immortal light…”

After a few breaths, the World Honored One’s eyes condensed, and his expression showed rare fluctuations. Rare treasures such as the Three Life Stones are contained in the world and cannot be stolen by living beings. The living beings who can take off this Three Life Stones may have already mastered the cultivation level. god.


At this moment, Shi Lan could no longer hear the words of the World Honored One clearly, and she did not even have the strength to speak again. Under the pressure of the World Honored One, her five senses and even her spiritual sense were gradually declining, and the Tao Fruit that had been solidified once again began to disintegrate. The appearance of collapse.

Suddenly, a figure tied with chains stood in front of Shi Lan, catching the World Honored One’s gaze. He was surrounded by gentle fairy light, like the warm sun in winter, warm and mellow. The power of time flowed, turning Shi Lan. Lan brought back the time when blood was at its peak.

Shi Lan tried her best to gather her five senses, and it took a moment to fully wake up. Now that she was close, she could feel the rich immortal energy. The person in front of her was an extremely powerful true immortal, and maybe even He is a legendary supreme immortal emperor who stands at the end of the immortal path.

“Thank you for your help, senior.”

Shi Lan didn’t know why there was such a terrifying immortal master sitting on the roadside of reincarnation, and why he wanted to help her, but this didn’t stop her from being grateful.

“Who taught you this halberd technique?”

A hoarse question sounded in Shi Lan’s ears. The true immortal did not turn around, but turned his back to Shi Lan, holding his palms lightly.

For a moment, she couldn’t figure out the meaning of his words. Shi Lan didn’t know how to speak. The halberd technique she used just now had no name. It was derived from the Burning Sky Trident, which she smelted from the martial arts scripture. If it was No matter who taught me, there is only reincarnation.

“Is the creature who taught you this halberd technique still alive?”

Seeing Shi Lan’s silence, Zhenxian asked again, with a hint of imperceptible urgency.

“Still in the world.” Shi Lan nodded, slightly confused: “Dare you ask me, senior?”

As far as reincarnation is concerned, the Burning Sky Trident was created by one of her hosts. She can’t even remember how many years have passed since that host’s era.

For the system, the perception of the passage of time is much weaker innately. In addition, they are not limited by lifespan, and the time flow rate in the big and small worlds is different. How many years they have actually spent, they can’t say. clear.

It is not impossible to say that the true immortal in front of him had an intersection with the previous host of Samsara.

“As long as I’m still alive, then I won’t have to wait in vain…” Zhenxian breathed a sigh of relief, with reassurance in his tone.

Before he finished speaking, he held his palm emptyly and pulled out a silver-white halberd from the void. The light flowing on the halberd blade was exactly the same as the path of reincarnation, densely filled with the energy of reincarnation.

“The Burning Sky Trident…”

“One halberd kills people, two halberds kill immortals, and three halberds burn the sky…”

“Today…I will pass you the fourth halberd.”

Speaking of this, the True Immortal took a breath and said with an imperceptible loneliness:

“This set of halberd techniques was created by me during my lifetime. It is not complete. Not long after I entered the Supreme Realm, my soul fell into the underworld. I don’t know whether this fourth halberd is suitable for the living…”

“How much understanding you can have depends on your own destiny.”

“The fourth halberd is called reincarnation…”

After the words fell, a flash of inspiration fell into Shi Lan’s mind, and the long-lost system prompt sounded immediately:

[I discovered the supreme supernatural power, should I include it? 】

Before she could respond, Shi Lan was swept up by a ray of fairy light, as if falling into a hotbed, and instantly lost consciousness. An extremely soft force enveloped her and was sent to a far away place.

“She also has a cause and effect with you? Is it related to immortality?”

Watching Shi Lan go away, the World Honored One did not pursue him. He looked at the long-haired man in front of him with a slightly cold expression:

“This matter is very important, are you sure you want to intervene?”


Facing the World Honored One’s question, the man just shook his head. The chains tied to his body were rooted in the void and made a rattling sound. He slowly raised his halberd, with blood in his eyes:

“You can try sending me to death.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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