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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 693 The way out

Chen Xin was once the leader of Lingyang Monster Clan, and Qing Lan had no interaction with him before.

At this moment of sudden visit, Qing Lan couldn’t figure out the purpose of his visit for a while, but since it was Xue Shenkong who personally delivered the message, he couldn’t avoid it directly.

Following the message, Qinglan left the retreat and came to a bloody temple.

From the Divine Martial Arts, the Blood Temple brought many creatures from different ethnic groups, and these creatures have now spread across the land of Lingyang and are thriving.

The composition of the Blood Temple is extremely complex, with all types of creatures present. In addition to the human race, it covers almost every powerful ethnic group in the universe, so its stance is relatively neutral.

When Qing Lan stepped into the hall, there were only two figures in the hall. Apart from the Blood God Kong, there was also a man with purple hair shawl and a gray robe. The demon pattern between his eyebrows glowed with a light golden glow, resembling a unicorn.

Qing Lan and Chen Xin had never met before, but the restless blood in her body had already told her the identity of the person in front of her.

Her true body, Qinglian, absorbed part of the demon emperor’s bloodline, and she had the demonic body she has now. The blood of an enlightened person will have the mark of the Tao mark, and it is normal to feel it.

Xue Shenkong seemed to have something to do. When he saw Qing Lan stepping into the palace, he left without saying a word.

“How should I call you? Qing Lan…or Shi Lan?” Chen Xin stared at Qing Lan and said in a deep voice.

“Speak directly if you have anything to say.”

Qing Lan glanced at the Demon Emperor, her eyes were light, and she did not show any emotion due to his words. The Demon Emperor’s essence and blood in her body destined her to be the incarnation of Shi Lan, and it was impossible to hide it from Chen Xin.

As for whether Chen Xin would tell Xue Shen Kong about this matter, Qing Lan didn’t care. Although she was now the divine child of the Blood Temple, before she had grown up, Xue Shen Kong would not take her into consideration.

Even the entire Blood Temple has little weight in the eyes of Blood God Kong.

Now that I think about it, I am afraid that Chen Xin had already discovered her existence when she was still in the boundless demon realm, but for some unknown reason, he let her go.

Chen Xin was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and opened his wrist, took out a ball of blood essence, and sent it to Qing Lan.

The essence and blood continued to surge in the void, transforming into the figures of many powerful demon clans, revealing frightening energy fluctuations.

“What does this mean?” Qinglan was confused.

“This is the complete Nine Transformations of Heavenly Demon and part of the demigod bloodline.” Chen Xin did not mince words and spoke attentively:

“I heard that you will be stationed in Lingyang. The Lord of the Blood Temple will not stay here for a long time. As far as I know, except for the Lord of the Blood Temple, there should be no one in the Blood Temple who has entered the realm of the gods. If you are in the future, If necessary, the Lingyang Demon Clan can provide you with a certain degree of help.”

In recent days, several demon saints in the demon clan, including Mingjun, had obviously become much colder towards him, which made Chen Xin feel a little wary.

He has always been used to taking precautions before they happen. No matter whether it is Qing Lan or Shi Lan standing in front of him, his blood is flowing in her body. She can almost be said to be his son-in-law. Today’s show of goodwill may be able to retain Next way back.

Shi Lan’s growth rate far exceeded his imagination. During the first battle in the Chengtian Domain, when Shi Lan stole his essence and blood, his cultivation level could not reach Tiangang, but now he has entered the Emperor Realm. The span is really shocking. .

No matter whether this road can be opened or not, and whether it can be used in the future, for Chen Xin, there is no loss, it is just a ball of essence and blood.

“I understand.”

Qinglan calmly collected the essence and blood in her palm: “Is there anything else?”

Chen Xin took a deep look at her, shook his head slowly, and walked out of the palace. Qing Lan’s reaction was a little beyond his expectation. It was too calm. He couldn’t even tell what Qing Lan was thinking.

Watching Chen Xin leave, Qinglan squeezed the true secret of immortality in her hand, sealed the essence and blood layer by layer, and collected it into the void.

She didn’t believe a word of what Cai Chenxin said just now.

Naturally, she had no intention of absorbing this mass of essence and blood. There might be a backhand left by Chen Xin. Absorbing it rashly would leave hidden dangers. Moreover, it was just a magical power, and she no longer paid attention to it.

However, this ball of essence and blood may be of great use in the future. When she reaches the realm of true immortals and uses the secret method of immortality, with this ball of blood and essence, she can even decide the life and death of Chen Xin in a single thought. After all, it will be useful. on a day.

In the sky outside the palace, Chen Xin stopped and noticed that Qing Lan had sealed the essence and blood, and his eyes narrowed slightly for a moment.

Being cautious is not a bad thing, at least it can go a long way.



Glazed Light Realm, Dome Ancient City.

With the promotion of martial arts and the true secrets of the Immortal Way, more and more beings are practicing in the Glazed Light World, and Immortal Pavilion Martial Arts Halls for communication can be seen everywhere.

In an inconspicuous and remote secret room, Shi Lan sat cross-legged in front of Samsara and briefly talked about some of the changes in Ling Yang and what she had experienced under the underworld.

“I met a man from the Immortal Way in Huangquan. He seemed to know you.”

Recalling his previous encounter in front of the Reincarnation Road, Shi Lan felt slightly puzzled and said:

“He can also use the Burning Sky Trident, and his cultivation is extremely strong. He has reached the pinnacle of the Immortal Path. On top of the Sky Burning Trident, he went one step further and created a fourth halberd, named ‘Reincarnation’. He was your former The host?”

The name “Reincarnation” is too coincidental. Although it may be related to the road of reincarnation, it still makes Shi Lan a little concerned.

Hearing this, Samsara’s pupils shrank, and the light in his eyes was unclear. After a while, he spoke:

“Maybe it’s a coincidence.”

“Is it a coincidence?” Shi Lan vaguely noticed that reincarnation was concealing something, but she just nodded and did not ask further questions.

Samsara didn’t want to say it, so she had her reasons.

“I have to leave for a while, it may be a long time. I want to take away half of the source power of the Glazed Light Realm.” Shi Lan looked up at the sky. She had no intention of telling reincarnation about the reversal of time and space. She didn’t know what the outcome would be.

Samsara was obviously a little distracted. He didn’t listen carefully to Shi Lan’s words and just nodded subconsciously.

Seeing this, Shi Lan didn’t speak again, stood up and left, heading to the residence of Tian Bai and Bentham.

After Shi Lan left, Samsara fell into a long silence, with thoughts spinning in his mind.

‘The Burning Sky Trident has no techniques or formulas. It can only be transmitted from heart to heart. With that person’s suspicious temperament, he will never accept disciples, let alone pass the law on to others. ’

Thinking of this, Samsara felt a headache. Through Shi Lan’s words, she had thought of a lot.

That world was accidentally discovered by her when she was pioneering. It was an extremely remote corner of the universe. It had no coordinates and was nowhere to be found.

She should have realized it a long time ago. Although there were many worlds she had experienced before, that was the only world where immortality flourished.

Is it because her arrival exposed the coordinates and brought disaster to that world…

What role does the headquarters play in the battle to destroy the immortals in the universe?


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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