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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 698 God King

“I have never seen you in the clan. Are you from another world?”

Seeing that Yang remained silent, Yao came closer, the curiosity in her eyes getting stronger:

“I heard God Father say that apart from Lingyang, there are also protoss reproducing in other great realms, but you are the first protoss from outside the realm that I have seen.”

“Other worlds?”

Hearing this, Yang frowned slightly, and vague fragments seemed to flash through the depths of her mind. She couldn’t see clearly. Everything in her past seemed to have been rubbed away by invisible sandpaper, and no trace could be found.

“Get up, I will take you back to the clan to meet Father God.” Yao smiled and stretched out her hand: “If you can’t find the way back, I can ask the elders of the clan to send you back.”

Yang did not respond to her words, but just sat there blankly staring ahead. A curtain of light suddenly appeared in mid-air, and a few lines of text jumped out.

[An unknown error occurred in reversing time and space, and there was an error in the coordinate landing point. 】

[Current time and space coordinates: Lingyang Star Territory, Lingyang Realm, Origin Calendar 5647592. 】

[It is detected that the origin of the host soul is damaged. Do you want to enable the backup memory? 】

Lingyang Realm…

Host? Back up memory?

Yang stared at the light curtain in front of him for a long time, then turned his head and glanced at Yao. Obviously, Yao could not see this light curtain at all.

“Let’s go.”

Yao pulled Yang up from the ground, turned around and put away the corpses of several ancient beasts, and walked towards the outside of the ancient forest.

Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Yang did not make a decision and subconsciously followed Yao’s footsteps.

For a moment, she didn’t know how to choose. Everything in front of her was too unfamiliar to her. At this moment, her heart was full of uneasiness, her thoughts were confused, and she couldn’t make an accurate judgment at all.

The two of them were moving very fast, but Yang didn’t find it difficult to follow Yao. The bloody divine pattern extended from Yao’s side to her feet, leading her forward without any effort on her part.

In just a moment, an ancient palace appeared in front of their eyes. The edges could not be seen at a glance, and all kinds of creatures were intertwined in it, making it slightly noisy.

In the center of the palace, an ancient and lofty altar stands between heaven and earth, overlooking the mountains and rivers. It is majestic and majestic. It is stained with dark brown blood, originating from different powerful creatures, showing a suffocating and terrifying oppression.

Along the way, everyone who saw Yao’s figure, no matter what kind of creature they were, would step aside and get out of the way, with respectful faces and bows.

Without squinting, Yao led Yang straight into a large hall in the central area.

The palace was empty, except for a throne high above the throne. A figure was leaning on the throne, reading an ancient scripture in his hand.

Yang raised his head and took a look. The man on the throne looked to be in his early thirties. He was wearing blood-colored clothes. His long red hair was neatly combed. He had a slender figure. His eyebrows were soft and delicate. He could not feel anything in his blood-crystal pupils. There is no hint of coldness, but a warmth like fire.

His skin color was white, and although it was rosy, overall, it still had an almost jade-like luster. He was undoubtedly a handsome man who looked like a god.

“Father God.” Yao stepped in front of the throne and approached the man with a smile. He reached out and took out the ancient scripture from the man’s hand. He put one hand on his hip and said with some pride: “I can hunt the ancient scriptures in the Origin Realm alone. You are a beast, according to the rules of the clan, you must agree to my coming of age ceremony.”

Before he finished speaking, the corpses of the previous ancient beasts had fallen into the hall, steaming with blood-evil energy.

Yang, who was standing aside, saw this scene, her throat rolled, and she swallowed subconsciously. The longing in her heart kept rising, making her want to devour all the ancient beasts in front of her to make up for her own damage. .

“Why are you so anxious?”

The man on the throne smiled helplessly, glanced at Yang below, and frowned slightly: “Where did she come from?”

“Her name is Yang. I met her when I was hunting ancient beasts. She should be from other great realms.” Yao held her chin and thought for a moment, and said a little uncertainly: “She doesn’t look very clear, maybe she can’t find it. It’s time to go home.”

“Yang?” The man lowered his eyes and didn’t say much. He turned his head and looked at Yao, with obvious doting in his eyes: “Go to the great elder and let him prepare the coming-of-age ceremony for you.”

“Thank you Father God!”

After receiving the approval, Yao seemed extremely excited. She couldn’t help but kiss the side of the man’s face and jumped out of the palace. As soon as she stepped out of the palace door, she seemed to have remembered something and turned around to look at Yang:

“What should she do?”

The man stood up from the throne and waved his hand:

“Go ahead, I’ll make arrangements, don’t worry.”

After Yao left, the man suppressed the smile on his face and stared at Yang. His eyes were very gentle, with a genial warmth, which made people unconsciously relax the tension and panic in their hearts.

The moment their eyes met, Yang instantly lost control of her body. The blood-colored eyes seemed to penetrate into the depths of her soul, leaving almost no secrets at all.

It wasn’t until she took a few breaths that she finally regained her composure. She subconsciously took a few steps back and gasped for air.

“You don’t belong to this era.”

Low words sounded in Yang’s ears, with a hint of pity:

“Your breath is mixed with the smell of the long river of time and space. You must have forcibly crossed time and space, and your memory was erased in the long river of time and space, so you can’t remember anything now.”

After saying that, he sighed softly: “Stay in the clan for now. I will give you a place to cultivate. After your injury improves, you can stay or go as you like.”

Hearing this, Yang raised his head and stopped talking.

“You can call me God King together with them. If you think of anything in the future, you can come back to find me.”

The God King saw what she meant, and after saying something casually, he raised his hand to move the void.

The next moment, the world around Yang had changed. Looking around was a deep valley. The valley was quite quiet, with only a slightly primitive gray stone hall.

Along with her came the bones of two ancient beasts, which were obviously the work of the God King.

Yang slowly walked up to the two ancient beasts, opened her mouth and sucked lightly, and the strands of flesh and blood essence were drawn out through the air and entered her body, starting to nourish the limbs and bones and infiltrate the Tao Fruit.

In just a few days, the two ancient beasts had turned into bones, and their flesh and blood had been devoured.

Huge energy entered the body, and Yang felt as if a barrier had been broken through. The Tao Fruit expanded in a circle, and the power flowing in the body skyrocketed more than ten times, and the previous sluggish state was swept away.

After restoring his body to its peak, Yang sat in front of the palace, thought for a long time, and finally called out the light curtain that suddenly appeared before.

[Do you want to enable backup memory? 】

“Turn on.”

Yang hesitated for a long time, but finally made up her mind. At least she wanted to know her last name.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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