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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 7 Decision

“Stay away from him from now on! Do you understand?” Shi Yiming warned Shi Qinghu.

Shi Qinghu was slightly stunned. Thinking of all the rumors about Shi Lan, he couldn’t help but shudder and nodded quickly.

At this moment, Shi Tianlu was in his study room when he met a somewhat special person.

Shi Tianlu stood in front of the desk. Not far to the side, a young man in his early twenties knelt on one knee with a respectful expression.

The man has a handsome appearance and looks harmless.

On the desk in front of Shi Tianlu, there is a one-foot-square black square box.

Shi Tianlu raised his hand and opened the square box. Inside the box was a head covered in blood.

Looking at the head, Shi Tianlu’s expression did not change at all, everything was as he expected.

“This mission was completed well.” Shi Tianlu covered the box, turned to look at the young man, and said with a gentle expression.

“Thank you, Master.” The man lowered his eyes and looked calm.

“Shi Feng, in half a year, it will be the day when the Holy Martial Immortal Sect opens its doors and accepts disciples. I can help you get a qualification to run for an outer disciple of the Holy Martial Immortal Sect. With your talent, it will not be difficult to stand out.”

Hearing Shi Tianlu’s words, the man’s calm expression was broken, and he raised his head in surprise.

Shengwu Immortal Sect, this is a name that everyone in the Chengtian Domain will be in awe of.

In the Chengtian Domain, the Shengwu Immortal Sect is Tian. It is the top sect with the legendary human emperor as its leader!

The Shengwuxian Sect only opens its gate once every ten years to recruit disciples, and only recruits people under the age of twenty-five.

You know, there are more than hundreds of millions of people of the same age in this Tiantian Domain?

If you want to run for election as an outer disciple, you must first stand out from the hundreds of millions of people. Therefore, even if you are just an outer disciple, you are extremely precious.

“Master, think twice. Such a precious opportunity should be given to the second or third young master.” Faced with this attractive opportunity, Shi Feng did not accept it with joy, but declined it.

Shi Tianlu shook his head, “Yi Ming’s talent is ordinary, but he is too thoughtful. He can’t go very far in martial arts. As for Qing Hu…hehe, this kid’s talent is pretty good, but it’s a pity that his temper is too irritable, and his strength is far behind. It’s just a wasted opportunity.”

Having said that, Shi Tianlu looked at the rising sun and said with deep meaning: “Shi Feng, this Tenglong City is too small for you…”

“Master, I am just an orphan. You gave me the surname Shi, gave me a place to live, and treated me with kindness and kindness. Logically speaking, I shouldn’t go against your wishes, but please forgive me for not obeying your orders in this matter.” Shi Feng He said with a determined expression.

“Oh?” Shi Tianlu glanced at Shi Feng, “Tell me the reason.”

Shi Feng was silent for a long time, then slowly said:

“I don’t want to leave Shi Mansion.”

“That’s all, let’s discuss this later.” Shi Tianlu smiled and waved his hand, “Just do whatever you have to do.”

“My subordinates resign.” Shi Feng responded and left.

Looking at Shi Feng’s leaving figure, Shi Tianlu shook his head slightly. It was Shi Mansion that Shi Feng didn’t want to leave…

A gust of morning wind swept into the study, lifting the papers on the desk, revealing a piece of letter paper underneath.

Dear Brother Shi:

My daughter, Yueqing, is over Biyu. In the middle of this month, accompanied by her family elders, she will visit the royal family to discuss marriage matters.

I originally wanted to go there in person, but recently there has been a sudden turmoil in Jiuxiao City. I am involved in many things and it is inconvenient to travel. I cannot bring my daughter to the door in person. I hope I will forgive you.

The little girl has a straightforward temperament, and if her words offend her, I hope her brother will forgive her.

Sincerely, my foolish brother Changfeng


When Shi Lan walked to Sulanyue Villa, it was already bright.

Zi Que was standing at the door. When she saw Shi Lan coming, she turned her head and whispered to another maid. When the maid entered the room, Zi Que came up to greet her and bent down to greet her.

“The eldest son.”

Shi Lan nodded and asked, “Is mother here?”

“Yes, I have informed the mistress. Please wait a moment, eldest son.”

Not long after, a maid ran out and welcomed Shi Lan in.

As soon as he entered the room, Shi Lan saw Su Lanyue sitting at the table. There were two cups of steaming tea on the table.

“Mother.” Shi Lan bowed and said hello.

“Sit.” Su Lanyue nodded slightly and picked up the tea in front of her.

Shi Lan sat down and said bluntly without beating around the bush: “Mom, I want to practice martial arts.”

Su Lanyue made a movement with her hands, and after driving out the surrounding maids, she looked puzzled and asked: “Why do you suddenly want to practice martial arts?”

“It never hurts to practice martial arts to strengthen your body and protect yourself more.” Shi Lan gave a reason that seemed very reasonable.

Su Lanyue wanted to dissuade her, but then she thought about it. This seemed to be the first time Shi Lan had proposed her idea. It would be too unkind for her to refuse directly.

And this is the first time Shi Lan has become interested in martial arts since becoming a governor.

For a moment, Su Lanyue was silent.

Shi Lan was a little unsure of Su Lanyue’s attitude, and felt a little uneasy. If Su Lanyue’s path failed, she would have to think of other ways, which would undoubtedly waste a lot of energy and time.

‘Forget it…’ Su Lanyue made a decision in her heart, stood up and said, “Wait here.” After saying that, she turned around and entered the inner room.

Shi Lan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this matter should be no big problem.

After a while, Su Lanyue walked out holding a half-foot-long brocade box in her hands.

Shi Lan stood up and looked at the brocade box in Su Lanyue’s hand with some anticipation.

“Sit down first and listen to me.”

Su Lanyue walked to the table and sat down, holding the brocade box under her hand.

“In my human race, there are hundreds of schools of martial arts competing in the world. Although each has its own strengths and weaknesses, the most powerful among them are Zen, Taoism and Confucianism. Among these three forces, Zen pays the most attention to tempering the body.

The body-tempering realm is the foundation of martial arts. It is a nine-story high platform that starts from the base of the earth. It is very important to all warriors and must not be trivial…”

Su Lanyue kept talking. Although she knew in her heart that according to Shi Lan’s past temperament, she might not be able to bear the hardship of practicing martial arts and would give up in a few days, there was still a faint expectation in her heart.

There is no parent who doesn’t hope that their son will become a dragon and their daughter will become a phoenix. If it were really possible, Su Lanyue wouldn’t want Shi Lan to become as dazzling as Lu Yueqing.

As for whether Shi Tianlu will discover Shi Lan’s daughter, Su Lanyue has put this matter behind her for the time being. She only has Shi Lan as her daughter. This may be the case in this life, but Shi Lan can still turn around. possible.

If Shi Lan’s identity is really exposed, Su Lanyue doesn’t believe that Shi Tianlu will be so cruel as to attack her own flesh and blood. As for her fate, let’s wait until that day comes and then think about it.

Shi Lan was naturally unaware of all the thoughts in Su Lanyue’s mind. She was listening to Su Lanyue’s teachings attentively.

Shi Lan knew very well how tall buildings could rise from the ground. These basic knowledge were very important, and she could feel the expectations in Su Lanyue’s heart from Su Lanyue’s earnest eyes.

After a while, Su Lanyue stopped talking and pushed the brocade box towards Shi Lan.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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