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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 707 Practice

“It looks very much like Shi Lan…” Lingyun was startled and whispered to herself: “Didn’t you say you didn’t see it clearly?”

Meng was not a random person. Since he said that the person looked like Shi Lan, he must be 70% sure.

“That man’s path is very similar to the path Shi Lan took.”

Meng’s words are almost equivalent to confirming this guess. Anyone who sets foot in the other side realm can see the difference in Shi Lan.

Shi Lan is creating a method. Although it is still in the initial stage and the Tao Fruit has not been perfected, it is a path of her own. It is completely impossible to find similar ones in the universe. This is the case for every living being who has reached the peak. The only way to go.

“But it’s only been a hundred years, how could Shi Lan have such power.” Lingyun calmed down her turbulent thoughts and said calmly: “What is her reason for doing this?”

At least in his opinion, they and Shi Lan were on the same side. Even if Shi Lan wanted to do something, he should at least tell them.

“For her, it may be far more than just a few hundred years.” Meng calmed down and returned to his previous indifference: “No matter what her reasons are, such behavior has already caused interference to our plans.”

“You mean, she has left this era and gone to the past or the future?” Lingyun understood instantly and tightened her eyebrows: “Who sent her there?”

The only one who can cross the long river of time and space is the Overlord, but even the Overlord has very limited influence on the long river of time and space.

Every creature has a different impact on time and space. An ordinary mortal, no matter what era he is in, will have a minimal impact. The long river of time and space will not even give birth to tributaries.

It is not a difficult task for the master to send such creatures to the past, but monsters like Shi Lan are completely different. No matter what era they are in, they will inevitably cause a storm.

However, there was no abnormal movement in the long river of time and space during this period. Even the newly added tributaries did not exist and remained calm as usual. This was obviously not in line with common sense.

“I don’t know, there is something fishy about Fan Xi’s transformation into the Dao. This may also have something to do with Shi Lan.” Meng shook his head and absorbed the source power of heaven and earth through the mark of heaven in his body to replenish his body. After a long while, Just now he spoke:

“There was more than one person who took action, and she had a helping hand.”

“Help? Over the years, I have always felt that there is a force behind the scenes, but I can’t find any trace. Could it be related to Shi Lan?” Lingyun’s expression was complicated. This force hidden in the dark has always existed, but it can’t be found. There are no traces at all in the universe, which is too suspicious.

“It’s basically locked. Except for the one held by the system, the last source crystal fragment is in the Shenwu Foreign Realm. I think that force is also included.”

“Shenwu Alien?” Lingyun fell into deep thought and quickly realized that the darkness under the lamp was something he had not considered.

There has always been a force active in the Shenwu Foreign Land, but it has always been in the foreign land and has never manifested in the outside world, so he did not connect the two.

“It shouldn’t be wrong.”

Meng nodded slightly, and then said: “I want to support the reincarnation of the soul, and next time the Shenwu Foreign Land is opened, I can go inside to see what’s going on.”

“Now that the Source Crystal has been taken away, what should we do next?” Lingyun was a little worried: “The hundred-year period is approaching, do you want to return the mark of heaven to the Lingyang human race?”

Originally, this piece of Source Crystal was planned to be temporarily handed over to Meng’s control. This was one of the conditions for Meng to agree to assist the Tiandao Alliance. But now the situation has changed, and it is obvious that the original plan will undergo major changes.

The ancient god king who is now suppressed in the body by Meng is only on temporary loan. Without the mark of heaven as a supplement, Meng’s situation will become extremely passive, and there is no possibility of being kicked out.

“First take Jiyi, then take Tianyuan, and finally enter Shenwu.” Meng Yan briefly and comprehensively explained his subsequent plans. After taking down Jiyi Tianyuan and the two great worlds, at least there will be no shortage of source power for the time being.

“Are you going to attack the big world so soon?” Lingyun was surprised. He thought it would take at least some time.

“There is not much time left.” Meng sighed rarely: “There is also a master and some tenth-level creatures who have an affair with the Samsara Palace, scattered in the big universe. Originally, the Lord God of Samsara prepared source power for them, but now Without the source of power supply, chaos may occur, so we must first clear it up and eliminate hidden dangers.”

“What should I do with the system?” Lingyun felt a little bad. Now there are four source crystals. In addition to the one originally owned by the Tiandao Alliance, it is unknown how much effort it will take to get the other three.

“No trace of the system headquarters has been found for the time being.” Meng frowned slightly. He rarely felt so powerless. He had also intercepted many systems before, tracing back to their origins, and wanted to dig out the location of the system headquarters, but he couldn’t. Nothing has been gained.

It seems that there is no such place in the universe.

“Shi Lan… could he travel through time and space with the help of the system?” Lingyun guessed.

“Probably not.” Meng pondered for a moment, then shook his head to deny Lingyun’s idea: “When we last met, there were no traces of the system on her body.”

“She still concealed a lot of things.” Lingyun was a little sad. Shi Lan was his most promising junior, but now the situation was already tilting in a bad direction.

“The Tiandao Alliance has gone to investigate, and the results should be available soon.” Meng raised his head and looked at the sky, saying meaningfully: “As for Ling Yang’s Tiandao mark… it may not be a good thing to keep it in his hands.”



Lingyang Realm originated in the year 5647598.

Middle-earth is the most prosperous place in Lingyang Realm. More than half of the world’s spiritual veins are gathered here, and most of the ancient gods live here.

In a mountain range, the peaks overlap, shrouded in layers of mist, the ancient trees tower into the sky, and the wind and dust blow by, and you can listen to the sea in the forest.

Nearly a thousand figures shuttled between the majestic peaks, walking slowly towards the depths of the mountains.

Most of them were children, no more than seven or eight years old. Escorted by dozens of middle-aged men, they were sweating profusely as they trudged forward.

A few days later, a group of people’s eyes lit up and they stepped into a wide valley. The valley was bathed in glowing light and full of life, like a paradise in the world.

Perhaps because they no longer had to endure the torment of rugged mountain roads, there were long sighs of relief among the team.

A figure stood not far from the entrance of the valley, obviously waiting here for a long time.

A middle-aged man came forward, wiped his hands, handed over a list nervously, bowed and said:

“Sir, there are a total of 763 people on this trip, and they are all here.”

Shi Lan took the list and glanced at the group of children in front of him. They were all obviously a little uneasy when facing an unfamiliar environment.

Lowering his eyes and scanning the list in his hand, Shi Lan’s eyes stopped on a name circled with cinnabar:


Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately turned around and pulled out a boy who was only six or seven years old from the crowd:

“This child is Ye. He is born with precocious wisdom and extremely high cultivation aptitude. There has never been such a person in the villain tribe for eighteen generations.”

Compared with the restlessness of other children, Ye’s expression showed a calmness that was not consistent with his age. He showed no emotion or anger. He just looked at Shi Lan quietly without saying a word.

“What are you doing standing there in a daze? You’re still not polite!”

Seeing Ye’s appearance, the middle-aged man was obviously a little anxious. He pressed Ye’s head, bowed repeatedly, and then said with an apologetic smile:

“This kid is usually very clever, but he may be a little afraid of strangers.”

“It’s okay.” Shi Lan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, stepped forward and took the boy’s hand, turned around and stepped into the valley:

“From today onwards, you will practice with me, and you will take care of these people behind me.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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