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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 709 God King (a big chapter with 10,000 words, please subscribe!)

What made Shi Lan somewhat concerned was Di Beichen’s appearance.

He looked very similar to the Emperor Rakshasa, and since both were demons, Shi Lan could not help but suspect that the Di Beichen in front of him was the ancestor of the Emperor Rakshasa.

Di Beichen felt slightly uncomfortable when he noticed Shi Lan’s gaze. On the day of his coming-of-age ceremony, Shi Lan’s gaze left a deep impression on him. His intuition told him that Shi Lan was quite dangerous and should not be approached.

The two pure-blooded ancient gods following Yao came from the two major families of ‘Thunder’ and ‘Shadow’. After returning to their ancestors, their qualifications have reached the level of their ancestors. Now they are only a thousand years old and have already entered the realm of the God Emperor. Sitting on one side, he is an undisputed genius.

The origins of the three hybrids are much more complicated. Two are human-god hybrids, and one is the product of a union between an ancient god and a foreign creature.

The appearance of the two human-god hybrids is not far different from that of the human race except for their eyes that look like blood jade. However, the descendants of the foreign creature are much stranger. They have celestial eyes on their foreheads, skin like bluestone, and growths on their shoulder blades. Bone spurs, with divine patterns engraved on them, have unpredictable power.

He is the oldest and has the strongest cultivation among the six. He has entered the virtual realm a long time ago. On the day of Chu Yao’s coming-of-age ceremony, Shi Lan had seen him take action, and he was far stronger than ordinary supreme beings.

The relationship between these six people is obviously not harmonious. They are far apart from each other and remain silent, like stone statues.

“Sister Yang.” Only Xia said hello. In the past few years, whenever Yao came here, he had never been absent. This inevitably made Shi Lan lament the deep sibling relationship between him and Yao.

She also has a younger brother, but he is obviously not as clingy as Xia. Xia’s appearance now made it difficult for her to connect him with the god-king in later generations.

Suddenly a group of strangers came, which alarmed many children who were practicing in the valley. They looked towards the mouth of the valley and heard whispers.

“Go back and practice.” Shi Lan turned around and took a look. The gathered sights were swept away, and the silence in the valley instantly returned.

“Why do you raise so many people? If you are short of manpower, I can help you mobilize a team of mixed-blood guards, as many as you want.” Yao looked into the valley and felt a little puzzled: “The blood of the human race is not as good as that of the demons. , far inferior to the ancient beasts, and probably not as tasty either.”

What Shi Lan is doing now makes Yao extremely puzzled. They are just children. They are useless and not delicious. Besides wasting your efforts, what else can they do to raise them?

In fact, there are not many ancient gods who like to eat humans, because compared to demons and ancient beasts, the benefits brought by human flesh and blood are too little. Compared with eating, the ancient gods care more about the strong reproductive ability of the human race. , Most of these miscellaneous bloods in the Lingyang Realm today are actually related to the human race by blood.

Among the hybrid ancient gods, quite a few are feeding on humans, and their main purpose is not for nourishment, but more for spiritual pleasure.

Putting the human race into the status of food may be able to satisfy their twisted hearts, draw a clear line between themselves and the human race, and thus establish their superior status.

For all these, the pure-blood ancient gods do not care. In their eyes, there is no difference between the three races of hybrids and demons. Now, in order to suppress the number of hybrids, the pure-blood ancient gods have begun to control the expansion of blood. Rarely do crystallizations occur with foreign races.

“No, it’s just a whim.” Shi Lan shook his head slightly and did not go into details. There is no need to involve Yao in the human race’s affairs. Yao is the daughter of the God King. If she is involved with the human race and someone is aware of it, it will cause a lot of trouble. Besides, This matter itself has little to do with Yao.

Over the years, Yao has always cared about her. If possible, Shi Lan naturally hopes to change Yao’s future. The dead ancient emperor is still unknown, so avoiding her contact with the human race is the best way to deal with it.

“Let’s go. This time I found the elders of the clan and found an ancient beast at the peak of the virtual realm just for you. It should be of great help to you.” Yao was obviously not interested in the human race and did not ask any more questions. He raised his hand. A domain gate was opened, and Shi Lan stepped into it with a smile.

“With the supplement of this ancient beast, your cultivation level will definitely reach a higher level.”

There was a trace of envy in Yao’s expression. Yang’s cultivation speed was so rapid. During the coming-of-age ceremony, Yang had just entered the virtual realm for the first time. Now, in just six years, he has already reached a new level in the virtual realm. further.

After going through the coming-of-age ceremony, her own cultivation increased to the late stage of the Origin Realm as expected, but there was still a long way to go before the Void Realm. In the realm of enlightenment, it was not easy to improve her cultivation.

To touch the threshold of the virtual realm, it would take at least two hundred years for her to complete the initial virtualization of the Tao Fruit and completely step into the virtual realm, and it would take even longer.

What Yao envied the most was Yang’s appetite. She couldn’t finish an ancient beast of the same realm in one sitting. It would take at least two to three years to fully absorb it. But Yang was different. She had seen it with her own eyes. After eating two ancient beasts from the virtual realm, there wasn’t even any sign of being full.

If you eat more, you will naturally grow faster. This is an unparalleled talent among the gods.

“Why do they want to go?”

In the space passage, Shi Lan turned his head and glanced at Yao, his eyes indicating the six sculptures not far away, transmitting the sound secretly.

In the past, Yao could only lead Xia, but he had never mobilized troops like this.

“I didn’t know that ever since Father God mentioned that we should pay attention to cultivating relationships, they have been acting like followers. They are so annoying.” Yao was a little depressed. It was obvious that she was not satisfied with the six people following behind her, and she said angrily. : “Just bring a few more thugs.”

“Do you like any of these?” Shi Lan smiled maliciously.

“Except for the three-eyed monster, the others can’t beat me. What’s the use of them.” Yao was a little disdainful, and then suddenly burst out with a bad smile: “Are you interested in something? It’s okay. If you are interested, just follow me. He said, let him sleep with you at night, Xia is also okay~”

Such fierce words made Shi Lan speechless for a moment. Her question just now obviously had no harmful effect on Yao, and she was defeated by an army.

To put it bluntly, among the six people, only the creature with the heavenly eye on his forehead had some attraction to her. At least it was strong enough. He also carried the blood of another powerful creature in his body, which would have a great influence on her. gain.

During the conversation, Yumen had arrived at a desolate plain, with rugged mountains scattered everywhere. The earth was dark, the air was filled with black smoke, and was filled with an extremely strong smell of fishy rot, mixed with violent toxicity, almost… Melting flesh into bones.

However, this level of toxicity can hardly threaten an enlightened creature. Before the bursts of black smoke could get close to Shi Lan, they were evaporated by the blood and war gauze lingering around her.

According to the past practice, Yao takes action first and then goes to the hunting ground prepared for Shi Lan. This is more for safety reasons. Shi Lan hunts first. If something happens, they must go back home in advance.

“Be careful, there is a group of blood crows lurking here, and there are records of the virtual realm appearing.”

Once the ancient beasts form a group, they are difficult to deal with, and the blood crow is even more difficult to deal with. It is born with the magical power to corrode Qi and blood.

Yao put away the smile on her face and gave a reminder. She turned her palm and took out a white bone spear and dropped it to the ground. There was caution in her expression. Hunting is not a child’s play. If you are not careful, you will pay a heavy price. .

Although usually nothing happens, there is no precedent for ancient gods who died in hunting, and often no bones remain.

There are many skeletons scattered on the ground, including demons, humans, and some bones with divine patterns engraved on them, obviously having the blood of ancient gods.

The six people who were originally scattered around all moved closer to Yao, vaguely surrounding her in the middle. The three-eyed monster that Yao spoke of deliberately moved closer, only half a foot away from her.

“Get away!”

This distance obviously made Yao a little unhappy. She felt offended, and her blood boiled. She raised the bone spear in her hand and pointed it into the distance, saying in a cold voice: “Stay away from me.”

Being scolded by Yao, the hybrid ancient god did not get angry, but silently retreated more than ten feet.

Xia Ze on the side took advantage of this moment and quietly moved closer to Shi Lan, holding a bloody war spear in his hand.

This little episode passed quickly, and Yao calmed down, her eyes as sharp as arrows, scanning the land in front of her inch by inch. Hunting is usually done alone, and no one else is allowed to interfere.

Although the speed had slowed down, in the blink of an eye, the group had traveled nearly a million miles and penetrated deep into the wilderness.


Suddenly, there was a crisp cracking sound, and the ground beneath everyone’s feet shook violently. It split open instantly, revealing a huge bright red mouth, ready to swallow several people.

A sharp look flashed in Yao’s eyes, blood glowed all over her body, she stepped into the air, gripped the bone spear tightly, raised her hand over her shoulder, and veins popped out on the back of her hand.


The next moment, the bone spear exploded out, rising in the wind. The explosion of the space being torn apart instantly suppressed all the restlessness around it. The earth collapsed and sunk more than a thousand feet. The rotten smell became heavier, and the dust and smoke was raised in the blink of an eye. He was suppressed by the blazing blood.


Brutal roars exploded like thunder, and a huge figure stretching for more than a hundred miles emerged from the ground. Its head was pierced by a huge bone spear, and it was nailed to the ground. It was still struggling crazily, and wherever its body ran over , all earth and stone turned into powder.

Shi Lan stood quietly in the void, looking at the ancient beast rolling underground. It looked like a giant python. The scales on its body reflected a faint golden light, and there were fleshy wings on both sides of its head. It was extremely fierce.

“Scaled dragon pythons usually move in groups, so there must be a nest nearby! Father God has never allowed me to come here. Fortunately, he is not in Lingyang now, otherwise I would miss it again.”

Yao was a little excited. Although the scale dragon python is not a dragon, its bloodline is no less than that of a real dragon. Especially the eggs it lays, after being eaten in large quantities, there is a certain chance that magical treasures can be produced in the body, which is extremely precious.

Before he finished speaking, a huge figure made of condensed blood appeared behind Yao. Like a sacred mountain, he stepped down without hesitation.

Blood splashed, and the huge python head was crushed into bloody mud. The bone spear gradually shrank and penetrated into the python body. After a while, it returned with its guts.

The inner bladder is no bigger than a fist, and it is wrapped with blood-colored Dao lines. The bulge is steaming with heat, as if the heart is beating, and the Dao Fruit of this Linlong Python is wrapped in it.

“Want to try it? It tastes great.” Yao looked at Shi Lan and handed over the bladder in her hand.

“It’s too wasteful.” Shi Lan shook his head and smiled. With her cultivation level, apart from having a taste, it has no effect. She is wasting natural resources. What interests her more at the moment is the method Yao used when killing the Linlong Python. .

These few movements were simple and direct, but they seemed to contain some kind of killing truth. They were the fighting methods of the gods. Shi Lan had already seen them before, but had never understood them deeply.

Seeing the scene just now, she seemed to suddenly have some inspiration in her mind, which opened a new door. The deduction of martial arts took another step forward, which inevitably made her think a little.

Perhaps the complete battle method of the gods can bring new inspiration to the martial arts.

“Ugh——” Yao didn’t say much. He swallowed the inner pot directly into his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and licked the juice from the corner of his mouth: “Eggs are more delicious. I have only seen them twice in my life. , a few less are simply not enough points.”

Linlong pythons are not common, they hide deep under the earth, and when their nests are threatened, most of them will choose to eat their own eggs. After the war, only a handful of eggs can be saved.

Before Yao could finish recalling it, bursts of blood appeared all around, followed by harsh screams, and densely packed red shadows with a wingspan of more than a hundred feet rose into the sky, like a thousand suns in the sky, almost covering the entire sky.

Apparently the movement just now alerted the blood crows hiding here. At the same time, the ground in the distance cracked open, like an earth dragon turning over, and there were black shadows walking through it, which were groups of Linlong pythons.

Blood Crow and Scale Dragon Python obviously had some consensus with each other. Instead of killing each other, they began to prepare for hunting and moved closer to Shi Lan and others.


A black shadow soared, roaring like thunder, like a real dragon roaring, and the void splashed with violent waves. Under the sound waves, layers were squeezed and twisted into whirlpools.

A pair of fleshy wings raised high, blocking out the sky and the sun. The scales entwined with golden light reflected the dazzling auspicious colors. In the pale golden vertical pupils, there was clearly visible cold murderous intent.

“Void Realm!”

Sensing the Qi of this Linlong Python, Yao’s expression changed slightly, and then she hid behind Shi Lan honestly: “It’s up to you.”

Shi Lan glanced at the many blood crows in the distance, flipped his palm and took out the burial world, then pulled out a golden arrow, held his breath and concentrated, opened the string to deploy the arrow, and locked the huge black shadow that was coming directly with his bloody eyes.

The fire of the soul circulated in her body, and a wisp of gray flame spit out from her mouth, like a dragon wrapped around a golden arrow.


The arrow left the string and brought about a majestic spiritual energy frenzy, almost tearing apart the barrier of the world. The Linlong Python, which was locked in the distance, immediately noticed the danger and wanted to retreat, but the speed of the arrow that shot towards it was far faster. exceeds its reaction limit.

The huge python head exploded, and the steaming blood splashed down. The next moment, it was swallowed up by the calamity wrapped in the arrow, and a ferocious and powerful ancient beast from the virtual realm lay dead here in the blink of an eye.

When an enlightened creature dies, a strange scene from heaven and earth will usually appear, with blood raining from the sky to nourish all things. However, when the ancient beast falls, no such strange scene occurs, as if the heaven does not recognize such creatures as the ancient beast.

The most powerful Linlong Python was shot directly, but it did not frighten the other ancient beasts in the slightest, and they continued to come one after another.

Several people surrounding Yao took action in unison and began to clean up the surrounding areas, using all their methods, like courting a mate, demonstrating the strength of their own force.

“Sacrificial vessel…”

The demigod with the Heavenly Eye on his forehead did not move. His expression was gloomy and uncertain. His Heavenly Eye turned sharply and locked onto the Burial Realm in Shi Lan’s hand.

Sensing his gaze, Shi Lan glanced at him, feeling slightly confused, her mind moved slightly, and she recalled the golden arrow.

Although there are many ancient beasts around, most of them have not yet become enlightened. Occasionally, one that stepped into the source realm was killed by Shi Lan without causing any trouble. There were no ancient beasts in the virtual realm anymore. appeared.

When taking an overview of the battle situation, Shi Lan was able to focus part of his mind on observing the divine battle methods of Xia and the other two pure-blooded ancient gods.

Although extravagance and enjoyment have become commonplace within the Protoss today, the younger generation has not yet been eroded. They have experienced the baptism of the blood of ancient beasts and still maintain a strong fighting power.

In just a few seconds, all the incoming ancient beasts had been slaughtered.


The white bone spear picked up an inner bladder from the blurred flesh and blood and sent it into Yao’s mouth. Wisps of green smoke rose from her head. The physical body could not digest so much energy for a while and began to escape. .

Shi Lan put away the burial realm and fell in front of the virtual realm Linlong python. The dark red blood line extended from her body, penetrated the indestructible scales, penetrated into it, and grabbed the flesh, blood, and essence. It only took a moment. , the colorful scales lost their luster and peeled off inch by inch.

It was only at this moment that Shi Lan suddenly discovered that this Linlong Python had many scars on its body, its scales were broken a lot, and it was already injured.

After eating half full, Shi Lan’s face turned slightly rosy, the blood line gradually retracted, and an inner bladder was brought out from under the empty python skin.

After looking at it for a moment, Shi Lan stuffed it into his mouth. The soft and greasy texture filled his senses, the fragrance overflowed, and his mouth was full of saliva. The rich and sweet juice gushed out, occupying his taste buds, making Shi Lan feel a taste that he had not seen for a long time. His soul trembled, and even his cultivation suddenly jumped up a little.

“How do you feel?” Yao leaned over and asked with a smile.

“It does taste very good.” Shi Lan was a little absent-minded, and he couldn’t help but look forward to the eggs that tasted better in Yao’s mouth.

“I don’t know if we can find the nest. Judging from the number just now, it is at least a large group of more than 200.” Yao was a little melancholy. Even if he found the nest, he couldn’t alert the snake. He needed to think long term, otherwise he would end up with just an empty house. nest.

“I can find their nest.”

The three-eyed demigod who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

“What can I do?” Yao glanced at him suspiciously.

“My mother’s clan has a secret method that can trace their origins using essence and blood, and find their lairs. It shouldn’t be a big problem.”

After saying that, he slowly stepped forward, ingested a trace of the blood of the Linlong Python from the ground, and blended it into the heavenly eye on his forehead. The next moment, divine light broke through billions of miles of void and extended into the depths of the wasteland.

An illusion condensed on the sky, and the entrance to a cave was vaguely visible.

“I found it, but it’s a little far away.”

The next moment, he raised his hand and opened a domain gate, leading to an unknown place.

“Why is it so far away?” Yao felt something was wrong.

“Scale dragon pythons sometimes migrate, and those just now may be looking for a new nest.” The three-eyed demigod looked calm and explained casually before stepping into the domain gate.

Xia leaned over, stared at the domain gate, and frowned slightly: “Going over there is the hunting ground for hybrids. If you haven’t experienced the purge of the elders of the clan, there may be risks.”

“Yang, what do you think?” Yao asked Shi Lan for his opinion.

“Just make up your mind.” Shi Lan didn’t have many ideas. As the daughter of the God King, Yao presumably had a life-saving trump card. In the Ling Yang Realm, there was no way any creature could hurt her.

“With you here, there shouldn’t be any problem.” Yao chuckled, still unable to restrain his desire for the python eggs, and stepped into the domain gate.



In the dark cave, there was a strong fishy smell. Everyone had become enlightened, and their ears and eyes were extremely sharp. They could vaguely hear the sound of crying and laughing coming from the depths of the cave.

“What’s the smell?” Yao subconsciously held her breath, took out the bone spear, and slowly moved towards the depths of the cave.

Listening to the movement in his ears, Shi Lan guessed part of it and looked a little weird.

In just half a stick of incense, everyone’s eyes lit up. A huge cave came into view. In the center of the cave stood an ancient altar. On the altar was tied a middle-aged man with a haggard face. His ribs were clearly visible. His eyes were sunken, his eyes were bulging, his mouth was slightly open, drool was left uncontrollably along the corners of his mouth, and he was breathing heavily in his throat.

Under the altar, there was a queue like a long queue. At a glance, they were all women, no fewer than thousands, and they were all naked.

Their state was obviously extremely abnormal. Their eyes were blurred and watery, and they had almost lost their minds. They were staring at the man on the altar with only instinctive desire left.

Such a scene made the blood of several young men behind Shi Lan surge and their breathing involuntarily become rapid. However, after reacting, their expressions changed dramatically.

Yao’s eyes suddenly turned cold and she clenched her fists. The person tied to the altar was obviously a pure-blooded ancient god. Someone had specially arranged these women here with the intention of stealing the blood of the gods.

It’s unknown how long this cave has existed, and it’s unknown how many first-generation hybrids these women have given birth to.

What is the purpose of secretly accumulating these powers? How many other caves are there like this?

Realizing this, several people looked at the three-eyed demigod in unison. This place obviously had nothing to do with the lair of the Linlong Python.

At some point, the three-eyed demigod had retreated to the end of the team, invisibly cutting off everyone’s retreat.

“Are you also involved?”

Seeing this, Yao reacted instantly and said coldly: “A bunch of bastards, are they delusional?”

Before he finished speaking, four figures walked out from the darkness of the cave, their auras fluctuating without concealment. They were all beings who had stepped into the virtual realm. Among them were not only miscellaneous blood, but also alien creatures.

There is obviously a huge gap in apparent combat power between the two parties.

The three-eyed demigod paid no attention to Yao. He could clearly see the energy at the peak of the virtual realm. He glanced at the other two hybrids and said, “If you want to survive, come behind me.”

The two demigods looked at each other, without moving, and looked at Yao. As the daughter of the God King, she must have an unknown trump card in her hand, which is definitely not a threat to a few virtual realms.


“Dare you have any strange thoughts about the daughter of the God King? Do you think it will lead to the annihilation of the clan?!”

The two pure-blooded ancient gods stood in front of Yao, furious, but the anxiety that could not be hidden in their eyes was a bit of a look of fierceness and inner sorrow.

Di Beichen did not speak, but vaguely took half a step back, standing behind Yao and Shi Lan.

For a moment, the atmosphere was frozen.

Seeing this, Shi Lan winked at Yao and secretly sent a message: “If you have something to save your life, use it first. Once you do it, it will be difficult for me to take care of you.”

“Where can there be such a thing…” Yao was startled, shook his head repeatedly, and spoke directly, raised the bone spear in his hand and shook it: “Father God never gave me anything, even this is what I got from hunting. .”

“Then how come you dare to come?!” Shi Lan blurted out in confusion.

“Isn’t it you?”

Faced with Yao’s natural response, Shi Lan didn’t know how to react. She didn’t have the confidence herself. How could Yao have such outrageous confidence? !

These hybrid ancient gods opposite obviously also know this news, otherwise they would never dare to take action so easily based on these virtual realms.

After hearing the words from Yao’s mouth, the expressions of several people around him changed. The two bastards were obviously shaken and backed away for a distance.

“After capturing Yao, including Yang, I can give you the opportunity to enjoy it first, and you may have a chance to give birth to an heir with the blood of the God King.”

Seeing this, the three-eyed demigod raised a sneer on his lips and spoke again.

When the two bastards heard this, they immediately gritted their teeth and raised their legs to lean towards the three-eyed demigod. Halfway through, the blazing energy and blood in their bodies began to burn, instantly igniting their bodies and turning into two rounds of bloody sun.


The entire cave exploded instantly, and endless smoke and dust rose up. The three-eyed demigods, including the several virtual realm supremes who surrounded them, obviously did not expect such a change, and subconsciously withdrew, and a gap was torn open in the formed encirclement.

“Let’s go first!” Shi Lan reacted and did not miss the opportunity. He raised his hand and punched through the void, sending Yao and the others away together.


The next moment, divine patterns lit up in the void, sealing off the world in all directions, but it was still a step too slow, leaving only Shi Lan alone.

For a moment, the expressions of several Void Realm Supremes were a bit ugly. Pursuing them was no longer possible. The elders of the God Clan were always surveying the world. If something was amiss, it would arrive in an instant. This rare opportunity would undoubtedly fall short.

With no worries, Shi Lan looked indifferent and took out the burial world with a flip of his hand.

“That is a powerful weapon for killing people. Seize the bow first, capture her alive, and then leave Lingyang quickly!”

Before Shi Lan opened the string, the three-eyed demigod made an immediate decision and spoke in a cold voice. He didn’t pay attention to Shi Lan. In his opinion, a creature that had only been in the virtual realm for six years had lost the power of the sacrificial weapon and could easily handle it. .

Hearing this, the remaining four Void Realm Supremes all locked their sights on the Burial World in Shi Lan’s hands. Their spiritual senses were extremely keen, and they sensed a great threat invisibly.


The three-eyed demigod took a step forward, got close to Shi Lan, opened his heavenly eyes, and displayed his innate magical power. The blue divine light illuminated the world, and as the Tao Fruit turned, there was an astonishing fluctuation of divine energy.

A black mist spat out from his mouth and wrapped around the burial world. It suppressed the divine power within it for a while, causing the bowstring to become stagnant and the spiritual light dimmed.

However, before he could take action again, there was a sudden chill on his neck, the Supreme Blood rushed into the sky, and his head was lifted high by the spurting waves of blood.


Before the three-eyed demigod could react, the heavenly eye on his forehead had been pierced by the halberd blade.

“Fortunately it’s you.”

With a low sigh, Shi Lan threw down the burial world in her hand, holding the halberd and holding the head of the three-eyed demigod, standing in the void, her hair dancing wildly behind her, dark red blood lines gushing out from her body, and instantly It penetrated the remains of the three-eyed demigod and crazily devoured the flesh, blood and essence in his body.

In the blink of an eye, a mummy fell from the sky. Before it hit the ground, it was blown into sand by the violent wind and dissipated between the sky and the earth, leaving no bones.


Bloody thunder exploded in the sky, and the Supreme fell. The sky cried blood and fell majestically.

The remaining four supreme beings were bathed in the rain of blood, with horrified expressions on their faces, and were momentarily frightened. At this moment, the sacrificial vessel had been temporarily sealed, but the invisible threat just now had not dissipated at all.

This sense of threat does not come from the sacrificial weapon, but from the woman in front of her!

Killing someone at the peak of the virtual realm with just one face-to-face. Even if he calculated it mentally or not, his combat power was enough to shock people.

“How can this be?!”

“It’s only been six years since I entered the virtual realm!”

This is undoubtedly far beyond the previous expectations. Several supreme beings have a desire to retreat in their hearts. The three-eyed demigod is the strongest among them, but now he has fallen. Even if they join forces, I’m afraid they don’t have much chance of winning. .

“He set up the magic circle, but it can’t be opened now!”

When a few people were about to retreat, they discovered that the surrounding void had been sealed. The magic circle here could only be entered but not exited. It was set up by the three-eyed demigod just to capture Yao. But now that he is dead, the magic circle will be closed in a short time. Can’t be turned on at all.

What was originally a hunting ground has now turned into a hunting ground for Shi Lan alone.

“If we delay any longer, the elders of the God Clan will surely arrive, and we will inevitably die!”


“Kill her first!”

Faced with a dilemma and a desperate situation, several supreme beings were like trapped animals. They almost went crazy and took action in unison, displaying the secret technique of killing.

The virtual realm has already taken the second step in the realm of enlightenment. It is extraordinary. At this moment, when it is on the verge of death, it explodes with a power that shakes the sky. If it is in the starry sky outside the realm, it will affect many star regions.


The battle started in an instant, and the four virtual realm supremes took action at the same time, surrounding and killing Shi Lan. They did not care about life and death, and wanted to destroy both the jade and the stone. Their sanity had reached the edge of madness.

Overbearing blood energy swept across the sky, Shi Lan did not retreat even half a step, blood flames ignited on the halberd, the universe evolved in the double eyes, reflecting the chaotic energy, and the invincible trend manifested. Facing the four supreme beings in the same realm, he chose to fight hard. shake.

She has deduced this kind of battle situation countless times in the virtual space, and she is accustomed to fighting that is a hundred times more brutal. Fighting in the same realm, when she was still in the heaven and human realm, she could crush the ordinary supreme being, and with one blow The enemy is numerous, even more so now!

She has been studying the reincarnation of the fourth halberd since the underworld. Although she has not mastered it, her halberd technique has made great progress and is far from what it used to be!


The halberd blade swept across, and the two supreme beings met the halberd’s front and flew out in an instant. Their chests were torn, their hearts beat violently, and they exploded directly. However, under the rotation of the Dao Fruit, the horrific injuries healed in an instant.

For the Void Realm Supreme who has experienced transformation, ordinary injuries are no longer fatal. As long as the origin has not dried up, he is still capable of fighting.

The supreme blood kept splattering, but not a single drop came from Shi Lan.

As time goes by, the four supreme beings become more and more desperate. They cannot understand why Shi Lan’s combat power is so strong and almost unshakable because they are all in the virtual realm.


A supreme being was struck by a halberd. His original power was finally exhausted and he failed to heal again, so he died. Bloody thunder exploded in the void again, and the blood rain that had never stopped poured down.



The remaining three supreme beings became more and more crazy, shouting one after another, the sound shook the world, but they were still unable to save themselves, and were killed by Shi Lan one after another.


The rain covered the sky, leaving only a piece of blood between the sky and the earth. Holding a halberd, Shi Lan looked up to the sky and bathed in the rain of blood, receiving the rain and dew from heaven, nourishing his body, and his breathing gradually became longer.

After the boiling energy and blood gradually stabilized, Shi Lan put away the Red Crow Halberd and took the Burial World into his hands. As the three-eyed demigod passed away, the black mist covering it also dissipated without leaving any traces. .

Eyes swept towards the earth, Shi Lan reached out to split open the ruins. The broken rocks were filled with blood and mud. Most of those women were not highly cultivated. They had already died in the battle with the Supreme. Only those who were tied to the altar The pure-blooded ancient god still had a breath left.

At this moment, under the nourishment of the rain of blood, his almost drained body was visibly filled to the naked eye, but his eyes were still dull. It was obvious that he had been tortured to the point of collapse and was losing his mind.

When the blood rain stopped, Shi Lan opened the burial boundary and shattered the surrounding magic circle with an arrow. Before he could move, he saw a familiar figure.

“God King?!”

Seeing the person clearly, Shi Lan couldn’t help but be startled: “You are not…”

“I didn’t leave the boundary, how could anyone dare to move.” The God King shook his head and felt a little regretful: “I thought I could catch a big fish, but I only caught two small shrimps.”

For the Master, there is no space at all in the big universe. You can reach it in two steps, and it doesn’t make much difference where you are.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you back.” The God King obviously didn’t want to talk more and turned around to leave.

“Where’s Yao?” Shi Lan asked subconsciously.

“I’ve sent her back to be beaten. You shouldn’t be able to see her in the past two days.”

The God King chuckled. Although he was leading the snake out of the hole, it had nothing to do with Yao, so he still had to be punished.


Shi Lan turned around and looked at the altar, then was startled. The man who was still breathing just now suddenly lost his life at some point.

“My mind has been lost, and living is torture.” The God King smiled faintly, moved into the void with his thoughts, and took Shi Lan on the return journey.



When Shi Lan saw Yao again, it was already two months later.

“Not yet?” Shi Lan looked at her and couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

Yao’s hips were visibly enlarged, and the swelling seemed to have not subsided, making her move somewhat inconvenient.

I guess it was a heavy blow from that slap, but two months was enough to recover.

“Father God doesn’t allow me to take medicine, and I also cut off blood food. How can I recover so quickly?” Hearing this, Yao couldn’t help curling her lips, looking very unhappy.

“I brought you something good.” She had a changeable mind and quickly adjusted herself. With a mysterious smile, she took out a palm-sized package from her arms and handed it to Shi Lan.

“What is this?” Shi Lan subconsciously took it.

“Last time, Father God took the opportunity to capture and kill two foreign creatures from the Divine Underworld. This is a treasure pill refined from their flesh and blood. I took it secretly while Father God was away.” Yao put her hands on her hips. , with a proud face.

“Exotic creatures…”

Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the two shrimps in the God King’s mouth that day did not refer to the supreme beings of the Void Realm, but the creatures of the Divine Underworld Realm.

Seeing the pride on Yao’s face, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel speechless. Without the tacit consent of the God King, how could Yao have obtained such a level of elixir.

“This is too expensive, I can’t accept it. Aren’t you still unpacked? Just keep it for yourself.” Shi Lan shook his head and stuffed the package back.

“Am I not more valuable than this?” Yao put her hands behind her back with a look of resistance.

Hearing this, Shi Lan was silent, and then opened the package directly, which contained a jade box.

The box was just as she expected, no more, no less, just two round golden elixirs lying there.

“Then half for each person.” Shi Lan chuckled.

In the end, Yao still held her butt and compromised.

Seeing Yao take the golden elixir, Shi Lan’s eyes couldn’t help but be a little complicated.

With a father who knows everything well, and someone who knows everything, there really is no need for Yao to think about anything more.

As long as the God King is around, Yao can continue to live such a carefree life.



Lingyang World, New Year 85.

Under the underworld.

The sky and the earth were filled with blood, and the light reflected by the water of the Yellow Spring fell on the earth, as bright as the sunset. The rich evil spirit of death floated in the void, carrying a biting coldness.

On the top of the dark peak, stands a golden Buddha statue that is more than tens of thousands of feet high. He is wearing a gray cassock and looking down at the heaven and earth with a compassionate expression.

Around the Buddha statue, there are a group of bloody figures, most of them are Yin gods with different expressions. Not far away, there is a figure in white with a green hairband on his forehead. His face is full of helplessness at this moment.

A blond woman sat cross-legged under the Buddha statue. Gorgeous golden light continued to pour out from the brows of the Buddha statue and flowed into Baihui, her spiritual platform. Several ancient gods with the blood of the earth surrounded her.

Every moment, the blond woman’s Qi continued to skyrocket at a speed visible to the naked eye, climbing towards the highest realm. The power she could grab at her fingertips exceeded what an ordinary creature could accumulate in a lifetime.

“Yan, who is she?”

Among the many ghosts, a handsome man asked quietly.

“Ling Yang Tian.”

The ancient god was a little embarrassed when being questioned, but he still spoke truthfully: “She is the incarnation of Ling Yang’s Heavenly Dao, and we all obey her orders now.”

“The incarnation of heaven?” Yin eyes narrowed slightly and continued to ask: “Have you ever asked her what happened in ancient times?”

Hearing this, Yan hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: “It was not the human race that cut off the vitality of the Lingyang Realm, but the old God King…”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar all around. Everyone was in disbelief. The ancient gods were favored by the Heavenly Dao, and they always claimed to be the spokesperson of the Lingyang Heavenly Dao. They regarded the Lingyang Heavenly Dao as the mother of gods. They were facing the demigods who had caused the turmoil, as well as the three tribes of humans, demons, and monsters. Extremely disgusting.

The vitality of the Lingyang Realm is gradually declining. They originally thought that all the troubles were caused by the human race, but now this sentence has undoubtedly completely subverted their understanding.

ps: Part of it has been modified


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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