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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 715 Discussion

Seeing Yao’s expectant look, Shi Lan fell into deep thought.

This gathering is undoubtedly the best occasion to increase your reputation. The only thing you should be cautious about is that it is best not to use magical powers such as inviting immortals.

After crossing the long river of time and space, she didn’t know if she could still contact the true immortal. If something went wrong, it would obviously not be good.

Moreover, the current structure of the universe is completely different from that of later generations. It is not known at what point in time and space the battle to destroy the immortal took place, so it is better to be cautious in everything.

If she was still in this era when the battle to destroy the immortals started, and someone knew that she possessed immortal powers, she would not be able to bear the consequences.

There must be a strong person at the level of the Immortal Emperor existing in the heaven. Such a powerful force cannot withstand it and disappears in the long river of time and space. She is alone, and it is impossible to survive.

Facing the Lord’s alliance, even if she has the power to reach the sky, she may not be able to escape death. There will be no place for her in the universe.

Be cautious in everything, and you will never go wrong. Even if she wants to increase her reputation, she must hide under the wings of the God King and do it carefully. Fortunately, the current God King can still be relied on for the time being.

Thinking of the prestige lottery, Shi Lan’s heart suddenly tightened. During this grand event in heaven, the extreme lottery will also be postponed.

Today is no different than back then. Most of the rewards drawn before were not very important and innocuous, while the extreme lottery has too many uncertain factors.

If you accidentally get something belonging to a certain powerful person, and if this kind of stolen property goes missing, you will be in great trouble.

For beings who can touch the realm of time and space, most of the treasures on their bodies have special uniqueness, which is too easy to detect.

“Who else are traveling with us this time?” After regaining consciousness, Shi Lan asked casually.

“Several elders in the clan and several heavyweights from the four major families will go. If Xia can come back before then, he will also go together.”

Yao clapped her fingers and counted the list of personnel:

“Then there are the bastards, one old ghost from the other side realm, two gods and ghosts, and the younger generation, maybe a dozen.”

“On the demon side… Di Beichen from the demon clan is going, three or five of his peers, a few from the dragon clan on the demon clan side, and then there’s the Divine Phoenix clan, and the three-legged Golden Crow…”

After calculating for a moment, Yao confirmed, and then nodded affirmatively: “That’s probably it.”

“Where is the human race?” Shi Lan was confused.

“There are not many young people in the human race who are successful, and if you take a human race on a trip, you can easily get into trouble.” Yao shook his head slightly, with a rare hint of caution in his expression:

“Most of Heavenly Court is a human race. If some bad news spreads, Heavenly Court may use this as an excuse to forcibly intervene in Lingyang’s affairs. Immortals want to enter Lingyang. It’s not a matter of a day or two. It’s just a matter of being beaten by Father God. He stopped it with all his strength.”

When the continent originated, the human race was already the overlord of the world. In today’s big universe, the power is also very important. The human race is present in almost every major world. Regardless of its status, let’s just talk about this influence. , which is far beyond comparison with other races.

Hearing this, Shi Lan didn’t ask any more questions. Yao’s words reminded her of a lot. In her opinion, the God King was not the kind of person who would worry about other races gaining power. There must be other reasons for blocking the Immortals from entering Ling Yang.

Maybe… it has something to do with the battle to destroy the immortal.



Big universe.

Above the vast starry sky, among the vast nebulae, there is a magnificent palace. The energy is so thick that it seems to have suppressed time and space for eternity. The passage of time has almost stopped here.

In the palace, there are five figures standing. One of them, wearing a bloody robe, is the God King. Apart from him, the remaining four figures have their bodies covered with black mist, filled with the atmosphere from the origin era. The ancient Qi machine that came from here concealed all traces of itself.

Without exception, all those present were supremely powerful men who had entered the supreme realm.

“I invite you all to come here today because I want to discuss matters related to heaven.”

A figure spoke first, with an indifferent tone. A wisp of energy emerged from the rolling black mist, like the way of heaven coming to the dust, majestic and majestic:

“What do you think about this grand gathering in Heaven? The heavenly secrets here have been exhausted, and not a single word will leak out to the outside world. You can speak frankly.”

“By making such a grand display and inviting all the forces in the universe, he seems to have established himself as the king. This is a demonstration for us.”

“Now most of the source power is flowing to Heaven. Of the four source crystal fragments, Heaven has already occupied two of them. If this continues, the entire universe will be in his hands. It is not a joke.”

“When the source power is exhausted and we can no longer survive, we will be killed in an instant.”

Except for the God King, the remaining three figures spoke one after another, their tone was calm, but it was not difficult to hear the dissatisfaction contained in them.

Listening to these words, the God King lowered his eyes and did not express his opinion.

The master who spoke first was silent for a while, and then spoke again: “I got the news that Heaven is secretly negotiating with the Underworld to establish an underworld and get involved in the six realms of reincarnation.”

As soon as these words came out, it was like a boulder falling into a lake, causing an instant uproar.

“What does the Jade Emperor want to do? To be the emperor of the underworld? To share the respect of both worlds? To be ruled by him after death? Ridiculous!”

“If the underworld is controlled by heaven, our fate can already be foreseen.”

“Are you forcing me to wait for a war?”

“No matter how powerful his heaven is, can he be stronger than the origin of heaven?!”

The terrifying waves of time and space surged in the hall, all caused by the fluctuations in the thoughts of several masters. Within the long river of time and space, endless tributaries were once again separated at the fingertips, and countless futures were derived from their thoughts at the moment.

“Even so, if we add all of us together now, the victory or defeat against Heaven is only 50-50.”

“The Jade Emperor holds two source crystal fragments in his hands. He is already invincible. He can pull up a heavenly army that sweeps across the universe in an instant.”

The waves of time and space gradually subsided, and the palace fell into silence, with no one speaking anymore.

If Heavenly Court was really that easy to deal with, they wouldn’t waste their time here. They would just knock on the door instead of wasting their time here.

“Perhaps, we can start from the lineage of Incense God.”

The God King, who had never spoken until now, suddenly whispered, breaking the silence.

“Most of those gods of incense and fire are colluding with the heaven. They live in a leisurely manner in front of the so-called god of incense and fire in the heaven. Will they be willing to betray them?”

Before he finished speaking, someone questioned him.

“How will you know if you don’t try it.” The God King chuckled.

“You once said that after the Great Destruction, only the Immortal Way will survive, but is it true?”

“You can tell the truth for yourself.” The God King turned around and left without paying much attention, waving his hand: “Heaven is already refining a treasure that is comparable to the origin of heaven. For a long time in the future, The Source Crystal cannot be used, so I’ll stop here.”



Lingyang Realm.

Months passed by in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Kuang Shaoqing has been staying at the entrance of the valley, accepting the children who entered the valley on behalf of Shi Lan, and handling some chores at the same time. He occasionally leaves for a few days and then returns soon, obviously intending to stay here for a long time.

In this regard, Shi Lan was also happy to have peace of mind. While concentrating on practice, he also gave instructions to the children to strengthen their bodies and strengthen their bodies.

In the center of the valley, under the towering spiritual trees, Shi Lan closed her eyes and concentrated. Suddenly, she slowly opened her eyes, and a faint spiritual light emerged from her fingertips, and then quickly dissipated between heaven and earth.

This is the power of incense and desire.

Shi Lan, who had once been an incense god, was very familiar with this power. After sensing it for a moment, she knew the whole story.

The children who were the first to leave the valley have now grown up, and the martial arts scriptures have gradually spread. Some of the tribes that have benefited have built a golden body of merit for her to express their gratitude for her kindness.

Although the power of this incense wish is still very weak now, over time, it will one day become a reality.

However, these incense wishes are of little use to Shi Lan today.

The next morning.


The magic circle covering the valley was touched, and a chariot passed by and stopped in mid-air.

Yao stepped off the chariot and waved, her face full of excitement: “Father God is back and ready to go.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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