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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 717 Grand Meeting

There are not as many interesting things in the Heavenly Palace as Yao imagined. Even the scenery is not that far apart when you wander around.

Occasionally passing people who met them would avoid and bow to them one after another. They would also keep their mouths shut when asked, not daring to say much, and seemed to be strictly disciplined.

Suddenly, the expression of Di Beichen, who was following Yao, changed slightly. He looked around calmly for a moment, then calmed down the strange expression in his expression, took two steps forward and said:

“I have some personal matters to deal with, so I’ll take my leave first.”

Before he finished speaking, he tore open the void and left in a hurry.

“How about… let’s go back too?” Yao looked at Shi Lan, a little listless, and pouted unconsciously. This trip was far more boring than she imagined.

Shi Lan nodded subconsciously, his eyes lingering on the sky.

“What are you looking at?”

Yao followed Shi Lan’s eyes and looked a little confused. There was a huge star hanging at the end of the sky, hidden in the heavy fairy mist. It was slightly blue, and there were vaguely visible palaces and palaces on it.

Vast energy fluctuations reverberate in the sky, as if the stars are breathing, and the collision of spiritual energy creates a dazzling brilliance.

“Is there anything special about that star?” Yao couldn’t help but wonder: “Why don’t you go up and have a look?”

“No need.” Shi Lan shook her head slightly. She had seen this star twice, once at the top of Tianshan Mountain, and the second time as a memory fragment in the arm bone of the ancestor god.

After the battle to destroy the immortal, this star was preserved for unknown reasons. Several of her immortal powers were also obtained from above. For her now, there is obviously no need to contact it, and it is just an extraneous issue.

Judging from the final results at present, the fewer things that can be related to immortality, the better.

Hearing this, Yao sighed softly and was about to go back home. When she turned her head, she suddenly discovered that the servant who had always been a guide and had been silent had disappeared.

Looking around, there was a vast emptiness, only she, Shi Lan, and Xia not far away were left.


The three of them noticed something was wrong. As soon as they turned around, the glazed fairyland around them suddenly shattered, and then there was a terrifying pulling force under their feet, dragging several people quickly into the dark abyss.

With Shi Lan’s current strong physique, he didn’t even have the slightest strength to resist. In a hurry, he only had time to grab Yao’s wrist tightly.

After some tea time, the terrifying pulling force disappeared. Shi Lan barely managed to stabilize her body and looked around. She saw a desolate mountain wilderness. Yao was still beside her, but Xia was nowhere to be found.

After calming down, Shi Lan cleared his thoughts and quickly felt relieved.

It is impossible to hide it from the Jade Emperor in heaven, and it is impossible for the God King to go far away. The only explanation is that these masters know what is happening now, or they have specially arranged it.


There was a burst of laughter from the side, Yao grinned, and a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes: “Finally something interesting happened.”

Shi Lan was a little helpless and was about to inquire about the situation nearby. A scroll filled with golden light fell from the sky and stopped in front of her eyes. The next moment, the scroll slowly unfolded, and the two light spots on it flickered slightly, each other. Very far apart.



In the sky full of clouds, a purple-haired figure soared straight into the sky, leaped twenty-two heavens, and finally stopped in front of a remote fairy palace.

Looking at the slightly dilapidated Immortal Palace in front of him, Di Beichen took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside.

The moment I crossed the threshold, I felt like I had fallen into another world. It was so dark that I could barely see my fingers.


The palace door closed instantly, cutting off the world.

“Senior called me here, what advice do you have?” Di Beichen said in a deep voice without panicking.

“I’ll give you a great opportunity.” A slightly hoarse whisper came from the depths of the palace, and in the darkness, a page of silver paper floated up.

Di Beichen raised his hand to take it, and scanned the content on the silver paper with a glance, his expression changed slightly: “The spirit body of gods and demons…”

Judging from the content on the silver paper, the spirit body of gods and demons was a physique that dominated the continent of origin for an era and has long since disappeared. There are many methods recorded on the silver paper that can give a chance of reproducing this kind of spirit body.

“You have a special physique, which is rare at the time of origin. Your internal organs are naturally rich in demon patterns. In the future, you will have the opportunity to ascend to the extreme realm of demons. You have sufficient conditions. However, in the spirit body of gods and demons, gods are in front, demons are behind, and the blood of gods is Purity is more important.”

“Now that you have great luck, the female doll next to you has a very pure blood of origin flowing in her body. This is a God-given opportunity. If the two of you combine, if you can give birth to offspring, there is at least an 80% chance that the gods and demons can reappear. Spiritual body.”

“Can he help me take charge of Lingyang?” Di Beichen said calmly, obviously hesitant.

“If you can really reappear the spirit body of gods and demons, you can dominate the universe during his lifetime.” A sneer came from the depths of the palace: “It’s just a rising sun, you can be the master of all races.”

“Thank you, senior, for telling me. I accept this opportunity shamelessly. If I succeed in the future, I will be rewarded generously.” Di Beichen no longer hesitated, carefully put away the silver paper, and bowed to express his thanks.

“Go, someone is looking for you.”

After the words fell, there was no more movement from the depths of the palace, and the darkness surrounding it dissipated, turning into an ordinary secret room.

Before Di Beichen could make a move, the void around him instantly shattered, and an invisible hand stretched out from under his feet, dragging him into the abyss.

When he came to his senses again, he was already in the crater of the volcano, and his eyes were filled with red lava.

A golden scroll fell from the sky and then slowly unfolded.



In the Immortal Palace, a group of elders from various clans in Lingyang were waiting for the return of the genius, but no one had returned. After trying to contact the younger generation to no avail, they soon realized something was wrong and became panicked.

Just when they were about to go out to search, Yuwan came back and came to the door again.

“Is it the Jade Emperor’s arrangement?”

Yin seemed to have expected it. When he saw her coming, he asked directly. So many geniuses disappeared silently in the heaven. It was impossible to hide it from the Lord of the heaven.

“It was specially arranged by my father.” Yuwan nodded with a smile:

“The geniuses have already begun to participate in this grand event. It is considered as an appetizer. Seniors, don’t worry. The God King also knows about this. Heaven has prepared the best seats for you to watch the ceremony. Please come with me.”

After the words fell, a silver door appeared beside Yu Wan. She took a step forward, turned around and stepped into it.

Yin did not hesitate and followed closely. Seeing this, the other clan elders filed in immediately.

After crossing the gate, there is a vast gray world. The laws of heaven and earth are clearly visible, almost within reach.

The ground is paved with thick and simple stone slabs. Above the sky, there are ten huge seats suspended in the air. They are very far apart and surround a large circle. Six of them are already occupied by people. The God King who disappeared not long ago, On one of the seats.

There is a very eye-catching figure among them. He is wearing a white imperial robe. His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Yuwan. His body is wrapped with a hundred colors of glazed light. His hair is as black as ink and he wears a beaded crown. His forehead is full and his appearance is solemn. Angry and self-defeating.

He is on an equal footing with the God King and has a similar appearance to Yu Wan. Apart from the Jade Emperor, the Lord of Heaven, there is no one else.

A huge light curtain appeared in the void, reflecting a vast world, with densely packed light spots arranged on it. At a glance, there were no less than tens of thousands of them.

Seeing someone arriving, the figures on the high-altitude seats all lowered their eyes and glanced, their expressions unperturbed, and their eyes quickly moved back to the light screen.

“Seniors, please take your seats.”

Yu Wan said hello, raised her finger, and tables appeared on the originally empty stone slab. The tables had been prepared with wine and wine, and were covered with rare and rare fruits.

Yin and others took their seats one after another, and soon after, several more light doors opened, and many powerful people walked out. Without exception, they were all beings who had at least entered the realm of the gods and the underworld.

There was no movement in the field. It was quiet and the atmosphere was slightly depressing. The eyes of all the powerful men were focused on the huge light curtain.

The energy of the law of time and space echoed in the void, and the light curtain immediately changed dramatically under the eyes of many powerful people, reflecting countless scenes.

There are vague figures flickering in the picture, they are the geniuses of various races who could not be contacted not long ago.



In the barren mountains and ridges, Shi Lan and Yao were walking side by side, following the guidance of the golden scroll and heading towards another light spot on the map.

Regarding their current situation, Shi Lan has already guessed that they are inseparable. If nothing happens, their every move at this moment is in the eyes of the master.

This grand gathering that brings together the geniuses of the universe has already begun.

This was not in line with what Shi Lan had imagined. What she expected was to be widely noticed, to become famous in one fell swoop, and to have a skyrocketing reputation. This situation was not in line with her expectations. She had no intention of showing off in front of these big shots.

Yao obviously didn’t know what Shi Lan was thinking. She had already grasped the bone spear at this moment, her expression was full of excitement, and she had entered a hunting state, her eyes scanning the earth inch by inch, searching for prey.

Half an hour later, Shi Lan and the others finally arrived at the location marked by the light spot on the map.

Under the sky, an ancient tree hugged by three people grows on the top of the divine peak. The peak is tens of thousands of feet high and majestic. It contains spiritual roots and reflects the beauty of heaven and earth.

On top of the ancient tree, a green fruit the size of a fist hung alone, containing fairy light.

Shi Lan didn’t know this fruit, let alone Yao. She had read too few books, so the only thing she could tell was whether it was edible.

“It should be a good thing.” Yao looked at it carefully and nodded.

This was undoubtedly nonsense. Shi Lan just pretended not to hear it and looked down. The light spots on the golden scroll were still flickering.

She had come, so naturally she would not return empty-handed. Shi Lan pondered for a moment, then put away the scroll and stepped forward. As his blood flowed, he was ready to pull up the mountain and take away all the spiritual trees.

Before she could step forward, ripples appeared in the void, and another group of people walked out, also holding golden scrolls. They were obviously not the only ones coming towards this place.

There are three people in this group who have just arrived, all of them are human race, one man and two women. The leader is nearly thirty years old. He is tall and has a slightly rough appearance. He exudes a heroic spirit and has extremely strong cultivation. He has already reached the peak of the virtual realm.

The cultivation of the remaining two women is much weaker. One of them has not yet achieved enlightenment, and the other is only in the middle stage of the Origin Realm, which is a small level lower than Yao. You don’t need to guess, you can see it at a glance. It turns out that he is a genius from a foreign land.

Seeing these three people, Shi Lan quickly realized that the purpose of this scroll was nothing more than to use spiritual objects as bait to lure them into fighting. It was so simple and direct that it was beyond her expectation.

“Senior Brother Xue…”

Not far away, the enlightened woman among the three quietly pulled the man’s sleeve and whispered: “Let’s go. These two should be aliens with high-level blood, and they are not easy to deal with.”

Judging from their apparent combat prowess, they do not have an advantage. Junior sisters who have not yet become enlightened can basically be ignored. Once Senior Brother Xue is delayed and her cultivation level lags behind, she may not necessarily be an opponent. If you fail, the situation will be very unfavorable.

“Junior Sister Yun, don’t be afraid. Our human race is not afraid of any other race. There is nothing to fear about the power of a mere bloodline.”

Xue Hong didn’t pay attention. He strode forward with a ray of light overflowing between his muscles and bones, and said in a deep voice:

“See if I can defeat her within ten moves, and take the spiritual fruit to help Junior Sister Li achieve enlightenment!”


A harsh and dull explosion erupted. Before Xue Hong could step forward, Yao had already raised his hand. With a surge of blood, he threw out the bone spear in his hand, tore open the void and attacked the two women.

Xue Hong looked cold and did not give in at all. A trace of blood flashed in his eyes. He raised his hand and punched the spear.

He is the supreme human race who specializes in the physical body. He has unparalleled combat power when fighting.


In just a moment, the surrounding world seemed to explode, but the fist surface was unscathed. The bone spear trembled violently and rolled back. The void was smashed into a sieve by the energy scattered in an instant. The divine peak in the distance was shrouded in invisible fairy light, but It was not affected at all.


The sound of the bone spears that rolled back became more and more terrifying, like a giant ax that cut through the sky and the world, and smashed down with unparalleled huge force.

Shi Lan’s eyes were dull, and he slowly stretched out his hand and took the bone spear steadily, letting the spear tip tremble violently without moving at all.


With a crisp sound, the bone spear burst open with several cracks, obviously unable to bear Xue Hong’s terrifying power.

Seeing this scene, Yao was heartbroken. This was the only useful thing on her body.

“It still has some strength.”

Seeing Shi Lan easily taking the bone spear, Xue Hong’s eyebrows jumped, but he still maintained his composure with a cold expression: “There are nine more moves.”


Before he finished speaking, a horrifying howling sound suddenly appeared in the void. The sky for hundreds of millions of miles was squeezed into a thin piece of paper. The familiar bone spear came into his eyes again, carrying a far more terrifying force than before. Thousands of times the violent force shot towards him.

Can’t take it!

Warning signs flashed in his heart, Xue Hong did not hold on, and without hesitation, he twisted to avoid it. However, the two women behind him were completely unable to react and were instantly hit by the bone spear.

When they were about to die, two fairy light talismans lit up, wrapping the two of them, tearing open the void, and escaping to an unknown place.


The next moment, there was a crisp sound, and the bone spear exploded into powder in mid-air. It was scattered everywhere. It could no longer withstand the violent destruction that followed, and turned to earth on the spot.

Shi Lan looked at the place where the two women disappeared, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes. These geniuses from all races, heaven would not allow them to fight with their lives.

These are the future pillars of all forces. If they are damaged, it is likely to be the end of the family, and Heaven will become the target of public criticism.

After getting the result, Shi Lan didn’t waste any more time and took action directly. He clenched his right fist tightly, mobilized the energy and blood in his body, and suppressed his power just below the threshold.

Facing this kind of opponent, there is no need to go all out and shake the foundation.

Shi Lan punched through Tianyu, and the void screamed, being burned to ashes by the blazing blood.


The wind of the fist swept towards him, and Xue Hong flew out instantly without even having time to react. The Supreme’s blood spattered everywhere. The next moment, the Immortal Light Talisman lit up, hugging him and fleeing into the distance.

Looking at the fleeting fairy light, Shi Lan calmed down his energy and blood, and thought thoughtfully. It seems that there are certain conditions for the triggering of the fairy light talisman. If it is not a fatal injury, it will not be activated, but he does not know that it can be activated. several times.

Shi Lan pulled out the system panel and glanced at it. Sure enough, the reputation value had not increased much, and not many people were watching their current situation.

waste time……

Faced with this situation, Shi Lan felt a little impatient for a while. What she needed was to meditate in seclusion and figure out the mysteries of the sky. Fighting at this juncture would do more harm than good to her.

After regaining consciousness, Shi Lan looked at Yao aside.

Yao stood there blankly, her eyes dull, muttering in a low voice: “It’s broken…”

“If it’s broken, it’s broken. I’ll give you a better one in the future.” Shi Lan was helpless. It was unreasonable for the daughter of the God King to use such crudely made weapons.

“Keep your word.”

Hearing this, Yao woke up instantly and smiled. She no longer lost her previous disappointment. Shi Lan sighed softly, and then took action to uproot the divine peak.



In the distant void, Xue Hong and his two junior sisters gathered together again. His chest and abdomen were visibly collapsed, his clothes were stained with blood, and his bones were broken, making him look extremely miserable.

“Brother, are you seriously injured?”

“Do you want to find a place to hide for a while?”

Both junior sisters were a little worried.

“Hmph! She’s just a rat relying on the power of her ancestors’ blood. I fought San Lily with her, lost half of her moves, and suffered some skin injuries.”

With a sneer, Xue Hong coughed up a large mouthful of blood, clutching his chest and breathing heavily: “When I recover from my injuries, I will take revenge…”

“Senior brother, you are vomiting blood…” Junior Sister Yun’s face was full of worry: “Is it really okay? Otherwise, forget it, I feel that that person is not someone I can mess with.”

“I made a mistake for a moment, and I will definitely not let her have an easy time next time!”



A few months have passed since then.

After the divine peak was uprooted, the flickering light spots on the scroll disappeared, but only half a day later, new light spots began to flicker again.

This time, Shi Lan and the two men were not in a hurry to get closer, but secretly observed from the sidelines, watching a group of geniuses fighting for spiritual objects.

Perhaps due to the problem of regional division, all the two people saw along the way were the geniuses of the human race, and they had never seen a single foreign race.

Under such circumstances, if they want to intervene in the fight for spiritual objects, there is a high probability that they will become the target of public criticism.

Among these people, there are peak experts at the Sky Realm level. If they are surrounded and killed, even Shi Lan is not sure of escaping unscathed.

After discussing for a while, the two decided to disguise themselves as human beings. For Shi Lan, who had the Saint Cloth of All Transformations, it was naturally very easy. With a little concealment, he transformed into an ordinary-looking young woman.

Yao was in a lot of trouble. Shi Lan used various methods to barely suppress the surging blood of the God King in her body. She couldn’t make any big moves. Once she did, her whereabouts would be missed and there would be no way to hide.

Fortunately, Shi Lan is here, so there is basically no chance for Yao to take action.

As time went by, the light spots began to appear in multiple places, no longer limited to one place, and the fighting became more and more intense.

When the Supremes fight, the sky and the earth break apart at every turn, and battlefields can be seen almost everywhere.

Shi Lan and the two of them walked and stopped along the way, and also collected a lot of precious medicines and spiritual materials, many of which were spiritual roots that had never grown in Ling Yang, which greatly promoted their cultivation.


The icy cold wind swept across the sky and the earth, and between the rolling snow rivers, Yao raised his head slightly, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes: “There, no one has come yet!”

A small red tree grows between the glaciers, like a burning flame. On the delicate branches, there are no more and no less than nine flower buds, waiting to bloom.

Just as Shi Lan was about to step forward, a few familiar words came from not far away.

“Senior Brother, your injury is just right, it’s better not to take action rashly.” Junior Sister Yun had a trace of worry in her eyes.

“We are from the same human race, why should I be afraid? Defeat her in three moves!”

Xue Hong shook his head slightly and stood with his hands behind his back, looking rather cold and arrogant.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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